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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Shantyr, Y. (2023). Interpretation of Sexuality as a Fundamental Socio-psychological Conceptual Category. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 48–77.
Interpretation of Sexuality as a Fundamental Socio-psychological Conceptual Category
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2023.1.38593EDN: APMQGRReceived: 09-08-2022Published: 24-03-2023Abstract: This article is devoted to sexuality as a fundamental socio-psychological conceptual category. The paper provides an analytical review of the history of understanding sexuality as a construct of socio-political relations and the formation of state power, reveals all the diversity in approaches and judgments about this conceptual category. The paper shows that the interpretation of sexuality as a concept is not only an important general scientific aspect, but also has a key socio-psychological significance for the development of modern society and the formation of a person as a person by gender. Using the example of various sexual transformations, the article substantiates the relevance of the formation of the semantic content of this conceptual category in our time, when sexuality can no longer be considered separately from the state of the human psyche and those negative trends and various deformations of social consciousness that inevitably affect both the reproductive function of a person and the whole way of family and marriage relations in the modern world. It is possible to change the situation for the better in this area only by forming fundamentally new ideological priorities in the public consciousness. The scientific novelty of this work consists in analytical studies of the concept of sexuality as a fundamental socio-psychological conceptual category and the development on this basis of new theoretical approaches and corresponding definitions of the concept of sexuality and related conceptual categories. The proposed interpretations, according to the author, have a more pronounced social and psychological determinant for the formation of a new worldview in modern society regarding the development of a person, taking into account gender, which will ultimately lead to the improvement of reproductive function, improvement of demographic indicators and, in general, will contribute to improving the quality of life of a modern person in his social and physical realization. Keywords: psychology, social psychology, practical psychology, medical psychology, sexuality, sex, asexuality, asex, sexual health, terms and conceptsThis article is automatically translated. Introduction. Modern gender relations, which include the realization of a person by gender, in all their diversity, are characterized by many socio-psychological and medical conceptual categories [13]. Among them, one of the leading ones, undoubtedly, is the widely used term – sexuality. Today it is one of the most widespread and at the same time the most ambiguous concepts in the socio–psychological and scientific worldview. The importance of this conceptual category is primarily due to the increased attention of society and its concern for everything related to the sexual realization of a person, his sexual health and, ultimately, the reproduction of healthy offspring, as pointed out by many authors in their scientific developments [4, 7, 28]. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the sexual realization of a person is accompanied by the presence of a wide variety of moral values throughout human civilization, which underlie the formation of an appropriate ideology by many political institutions, acting in fact as an instrument of organizing power in a particular state [38]. In other words, sexuality, as a conceptual category, is essentially a historical and social construct of socio-political relations in the state. Many legislative and gender stereotypes, fixed in the process of socialization and re-socialization, manifest themselves precisely through the attitude to sexuality [6, 9]. The relevance of this conceptual category acquires special significance in our time, when sexuality, as a concept, can no longer be considered separately from the state of the human psyche and those negative trends and various deformations of social consciousness that take place in the modern world. Today, on the one hand, the interpretation of sexuality is an important scientific aspect, because depending on what meaning is put into the concept of sexuality, its study in society and medicine, priorities and directions of further research, as well as the development of a legal framework will depend, and on the other hand, it has a key fundamental socio–psychological significance for development the whole of modern society and the formation of a person's personality by gender. Thus, the current situation perfectly demonstrates the growing need of society to develop a socially demanded and scientifically based definition of the semantic content of sexuality as a conceptual category. The declaration "Sexual Health for the Millennium", which was adopted on July 15, 2005 by the participants of the 17th World Congress of Sexology in Montreal, emphasizes that sexual health is the key to well-being, eradicates poverty, contributes to the maintenance of peace and human development as an individual [23]. Therefore, it is very important for modern society to fully realize the specific semantic load that is invested in the interpretation of sexuality as a basic socio-psychological conceptual category. After all, it depends on what we, a particular person in particular, and society as a whole understand by this term and a certain worldview will be formed in the future, and ultimately, the relevant legislation, and it, in turn, will lead to the results that we observe in society, as in a historical perspective, so it is now. And if we are not satisfied with something in this area, the area of sexual and sexual realization of a person, then the reason for these unfavorable trends is precisely our worldview and the legislation that accompanies it. Thus, at present, sexuality, as a subject of research, needs to be studied in its existing social, scientific and legal interpretation in order to develop on this basis new theoretical approaches and corresponding definitions of the concept of sexuality and related conceptual categories, which ultimately, in our opinion, will lead to the solution of many problems in this area of human activity will contribute to the improvement of the entire sphere of human realization by gender. The main material. 1. Interpretation of sexuality and related conceptual categories. The word "sexuality" comes from the word "sex", which means sex and is associated primarily with reproduction (procreation). Interest in this term as a concept appeared at the end of the XX century. The first interpretations of sexuality are found in the report "Education and treatment of human sexuality: training of medical professionals" (1975, Geneva). Subsequent publications – "Sexuality and Family Planning: a report on the results of consultations and research results" (1983, Copenhagen) and "Concepts of sexual health: a report on working groups" (1987, Copenhagen) – were narrowly focused and were not publicly available. Further, 25 years after the first studies and definitions of sexuality, there was a publication available to the public – "Promotion of sexual Health" (2000, Guatemala), which talks about the importance and relevance of sexual manifestations for human life. And finally, in 2006, an official report "Definition of sexual health" was published in Geneva. In this report, previously, as indicated in the document itself, more precise interpretations of these terms have not yet been developed, such conceptual categories as "sexuality", "sexual health", "sexual rights" and "gender" are described. It should be noted that the history of sexuality itself and its analysis are widely represented in the sources of literature by many authors [10, 16, 35] and, especially, in the works of the famous French philosopher M. Foucault [38, 44]. Sexuality, as the relationship of people by gender, has been explored even in the Bible. Thus, the American professor of psychology and psychiatry R. Davidson reviewed every verse of the sacred text concerning sexual relations and presented the general outlines of how sexuality is understood, in his opinion, in the verses of the Bible, as well as in other ancient cultures, while demonstrating the beauty and naturalness of biblical ideas about human sexuality [12]. At the same time, a sufficiently detailed description and analytical review of the entire variety of human manifestations in his sexual realization does not at all eliminate the need to interpret sexuality precisely as a socio-psychological conceptual category. After all, the vagueness of this concept leads to the fact that everyone recognizes the need for childbearing and reproductive health of a person, while sexuality seems to many to be something not decent and even "dirty", and to others, on the contrary, almost all sexual pleasures are acceptable and good. There are even opinions that sexuality should be considered absolutely separately from the reproductive function, that is, sexual desires are not at all identical and do not correspond to the biological instinct for the continuation of the human race [8, 20]. Thus, in order to understand this difficult situation that has developed today in the field of sexual realization of a person and try to bring the necessary clarity to these ideological differences that are important for the whole society, of course, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the semantic content of this conceptual category, otherwise the interpretation of sexuality as a concept can be limitless in meaning, which means absolutely faceless [14, 47]. There are many interpretations of this conceptual category in the scientific literature and on the Internet resources. Thus, Z. Freud, a well-known Austrian psychoanalyst and psychiatrist defines sexuality as "pleasure that cannot be reduced to satisfying a particular