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Vei, K., Sheremet'eva, E.S. (2022). A nameless relativ BY EXAMPLE: the degree of grammaticalization. Litera, 3, 60–69.
A nameless relativ BY EXAMPLE: the degree of grammaticalization
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.3.37615Received: 27-02-2022Published: 06-03-2022Abstract: Abstract: In the article, in relation to the nameless relativ, one of the syntactic criteria for determining the degree of grammaticalization of a significant word is considered by EXAMPLE. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to determine the place of each derived unit of the service type in the language system. The object of research is a prepositional unit BY EXAMPLE, which is included in the group of nominal relatives. The subject of our research is the degree of grammaticalization of the nameless relativ BY EXAMPLE. The purpose of the study is to determine the grammaticalization stage at which the nameless relativ is located BY EXAMPLE. The paper uses a descriptive method and a corpus method of collecting research material. The scientific novelty consists in the first described models of interaction of a prepositional-case combination, FOR example, with adjectives included in its composition. Based on the analysis of the linguistic material presented in the National Corpus of the Russian language, two main types of models have been established – with a pronominal and a non-nominal adjective. It is shown that a non-nominal adjective in such a model acts in two functions: the actant name function and the modifier function, which is typical for a significant number of similar structures with other prepositional derived units. It is revealed that personal pronominal adjectives also indicate the name of the actor. It is determined that demonstrative pronominal adjectives do not have named functions. Their entry into the model indicates the absence of a service function in the combination FOR EXAMPLE. The article concludes that the nameless relativ, by example, is only at the initial stage of grammaticalization. Keywords: grammaticalization, service words, derived preposition, the nameless relativ, pronominal adjectives, actant, modifier, identity relations, syntax, semanticsThis article is automatically translated. Introduction The object of the study is a nameless relativ, FOR EXAMPLE, the compatibility of which was described in the article [9]. In this paper, the question of the degree of grammaticalization BY EXAMPLE will be considered. Attention to the grammaticalization of significant words that develop the functions of a preposition is constantly in the focus of attention of researchers engaged in the study of derivative units of the prepositional type. This is due to the fact that in the course of the historical development of the language, new derived prepositions that are genetically related to specific forms of nouns, adverbs, adjectives and verbs (forms of adverbs) undergo different stages of preposition. Therefore, there are different points of view on the volume of the class of units, which are traditionally called derived (secondary) prepositions. For example, A. M. Finkel wrote in a 1962 monograph that "proponents of expanding the volume of prepositional combinations do not take into account the varying degrees of their grammaticalization" [15, p. 5]. According to the scientist, the grammatical meaning of units that are secondary prepositions "develops from a lexical meaning in which a shade of relativity has already been concluded before" [15, pp. 6-7]. Hence, as A. M. Finkel says, the need to investigate how in the meaning of a significant word that only "hinted at a grammatical meaning became dominant", how the "non-free relational meaning" replaced the free nominative in concrete use [15, p. 7]. E. T. Cherkasova, who described 92 derivatives of the preposition from the point of view of the process of their transition from full-meaning words to official ones, I determined two most important conditions for the development of the preposition function in a significant word: (1) functioning in the conditions of two-way syntactic connections and (2) their loss of the categorical meaning of the original part of speech [16, pp. 11-12]. These two monographs have laid the basic theoretical basis on which further studies of the processes of grammaticalization of significant words that perform prepositional functions are being built. At the present stage of study, the works of G. A. Shiganova [18], M. V. Vsevolodova [4-7], M. I. Konyushkevich [1-13], E. S. Sheremetyeva [17], E. N. Vinogradova [1-3] have played a significant role in the development of the theory of derivative prepositions. The problem of inclusion or non-inclusion of derived units in the preposition class in modern Russian studies is solved in different ways. M. V. Vsevolodova and colleagues have developed a theory according to which there is a preposition field, which includes units of varying degrees of preposition. The