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National Security

Responsibilities of Organizations in the Field of Emergency Protection

Chakalova Marina Spiridonovna

PhD in Law

Consultant-legal adviser, Department of Education of the Administration of the Predgorny municipal district of the Stavropol Region

357350, Russia, Stavropol Territory, Essentukskaya st., lane. Rayevsky, 3
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Abstract: From the content of Federal Law No. 68-FZ "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies", it is difficult to draw an unambiguous conclusion about which organizations are concerned with article 14 of this law, which establishes the responsibilities of organizations: all or only those whose categories are considered in it. The powers of organizations in the field of protecting the population from emergencies should differ and depend on whether they function in an emergency, whether they are part of a unified state system for preventing and eliminating emergencies, whether they pose a danger to the environment, whether it is about protecting the organization of the population or only its employees. It is proposed to supplement the law under consideration with Article 14.1 "Obligations of organizations to protect employees from emergencies", which establishes obligations for organizations not classified in the categories considered by the federal law: training of employees; notifying them of the threat of an emergency or the occurrence of an emergency; conducting emergency.


responsibilities of the organization, safety, emergency situation, civil defense, protection, population, workers, reserve, material resources, financing

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 The obligations of organizations in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations are established in Article 14 of Federal Law No. 68-FZ of 21.12.1994 "On Protection of the Population and Territories from natural and Man–made emergencies" (hereinafter - FZ-68) and Article 9 of Federal Law No. 28-FZ of 12.02.1998 "On Civil Defense" (hereinafter referred to as FZ–28), since civil defense also includes the protection of the population in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature (hereinafter referred to as emergencies), i.e. the responsibilities of organizations in emergencies are spelled out in two federal laws that duplicate each other.

Consider the formulations given in FZ-68. The title of article 14 "obligations of organizations in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations" and the text of the article itself, containing the obligations of organizations to protect its employees, allow us to conclude that it establishes the obligations of these organizations to protect their employees.

The preamble states that the law applies to relations arising in the course of the activities of organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, which can be applied both to organizations in the field of public protection and to any organizations in such relations.

Article 1 refers to territories at risk of rapidly developing natural hazards and man-made processes (a critically important or potentially dangerous object of industrial and social significance).

Article 4 refers to organizations whose powers include solving issues of protecting the population and territories from emergencies included in the Unified State System of Prevention and Liquidation of Emergency Situations (hereinafter - the Unified State Emergency Management System).   

The content of paragraphs "a)", "b)", "e)" and "e)" of Article 14 suggests that this article establishes obligations for organizations and subordinate industrial and social facilities operating in emergencies.

We propose to replace the wording "employees of organizations and subordinate industrial and social facilities" with "employees of organizations": 1) there are employees of organizations, but not of construction objects; 2) buildings (structures) can only be of industrial and non-industrial purpose[1], therefore, there is no need to specify the types of capital construction objects.

Thus, the wording given in FZ-68 does not allow organizations to draw a clear conclusion that the obligations established by Article 14 concern them all.

 The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation considers that, by virtue of the law, organizations are obliged to carry out measures aimed at protecting the population and territories from emergency situations against employees of organizations, regardless of whether they are part of the Unified State Register and whether they are specially authorized organizations to carry out such measures, this follows from the provisions of Article 14 of FZ-68[2].

We will analyze the responsibilities of organizations established by Article 14 of the Federal Law-68.

Planning and implementation of measures to localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents at a hazardous production facility is the responsibility of the organization operating such an object[3] [4]. Such obligations for other organizations are not provided for by law.   

 We think that only organizations that are obliged to function in such conditions, for example, those included in the Unified State Register of Emergency Situations: public authorities specially authorized in the area under consideration, duty dispatching and emergency rescue services, fire protection, as well as medical organizations, etc. should increase the stability of their functioning and ensure the vital activity of workers in an emergency.[5][6] [7] [8]

The overwhelming majority of organizations do not need to function in an emergency. Thus, educational organizations, in the event of a threat and (or) the occurrence of an emergency, implement educational programs using e-learning remotely[9].

Ensuring the creation, preparation and maintenance in readiness for the use of emergency forces and means is established by the current legislation only for organizations that are members of the Unified State System [10].

           In order to train employees, it is planned to conduct instruction on actions in emergency situations at least once a year and when hiring, independent study, participation in exercises and trainings [11] [12].

Training in first aid to victims, the use of personal protective equipment, safe methods of work is included in the training on labor protection in accordance with Article 219 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Notification of employees of organizations about the threat of occurrence or the occurrence of an emergency is considered by paragraph "h)" of the analyzed article. The creation of local emergency warning systems is established by federal legislation[13] [14] only for potentially dangerous objects. According to civil defense, this item was declared invalid[15].

