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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Rostovtseva, M.V., Kolkova, S.M., Butenko, V.N., Mashanov, A.A., Skutina, T.V. (2022). Gender and age differences as factors of autoaggressive behavior of adolescents. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 105–120.
Gender and age differences as factors of autoaggressive behavior of adolescents
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2022.3.38278EDN: VEKLWOReceived: 16-06-2022Published: 15-09-2022Abstract: The subject of the study is gender and age differences as factors of autoaggressive behavior of adolescents. An empirical study was conducted at secondary school No. 2 in the village of Yemelyanovo, Krasnoyarsk Krai. The analysis of gender differences in age dynamics and the prevalence of forms of suicidal behavior showed that among young men, students in grade 9, there was no pronounced dynamics in the prevalence of various forms of suicidal behavior. There is a tendency to a noticeable increase in suicide attempts in the 10th grade-2%, in 11-3%. A similar trend was observed in the prevalence of suicidal intentions. The level of intentional self-harm is higher in grade 10. In teenage girls, unlike boys, the first peak of autoaggressive manifestations is observed in the 9th grade. Then the level of suicidal attempts, suicidal intentions and intentional self-harm is significantly reduced. The results of the study showed that the forms of suicidal behavior in which autoaggression is manifested, suicidal intentions are most common in both girls (36%) and boys (29%). Suicidal intentions in this case include frequent thoughts and ideas about their own death. About 2% of girls and 8% of boys committed suicide attempts, which had a demonstrative, "blackmail" or protest character. For adolescent boys, such risk indicators as aggressive behavior, a tendency to vandalism, and a tendency to risk were more significant. For girls, the more characteristic risk indicators were lack of attention, a tendency to tantrums, a feeling of loneliness, etc. Common trends for boys and girls are: low self-esteem, friendship with older people, short temper, disappointment in personal life. Keywords: suicide, suicidal behavior, autoaggression, teenagers, gender differences, age differences, the level of subjective control, auto-aggressive behavior, risk of suicidal behavior, age dynamicsThis article is automatically translated. In critical epochs, such as now, the problem of life and death becomes particularly important when large-scale changes are taking place in society, covering all spheres of human existence. The era in which we live is so critical in many ways. The negative consequences of crises form a specific attitude to the value of life in general and, in particular, to the value of one's own life [3, 4]. Currently, the problems of psychological distress of the younger generation have intensified, one of which, and perhaps the most important and significant, is a clear decrease in the value of one's own life. This is evidenced by the increase in the number of suicidal attempts and completed suicides, the rapidly developing anesthesia and alcoholization of young people, increased interest in extreme forms of leisure activities, preference for the virtual world to the real one [5, 6, 7]. Increasingly, the younger generation is coming to spiritual devastation, loss of moral guidelines, transformation of gender roles in modern society. That is why the problem of autoaggression becomes especially important during adolescence. This is confirmed by the high prevalence of suicide attempts among adolescents. And this is not surprising, because it is at this stage of development and personality formation that ideas about the surrounding world expand, the teenager begins to realize his "maturity". Time and space are perceived differently. There comes a period of numerous interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts, misunderstandings on the part of loved ones []. A large number of works are devoted to the topic of autoaggression in adolescents. Ambrumova A.G., Vrono E.M., Ratinova N.A. studied the factors of suicidal behavior of adolescents[1,2]. Age differences and gender-specific features of autoaggression were considered Enikolopov, D. B. Yerofeyeva; B.P. Yakovlev, O.G. Litovchenko, 2019).Foreign researchers (Berger, 2019; Hennington, Hughes, Cavell and Thompson, 2020; Similarly, Burman, Tisdall and Brown, 2020) revealed that the number of suicides among girls has increased recently. The problem of gender differences in autoaggressive behavior is important in the context of self-identification and self-determination by girls and boys of their social and gender roles, as well as the results of research on such topics can be used in the development of measures to prevent suicidal behavior and the development of a productive work strategy in general education and specialized educational institutions [8, 9, 10]. The purpose of this study was to identify gender and age differences in autoaggressive behavior. The object of the study is autogression. The subject is gender and age differences of autoaggression in adolescents. In connection with the described problem, a study was conducted on 66 teenagers of the Yemelyanov secondary school No.2. The study involved 33 boys and 33 girls. The characteristics of the sample are presented in Table 1
Table 1 – Age and gender characteristics of the sample