physiological need" [36]. Professor G.B. Deryagin, MD, emphasizes that "human sexuality is a combination of biological, psychophysiological, mental and emotional reactions, experiences and actions of a person associated with the manifestation and satisfaction of sexual desire [11]. English sociologist, Professor E. Giddens notes that sexuality is a fairly widespread term denoting sexual characteristics and sexual behavior of people [8]. A similar definition is given by the teacher, Professor G.N. Akimova: sexuality is a characteristic of sexual attraction, sexual reactions, sexual activity [1]. From the point of view of psychologist, Professor K. Obukhovsky, sexuality is "physiological processes, techniques and manipulations that give pleasure" [25]. If you look in dictionaries, there is even more diversity in the interpretation of the semantic content of this term. Thus, a large explanatory sociological Dictionary defines sexuality as a natural or essential property of an individual that finds expression through sexual activity and relationships. The philosophical dictionary of Sponville interprets sexuality as everything that relates to the sexual side of a person's life, especially the pleasures associated with it. The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy treats sexuality as all those aspects of a person's constitution and behavior that are associated with sexual activity. The dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language says that sexuality is a set of mental reactions, experiences and actions associated with the manifestation of sexual desire. Wikipedia interprets sexuality as the expression of sexual feeling and intimacy between people, as well as the expression of identity through sex, influenced by sex or based on sex. There are many other definitions of the concept of sexuality that are similar in their content and general semantic characteristics, the enumeration and detailed description of which in this work does not seem appropriate. Next, of course, we should clarify the interpretation of this conceptual category at the legislative level. When reviewing the sources of information available to us, it can be argued that in the countries of the modern world, including in the legislative acts of Russia and Ukraine, there are no definitions of sexuality as a conceptual category. The interpretation of this concept on the official website of the World Health Organization (WHO) is currently also missing for reasons unknown to us. Previously, the definition of this concept in the WHO materials was present and interpreted, in our opinion, quite widely: "Sexuality is a central aspect of a person's existence throughout his life and includes gender, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, sexual instinct, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction. Sexuality is manifested and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, actions, behavior, sexual roles and relationships. Despite the fact that sexuality can include all these aspects, not all of them are simultaneously felt and manifested. Sexuality is influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, ethical, legal, historical, religious and spiritual factors" (WHO [WHO] (2006), p.10). With all due respect to this WHO definition, we can unequivocally state that such a non-specific semantic interpretation of sexuality as a concept leads to the fact that today absolutely everything connected, one way or another, with the physiology of human genitals is included in this conceptual category. This is not only sexual relations of male and female origin, but also homophilia, masturbation, in all its diversity, sexual relations with objects and products, with mannequins (rubber woman), necrophilia and even bestiality. Moreover, in the public consciousness of the Western world, there is a widespread belief, as we have already noted earlier, that sexuality in itself is not aimed at procreation at all, it does not need any definition or any justification, because sexuality is simply a self-assessment of a person's personality and it should not be associated with the reproduction of offspring, it exists by itself and in a variety of forms of manifestation [8, 21]. This mental separation of sexuality and reproduction is explained by Western authors by the fact that, on the one hand, effective contraception (contraceptives) allows people to have sex without fear of unwanted conception at the moment. On the other hand, artificial insemination and genetic engineering make it possible to produce offspring "in vitro", with pre-programmed hereditary data, without any sexual communication or even personal contact of the parents. It should be noted here that, of course, sexual relations between men and women, far from always should and can lead to pregnancy for one reason or another, including due to contraception, but this does not mean at all that there is no reproduction in these relationships based on gender, as a natural prerogative, because in their sexual realization has a psychophysiological condition that is mandatory for natural reproduction, that is, the presence of male and female principles. Reproduction is a priori impossible only in one case if one of its components is missing, that is, male or female biological identity. As for the offspring "in vitro", these categories are also present there, although in a very simplified version, that is, in the form of an egg and sperm. At the same time, with all deep respect for genetic engineering, our attitude to it in the field of human reproduction should, in our opinion, in most cases be critical and based on the existing reality – more and more men and women not only cannot build their gender relations by gender, but also conceive a child in a natural way, because for them this process is not possible for one reason or another. And the reasons for these increasingly unfavorable trends are primarily psychological, due to existing ideological priorities and their legislative support in the field of sexual realization of a person. We, of course, respect the natural and nature-conditioned desire of a person to have children and wish everyone, without exception, health and healthy offspring, but at the same time we want to emphasize that all of the above with regard to unfavorable reproductive trends in modern society indicates, unfortunately, only one thing, the ever-increasing degradation of male and female female reproductive function. Fertilization of an egg in a woman's body, taking into account, first of all, her emotional state (orgasms) during sexual intimacy with a man, is not at all identical to fertilization of an egg in a test tube. At present, it is already reliably known that a person and his body are not only a chemical substance, including a genetic one, but it is also a psychologically–spiritual, modern-energy essence. In other words, a kind of living matter circulates in us, with the presence of which everyone has already agreed a priori and society, since theologically today almost all people are believers, which means that the spirit of God lives in them, and science in the person of psychology and medicine with their Bioenergetics, as well as Integrative psychology with its "energy" of consciousness, and also monism, that is, the unity of man and the world, its spiritual and bodily components [2]. Thus, today it has become obvious to everyone that genes, as chemical structures, can be influenced in a certain way, but it is impossible to influence the spiritual, energetic component in genetic engineering. And during in vitro fertilization, we emphasize this once again, this energy component is not at all identical to the one that is a priori present in one capacity or another during sexual intimacy of a man and a woman. And, consequently, with genetic engineering, the psyche of a newborn, as well as its entire energy essence, may have completely unpredictable characteristics. There are different forecasts in this regard, including very unfavorable ones, up to the birth of certain individuals with pathopsychological inclinations and/or lack of sexual identity. In any case, wishing everyone, without exception, reproductive well-being, at the same time we want to pay special attention to the obvious fact that the true cause of human reproductive problems is not eliminated by fertilization "in vitro" and even more so at the level of only chemical genotype correction. The true reason for this state of affairs is precisely in the psyche, that is, in those misconceptions of a particular person and society as a whole, which are reflected in the whole complex of mistaken worldview beliefs regarding sexuality and those legislative acts that regulate the realization of a person by gender in society. And any misconceptions, as you know, inevitably lead to problems and, if nothing is done, then to a corresponding degradation in all spheres of human life, including in the field of sexual, and in the future, human reproductive function. That is why, believing in their exclusivity and not wanting to see their mistakes and problems in this area, and of course, striving to look good, including in their own eyes, modern society, and first of all in the so-called civilized countries, does not consciously, in our opinion, strives to not imagine their sexual degradation, as a kind of democracy and the triumph of liberal values in the field of human sexual realization, instead of thinking about why this is happening and trying to change the existing situation for the better by developing new ideological attitudes and relevant legislative acts. At the same time, the situation has become so illogical that in the Western world, pay attention to this, almost all forms of non-traditional sexual realization (homophilia, monophilia, pedophilia, etc.) are not a disease, but sexophilia, as a kind of natural, but increased sexual attraction to the opposite sex, that is, hypersexuality, as physiologically natural but an overestimated human need for sexual fulfillment with the opposite sex is very often declared a disease in European countries. Of course, even with regard to natural physiology, including those related to sexuality, a