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Police activity
Temnyakov, D.A. (2022). The formation of the moral culture of the police management. Police activity, 3, 31–40.
The formation of the moral culture of the police management
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0692.2022.3.38323EDN: JVHOWJReceived: 24-06-2022Published: 04-07-2022Abstract: The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the formation of the moral culture of managers.The object of the study are the basic principles and methods of forming the moral culture of the heads of police units. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the scientific understanding of the principles of the formation of the moral culture of the heads, reveals how the moral appearance of the head of police departments affects his relationship with subordinates in professional activity. The author focuses special attention on practical recommendations for improving the moral culture of the heads of police units. The author offers brief recommendations to the heads of various levels of police units. The work specifies normative legal acts regulating the observance of moral and ethical standards by police officers. The main conclusions of the study are the principles proposed by the author of the formation of the moral culture of the heads of police units, practical recommendations on the observance of moral and cultural norms by the heads and his relationship with subordinates in the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the consideration of specific principles of education of the best moral qualities in subordinates, characteristic only for employees of internal affairs bodies. The author defines the professional and moral education of police officers. The novelty of the study lies in the consideration of social factors affecting the moral and cultural properties of the personality of the head of police units. Keywords: morality, culture, police, Director, professional morality, education, principles of moral culture, professional growth, moral and moral appearance, improvement of moral cultureThis article is automatically translated. The successful activity of police officers directly depends on how they know the culture of official etiquette and perform the functions assigned to them. Working in any team requires an employee to be balanced, tolerant, respectful of colleagues and management, friendly, stress-resistant, and able to get out of any difficult situation painlessly. The main source of professional morality of police officers, of course, is their personal spiritual and moral development. One of the main problems that police officers face is the moral development of the individual. We do not have another such area, which is so necessary for the effective operation of modern police and is so difficult to solve with the help of ordinary moral and psychological training measures [2, p. 48]. Morality is the practical embodiment of moral ideals, goals and attitudes in various forms of social life, in the culture of human behavior and relations between them. In turn, the general concept of moral culture can be considered as a certain level of real assimilation by a person of progressive principles, norms and rules of morality in society, requirements and rules of etiquette accepted in society, and their practical application in relationships between individuals. By morality in this case we mean a form of social consciousness; a system of principles, norms and rules of human behavior that serves as a social basis for regulating their life. The structural elements of moral culture can be represented as follows: firstly, it is a system of moral prescriptions and requirements, moral and psychological attitudes that have developed in society, and specific social groups (large, medium and small). Secondly, the motivational field of moral actions and value orientations based on moral knowledge, volitional aspirations and emotional attitudes of the individual [1, p. 108]. Moral and cultural qualities are the core of the professional structure of the individual. Professional and moral education of police officers is the formation of their spirituality based on the highest moral ideals. The formation of a moral culture of a person depends on a number of conditions and terms such as: - Formation of consciousness of the connection between the individual and society, the dependence of the individual on society and the coordination of his behavior with the public. - Familiarization with the ideals of morality, the requirements of society, as well as evidence of their reasonableness and legality. - The transformation of moral knowledge into moral beliefs, the creation of a system of these beliefs. - Formation of stable moral feelings, high behavioral culture as one of the fundamental criteria for interaction with other members of society. - Formation of moral habits of the individual. The moral culture of the head, including the structural divisions of the police, is manifested exclusively in his actions and behavior towards people around him. It is not transmitted at the genotype level in the form of innate inclinations, but is formed only in the process of socialization of the individual. All the problems of creating conditions for the formation of moral culture in society affect the moral culture of the leader. And in this case, it is important to take into account all the principles and norms of morality enshrined in society when forming the moral culture of a leader. When a manager has a low level of moral culture, it should be borne in mind that he has few advantages. This is how we can briefly describe the role and importance of the moral culture of the leader in the process of his professional and personal growth. It is known that culture creates a personality in many ways, and the more of it, the more significant the personality. The lack of culture, including moral (ignorance, rudeness, rudeness and other imperfections of personal development), can damage career growth, and do not paint even the most fair and reasonable boss. Experience shows that those who have a large stock of spiritual and moral things grow by themselves with each new case and discover more and more human virtues in themselves. The moral culture of the head of a structural police unit is an integral part of the moral culture of the individual and society as a whole. In this regard, we can characterize the concept of moral culture of the head of a structural police unit as follows – this is a special degree of human development in terms of his holistic moral development, his consciousness and behavior. Based on the norms of morality, a set of moral qualities inherent in people of a certain class and certain professions, characterizing the level of their moral consciousness, in this case having a high legal and pedagogical culture. The moral culture of the head of the police is primarily manifested in honesty and integrity, care and attention to the needs and requests of subordinate personnel, in personal moral integrity, in strict compliance with Federal Law No. 342-FZ of 30.11.2011 "On Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", The Code of Ethics and Official Conduct of Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 460 dated June 26, 2020. The most important basis for the education of the best moral qualities in subordinates is the personal example of the leader. In order to form highly moral qualities in his subordinates, the