core of this field includes units that act only as a preposition, while the center of the core is unmotivated prepositions. Motivated (secondary) prepositions refer to the peripheral zone of the core of the field. The next zone is the preposition equivalents, three classes are distinguished in them: potential prepositions related to the nuclear zone, analogs of prepositions included in the first peripheral zone, correlates of prepositions included in the second peripheral zone [8, pp. 75-78]. According to E. S. Sheremetyeva, the relational functions of derived units are not a valid reason for including such units in the preposition class. Her idea of the system of such units mirrors the theory proposed by M. V. Vsevolodova. Without denying the diachronic approach, which is reflected in the preposition field theory presented above, E.S. Sheremetyeva offers a synchronous view of the system of so-called derived prepositions. In this case, the center of the field is "nameless formations, a "pulsating mass" that retains to a greater or lesser extent close ties with nouns," and the periphery is actually prepositions thrown out of the pulsating mass, that is, completely grammaticalized [17, p. 7]. This view of the development of the system is explained by the fact that the inclusion of all units, to varying degrees detached from significant words, in the class of prepositions loosens, blurs the concept of "preposition" [17, p. 6]. Therefore, for the nameless formations that exhibit prepositional functions and are at different stages of grammaticalization, E. S. Sheremetyeva proposed the term "nameless relativ". All researchers recognize that it is necessary to decide on the stages of grammaticalization based on certain criteria. These criteria are set out in the works of M. V. Vsevolodova and E. N. Vinogradova. Most clearly, based on other studies, including foreign ones, they are given in the work of E. N. Vinogradova [1]. The author refers to them: semantic (desemantization, in particular, metaphorization), syntactic (expansion or, conversely, narrowing of contexts), morphological (decategorization), phonetic (phonetic simplification) [1, pp. 32-34]. One of the syntactic factors on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the completed or not yet completed grammaticalization process is the ability or inability of a composite prepositional nominative unit to admit an adjective consistent with the name into its composition. This is one of the traditional ways of checking: if the introduction of a consistent adjective is possible, the noun in the prepositional unit "restores all its subject properties" [14]. However, recent studies have shown that even when a prepositional unit allows the introduction of an adjective, it retains the ability to convey the same relations as the actual prepositional unit. For example, in the constructions to come with the purpose of helping and to come with the noble purpose of helping, the same target relationships are observed. Studies by M. V. Vsevolodova and E. N. Vinogradova have shown that adjectives that are introduced in this way into the prepositional unit perform different functions. Among them stand out: adjectives modifiers and adjectives – names of actants [3, p. 16]. Let's consider this phenomenon in relation to the object of our research – a nameless relativ, FOR EXAMPLE. Characteristics of functioning, FOR EXAMPLE, as a nameless relativ In the National Corpus of the Russian language, 2,523 occurrences were found in total in the main and newspaper corpus, FOR EXAMPLE + N2 (the search was carried out by the query "software at a distance of 1 from the "example" at a distance of 1 to 2 from S & gen"). This is the number of uses in which, FOR EXAMPLE, it performs the function of a nameless relativ (a function similar to the function of a preposition), for example:The girl tried, following the example of many teenagers, to take a selfie (A Smolensk schoolgirl miraculously survived after taking a selfie on the roof of a train // , 2020.11). In this sentence, the nameless relativ, FOR EXAMPLE, organizes a three-term construction, linking, on the one hand, the nominal components of the constructionGirl FOLLOWING the EXAMPLE of many teenagers, on the other hand, a common component of the construction and a relativized right nominal component make (selfie) FOLLOWING THE EXAMPLE OF many teenagers. Another example: US President Donald Trump refused to introduce strict restrictive measures in the country in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection, for example Great Britain (Trump abandoned the British version of restrictions due to coronavirus // Izvestia, 2020.12). In this sentence, FOR EXAMPLE, binds the nominal components of the construction restrictive measuresFOR EXAMPLEGreat Britain, as well as the general component of the construction and the right nominal component introduction FOR EXAMPLEGreat Britain. The types of constructions with a named relativ are described in detail BY EXAMPLE