person can be mistaken and incorrectly relate to his potency, libido and, in general, to his sexual realization. At the same time, to consider delusions as a disease in any sphere of human activity, including in the sphere of realization of a person by gender, is certainly an erroneous ideological approach. We are all mistaken in something, no one is perfect, but this imperfection is not a disease. That's why life is given, in order to develop, to get rid of an erroneous worldview and acquire new personal qualities, including in the field of sexual relations. In our opinion, this is best described in the commandments of the Bible: "Do not commit adultery," that is, do not make mistakes in your sexual realization. However, today, the priority of modern, primarily so-called civilized society, unfortunately, is not at all the development of a person as a person by gender, and especially not love and romance with the opposite sex in all sexual, including the imperfect diversity of these relationships. On the contrary, many sources of information tell how a person needs to satisfy himself sexually and often just "ennobles" masturbation as a kind of independent separate form of sexual satisfaction, absolutely necessary and practically the same as sexual intimacy with a person of the opposite sex. [5, 24, 42, 45]. At the same time, they refer to the fact that this phenomenon, masturbation, is also present in the animal world, and is also widespread in modern society, both among men (to a greater extent – 93-95%) and among women (to a lesser extent – 45-60%), but in almost all age groups and, especially among teenagers [22, 40]. Yes, indeed, masturbation, as a form of sexual satisfaction, is becoming more and more common in the modern world. There is plenty of evidence for this, including video materials, for example, the scandalous video A. Dzyuba, a famous football player and a fairly successful male personality, but even he turns out to have problems with his male sexual realization. The widespread prevalence of masturbation and related sexual manifestations is also evidenced by numerous anonymous surveys and a growing number of paraphernalia sold for this purpose, especially the most diverse, including technically equipped dildos, vibrators, as well as rubber women and even rubber men. All this is accompanied by relevant literature, books, which are often called masturbation textbooks or manuals, most often for teenagers, how to masturbate correctly and at the same time feel comfortable and even a full-fledged male or female personality. Well, in all these cases, I would like to say frankly and state with all responsibility: do not engage in deception and self-deception, gentlemen! This situation, in our opinion, is nothing more than a clear result of social and legislative misconceptions in this area, and not a natural state of realization of a person by gender. Nature, God (who believes in what), as the eternal truth in everything and always, cannot be deceived. Of course, masturbation can also be present in the animal world, but it certainly does not have such a wide prevalence as in human society. Among animals, such behavior is most likely and, as a rule, it is just artifacts that only confirm to us the imperfection of the animal world and the presence of certain circumstances in it, usually due to the fault of the same person, which, ultimately, form a similar sexual realization in animals, but in no case is it it does not explain the existing scale of monophilia in modern society. Such a scale of monophilia is the result, first of all, of worldview priorities legislated in society, which limit in one way or another the very possibility of sexual realization with the opposite sex. As a result, masturbation is becoming more and more often an almost inevitable phenomenon in the life of a modern person. Of course, we do not condemn anyone and treat everyone without exception with respect and understanding. Moreover, we emphasize that today, unfortunately, in many cases masturbation is almost the only opportunity for a person to exercise the physiology of their genitals. First of all, this applies to males, including adolescents, since fluid, sperm is synthesized in their body, and like any other fluid intended for exiting the body, it must be periodically extracted from the body, otherwise spermotoxicosis is inevitable and, as a consequence, one or another disease, and in in the future, if nothing is done, including, alas, masturbation, this can lead to illness and even death from a specific pathology that has arisen as a result of spermotoxicosis [46]. Of course, diagnoses in all cases will not reflect, even remotely, spermotoxicosis as the true cause of illness or even death of a male person. This state of affairs is currently explained, of course, on the one hand, by the lack of medical methods to prove the occurrence of pathology as a result of spermotoxicosis, and on the other hand, by the moral requirements existing in modern society. In women, in this regard, the physiology of reproductive function is completely different: an unfertilized egg leaves the body during the menstrual cycle, thereby not having a toxic effect on the body, although, of course, in women, as a rule, a prolonged absence of sexual realization necessarily negatively affects their health one way or another. At the same time, the existing differences between men and women in their physiological need for sexual fulfillment are fundamentally different [15]. Of course, for some time, it is individual for each person, masturbation can be present in the lives of both men and women without any negative consequences, and even be in some sense a "lifeline", especially for males, as shown above. At the same time, it is necessary to be clearly aware that sufficiently prolonged sexual self-satisfaction in one form or another will eventually inevitably lead to negative consequences: an unfavorable state of the psyche, anxiety, fears, and most importantly to a sense of insecurity in the entire spectrum of sexual relations with the opposite sex [17, 18]. In other words, it is impossible to develop by gender with yourself. It is possible to gain experience and develop personality qualities, taking into account gender, only with a person of the opposite sex, this is the natural meaning of the development of the entire complex of sexual relations between the male and female principles [27]. It is possible to be a male person by gender only in relation to a female person, as, respectively, and vice versa: it is possible to be a female person in its sexual and sexual realization only with a male person. By rejecting these relations on the basis of gender, modern society, due to its erroneous, including the so-called liberal values, does not consciously, but inevitably condemns itself to sexual degradation in all its diversity. And this is instead of developing one's worldview and striving to legislate sexual priorities in society so that sexual realization with the opposite sex, including among teenagers, because it is not for nothing that early marriages are allowed in the Muslim world, was for everyone's benefit and no harm to anyone, as an integral physiological component of human life, overcoming delusions, ignorance, and even ordinary human envy. Of course, writing such legislation is not at all easy and requires a certain level of intellectual and educational development of both society and deputies of the highest legislative bodies, but at the same time it is the only right way to overcome sexual and, as a consequence, reproductive degradation. And the fundamental meaning of these legislative acts, in our opinion, is already obvious today: every person, including in adolescence, taking into account, of course, his psychophysiological sexual individuality, has the right to sexual realization, the creation of a family marriage, and also has the right to become a parent, dad or mom. Of course, for women, it is necessary to determine the age of consent for sexual relations, taking into account the peculiarities of specific nations and peoples in this area, which should be done with full responsibility by state legislative institutions. And up to this age, that is, the age of consent, all decisions on the development and sexual realization of a girl, in our opinion, should be made by parents or guardians. At the same time, no one and no laws, no matter how humane they may seem, should a priori turn a person's right to sexual realization in its, first of all, social significance, into a kind of obligation to court or professional image. Voluntariness is the main principle of the relationship between men and women by gender, including in relation to the status of a parent. In other words, just as a woman becomes a mom exclusively voluntarily, so a man should become a father exclusively voluntarily. And no law, and even DNA tests should have an impact on this. Equality of the sexes in real life can be realized only under one condition and this condition is Voluntary in all areas of implementation by gender: voluntarily have sexual relations, voluntarily become husband and wife and voluntarily decide to be a father and mother. It is this approach that will contribute to the development of a person's personality by gender and, consequently, increase responsibility for their sexual realization, both women, who are a priori given the right to determine sexual intimacy, and men, who should bear full responsibility, but only for their decisions. In other words, the offer of sex is not an offer to get married, and even more so not an offer to become a father, although all these offers are certainly beautiful in themselves and all of them in real life, of course, must necessarily be present. We emphasize the above once again and note that it is with such a social worldview and its legislative support that all the necessary conditions will be created in society for the full sexual development of male and female personalities and, most importantly, their social responsibility, but only for those decisions that a person, regardless of gender, takes exclusively voluntarily in all aspects of their sexual realization. This material is