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Urban Studies
Loginova, Y.A. (2022). Comprehensive scientific research in the necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow and the necropolis of the XVIII century Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. Urban Studies, 2, 1–14.
Comprehensive scientific research in the necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow and the necropolis of the XVIII century Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2022.2.37799Received: 31-03-2022Published: 07-04-2022Abstract: The subject of the study is the methods of complex research that precede repair and restoration work in the necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow and in the necropolis of the XVIII century Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. Historical – archival and bibliographic studies, field studies, studies on volume parameters and special engineering and technological studies are considered as integral stages of an integrated approach. The author also examines in detail the historical aspect of the formation of objects and the current physical condition of monuments. The purpose of the work is the historical and architectural formation and preservation of necropolis complexes in the process of complex repair and restoration work. For the first time, the article provides a comprehensive overview of scientific types of research on memorial sculpture objects, architectural and artistic tombstones based on project documentation. The conclusion is formulated that comprehensive scientific research should be strictly mandatory in full, and not selective. This approach will allow not only to preserve the objects of memorial sculpture, but also to restore them in historical form using the most authentic materials and technologies. It is also emphasized that historical necropolises are full-fledged objects of historical research, the study of which is important not only in itself, but also as part of the history of art and the history of urban planning. The necessity of further study of the stated topic with a more in-depth study of the introduction of mandatory permanent monitoring of the state of preservation of monuments of necropolises to prevent further intensive destruction of unique monuments of memorial art was noted. Keywords: restoration, conservation, necropolis, anthropogenic pollution, burial, monument, comprehensive research, field studies, bibliographic research, engineering researchThis article is automatically translated. Introduction Necropolis of the XVIII century Alexander – Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg and the Necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow are unique open–air museums, they are in charge of works of memorial art made of stone that are outstanding in their artistic value and historical significance. The necropolis of the XVIII century is the oldest cemetery in St. Petersburg, its history begins in 1717 (although individual burials were made earlier), V.P. Golovin in the book "From amulet to monument" wrote: "The Old Monastery occupies a special place among the historical and artistic attractions of St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg. It is known not only as a complex of remarkable architectural structures and sculptural collections of the 18th and 19th centuries. Together with the branch of the museum – necropolis "Literary bridges" – Holy – Troitskaya Alexandro – Russian graves The Nevsky Lavra is a Russian pantheon, famous for many "great" graves" [1]. The necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow is almost 200 years older than the Necropolis of the XVIII century. It was founded by decree of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich in 1592 in memory of the events of 1591, when Moscow repelled the raid of the Crimean Tatars under the leadership of Khan Kazy-Giray [2]. The unique ensemble of the monastery was formed during the XVIII–XIX centuries: a new fence was erected, temples and stone civil buildings were built. These objects have survived to the present day [3] One of the main requirements for a stone is its durability, which is determined by its mechanical strength and resistance to weathering. The "Architect's Handbook" provides data on the durability of stone: the first signs of destruction of granite products appear for about 500 years, marble – in 150 years, sandstone – in 100 years [4]. The destruction of stone in an urban (anthropogenic) environment proceeds much faster than in natural conditions [5]. The reason is the peculiarities of urban ecosystems, where the influence of the anthropogenic factor comes to the fore. Thus, the processes of destruction of natural stone in man-made ecosystems take on an accelerated character and are caused by the complex impact of physical, chemical and biological factors on the material, which are closely interrelated [6]. The state of the environment, and accordingly the degree of its impact on materials, is becoming more and more aggressive. The main tasks of modern restoration science are to use conservation (restoration) techniques aimed at stabilizing the state of preservation of monuments and, in some cases, removing them from an emergency state [7]. Artistic tombstones of the Necropolis of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg and the Necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery in Moscow are made of various types of natural stone and are unique works of memorial sculpture of their time. Varieties of marble, limestone, sandstone and granite (as well as other materials), diverse in color, are exposed to numerous types of destruction over time when being outdoors. The preservation of monuments was also affected by the reconstruction of cemeteries in the pre-war period, numerous destructions in the post-war period [8]. A large number of artistic tombstones are in disrepair, as restoration work has often not been carried out on them since their creation. The monuments of Necropolises have been exposed to an aggressive environment for a long time. Interconnected processes of chemical, biological and physical weathering gradually destroy the material of monuments. The intensity of these processes significantly depends on the air pollution and soil cover, as well as on the biological environment [9]. The task of preserving the rarest historically formed memorial ensembles presents great difficulties. A set of permanent measures is required, aimed both at maintaining the state of preservation of monuments and at their scientific restoration. A comprehensive approach to the restoration of cultural heritage objects, including Necropolis monuments, is enshrined in Federal Law No. 73-FZ of June 25, 2002 "On Cultural Heritage Objects (Historical and Cultural Monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation", as well as by-laws, national standards and other documents aimed at implementing the norms of the Federal Law No. 73 – FZ. Thus, the code of restoration rules (PSA) defines complex scientific research as a stage of pre-project work, consisting of highly specialized studies, the results of which later serve as initial data for the development of project / working documentation [10]: · Historical – archival and bibliographic research; · Field studies; · Studies on volumetric parameters and special engineering and technological studies. Usually, the specific composition of the "Complex Scientific Research" stage is described in sufficient detail by the security body in the issued work assignment. In practice, this is how the body for the protection of cultural heritage objects regulates the depth and details of the future project and the works themselves for the preservation of the monument. The object of research in this work is the necropolis of the Don Stavropol Monastery and the necropolis of the XVIII century Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. The subject of the study is the methods of complex research that precede the repair and restoration work of the necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery and the necropolis of the XVIII century. The purpose of the work is the historical and architectural formation and preservation of necropolis complexes in the process of complex repair and restoration work. Materials and methods. In the course of the study, the methods of complex research were studied: historical and archival, bibliographic, field and engineering studies related to the object under study. After collecting the initial data, their systematization and analysis were carried out. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time an integrated approach to the restoration of memorial monuments based on project documentation is analyzed. The main part The materials of complex scientific research are part of the approved part of the restoration project and are submitted for approval of the project to the state bodies for the protection of cultural heritage objects as a justification for the design decisions taken. Comprehensive scientific research always begins with historical, archival and bibliographic research. They include: · extracts from archival and bibliographic sources that make it possible to determine the history of the object; · iconographic and illustrative materials; · bibliographic list and list of museum collections and archival files containing information about the object and its analogues; · a list of previously developed scientific and design documentation for restoration or information about previously carried out restoration work; · historical information (a brief history of the area; a brief description of the surrounding historical development; information about architects, builders, owners of the object, etc.). Very often, working with the iconographic material of archives helps restorers to restore the lost appearance of the monument or attribute it. The shape, composition, decorative elements of the tombstones reveal the symbolic meaning of the tombstone. For example, an overhead cartouche with a family coat of arms from a tombstone from the Necropolis of the XVIII century during archival, heraldic studies allows attributing the noble family of the buried – the Chelishchev family (Fig.1). The information, as part of the research, was found in the Russian State Historical Archive in the "General Coat of Arms of the noble families of the Russian Empire" [11]. Fig. 1. Marble cartouche from the tombstone of A.B. Chelishchev (1800s, Necropolis of the XVIII century, State The Museum of Urban Sculpture) and the coat of arms of the Chelishchev family (RGIA archive). The next stage of complex research can be called field studies. Field studies include measurement work (for example, architectural and archaeological measurements) with access to drawings, cartograms of defects, description of types (soundings, pits, autopsies) of surveys of structural and other elements (including laboratory studies, if necessary), analysis of the characteristic historical stages of the development of the object, specialized technical and scientific research (hydrology, archeology, dendrology). At this stage of research, a technological study of the materials of the monument can be carried out for attribution, as well as for the selection of restoration compositions according to the characteristics of the type of stone. For example, let's consider a lithological study of the materials of the elements of the tombstone monument in the form of a Sarcophagus (nameless) inventory No. 1809, located on the territory of the identified cultural heritage object "Necropolis of the Don Monastery, XVIII-XX centuries." To conduct lithological studies and identify natural stone by the customer of this study, 2 samples were selected and provided from the surface of the pedestal of the "sarcophagus" of the nameless burial No. 1809. Moscow, the necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery, XVIII-XX centuries, consider one of them (Fig. 2). The study was carried out by optical microscopy. The petrographic study of the samples provided was carried out using a binocular microscope for accurate scientific studies of relief, volumetric and flat-polished objects. A system for precise scientific studies of micro-objects (identification of various transparent minerals, micro-excavated paleontological remains and their structures) in reflected and transmitted light under conditions of high optical clarity was used to analyze the cuts in passing polarized light. The analysis of the obtained samples was carried out in the laboratory of optical microscopy of the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences [12].