Emergency work in emergency response refers to the comprehensive provision of emergency rescue operations, provision of medical and other types of assistance to the population. The conduct of emergency rescue operations is characterized by the presence of factors that threaten the life and health of the people carrying out these works, requires special training, equipment and equipment [16]. Consequently, the responsibilities of organizations that are not emergency services may include only emergency work. Emergency rescue formations are created by organizations established by paragraph 2 of Article 9 of FZ-28, classified as civil defense.

We think it is not necessary to establish the obligation of an organization to finance, since organizations exercise their powers independently at their own expense; the acquisition of property is also possible without allocating financial resources on the grounds provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Budget Code of the Russian Federation. The obligation of organizations prescribed in the law already implies its financing by them. For state and municipal organizations, financing is carried out by the relevant public authorities, therefore, such an obligation is not fulfilled by them.

Reserves of financial and material resources for emergency response are created by organizations, in accordance with the procedure approved by them, according to Article 25 of the Federal Law-68. Organizations determine their list and number independently, taking into account the predicted nature of the emergency situation. At the same time, public authorities cannot establish a list of such funds for them.  

 Let's consider what material resources can be created by each organization.

Reserves of personal protective equipment are created taking into account the risk factors of an emergency, employees of organizations located in the territories around the complex of facilities for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons, radiation, nuclear and chemically hazardous facilities are subject to them [17].

Every organization should be provided with fire safety and fire extinguishing means[18].  

Medical supplies (first aid kit) must also be in every organization[19], in order to implement the right of employees to sanitary and household services, established by Article 216.3. of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.                                                                                                                     

There is no need to create a food reserve, since organizations should create it only for local emergencies, on the territory of the organization itself [20], that is, there is the possibility of purchasing in neighboring grocery stores.     

We offer organizations to create a reserve of material resources for emergency response from fire safety equipment and medical equipment (also personal protective equipment, if provided for by the relevant legal act), since their mandatory availability in each organization is already provided for by other federal laws and in case of emergency they may be needed first. Educational organizations may also use for these purposes medical equipment and medical materials purchased in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 05.11.2013 No. 822 n "On approval of the Procedure for providing medical care to minors, including during the period of education and upbringing in educational organizations."

Material resources, including those acquired by organizations in accordance with other laws (not for the purpose of implementing Federal Laws No. 68 and No. 28), can be considered a reserve of material resources for emergency response (civil defense), if they are included in the nomenclature of the reserve of material resources approved by the legal act of the organization on the creation of such a reserve. At the same time, there will be no need for additional funding for these purposes, the legislation and the protection of workers' rights will be respected.

Organizations assist the authorized bodies in the exercise of their powers: at the request of the relevant federal body, they provide sites for the installation of specialized technical means of notifying and informing the population, provide and (or) use their existing technical devices [21], which in itself is not a separate independent responsibility of the organization.

           A high-alert or emergency mode for the relevant management bodies and forces of the Unified State System is introduced by public authorities, according to Article 11 of FZ-68. Decisions on this issue are made by the heads of public authorities and organizations in relation to the relevant management bodies and forces of the Unified State System[22]. We believe that the head of an organization that is not part of the Unified State System is not authorized to introduce such a regime for the management bodies and forces of the Unified State System, to make a decision on setting the level of response, etc., this is the authority of special bodies. In addition, organizations whose categories are not considered in FZ-68 have responsibilities for protection in case of local emergencies, and such a regime is unlikely to be introduced on the territory of a single organization.

Responsibility for violation of legislation in the field of emergency protection is provided for in Article 28 of FZ-68, we think it should not be included in the article establishing the obligations of organizations.

In addition, we believe that the responsibility for non-compliance or unfair implementation of legislation in the field of emergency protection for organizations included in the Unified State Register, operating in emergencies, operating hazardous production facilities, and other organizations, for example, offices or shops, cannot be the same.  In this case, the punishment should correspond to the severity of the degree of harm to the state and society[23].

Ensuring public safety is under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation in accordance with paragraph "b" of Part 1 of Article 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Federal Law No. 390-FZ of December 28, 2010 "On Security" defines the powers of public authorities, but does not mention the powers of organizations in the field of security.

 Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the employer's obligation to ensure the safety of employees and this applies to everyone, with the exception of individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs.

The safety of the population is guaranteed by the authorities, ensuring the safety of employees is the responsibility of the employer. Every organization, regardless of whether an emergency is of a local nature or not, what responsibilities it has in the field of emergency protection, has the right and is obliged to apply to specialized organizations of any level for qualified assistance in order to protect its employees.