described in more detail in our work "Socio-psychological concept of the foundations of lawmaking in the field of family and marriage relations" [39]. Today, there is also a need for society to radically change its attitude to the field of sexual services, which a priori exists in one form or another in absolutely all countries of the world. And this is not a body trade at all, as it is often tried to imagine. There, as a rule, there are even more healthy psychophysiological relationships than in many modern married couples. And the human body is exploited, that is, it is always sold, including in any other professional activity, and no one ever talks about trading it, this body, there. It's just that the genitals are involved in the sexual sphere, and they are very often treated obscenely, that is, to put it mildly, not as positive as other parts of the body, besides, in this area of gender relations, unfortunately, there is also the usual great human envy. So there is a negative in everything that is somehow connected with the sexual realization of a person. At the same time, the sphere of sexual services, organized legally competently in the interests of society, would greatly contribute to the development of the sexual realization of a person within the framework of natural psychophysiology and, thus, would contribute to the solution of many sexual problems, including a significant reduction in the prevalence of masturbation and same-sex sexual relations. At the same time, of course, and this is the most important thing, family values and family marriage should have a priority ideological significance in the public consciousness, as an indicator of the level of maturity of a person's personality in relation to his sexual realization. At the same time, today it is necessary to realize and accept the existing objective reality, which is that one quality does not exist without another, as there is no, for example, plus without minus, light without darkness, etc. In other words, a strong family, as the most optimal condition for the development of a person's personality by gender and then the social quality to which a person, as a rule, should strive in his personal life, nevertheless, and at the same time, as it may not seem surprising, cannot have its own social value and be a psychological priority without the presence in society of other forms of sexual relations, such as falling in love, romance and the sphere of sexual services. In any case and under any circumstances, public opinion and legislation should shape both men and women's desire for their joint, nature-conditioned, sexual fulfillment, and not discredit these relationships, even if they are sometimes erroneous and may have negative social consequences. These consequences are precisely designed to teach a particular person and society as a whole the right attitude to sexuality, and not to prohibit it at all, as well as to fully contribute to the development of a person by gender, and not to become an excuse to complicate, or even prohibit, sometimes unconsciously, further sexual realization with the opposite sex. But, unfortunately, it is precisely such hidden mechanisms of prohibitions and condemnations that operate today in society at the legislative and household level. For example, pursuing at first glance, seemingly noble goals to protect a woman in a relationship with a man by gender, mental and legislative conditions are actually created when a woman is practically protected from the consequences of her erroneous sexual realization, which she also determines, a man is given the right only to offer sexual intimacy, everything else is a crime. In other words, she, a woman, can have sex, as they say, without looking back, or even with malicious intent, because the father of the child will be appointed, and there you can get a husband if a man needs a social or professional image. Such a situation inevitably leads a woman to degradation by gender, and forces a man involuntarily, at the level of subconscious processes, and sometimes quite consciously, to avoid relationships with a woman as a sexual partner. As a result of all these social and legislative attitudes, we are now witnessing an increasing trend towards homosexual relations. And this is happening in many countries, this is especially evident in America and European countries, where more and more men and women admit that they experience sexual and erotic attraction to persons of their own sex. And as a consequence of this, many Western countries in recent years have legally legalized same-sex marriages or so-called domestic partnerships and even provided certain benefits to enterprises where this category of persons works [21, 30]. Moreover, now in Western countries, in order to promote homosexual relations, a trend has been set for the creation of works and films in which at least one of the positive characters must necessarily be a homosexual, transgender or a representative of other varieties of LGBT communities. Such legislative and cultural activity inevitably forms erroneous ideological values in society and, of course, leads to the degradation of male and female personality by gender, and in the future, of course, will contribute more and more to the crisis, and even the complete destruction of the institution of the family. And the reason for this phenomenon, as we see, is again precisely the current worldview and the legislation that accompanies the entire spectrum of family and marriage relations today. As a result of these reasons, the modern socio-sexual situation has developed in such a way that a woman has become almost inaccessible to a man due to his, alas, weak masculine and her, alas, far from feminine qualities, both bodily and spiritual (psychological). Of course, there are currently healthy gender relations based on gender, but, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer of them. And we are just concerned about this very unfavorable phenomenon, and we are talking here about the fact that these trends and sexual transformations are beginning to acquire an increasingly threatening character for the entire complex of human relations based on gender, including the biological process of reproduction of the population. There are quite a few explanations here, however, the leading reason for such a clear degradation of the masculine and feminine, in our opinion, is still the state of the psyche with its cognitive beliefs and human experiences for their future. So, today it is cognitively and legislatively predetermined that in modern society, in our opinion, even the most ordinary sexual realization of a man with a woman has become socially, materially and even criminally dangerous for a man, as evidenced, for example, by the European, and now Ukrainian legal definition of the concept of rape. From this definition, which is fixed in the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Article 152), it generally follows that the male penis has become literally the "subject" of violence even in officially registered marital sexual relations. Therefore, unconsciously, fearing criminal responsibility, the male psyche is reoriented to its own biological sex, so that the physiology of sexual realization can somehow be carried out, otherwise it simply cannot survive. Moreover, in these same-sex relationships, it is not necessary to have any masculine qualities and, moreover, there are absolutely no social risks that are present today, with what in a distorted form, in relation to a woman, when a man is discredited in his professional career, especially in politics, allegedly not the right attitude to a woman. It is enough, as a rule, to simply declare this in order to eliminate a male competitor, no one will delve into the essence of this relationship, and the trial itself will already discredit the man in the eyes of the public. But the relationship of a man with a woman is always a mystery, which is not easy to understand even for the best specialists in the field of psychology and sociology. And very often, as practice shows, even the most unseemly act in the eyes of the public may actually be the only right decision. How can you build your attitude and even blame someone on some possibly deliberately thrown negative information into society, usually in relation to a man? In addition, if we add to this the obvious fact that a man can be forcibly, that is, by exerting administrative pressure or through the court to appoint a father, which in principle is legally impossible in relation to a woman and her motherhood, as well as a primitive 50% distribution of material assets after a divorce, which contradicts common sense and, of course If it is absent in the countries of the Muslim world, where women's well-being is taken care of no less, but necessarily taking into account men's interests, then it becomes obvious why men today, especially in so-called civilized countries, try, sometimes unconsciously, to avoid any relationship with a woman for mutual sexual and sexual realization [3]. In the course of psychological research, the results of which were published in 2016 in the journal Behavioral Sciences, it was found that men in most cases do not seek sexual intimacy with a woman at all. "Porn addicted" young men were interviewed about their sexual desires. Of the 19 respondents, 11 admitted that they do not really want to have sex with women, but they get no less, and most often even more, pleasure from watching porn and a completely different sexual realization [43]. So is it any wonder that homosexual relations, gay parades and feminism are flourishing more and more in modern society! In turn, women who today, on the one hand, as shown above, receive less and less male attention, and on the other hand, they themselves do not strive to possess the natural qualities of female attractiveness, inevitably, under the influence of their hormonal background, turn their sexual attention to their masculinized girlfriends and generally to female persons [41]. Here, under the influence of the existing worldview, the same mechanism of the psyche is unconsciously triggered as in men, that is, to follow the path of least effort, because in