Fig. 2. Sample for research from an unknown Sarcophagus, Necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery, XVIII-XIX centuries. A – general view of the selected sample; B – scanned image of the finished section; B, D – macrophotography of the sample in reflected light under a binocular microscope (Qtz – quartz; Fe – ozheleznenie); D – the place of sampling. As a result of optical microscopy, the following were determined: the name of the rock, texture, structure, color, mineral composition, conditions for the formation of the rock. And also a conclusion was given about the possibility of using analog rocks for restoration, suitable in composition, color and structure of the rock. Also, by the method of microscopic determination, at this stage of research, a survey of the state of preservation of the layers of decorative and protective coating of the elements of the tombstone monument can be carried out. The purpose of these studies is to determine the composition of decorative and preservative coatings preserved on the elements of the tombstone monument. For example, using this method on the identified object of cultural heritage "Necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery, XVIII-XX centuries": Burial with the tombstone of M.V.Golitsyn (1759-1815), it was possible to determine the presence of the smallest fragments of gold leaf on the buried surface of the signs of the memorial inscription (Fig. 3-4). Archival information did not provide information on this issue, it was also not possible to visually determine the presence or absence of a decorative coating of the memorial inscription. In Figure 3, the buried signs of the memorial inscription have surface contamination and initial biological fouling, the text is not readable.
Fig. 3. A fragment with a dedicatory inscription. The identified object of cultural heritage "The Necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery, XVIII-XX centuries.": Burial with the tombstone of M.V.Golitsyn (1759-1815).
Fig. 4. The smallest fragments of gold foil with remnants of red soil, magnification X100. The identified object of cultural heritage "The Necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery, XVIII-XX centuries.": Burial with the tombstone of M.V.Golitsyn (1759-1815). According to the results of this study, a combined cleaning of the surface of the signs from the destroyed layers and the application of a new decorative coating in the technique of gold leaf gilding on Mordan oil varnish was recommended. At the same time, it is recommended to use gold leaf for external use [13]. Biological laboratory studies are also carried out as part of field studies. Let's consider the conclusion based on the results of a biological examination of the tombstone monument of Olenina Varvara Mikhailovna, located on the territory of the Museum Necropolis of the XVIII century Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. The examination was carried out in order to identify biological damage to the material. Visual examination of the sculpture of the mourner shows a developed microbial community, almost completely covering the marble (Fig.5).
Fig. 5. The gravestone monument of Olenina Varvara Mikhailovna in the Necropolis of the XVIII century Alexander Nevsky Lavra (fragment). Biofilm on the marble surface of the statue, consisting of colonies of dark-colored fungi, layers of lichens and algae plaque.
Samples of biological plaque were taken (algae plaque, colonies of dark-colored fungi, fragments of lichen layers), as well as mud deposits with subsequent transfer of particles of biological objects and contaminants to the surface of the nutrient medium. The agarized medium of Chapek-Dox was used as a nutrient medium (Fig. 6). Samples of biological plaque are always taken by a non-damaging method, using a cotton swab [14].