Based on the above, since the powers of organizations in the field of protecting the population from emergencies, in our opinion, should still differ and depend on whether they function in an emergency, whether they are included in the Unified State Register of Emergency Situations, whether they pose a danger to the environment, whether it is a question of protecting the population, we propose to supplement FZ-68 with Article 14.1 "Obligations of organizations to protect employees from emergencies", which establishes obligations for organizations not classified in the categories considered by FZ-68: 1) to train employees of the organization in the field of emergency protection; 2) to notify employees of the organization about the threat of an emergency or the occurrence of an emergency; 3) to carry out urgent work during the liquidation of an emergency; 4) to assist the authorized bodies in the exercise of their powers in the field of emergency situations within the limits established by federal regulatory legal acts.

This will lead to compliance with the current legislation, the establishment of clarity in the definition of organizations of their responsibilities in the field of emergency protection, therefore, their execution.

1. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 dated 02/16/2008 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
2. Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 17.04.2014 No. 9-AD14-3 // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
3. Federal Law No. 116-FZ of 21.07.1997 "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1437 dated 09/15/2020 "On approval of the Regulations on the development of action plans for the localization and elimination of the consequences of accidents at hazardous production facilities" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
5. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 794 of 12/30/2003 "On the unified State system of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
6. Federal Law No. 151-FZ of 22.08.1995 "On emergency rescue services and the status of rescuers" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
7. Federal Law No. 69-FZ of 21.12.1994 "On fire safety" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
8. Federal Law No. 323-FZ of 21.11.2011 "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
9. Federal Law No. 273-FZ of 29.12.2012 "On education in the Russian Federation" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource]. .
10. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1007 dated 08.11.2013 "On the forces and means of the unified State system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
11. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1485 of 18.09.2020 "On approval of the Regulations on the training of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons in the field of protection from natural and man-made emergencies" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
12. Letter of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters dated 10/27/2020 No. IV-11-85 "On the approximate procedure for the implementation of instruction on actions in emergency situations" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
13. Methodological recommendations on the organization and implementation of state supervision in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of consequences of Natural Disasters // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
14. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 804 of 26.11.2007 "On approval of the Regulations on Civil Defense in the Russian Federation" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource]. .
15. Federal Law No. 404-FZ of 12/28/2013 "On Amendments to Article 14 of the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Man-made Emergencies" and the Federal Law "On Civil Defense" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
16. Federal Law No. 151-FZ of 22.08.1995 "On emergency rescue services and the status of rescuers" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource]. .
17. Order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters dated 01.10.2014 No. 543 "On approval of the Regulations on the organization of providing the population with personal protective equipment" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic Resource]. .
18. Federal Law No. 69-FZ of 21.12.1994 "On fire safety" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource]. .
19. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 1331n dated 12/15/2020 "On approval of the requirements for completing first aid kits for first aid workers with medical products" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
20. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 304 of 21.05.2007 "On the classification of natural and man-made emergencies" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource]. .
21. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 381 of May 22, 2008 "On the procedure for providing sites for the installation and (or) installation of specialized technical means of notifying and informing the population in places of mass stay of people" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
22. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 794 of 12/30/2003 "On the Unified State system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations" // ConsultantPlus: [Electronic resource].
23. Osipov A.V.-Some issues of bringing to administrative responsibility for non-compliance with the requirements of norms and rules for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations // Business security. – 2021.-No. 5. – pp. 40-44.