order to be sexually realized with a man, you need to work somehow, in other words, have certain spiritual (psychological) and/or bodily qualities of female attractiveness, and why do this when the priority values of a modern woman are completely different, often purely professional and, moreover, are largely characterized by the general desire of the female mentality for absolute independence from a man, especially since the personality of a man, as a purely male biological principle, today in many cases is no longer in authority. So why then try to please him, such efforts unconsciously become just a meaningless activity. As a result, throughout the so-called civilized world, we see an ever-increasing degradation of women by gender, up to the loss of maternal instinct and even crimes against their own children [11, 31]. And, of course, lesbianism, as a form of realization by gender, today begins to play an increasingly increasing role among women, because the hormonal natural background in most cases, especially in youth, is present, which means that a woman still has a natural desire to get her sexual pleasures, including orgasms, but with a face, so it's easier, own gender. As a result of all the above factors, in the modern and, especially, in the so-called civilizational world, every year there is an increase in the number of gay parades and LGBT communities, which, in our opinion, it does not seem appropriate to list and analyze with all forms of their sexual realization in this article. Thus, it is safe to say that all the diversity of sexual realization of a person, all these phenomena of sexual transformation are in fact nothing more than an objective product that fully reflects the social worldview and the corresponding legislative support of gender relations in the field of sexual realization of a person. It is society and its legislative institutions that are the source of disharmony in the field of sexual and marital relations. And no matter how they try to present all this multifaceted transformation of sexual diversity in the media and even in special fach publications in the form of a kind of liberal democracy that only benefits society, we want to warn with all responsibility that if the current worldview and the corresponding legislation are not changed, the demographic situation will inevitably worsen in the future and, ultimately, it can lead to the disappearance of a particular nation and even the country as a whole. This process, which, as a rule, state institutions at all levels of legislative and executive power try not to pay attention to, is already taking place in many European and some other countries, which are increasingly populated by immigrants from Muslim countries, whose population is growing incomparably every year. Thus, in Marseille, Muslims account for about 35% of the population, in Barcelona – more than 30%, in Brussels, in British Luton, Dutch Rotterdam and Amsterdam, Swedish Malmo – more than 25%. To the incessant influx of new immigrants to European countries, in this case it does not matter at all for what reason it happens, a high birth rate among immigrants is also added. For example, in the UK, the average birth rate is 1.8 children per married couple, whereas in the Muslim environment, the average birth rate is 3 or more children per family [26]. Therefore, in order to stop today and further prevent unfavorable sexual and reproductive trends in modern society and begin to develop a new, including legislatively approved worldview, first of all, in our opinion, it is necessary to determine the semantic meaning of the conceptual category of sexuality. Otherwise, this concept will be interpreted in a variety of interpretations and as a result, without having its own generally accepted specific definition, it will create, in turn, a certain illusion of well-being in this area and the corresponding, sometimes not conscious, approval by society of the current legislation and the newly emerging values of sexual transformation. What this leads to and has already led the modern world in the field of sexual realization of a person has already been shown by us and, in our opinion, is sufficiently justified above. It is difficult not to agree with the fact that by Nature itself, that is, God, in the broadest sense of the word, sexuality is intended for the continuation of the human race and for the comprehensive development of a person as a person by gender throughout his life, there is no other natural purpose of sexuality and there cannot be. Everything else is nothing but the imperfection of human civilization, which consists in the presence of an erroneous social and legislative worldview regarding the sexual realization of men and women, which inevitably, unfortunately, manifests itself in their most diverse inability to properly relate to their sexuality in real life, and hence the inability, for one reason or another, to the natural psychophysiological sexual and reproductive realization. The above does not mean at all that the sexual realization of a man and a woman is intended only for procreation and almost every time should end with pregnancy. No, of course, pregnancy and the birth of children are the pinnacle of these relationships, but an equally important role of these relationships is just the development of a person as a person by gender, because no one is perfect. The whole complex of individual psychophysiological sexual reactions is just given so that a person can be aware of his delusions in this area, get rid of them as he sexually matures and acquire new, more perfect qualities of his sexual realization. And this realization, as a source of joy in life, health and a whole range of emotions, should be exclusively for the benefit of a person and, of course, not to harm anyone, and the meaning of this realization throughout a person's life is the further improvement of the natural sexual qualities of the male and female principle. In other words, we emphasize this once again, it is possible to develop as a man by gender only through a relationship with a woman and, accordingly, vice versa, only in sexual relations with a man can a woman develop as a female personality. Consequently, both a man and a woman in their realization by gender see in each other, as in a mirror, exactly their personal psychophysiological qualities and shortcomings, including, and not at all the bad sides of a person of the opposite sex. Freeing himself from his own delusions and the problematic relationships with the opposite sex associated with them, a person becomes a new, more perfect level of understanding and realization of himself as a sexual individuality. Therefore, human sexuality and its realization, along with the main childbearing function, has another, in our opinion, no less important, and maybe the main task in a person's life is his comprehensive development as a person by gender. Thus, based on the analysis of the sources of information available to us and the analytical materials presented above, we propose a specific and unambiguous, in our opinion, definition of the concept of sexuality, as well as sexual health, the interpretation of which was given earlier in our other work: Sexuality is the psychophysiological properties of human reproductive function. Sexual health is a psychophysiological ability for sexual realization, with the aim of developing a person as a person by gender. Detailed material about the conceptual category of health and its derivatives, including sexual health, is presented in our work "Scientific and practical interpretation of health as a basic socio-psychological conceptual category" Sexuality is characterized, as follows from the above definition for it, by attraction exclusively to the opposite sex, because without the opposite sex, the reproductive function is a priori impossible. And this does not mean at all, we emphasize this again, that sexual intimacy should end with reproduction every time, it is decided by two: a man and a woman with mutual consent and absolutely voluntarily. At the same time, the psychophysiological content of their sexual realization cannot be limited by anyone and nothing, it takes place exactly as they, a man and a woman, consider it necessary and right for them. In the best way, again, the Bible says this: "The body of the wife does not belong to her alone, but also to her husband, also the body of the husband does not belong to him alone, but also to his wife" (1 Corinthians 7:4). All other forms of realization of the sexual function of a person are Asexuality, in all its diversity, reflecting certain priority attitudes in the psyche of a particular person. The term asexuality does not at all deny the physiology of the genitals as such, and even more so does not discredit these other, that is, asexual psychophysiological qualities. He, this term, only indicates that in this sexual realization of a person there is no reproductive component, that is, the personality of a person of the opposite sex. After all, you must agree, it is categorically unacceptable for the adequate development of public consciousness and the psyche of a particular person to designate with the same term absolutely different in their psychophysiological content and intellectual essence sexual relationships, as it is impossible, for example, to call all plants a tree or water falling from above – rain. This will inevitably lead to a distortion of the existing reality, which, unfortunately, happens in gender relations on the basis of race in modern society. Therefore, we put into asexuality another interpretation corresponding to it, and propose the following definition: Asexuality is a psychophysiological property that excludes the reproductive function of a person. Asexuality is characterized, with all the various forms of its realization, by only one fundamental quality – the absence of a person of the opposite sex. In other words, a person does not have the opportunity for sexual realization with the opposite sex for objective or subjective reasons, as well as with the complete or partial loss of sexual attraction to the opposite sex. Based on the above, we have also formed other, socially and psychologically significant, in our opinion, conceptual categories in the field of sexual realization of a person: Sex is a psychophysiological genital realization of sexuality with the opposite sex. Asex is a psychophysiological genital realization of asexuality in the absence of the opposite sex. Libido is a qualitative and quantitative characteristic of sexual or asexual potency. Bisexuality is the presence of psychophysiological properties of a sexual and asexual nature in a person. Impotence, frigidity – complete or partial absence of psychophysiological properties of sexual or asexual realization. Sexual actions are physical and/or psychological actions aimed at obtaining sexual arousal and sexual fulfillment. Asexual actions are physical and/or psychological actions aimed at obtaining asexual arousal and asexual realization. All the conceptual categories mentioned above are designed to streamline, in our opinion, the semantic content of terms that are very often found in literature sources and on Internet sites when describing research or relevant characteristics of human sexual realization and, consequently, eliminate the colossal terminological confusion that exists in this area at present. Perhaps, over time, these definitions will acquire the necessary social, psychological and even legal significance, which, of course, will contribute, in our opinion, to the formation of a new gender worldview in the field of sexual realization of a person. 