The ethnic composition of the studied adolescents was as follows: 97% were Russians, 3% were Armenians. The socio-economic status of the families in which the study participants were brought up was high in 4%, average - in 86%, low - in 10% of cases. 78% were brought up in full families, 22% in incomplete families. The study was carried out using the following methods: "Mini-Cartoon questionnaire (abbreviated version of MMPI)", "Characterological accentuations of personality and neuropsychological instability", "Method of studying the level of subjective control (USC)", "Method of diagnosis of interpersonal relationships T.Leary", "Method of family relations Rene Gilles", "Method studies of suicidal behavior "Suicide control". The use of the USC methodology in the framework of this study was aimed at identifying the level of subjective control over a variety of life situations. The results obtained are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
Figure 1- Indicators of the level of subjective control in young men
Figure 2 - Indicators of the level of subjective control in girls
Thus, analyzing the results obtained, the following trends can be traced. The overall indicator of the level of subjective control, both in boys and girls, is quite high. The prevalence of high indicators according to these scales indicates a high level of subjective control over any life situations, emotionally positive events, etc. Low indicators indicate a low level of subjective control, inability to objectively assess various life situations and build relationships with others. Thus, young men, students in grade 9, have indicators on the USC scales mainly higher than in grades 10 and 11. That is, taking into account the age dynamics of young men, it is possible to trace the trend of a decline in high indicators with each subsequent age category. In girls, the opposite trend is observed. Low rates are mainly common among 9th grade students. Then, in grades 10 and 11, their significant growth is observed. The results obtained using the USC methodology already allow us to consider the existing gender and age differences in adolescents. Already at this stage of the study, it can be assumed that adolescents with low levels of subjective control are more predisposed to the formation and manifestation of autoaggression, since the inability to objectively assess various life situations and respond adequately in critical cases can lead to various autoaggressive actions. Further, at the second stage of the study, these results will be subjected to additional qualitative and quantitative analysis to identify and study the risk indicators of autoaggression. The use of the Mini-Cartoon technique (abbreviated version of MMPI) in the framework of this study was aimed at studying the personal characteristics, mental states and the degree of adaptation of the subjects. The results obtained are shown in Figures 3 and 4.
Figure 3- Indicators on the Mini-Cartoon scales for young men
Figure 4- Indicators on the Mini-Cartoon scales for young men
Thus, as a result of the ratios of quantitative indicators of the basic scales of the Mini-Cartoon questionnaire, dominant scales were identified, each of which determines the degree of severity of a particular personal tendency. The analysis of the results showed that the leading scales determining the personal profile of young men are the scales: "Optimism", "Individualism" and "Impulsivity". The advantage of these indicators, on the one hand, indicates a pronounced independence of judgments and actions, vital activity, sociability, etc. But on the other hand, in some situations, increased impulsivity, a tendency to inappropriate behavior, irritability, etc. may manifest. The prevalence of high indicators according to these scales can be traced both among 9th grade students and among 10th and 11th grade students. The only difference is the percentage ratio, which, as can be seen, increases with each subsequent age category (see Table 3.3). There are some differences in the age groups of girls. Among 9th and 10th grade students, the following scales are the leading ones: "Emotional lability", "Individualism" and "Impulsivity". High indicators according to these scales indicate increased sensitivity to environmental influences, instability of emotional states, lack of attention, increased impulsivity, irritability, etc. For girls, students in the 11th grade, the leading scales are: "Emotional lability", "Optimism", "Impulsivity". The prevalence of high indicators according to these scales indicates a high level of optimism, a stenic type of reaction, instability of emotional states, lack of attention, increased impulsivity, etc. Considering the percentage ratio in the age categories of girls, it is possible to trace the opposite trend to the indicators of boys. Here, with each age category, the percentage level on each leading scale, as can be seen, decreases (see Table 3.3). In general, analyzing the personal profile of boys and girls in different age categories, it is necessary to note the significant similarity of the dominant scales. This similarity, despite a number of gender differences, is certainly explained by the peculiarities of adolescence, which set their own behavioral and personal development trends. As you know, communication with peers in adolescence is a leading activity. It is here that the norms of social behavior and moral norms are mastered, relations of equality and respect for each other are established here, here a teenager is looking for his "I" and trying to assert himself. The study of the sphere of interpersonal relations was carried out using T.Leary's methodology, which is designed to study ideas about oneself and the ideal "I", as well as to study relationships in small groups. The indicators obtained using this technique made it possible to identify the prevailing types of attitudes towards others. Their prevalence within the age and gender categories is shown in Figures 5 and 6.