in the article [9]. The relations that the nameless relativ forms FOR EXAMPLE are defined in this article as relations of incomplete identity [9]. The nameless relativ, BY EXAMPLE, indicates the relationship of incomplete identity between two situations. Situation 1 is indicated by the right component of the structure, which is introduced by the relativ, Situation 2 is indicated by the left component and the general component of the structure. For example:Recently Yaroslav Kirillovich, following the example of his adult child, decided to cooperate with our magazine (Ya. Golovanov. We are from Likhov // "Stolitsa", 1997.02.17). The right component (following the example of its adult child) calls the Situation 1, presented in a collapsed way – through a nomination. Situation 2 is presented in detail:Jaroslav Kirillovich decided to cooperate with our magazine. The right component functions as a kind of sample, a model by which the speaker identifies the distinctive, characterizing features of the phenomenon described by him. Situation 1, called the right component, precedes Situation 2, and this allows it to be a role model for the subject of Situation 2. The subject of Situation 2 performs actions similar to the actions of the subject of Situation 1. Interaction BY EXAMPLE with adjectives on the basis of agreement The study showed that, FOLLOWING the EXAMPLE, it can let a consistent adjective, including a pronominal, into its composition. In the National Corpus of the Russian Language, the search for pronominal and non-nominal adjectives included in the EXAMPLE was carried out separately. On request "software at a distance of 1 from A (adjective)at a distance of 1 from "example"" in total, 86 occurrences were found in the main and newspaper buildings. For example:Mao even proposed, following the Soviet example, to establish in China the honorary title of "Mother Heroine" (V. V. Ovchinnikov. Reflections of a wanderer). On request "software at a distance of 1 from APRO (pronominal adjective)at a distance of 1 from "example"" 125 occurrences were found in the main case, and 45 occurrences in the newspaper case. For example:But I, following your example, will build my hypothesis, also abstract, which has no application to anyone (N. G. Chernyshevsky. What to do?);Two of my girlfriends, following my example, also learned to be flight attendants and flew for a while, then left for various reasons (O. Krylova MISTRESS OF THE SKY // Trud-7, 2008.06). We should immediately note that in the main body 39% of such uses belong to the end of the XVIII – first decade of the XX century. From the quantitative data provided, it can be seen that functioning BY EXAMPLE in a relational function significantly prevails over models with non-nominal and pronominal adjectives. ModelBY + adjective + EXAMPLE with a non - nominal adjective Observation of the linguistic material showed that in such a model, an adjective can perform both the function of naming an actant and the function of a modifier (according to the terminology of E. N. Vinogradova). A model with an adjective – the name of the actor. When it is said that an adjective in such a position is the name of an actant, it means that by function this adjective corresponds to the function of the noun, in our case, the noun in the genitive case, but formally occupies a different position. This means that the adjective in the structureBY + adjective + EXAMPLE can be replaced by a single-root noun with the same semantics, and the whole structure can be transformed into a structureFOLLOWING THE EXAMPLE OF N 2, for example:There are both supporters and opponents of these memorial plaques, which, according to the Krasnoyarsk example, mark the places of tragedies in caves (K. Serafimov. Expedition into the darkness) – following the example of Krasnoyarsk; <...> an unexpected desire came to the old woman to squat down somewhere in the field and dig the earth according to Varka's example <...> (V. Rasputin. The last term) – following the example of Varka. The specificity of the model with an adjective-actant is as follows. On the one hand, there are no formal conditions in it in order to assert that the combination BY + EXAMPLE performs the function of a preposition: it is not in the indirect case with the noun, does not perform the function of connecting the case form of the noun with any main word. On the other hand, from the point of view of semantics, such a model fully correlates with the relational model: it indicates the relationship of incomplete identity between situations in which there are coincident actions and different subjects (less often objects) of these actions, for example:According to him, Kazakhstan intends to make a technological breakthrough in the near future following the Chinese example ("Sandboxes" with investments: Kazakhstan invests in fintech // Moskovsky Komsomolets, 2018.05) – Situation 1:China made a technological breakthrough, situation 2:Kazakhstan will make a technological breakthrough. In other