2. Interpretation of norm and pathology in the sphere of sexual realization of a person.Now, of course, we need to define such widely discussed concepts as norm and pathology in all the existing diversity of sexual and asexual sexual realization of a person.
The concept of sexual perversion as a sexual pathology has been in use since the 1870s, when in the writings of a number of scientists, and above all R. The interpretation of deviations from normal sexuality as painful, requiring medical treatment, and not condemnations and appropriate actions on the part of religious or power structures, was justified. Kraft-Ebing considered perversion all sexual manifestations that do not correspond to the purposes of nature, however, provided that it is possible to perform sexual intercourse in a natural way. It is generally believed that the terms "perversion" and "inversion", as concepts characterizing a deviation from a certain sexual norm, were first used in the joint work of J. Charcot and V. Magnana "The transformation of sexual feeling and other sexual perversions" (Inversion du sens g?nital et autres perversions sexuelles, 1882), devoted to attempts to treat homosexuality with hypnosis. These terms were translated into Russian by V.M. Tarnovsky in the review article of 1884 "Perversions of sexual feeling". The concepts of perversion and inversion were also widely used in his writings by Z. Freud [37]. The analysis of materials on this issue, both in the historical digression and at the present time, shows that evaluative approaches in the field of sexual realization of a person in many cases are absolutely diametrically opposed and depend on many religious postulates, as well as ideological and legal values in the legislative institutions of a particular country. At the same time, the list of various perversions, inversions or, simply, transformations in the sphere of sexual realization of a person constantly varies, both from pathology to normal and vice versa. Many sexual practices that were previously designated mainly as sexual perversions are currently considered, in many cases, in a completely different social and medical interpretation, that is, as sexual deviations, deviations, painful conditions, or even generally characterized by the authors of publications as the absolute norm. So, today, for example, the same homosexual relations: in some countries it is a crime, in others it is a disease, in the third place it is the norm, and in the fourth place even a certain belonging of a person to an elite class [19, 33]. At the same time, as we wrote earlier, in a number of Western countries, an increased sexual attraction of a person to the opposite sex is considered exclusively as a disease [20]. It should be noted here that in some extreme cases hypersexuality can indeed lead to illness as a state of medical pathology or be the cause of social distress. However, in most cases, in our opinion, if it is a problem for a person, it is only from the point of view of its implementation in a specific life situation. But in any case, with the right attitude to sexuality, as well as to personal life and work in general, it will only inspire and contribute to the development of a person as a person by gender. Perhaps it is this hypersexuality that is given to someone by nature for a specific purpose, which has yet to be comprehended by modern society and a specific person. There is no need, of course, in this work to analyze the entire constantly changing list of deviations (deviations) or perversions (inversions) from a certain undefined and ambiguous norm. According to various estimates, there are more than 100 names in the list of such forms of transformations in the sphere of sexual realization of a person today [29, 32]. Without going into the details of all this, a constantly changing list of certain deviations from a certain norm, we will only emphasize the obvious fact that today there is no single scientific approach in the world in terms of interpreting the norm and pathology in this area of human existence. Consequently, such a division into norm and pathology in the sphere of sexual realization of a person, in our opinion, is not scientifically justified and is not even appropriate, because it reflects only certain theological or social ideological priorities of a particular society. But the ideological aspects are always, as a rule, a certain degree of human delusions, in this case in the field of sexual realization, because no one is perfect. And the delusions themselves, a priori, cannot be a disease, since they exist in any area of human activity, for example, in politics, where erroneous beliefs and their implementation, as history shows, and the current situation in the world, lead, to put it mildly, to a number of adverse consequences, that is, to painful and even the critical state of society, but it does not occur to anyone to consider the relevant professional activity of a politician or a state leader of any level from the point of view of norm and pathology, and even more so to diagnose a particular disease on this basis. Of course, they, these misconceptions, including in the field of sexual realization of a person, can lead, firstly, to various crimes of a criminal nature, although the legal interpretation of specific actions in this area again differs fundamentally in different countries, for example, with regard to the age of consent, concepts such as rape, sexual violence, sexual harassment, the same homosexuality, exhibitionism, the degree of nudity of the female body in public places, etc. Secondly, of course, certain misconceptions can lead and very often lead to a particular disease, already as a nosological form of medical diagnosis, including in relation to sexual realization and reproductive function of a person, but the delusions themselves, we emphasize this again, reflect only the degree of human imperfection, in particular including social intelligence, but by themselves they cannot be the basis for making any medical diagnoses and, therefore, act as the basis for determining the norm or pathology. Otherwise, each person specifically and society as a whole, due to their cognitive imperfections, will always remain, you will agree, in a certain state of illness, being constantly on the path of understanding the need for their development to overcome existing misconceptions, which eventually form social and individual problems, as a reflection of concrete practical mistakes, in this case in the field of sexual realization of a person. Meanwhile, the whole complex of problems of human civilization, including in the field of gender relations by gender, is precisely designed to encourage society and a particular person to their further development, that is, to appropriate changes, the meaning of which is to develop new ideological priorities, develop new legislation and form on this basis the basis of a modern person has new in-demand personal qualities. Otherwise, the negative consequences, in this case in the field of sexual realization of a person, will only increase, up to the appearance of a wide range of various pathologies, already as medical diagnoses and the emergence of a number of adverse behavioral phenomena, including criminal ones. Thus, the whole spectrum of sexual and asexual forms of realization and, accordingly, their prevalence in society is certainly nothing more than a mirror of those ideological beliefs, including legislatively formulated ones, which form in the public consciousness, and later in the psyche of a particular person, erroneous cognitive, and in the future and behavioral reactions in relation to their sexual realization. The current reality in the world, including in the field of sexual realization of a person, as well as possible, testifies to the presence of erroneous ideological priorities in the life of modern human civilization. Numerous sources of information clearly indicate an ever-increasing trend towards the growth of LGBT communities and other asexual forms of sexual realization [19]. The degree of their diversity and prevalence in society, of course, depends on the ideological aspects and the legislative framework that regulates sexual relations in a particular state. At the same time, attention is drawn to the undeniable fact that in Western countries, with the so-called developed democracy, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of various forms of asexual manifestations in society incomparably exceed these indicators in other countries. This is especially evident when analyzing and comparing these characteristics with similar indicators in Muslim states [34]. Such an ambiguous state of affairs in the field of gender relations and sexual