Figure 5- Indicators of the prevalence of types of attitudes towards others in young men
Figure 6- Indicators of the prevalence of types of relationships to others in girls
Thus, the analysis of the obtained results made it possible to identify the prevailing types of attitudes towards others. As you can see, in young men such types are aggressive and selfish. The predominance of these types indicates a tendency to rivalry, self-orientation, cruelty, straightforwardness, etc. When considering the indicators by age categories, there is a noticeable tendency to increase the percentage ratio for the prevailing types of relationships. In girls, the friendly and selfish type is dominant. High indicators for these types indicate a tendency to cooperation, compromise, friendliness, but at the same time, the presence of selfish traits and self-orientation. It is also important to take into account the fact that when considering the age categories of girls, there is a pronounced tendency to decrease quantitative indicators by egoistic type, and a tendency to increase by friendly type (see Table 3.4). The predominance of the egoistic type in both girls and boys, of course, can be explained by the peculiarities of their age period. But the dominance of the friendly type in girls and the aggressive type in boys is primarily explained by gender differences. Using the projective technique of Rene Gilles, the sphere of intra-family relationships of adolescents was investigated. Of course, dissatisfaction in relationships with parents during adolescence worsens. And it is already theoretically possible to assume that intra-family conflicts can be indicators of the risk of autoaggression. Therefore, within the framework of this study, the application of the Rene Gilles methodology was primarily aimed at identifying the degree of satisfaction with adolescents with relationships within the family. The results obtained are presented in Figures 7 and 8. .
Figure 7- Indicators of the degree of satisfaction with intra-family relationships among young men
Figure 8 - Indicators of the degree of satisfaction with intra-family relationships among girls
The analysis of the results showed that a high degree of satisfaction with intra-family relationships is observed only in young men, students in the 9th grade. In other age categories, there is a significant decrease in these indicators. Girls mostly have a low degree of satisfaction with intra-family relationships, despite the fact that in grades 10 and 11 there is a noticeable trend of growth in quantitative indicators, relative to grade 9. The indicators obtained as a result of the study of the spheres of interpersonal and family relations are of high practical importance. After all, teenagers who have not found a system that satisfies their communication both in the family and among peers are most prone to autoaggression and its manifestation in various forms of suicidal behavior. Using the methodology "Characterological accentuations of personality and neuropsychological instability", within the framework of this study, the peculiarities of the manifestation of the characterological accentuations of the personality of respondents were revealed. Based on the analysis of the numerical values obtained, given in a 9-point scale, for each accentuation, taking into account the ratio of the severity of a particular character trait, the leading types were identified. Thus, the analysis of the results showed that the most pronounced characterological accentuations of personality in girls in grades 9, 10 and 11 are hysteroid (in grade 9 - 42%, in grade 10- 35%, in 11-33%) and explosive (in grade 9- 36%, in 10-33%, in 11-29%) types. Despite the fact that the percentages on these scales decrease with each subsequent category, these types remain dominant. In boys, in all three age categories, hysteroid and explosive forms of accentuation are the leading ones, as well as in girls. But the trend of growth of quantitative indicators for these types attracts attention. So, if in the 9th grade the percentage ratio for the hysteroid form was 30%, and for the explosive form - 28%, then in the 10th grade for the first type - 35%, for the second-30%. And in the 11th grade, the indicators in the hysteroid form exceeded 40%, in the explosive form - 37%. High indicators according to these scales indicate demonstrative behavior, egocentrism, lack of attention, increased irritability, etc. (Figure 9, 10).
Figure 9- Characterological accentuations of personality and neuropsychological instability in young men
Figure 10- Characterological accentuations of personality and neuropsychological instability in girls
The second stage of the study was primarily aimed at additional qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained at the previous stage. The data obtained using the methods "Mini-Cartoon (abbreviated version of MMPI)", "Characterological accentuations of personality and neuropsychological instability", "Method of studying the level of subjective control (USC)", "Method of diagnosis of interpersonal relationships T.Leary", "Method of family relations Rene Gilles" revealed indicators of the risk of autoaggression in to assess the gender differences in their prevalence and age dynamics. The results obtained are presented in Table 2.