words, the isofunctionality of the two structures is revealed. The analysis of the material showed that the most frequent adjectives in the position of the adjectival actant are derivatives, word-formatively correlative with the nominal components of the prepositional construction, which are the nominations of countries, cities, regions, which reflects the most characteristic compatibility of the nameless relativ ACCORDING to the EXAMPLE (see [9]): American / European / Western / Chinese / Libyan / Byzantine / Greek / St. Petersburg example – cf. following the example of America / Europe / West / China / Libya / Byzantium / Greece / St. Petersburg. Adjectives correlating with the names of persons are less frequent:Their champion construction at the Ural factories according to the Sofonov example was made during the lifetime of the inventor V. I. Rozhkov (E.Novoselov. The creator of the water turbine // "Ural Pathfinder", 1982) – following the example of Sofonov;Gerasim Chubalov hired two workers, got a lot of cattle and, following his parents' example, began to buy bulls again (P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky. On the mountains. Book One) – following the example of parents; According to Turgenev's example, Tolstoy soon finished hunting <...> (D. Bykov. The hunter is stronger than the slave // Izvestia, 2007.08) – following the example of Turgenev. In contexts with an adjective – the name of the actor (it can be the subject or less often the object of the situation) the actant of the second, comparable, situation can be named, but can only be implied:Meanwhile, other countries, on the contrary, following the Russian example, began to abandon US bonds (Moskovsky Komsomolets, 2018.08) – subjects of other countries andRussia. The government and parliament are again discussing the question of whether, following the American example, it is not worth legalizing the carrying of weapons by private individuals (D. Romendik WITH a PEN AND a BARREL // Trud-7, 2008.07) – actant of the second situationRussia not verbalized (in Russia by the American example / in Russia – by the example of America). A model with an adjective modifier. The difference between this model and the model with the adjective – name of the actant is that it preserves the position of the noun, which in the relational construction occupied the position of the right component. For example: 29-year-old grandmaster from Kazan Sergey Rublevsky takes the first prize and following last year's example Bologana goes to Dortmund (The Long road to Dortmund // "64 — Chess Review", 2004.03.15). Cf.: a relational construction without an adjective modifier:Sergey Rublevsky by example Bologana goes to Dortmund. M. V. Vsevolodova characterizes such adjectives (in her terminology – concretizers) as "semantically significant, but structurally optional components" [8, p. 111]. There are no frequency semantic types among such adjectives, since they have nothing to do with the function of the EXAMPLE as a relativ. In each specific case, adjectives characterize a situation that is indicated by a combination of a relativ with a noun. Such a characteristic can be estimated:The legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes, following the successful example of Canada or the United States, is not being discussed in the UK yet, the positions of opponents of such a step are still strong there (A. Miklashevskaya. Marijuana producers are waiting for its legalization in the UK // Kommersant, 2019.06). – an example of marijuana legalization in Canada and the USA is successful. The once great Russia, famous for its vast territories, the roots of people, rushed out of villages and villages following the bad example of the West (Komsomolskaya Pravda, 2011.05] – the example of the West on the departure of people from rural areas is bad. The characteristic can be neutral, for example, indicate that the situation is related to a certain period of time:The Macedonians <...> easily beat (following the June example of the Armenian national team) one-on-one, easily climbed into holes near our penalty area (Y. Tsybanev about the match Russia — Macedonia // Soviet sport, 2011.09). A model with pronominal adjectivesBY + pronominal adjective + EXAMPLE From the point of view of semantics, personal pronominal adjectives prevail in the model: according to his example – 57, according to their example – 25, according to her example – 17, according to my example – 12, according to our example – 9. In addition, the use of demonstrative pronominal adjectives is characteristic: according to this example – 13, according to this example – 11. The role of personal and demonstrative pronominal adjectives in such models is different: pronominal adjectives indicate the name of the actant, for demonstrative pronominal adjectives a typical other function. A model with a personal pronominal adjective. In such a model, the adjective indicates an actant, similar to the model with a non-nominal adjective. The pronominal