realization of its citizens, Western civilization presents, in most cases, as a kind of achievement of democracy, the triumph of liberal values, etc. In fact, all these phenomena and their prevalence, we emphasize this once again, are nothing more than a clear result of existing misconceptions in society, including legislatively formulated misconceptions in the field of gender relations based on gender. Undoubtedly, everything we have said above in relation to certain sexual transformations is in no way aimed at discrediting people with an asexual form of sexual realization. We do not condemn anyone, and even more so we do not blame anyone, but only want to focus the attention of specialists and society as a whole on the obvious fact that carriers of these asexual forms of realization, as well as carriers of sexual relations, where there are also certain misconceptions (sexophilia, pedophilia, etc.), are simply forced to testify to all of us one or another qualitative and quantitative characteristic of the erroneous ideas existing individually and in society in the sphere of sexual realization of a person. By and large, we should even be grateful to all these people to some extent for their very presence in society, because they, as carriers of sexual and asexual delusions, are the only reliable source of information for studying the real gender situation regarding the sexual realization of a person in the modern world. And this information for scientists and specialists, as well as the highest legislative authorities, should always be the starting point for the timely formation of a new social worldview and its legal formalization in the field of sexual rights and freedoms of man. It is the existing reality, and not good intentions to explain everything by some kind of democracy, equality and liberal values, that is always the only true criterion for the quality of the legislative framework, in this case in the field of gender relations by gender. And instead of treating themselves rather self-critically today and somehow starting to correct the existing negative trends in this area, many mass media and even special fach publications seek to present the current gender situation as generally meeting the interests of society and even as exceptionally favorable. But the process of development of society in any field, including the sphere of sexual realization of a person, requires an adequate and prompt response to adverse trends and phenomena in order to create timely conditions for the formation of a new worldview and the development of an appropriate legislative framework. Otherwise, in the near future, in our opinion, the crisis phenomena in the sphere of sexual realization of a person and his reproductive function will only increase, up to the degeneration and settlement of the territory of some countries by completely different peoples, which is already happening, to some extent, in many European countries [26]. Given the different theological, social and legal approaches to various forms of sexual realization of modern man today, in our opinion, it is time to completely abandon the purely medical approach in determining the norm or pathology in the entire spectrum of sexual and asexual manifestations. Medicine should diagnose and, accordingly, treat only when sexual realization or its absence causes harm to human health, which manifests itself already in the form of a specific pathology of organs, tissues and/or body systems, and not in advance to declare this or that sexual or asexual manifestation or attraction a disease. In other words, social intolerance, for example, towards a homosexual, does not mean at all that this person is sick. He is healthy and in fact, without realizing it, by the very fact of his presence in society reflects the misconceptions that exist in this society in the field of sexual relations. And there should be no legal prohibitions or social discrediting on the sexual realization of representatives of homophilia and other LGBT communities, except, of course, for criminal actions that should be prescribed in Criminal Codes. At the same time, today there is already a need to develop and adopt separate legislative acts in this area of gender relations, which, on the one hand, would regulate these relations, and on the other hand, would clean society itself from advertising and further dissemination of asexual sexual practices. In any case, legislative institutions do not have to pretend that nothing is happening and do not react in any way to the growing problems in this area. Society, and humanity as a whole, should know and see in practice, including through legislative acts, what in reality it, this society, has chosen in its worldview and legislatively approved in relation to the sexual realization of men and women. Otherwise, without knowing the reality, the modern world simply will not be able to develop in the field of gender relations by gender, and existing misconceptions will lead to even greater problems, or even to the degeneration of a particular nation. Consequently, each individual and the whole society as a whole needs such approaches to the concepts of norm and pathology that would not discredit or encourage anyone with their semantic content in all the gender diversity of sexual realization of a modern person, and in the future, and most importantly, could contribute to the formation of new ones in this area of human relations. more perfect ideological priorities. Thus, instead of the concepts of norm, pathology or perversion, which is socially counterproductive, in our opinion, we propose, on the basis of the conducted analytical studies and the material presented above, to divide all the currently existing diversity of the psychophysiological sexual state of a modern person into 3 fundamentally different categories: Sexual individuality is a qualitative and quantitative characteristic of libido as the sexual potency of a particular person. Individual sexuality, both male and female, in all its diversity, it is necessary to develop and educate the right attitude to it from a certain childhood, it is important to learn to accept the individual diversity of sexual libido regardless of age and gender, as well as legislatively promote the further development of the entire spectrum of sexual realization for the benefit of a particular person and society as a whole. Sexual deviance is the psychophysiological properties of a person that make it difficult for his sexual realization. Sexual deviance, for example, fetish, shibari, etc. it is necessary to learn how to correctly perceive both society and the bearer of this deviance, to be able to realize it in real life for the benefit of oneself and the sexual partner, to psychologically understand the reasons for its presence in a person's sexual life, and in the future, if desired, and to be released to one degree or another from the corresponding psychophysiological qualities of sexual realization. Sexual paraphilia – psychophysiological properties that harm the person himself and/or his partner in sexual realization, up to criminal responsibility. Sexual paraphilia is characterized by strictly defined psychophysiological states of a person, such as, for example, pedophilia, necrophilia, exhibitionism, sadism, etc., which definitely need to be sublimated and transformed into acceptable and harmless forms of sexual realization, understanding the true cause of their occurrence in a particular person or in society as a whole and forming on this basis new individual and social priorities in this area of human relations. Asexual realization, of course, does not provide for the division of psychophysiological states of a person into the above categories. Asexual states can be classified only on the basis of the relevant legislation in force in a particular country. In other words, criminal law in society differentiates all asexual manifestations into those that comply with the existing legislation in a given country and those that violate it and entail a certain degree of criminal responsibility. Thus, in the sphere of sexual and asexual realization of a person, there are no distinctions or classifications into certain medical categories of norms and pathologies. There are misconceptions that inevitably, if nothing is done, will lead to one or another sexual transformation or even pathology, that is, already a disease as a nosological form of medical diagnosis. And these are not always diseases of the human genitals. Most often, just in the case of sexual and sexual dissatisfaction, completely different organs and systems of the human body suffer: cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous systems, as well as kidneys, liver, skin, etc. In some cases, misconceptions, especially in the sphere of asexual realization of a person, can lead to social disadvantage and even entail criminal liability, but, again, everything depends on the legislation of a particular country. Consequently, thoughts, cognitive and emotional beliefs, ideological narratives, both, for example, in politics, economics, culture, etc., and in the sphere of sexual realization of a person, of course, can be erroneous, but in themselves they are not and cannot be neither a disease nor a crime, otherwise everyone should to think and feel the same, which is socially unacceptable, and a priori impossible. But the consequences of these misconceptions after some time, perhaps even in subsequent generations, will inevitably manifest themselves to one degree or another, but already in the form of sexual transformations, medical pathology or even social problems, including criminal ones. It all depends on the semantic content of the delusions themselves and the duration of their impact on society or a particular person. That is why it is so important to recognize and eliminate erroneous beliefs in time, and instead develop and implement new conceptual categories and ideological priorities, including in the field of human realization by gender. Conclusion and conclusions. The theoretical approaches developed by us and the proposed definitions of conceptual categories in the field of sexual realization of a person, in no case, of