Table 2-Gender differences in risk indicators of autoaggressive behavior, their prevalence and age dynamics
Thus, the analysis of the identified indicators of the risk of autoaggressive behavior in adolescents allowed us to draw the following conclusions. Table 2 shows that in girls, the percentage of prevalence of risk indicators decreases markedly with each subsequent age category. The opposite trend is common among young men, that is, the percentage indicator increases with each subsequent age category. The analysis of gender differences in the prevalence and age dynamics of autoaggression risk indicators in adolescents revealed the following trends. The most common general risk indicators for both boys and girls are: low self-esteem, friendship with older people, short temper, disappointment in personal life, etc. At the same time, gender differences were also observed. So, for adolescent boys, such risk indicators as aggressive behavior, a tendency to vandalism, and a tendency to risk were more significant. For girls, the more characteristic risk indicators were lack of attention, a tendency to tantrums, a feeling of loneliness, etc. And, finally, the final stage of the research within the framework of this thesis was the analysis of the results obtained using methods of controlling suicidal behavior "Suicide control". Using this technique, gender differences in the prevalence and age dynamics of various forms of suicidal behavior were investigated. The results obtained are presented in Figure 11.
Figure 3.1- Gender differences in the prevalence of forms of suicidal behavior
As can be seen from this graph, of the forms of suicidal behavior in which autoaggression manifests, suicidal intentions are most common in both girls (36%) and boys (29%). Suicidal intentions in this case include frequent thoughts and ideas about their own death. About 2% of girls and 8% of boys committed suicide attempts that were demonstrative, "blackmail" or protest. Protest self-harm was committed by less than 15% of girls and 9% of boys, impulsive self-harm: 10% of girls, 8% of boys; self-harm with group motivation: 5% of girls, 7% of boys. True suicide attempts were the most rare: 3% in girls and 5% in boys. The age dynamics of the prevalence of various forms of autoaggression in boys and girls is shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13.
Figure 12-Age dynamics of the prevalence of forms of suicidal behavior in boys aged 14-17
Figure 13. Age dynamics of the prevalence of forms of suicidal behavior in girls aged 14-17
Thus, the analysis of gender differences in age dynamics and the prevalence of forms of suicidal behavior showed that among young men, students in grade 9, there was no pronounced dynamics in the prevalence of various forms of suicidal behavior. In the future, there is a tendency to a noticeable increase in suicide attempts in the 10th grade-2%, in 11-3%. A similar trend was observed in the prevalence of suicidal intentions. The level of intentional self-harm, on the contrary, is noticeably higher in the 10th grade. In adolescent girls, unlike boys, the first peak of autoaggressive manifestations is observed in the 9th grade. Then the level of suicidal attempts, suicidal intentions and intentional self-harm is significantly reduced. So, summarizing all the results obtained in this study, it was possible, firstly, to identify indicators of the risk of autoaggression in adolescents, to trace their prevalence and age dynamics, and secondly, to assess gender differences in the prevalence and age dynamics of various forms of suicidal behavior in which autoaggression manifests itself. Thus, the analysis of gender differences in the prevalence and age dynamics of autoaggression risk indicators in adolescents revealed that common general risk indicators for both boys and girls are: low self-esteem, friendship with older people, short temper, frustration in personal life, etc. Gender differences manifested in the fact that for in adolescent boys, such risk indicators as aggressive behavior, a tendency to vandalism, and a tendency to risk were more significant. For girls, the more characteristic risk indicators were lack of attention, a tendency to tantrums, a feeling of loneliness, etc. The analysis of gender differences in the age dynamics of autoaggression risk indicators in adolescents revealed that such risk indicators as aggressive behavior, tendency to vandalism, and tendency to risk were more significant for adolescent boys. For girls, the more characteristic risk indicators were lack of attention, a tendency to tantrums, a feeling of loneliness, etc. Common trends for boys and girls are: low self-esteem, friendship with older people, short temper, disappointment in personal life. Thus, the data obtained can be used in the development of measures for the prevention of suicidal behavior and the development of a productive strategy for working with boys and girls in general education and specialized educational institutions, in social assistance centers, psychologists-consultants in providing first aid to persons in a borderline state. References
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