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A REVIEW of an article on the topic "Responsibilities of organizations in the field of emergency protection". The subject of the study. The article proposed for review is devoted to topical issues of organizations' activities in the field of emergency protection. The author analyzes the norms of legislation in the field of protection from emergency situations. The subject of the study was the norms of legislation and the opinions of scientists. Research methodology. The purpose of the study is not stated directly in the article. At the same time, it can be clearly understood from the title and content of the work. The goal can be designated as the consideration and resolution of certain problematic aspects of the issue of the responsibilities of organizations in the field of emergency protection. Based on the set goals and objectives, the author has chosen the methodological basis of the study. In particular, the author uses a set of general scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, induction, and others. In particular, the methods of analysis and synthesis made it possible to summarize legislation in this area. Thus, the author draws the following conclusion: "The obligations of organizations in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations are established in Article 14 of Federal Law No. 68-FZ dated 12/21/1994 "On Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Man–made Emergencies" (hereinafter - FZ-68) and Article 9 of Federal Law No. 12.02.1998 28-FZ "On Civil Defense" (hereinafter – FZ-28), since civil defense also includes the protection of the population in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature (hereinafter - emergencies), i.e. the responsibilities of organizations in emergency situations are prescribed in two federal laws that duplicate each other. Let's consider the formulations given in FZ-68. The title of article 14 "obligations of organizations in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations" and the text of the article itself, containing the obligations of organizations to protect their employees, allow us to conclude that it establishes the obligations of these organizations to protect their employees." At the same time, the analysis of the text of the article shows that in fact the author analyzes and summarizes the norms of legislation, which does not fully meet the requirements of scientific work. In particular, scientific papers on the topic are not actually presented, which cannot be correct due to the need for scientific discussions on the stated topic. In addition, the author practically does not analyze the established judicial practice. There are specific practical problems on the proposed topic, as the author writes, however, references in this regard to the decisions of courts or other law enforcement agencies are not offered. However, there is an indication of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The author points out: "The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation considers that, by virtue of the law, organizations are obliged to carry out measures aimed at protecting the population and territories from emergency situations in relation to employees of organizations, regardless of whether they are members of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and whether they are specially authorized organizations to carry out such measures, this follows from the provisions of Article 14 of the Federal Law -68". However, it should be pointed out that this decision is not in a specific case, but in general on the issue of the application of legislation by the courts. Specific examples, we believe, are necessary in connection with the purpose of the article. Thus, in general, the methodology chosen by the author is adequate to the purpose of the study, allows you to study all aspects of the topic in its entirety, but can be clarified in terms of some aspects. Relevance. The relevance of the stated issues is beyond doubt. There are both theoretical and practical aspects of the significance of the proposed topic. From the point of view of theory, the topic of responsibilities of organizations in the field of emergency protection is complex and ambiguous. The issues of the essence, the purpose of this responsibility, and the list of specific actions that the organization should perform are unclear. The author is right to highlight this aspect of relevance and express his original opinion on this matter. On the practical side, it should be recognized that questions often arise in practice on this issue. Thus, scientific research in the proposed field should only be welcomed. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the proposed article is beyond doubt. Firstly, it is expressed in the author's specific conclusions. Among them, for example, is the following conclusion: "in our opinion, the powers of organizations in the field of protecting the population from emergencies should still differ and depend on whether they function in an emergency, whether they are included in the Unified State Register of Emergency Situations, whether they pose a danger to the environment, whether it is a question of protecting the population, we propose to supplement FZ-68 Article 14.1 "Obligations of organizations to protect employees from emergencies", which establishes obligations for organizations not classified in the categories considered by FZ-68: 1) to train employees of the organization in the field of emergency protection; 2) to notify employees of the organization of the threat or occurrence of an emergency; 3) to carry out urgent work during liquidation 4) to assist the authorized bodies in the exercise of their powers in the field of emergency situations within the limits established by federal regulatory legal acts." At the same time, this conclusion is related to a change in the norms of legislation. Perhaps the author should clarify the scientific theoretical conclusions, since the purpose of the scientific article is not so much to change legislation, but to contribute to science. Secondly, the author offers ideas on the interpretation of the norms of the current legislation. Thus, the materials of the article may be of particular interest to the scientific community in terms of contributing to the development of science. However, some conclusions can be specified in terms of the presence of theoretical ideas in them. Style, structure, content. The subject of the article corresponds to the specialization of the journal "National Security / nota bene", as it is devoted to legal problems related to the activities of organizations in emergency situations. The content of the article fully corresponds to the title, as the author considered the stated problems and achieved the research goal. The quality of the presentation of the study and its results should be recognized as fully positive. The subject, objectives, methodology and main results of the study follow directly from the text of the article. The design of the work generally meets the requirements for this kind of work. No significant violations of these requirements were found. Bibliography. The quality of the literature used should be evaluated poorly. The author used only one work, the author of which is a scientist from Russia (A.V. Osipov). This may not be correct for the purposes of a scientific paper. Thus, the works of the above authors correspond to the research topic, but do not have a sign of sufficiency, do not contribute to the disclosure of various aspects of the topic. Appeal to opponents. The author has not conducted a serious analysis of the current state of the problem under study. In order to answer the question about the relevance of the appeal to opponents, it is necessary to significantly expand the theoretical base of the study beforehand. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The conclusions are fully logical, as they are obtained using a generally accepted methodology. The article may be of interest to the readership in terms of the systematic positions of the author in relation to the stated issues. The following should be mentioned as recommendations for improving the work. 1. Expand the theoretical basis of the study. Add links to scientists dealing with this issue. 2. Draw specific conclusions from the study. 3. Give examples from judicial practice, as well as other law enforcement practice. Based on the above, summing up all the positive and negative sides of the article, "I recommend sending it for revision"