Fig.6. Growth of colonies of microscopic fungi on the surface of the nutrient medium in a Petri dish. As a result of a biological study, 11 species of micromycetes and non-spore-bearing light-colored fungi were isolated from the marble surface of the sculpture of the mourner with a touch of algae, mud layers, colonies of dark-colored fungi and lichen layers. It was concluded that the tombstone monument is covered with a coating of algae of varying intensity, colonies of dark-colored fungi and layers of scale lichens, biocidal treatment of the monument was recommended before the start of restoration work. Field studies transferred to drawings are called "Cartograms of defects, losses". They give a detailed idea of the state of preservation of the monument upon admission to restoration. This is one of the mandatory and extremely important stages of the study of the monument before restoration work. Cartograms of defects in four projections (front view, left view, rear view, right view) are necessarily compiled for each tombstone monument that goes into restoration.
Fig. 7. Cartogram of defects. A canopy with a fence. Burial with the tombstone of I.I.Baryshnikov (1792-1829). Donskoy Monastery (Moscow, Donskaya Square, 1). For example, Figure 7 shows a cartogram of defects of the monument "Burial with the tombstone of I.I.Baryshnikov (1792-1829). Donskoy Monastery", rear view. The cartogram shows the types of destruction that were recorded according to the results of a full-scale survey of the monument: deformation (curvature) of the element, displacement of the element due to loss of connection, metal stratification, loss of gilding, loss of elements, loss of fasteners (rivets), black organic seals / films /crusts, foreign spots of various origin (rust, streaks) et al. [15] The next stage of complex research is research on volume parameters and special engineering and technological research. They may contain summary analytics, conclusions on load-bearing capacity and accident rate, drawings of general types, components and structural elements, fixing pits, a report with conclusions on engineering and instrumental studies and other specialized technical and scientific research. Some engineering and technological studies are strictly mandatory. Without fail, work is carried out on each tombstone to survey the foundations by the method of performing pits in order to determine the depth of laying and the technical condition of the foundations. For example, Figure 8 shows the pit of the foundation of the identified object of cultural heritage "Necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery, XVIII-XX centuries.": Burial with a tombstone of V.M.Urusova, nee. Yashmanitskaya (1818-1888). The depth of the pit is about 0.5 m, the thickness of the foundation ranges from 435 to 450 mm. According to the results of the study, it was established: the foundation of the tombstone is a rubble masonry of ceramic bricks on lime-sand mortar, the foundation mortar is destroyed, there is destruction and chipping of the masonry bricks, due to uneven soil sediments, the tombstone has lost its vertical position, a conclusion was made about the need to dismantle the old foundation and install the tombstone on a new slab of monolithic reinforced concrete. The conclusion on the restoration of the operational reliability of the object must always be implemented during the restoration work.
Fig. 8. The pit of the foundation of the identified object of cultural heritage "Necropolis of the Donskoy Monastery, XVIII-XX centuries.": Burial with a tombstone of V.M.Urusova, nee. Yashmanitskaya (1818-1888).
Conclusion Comprehensive scientific research should be strictly mandatory in full, and not selective. This approach will allow not only to preserve the objects of memorial sculpture, but also to restore them in historical form using the most authentic materials and technologies. The complex restoration works of the ensemble of the Don Stavropol Monastery were started in 2013 and continue today, they are aimed at preserving and general study of the historical and architectural formation of the entire ensemble. The necropolis of the XVIII century of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in 1923 became part of the Museum of Urban Sculpture. This largely determined his future fate and contributed to the most careful preservation of the collection, the creation of a system for monitoring the state of preservation of the stone. Currently, comprehensive work and research are also continuing here. Historical necropolises are full-fledged objects of historical research, the study of which is important not only in itself, but also as part of the history of art and the history of urban planning. Through their collections, you can study architectural styles, learn about Russian history, and explore the latest types and methods of restoration work. In order to prevent further intensive destruction of unique monuments of memorial art, it is necessary to introduce mandatory constant monitoring of the state of preservation of monuments, which will allow tracking any changes and avoiding many emergency situations in the future. References
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