leader must be a role model. It is extremely important for him to be guided not by the principle of "do as I said", but solely by the principle of "do as I do!". Following the rule "like begets like", the personnel will adequately "mirror" their leader and thereby form the best qualities of a highly moral personality. The fundamental principle of the moral culture of the leader is the unity of word and deed. "Business is the best kind of word" – this is what the head must first prove to his subordinates if he really wants to be considered morally worthy. The most dangerous for the psyche in general and the moral health of a person in particular is not so much the so–called "split personality" (the discrepancy between words and deeds), but the "disorder" of a person when he thinks one thing, says another, and does the third. Such "weather vane" behavior (i.e., I will say what is necessary, I will do what is beneficial) is very dangerous for a person's mental health and will inevitably lead him to personal degradation and mental illness. It is extremely important for any leader in his professional activity to get away from the temptation of false greatness (popularity, titles, position in society, fame, fortune and honors), and strives for true greatness (this is what a person really is: his character, integrity, real motivations and desires). Unfortunately, not all heads of police departments do this. In the process of their professional, but not always personal growth, they have learned that it is important not to be a moral, honest, decent and cultured person, but to appear to them. However, do not forget that: firstly, the effect of "ostentatious decency" significantly undermines the authority of the head, which does not allow him to effectively manage his subordinates. Secondly, the constant demonstration of "only external decency" can lead to moral degradation of a person, which, in the end, will affect his further mental and moral development. Sometimes, when communicating with one or another manager who has become a psychotherapist's patient due to some illness, the diagnosis looks like this: "physically healthy, mentally healthy, but personally ill." And most often, this disease is a consequence of moral degradation of the individual. And, thirdly, it is important to learn that in order to appear to be a decent, cultured, intelligent and highly moral leader, you need at least to be one [3, p. 12]. The most important manifestation of the moral culture of the head of the police department is his ability to share his experience and socially positive guidelines with subordinates. This skill is a derivative of the well–known principle of interpersonal relations - the principle of "altruistic egoism". Its essence is that it is impossible to get anything from others - care, love and attention, without giving it to people. "What I gave is yours," says one of the wonderful postulates of Christianity, because it lays the foundation for moral relations between people. Only by giving his subordinates his attention, a positive attitude, the manager can count on the fact that the care shown and the same positive attitude will return to him back. The law of bestowal not only exists, but also triumphs in most cases – "the giver must receive." Practice confirms that what is the moral character of the head, such are the whole: the system of law enforcement agencies (mega-level of causality), the Ministry of Internal Affairs (macro-level), a structural unit, a specific team of employees (micro-level). This once again confirms the position on the need for a well-thought-out and balanced personnel policy of law enforcement agencies to nominate people with the highest and impeccable moral culture to senior positions. Tips-recommendations for improving the moral culture of the head of police units: Try to make sure that you are useful to the team. Only if a person benefits others if he feels useful to them. It is important to be in demand and useful for people. A person feels needed when he is in demand. He was in demand when he became a person, and first of all, a highly moral one. First of all, look inside yourself, and you will see what needs to be improved there. To change for the better, you first need to understand your imperfection. That is why the process of self-improvement is almost impossible without self-awareness. To be closer to perfection, it is necessary to realize your imperfection and strive to correct it. You can see so many imperfections and weaknesses in your soul that you will have enough work for a lifetime to first put yourself in order [4, p. 47]. Reduce the level of your antipathy to your subordinates. And this applies even to those who objectively deserve condemnation. Do not forget that you have no right to give free rein to your negative emotions towards your subordinates. Be wise, but don't tell anyone about it. A wise leader will never boast about his victories, but will give others the opportunity to talk about their victories and achievements. Don't tell other people what they think of you. Be reasonable, use your intelligence only for good. In most cases, this is exactly what a highly moral leader does, knowing that the perfect mind that follows base and immoral goals deserves condemnation. In no case should you take revenge on your abusers. Be above it. In fact, an emotionally mature person will never react negatively to criticism and accusations against himself. A person who wants to "repay" the same, that is, with an objection or a similar reproach, automatically descends to the level of intellectual development of his abuser. Never allow this to happen. Learn to understand that the words and deeds of people around you can only hurt your self-esteem when you give them inflated evaluative values. Learn to behave politely and correctly with those you don't like. Do not communicate or cooperate with those who show aggression, rudeness and disrespect for other people. Be careful with such people. If you hate them, then be tolerant of them in communication. And not only be polite, but also show virtue. It is not enough just to wish for good (i.e. to be benevolent), you need to do good (to be virtuous). "A good tree, as you know, is recognized by good fruits." This means that it is only by the results of activity, and not by good intentions, that one can judge the virtue of a leader. Remember that there will always be good, high deeds, and kind words, as a rule, are forgotten. The honesty and decency of a leader can be determined by his specific deeds, not words. And in conclusion, I would like to mention a few brief recommendations to the heads of various levels of police units: - Learn to tolerate the imperfection of others, because this is a sign of the highest perfection. - Do not envy, sincerely rejoice in the successes of your colleagues and subordinates. - Be modest, do not demonstrate your education – this is not why you were taught (in prestigious educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). - Remember that setting a positive attitude towards subordinates always causes them a similar backlash. - Try not only to "advise", but also to "consult" with subordinates. Not only to "teach" them, but also to "learn" from them everything that brings them closer to the moral ideal. - Remember that it is best to follow the path of virtue to great moral perfection. - Beware of everything that is not approved by your conscience. References
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