course, do not deny all the variety of terminological interpretations existing in this field, which, undoubtedly, can be interesting and useful to many scientists and specialists of various schools and directions. At the same time, today there is an urgent need to radically change the policy in the field of gender relations by gender. The current worldview and the corresponding family and marriage legislation, in many and, first of all, in the so-called civilized countries, forms increasingly distorted gender values, which inevitably lead to the degradation of women and the death of men, at least as a reproductive principle. The whole spectrum of transformations in the sphere of sexual realization of a person in the modern world is, of course, the result of the existing social worldview and current legislation in this sphere of human activity. In other words, the main sources of unfavorable trends in the field of sexual realization of a person and the degree of their severity are, first of all, Family Codes and other accompanying legislative acts of a particular state. Therefore, if we really want the number of gay parades and other LGBT communities not to grow, but to decrease, then we need, first of all, not to fight them and their so-called propaganda, but to psychologically understand the reasons for their occurrence and spread in modern society. And these reasons, in our opinion, lie precisely in the cognitive environment, which is currently characterized, as shown in the article, by the lack of terminological unambiguity in the interpretation of sexuality and the entire spectrum of manifestations in the field of human sexual realization, as well as erroneous value orientations, including those legislatively approved in modern gender relations by gender. It is possible to change the situation for the better only by eliminating these reasons. And for this, it is necessary to form a new worldview and develop legislation corresponding to it. And the main meaning of this new worldview in the field of the realization of a person by gender should, in our opinion, consist in the following socio-psychological values: Firstly, it is fundamentally important to cognitively distinguish two forms of sexual realization of a person: sexual, as a relationship with the opposite sex, and asexual, in which the opposite sex is absent. It is categorically unacceptable, in our opinion, for the adequate development of social consciousness and the psyche of a particular person to designate sexual relationships that are completely different in their psychophysiological content and intellectual essence with the same term, as it is impossible, for example, to call all plants a tree or rain falling from above. This will inevitably lead to a distortion of the existing reality, which, unfortunately, happens in gender relations on the basis of race in modern society. Therefore, the division of the entire sphere of a person's sexual realization into sexual and asexual has long been, in our opinion, cognitively in demand, as a need for common sense and in practice, that is, in real life, such a worldview with a mental choice of sexual realization will definitely contribute in most cases to the formation of a person's value orientations and preferences for communication with the opposite sex. Secondly, in the sphere of sexual and asexual realization of a person, there are no distinctions or classifications into certain medical categories of norms and pathologies. There are delusions in practice, that is, in real life, as in any other sphere of human existence, there are already the results of delusions, but in themselves these delusions are not and cannot be either a disease or a crime. But the consequences of these misconceptions after some time, perhaps even in subsequent generations, will inevitably manifest themselves in the form of one or another sexual transformation, medical pathology or even social ill-being, including criminal nature. It all depends on the semantic content of the delusions themselves and the duration of their impact on society or a particular person. That is why it is so important to recognize and eliminate erroneous beliefs in time, and in return for them to develop and implement new conceptual categories and ideological values, including in the field of human realization by gender. In any case, medicine should make diagnoses and, accordingly, treat only when sexual realization or its absence causes harm to human health, which manifests itself in the form of a specific pathology of organs, tissues and /or body systems, and not in advance to declare this or that sexual or asexual manifestation, and even more so the attraction, a disease. In turn, Criminal Codes define the presence of a criminal component, that is, a crime, already as an action that harms another person or society as a whole. Everything else in the sexual and asexual realization of a person is the absolute norm in the generally accepted social and medical meaning of the word. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is very important to develop a new worldview that will contribute to the development of a person as a person by gender and increase the social authority of the status of male and female in all the diversity of their joint implementation by gender. And the main meaning of such a new worldview, in our opinion, is to implement the principles of equality and voluntariness in all forms of social and psychophysiological relationships based on gender between a man and a woman. We have considered these principles in detail in the article "Socio-psychological concept of the foundations of lawmaking in the field of family and marriage relations" [39]. Here we only emphasize that the equality of citizens of the country and the equality of men and women is the concept of equal legal (legislative) opportunities, but different, not the same responsibilities and responsibilities depending on one or another sphere of human activity, including in the sphere of relations between men and women by gender. And the realization of this Equality of the sexes is possible only under one condition, the condition of the action of another, no less important principle – the principle of Voluntariness. Its essence lies in the voluntary nature of all forms of gender relations based on gender, which in real life will mean compliance with the principle of gender equality, that is, equality of opportunities. And equality of opportunity provides for equality of responsibility, and equality of responsibility, in turn, can be realized in practice only when a person, regardless of gender, will be responsible only for his decisions in any field, including in the sphere of his implementation by gender. In the modern world, a woman always becomes a wife and mother – exclusively voluntarily. In addition, in many countries of the world, for example, in Germany, it is legally prescribed that a woman's personal life, even in marriage, is inviolable. The personal life of a man and his sexual realization should also not have an impact on his social or professional image, except, of course, actions of a criminal nature, which equally applies to the personal life of a woman. But in any case, both a woman and a man should always become a husband and, moreover, a father – exclusively voluntarily. In other words, the offer of sex is not an offer to get married, and even more so not an offer to become a father, although all of these offers are certainly beautiful in themselves and all of them must be present in real life. At the same time, of course, and this is the most important thing, family values and family marriage should have a priority ideological significance in the public consciousness, as an indicator of the level of maturity of a person's personality in relation to his sexual realization. At the same time, today it is necessary to realize and accept the existing objective reality, which is that one quality does not exist without another, as there is no, for example, plus without minus, light without darkness, etc. In other words, a strong family, as the most optimal condition for the development of a person's personality by gender, and then the social quality to which a person, as a rule, should strive in his personal life, nevertheless, and at the same time, as it may not seem surprising, cannot have its own social value and be a psychological priority without the presence in society of other forms of sexual relations, such as falling in love, romance and the sphere of sexual services. It is this worldview approach, in our opinion, that can really ensure gender equality in practice, and will also contribute to the comprehensive development of male and female personalities and increase their conscious social responsibility for their implementation by gender. Socio-psychologically, the relations of men and women in this area can be summarized as follows: A man is a source of life that forms femininity. A woman is a source of love, giving birth to masculine qualities. Thus, we, society as a whole, legislative institutions and the male and female mentality, in particular, are directly responsible for the entire spectrum of negative sexual transformation currently existing in society, which in turn, of course, inevitably affects both the reproductive function of a person and the entire way of family life.marriage relations in modern society. And, therefore, in order to correct this extremely dangerous gender trend, it is necessary to form a new worldview and develop appropriate legislation on this basis. Our proposed interpretation of sexuality and related other conceptual categories may have sufficient, in our opinion, social and individual psychological determinants for the formation of new ideological priorities in the public consciousness in relation to the development of a person as a person, taking into account gender, which ultimately will lead to the improvement of reproductive function, improvement of demographic indicators and in In general, it will contribute to improving the quality of life of a modern person in his social and physical realization by gender. References
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