adjective, performing an anaphoric function, refers to the subject of Situation 1 – the person named in the preceding context. For example:The visiting Tatars brought a more advanced agricultural culture and cattle breeding technology. Following their example, the local Tatar population began to grow potatoes, vegetables, and also to build insulated rooms for winter livestock (N. G. Khairullina, A. R. Salikhova. Dynamics of the socio-cultural situation in the south of the Tyumen region). Book Arkady Gaidar's "Timur and his team" was familiar to many children of our yard. Following his example, we decided to create such a team (R. B. Akhmedov. Flashes // "Belsky Expanses"). In the latter context, the antecedent of its pronominal adjective is not the word book, but the name of the hero –Timur. Since its adjective can also indicate an object, as part of the model it can refer to a non-person, to some object that you need to focus on when performing an action:Now there is a historical and cultural standard, according to his example, a unified educational base should be created (Vasilyeva supported the proposed ROC "golden canon" and a reduction in the number of textbooks // , 2016.09). It should be noted that the specificity of the pronoun does not allow to transform such a model into a relational construction. Contexts with pronominal adjectives are characterized by the introduction of the subject of Situation 2 using the particle And, in such structures, having the meaning ‘equally’, which emphasizes the identity of situations:Now, following our example, the same wastewater services are being created at other plants. (Bayramov A., Jordansky A. Until the thunder breaks ... // "Chemistry and Life", 1970);Then I, following his example, soon left ... (Mosaic of war // "Our contemporary", 2004.02.15);Following her example and Georges, after the death of Vera Fyodorovna Komissarzhevskaya <...>, goes to Paris (A. Marienhoff. My century, my friends and girlfriends). A model with an indicative pronominal adjective. The model with demonstrative pronominal adjectives is fundamentally different from the model with personal adjectives: in most contexts, the use of combinations for such an example and for this example does not convey information about the comparison of situations. For combinations according to this example and according to this example, the restriction of vocabulary in the position of the main (managing) word is fixed: this is a vocabulary united by the meaning of expressing, forming an opinion, making a conclusion.’ In the vast majority of contexts, this is a verb to judge, usually in combination with a modal predicative, you can:The reliability of this machine can be judged according to this example (F. Chuev. Ilyushin);So the objectivity of the information from the "House" can be judged following this example ( , 2020.05);I only see by this example how little I took from life for myself, how I let this ink worm suck my soul through (M. M. Prishvin, V. D. Prishvina. We are with you. Diary of love). In such contexts, the lexeme "example" as part of combinations for this / such example is a noun in the form of the dative case with the preposition "by" and has no signs of transition to a prepositional unit. However, the combination according to this example can be used in contexts correlating with contexts involving a relational construction. For example:He decided to plow furrows in elevated places across the slope. Thus, Kachaev's brigade detained the meltwater. There is more moisture in the soil in these areas. Now, following this example, all our brigades in autumn or early spring make furrows, rollers and lintels of earth and snow on the slopes, depending on the direction of water flow (N. N. Gorbach. Siberian wheat // "Science and Life", 1953) – MS.: following the example of the Kachaev brigade, our brigades make furrows. Conclusions The prepositional-case combination, FOR EXAMPLE, actively functions as a nameless relativ, that is, a means of forming a connection between words according to the principle of a preposition. This is evidenced, in particular, by quantitative data obtained from the National Corpus of the Russian Language. At the same time, the combination, FOR EXAMPLE, exhibits syntactic properties typical of the prepositional case form of a noun: it can admit a consistent adjective into its composition. The analysis showed that such adjectives can be pronominal and non-pronominal, with pronominal adjectives prevailing. Adjectives as part of a combination, FOR EXAMPLE, can perform two functions: the function of naming the actant of a situation and the function of a modifier, which is typical for many nominative prepositional units. The possibility of entering into the composition of a prepositional-case combination, FOLLOWING the EXAMPLE of a consistent adjective, is one of the indicators that, FOLLOWING the EXAMPLE, is only at the initial stage of grammaticalization. References
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