Kapustina, T.V. (2022). Development and testing of screening method for diagnosing the propensity for extremism . Psychologist, 1, 29–52. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8701.2022.1.37293
Development and testing of screening method for diagnosing the propensity for extremism
Kapustina Tatiana Viktorovna
ORCID: 0000-0001-9833-8963
PhD in Psychology
Associate Professor, Department of General Psychological Disciplines, Pacific State Medical University under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Kapustina Tat'yana V., Elzesser Anastasiya S., Kadyrov Ruslan V., Matiozova Anastasiya N..
The effectiveness of a short-term program of psychological correction of propensity for extremism. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics
DOI: 10.34216/2073-1426-2023-29-4-66-72
Abstract: The subject of this research in the propensity for extremism in the context of socio-psychological maladaptation of personality, determined via a newly developed screening method. The empirical object of this research is the school students of Primorsky Krai (n=395) and students from other regions of the Russian Federation (n=629). The author examines the retest reliability, content and constructive validity of the method, including its theoretical substantiation. Description is given to the test norms for two versions of the method (form A-1 for schoolers and form A-2 for students). Special attention is turned to the construct of screening method – the proclivity for extremism, which is viewed through the lens of socio-psychological maladaptation of personality and may manifest in the instance of the following criteria: signs of depressiveness, loneliness, dehumanization of others, sense of superiority, motives of vengeance, positive attitude towards death. The scientific novelty lies in testing and adaptation of the two forms of screening method. The main conclusion lies in the validation of the psychometric properties of the questionnaire. It is worth noting that the individual with propensity for extremism not necessarily would commit extremist actions, however, falls into a risk group, since their behavior in maladaptive state can be unpredictable, inflicting conflict, suicide, deviant behavior. Screening method for diagnosing the propensity for extremism should be viewed as an instrument for preventing extremism in youth environment.
extremism, propensity to extremism, extremist tendencies, socio-psychological maladjustment, school shooting, psychodiagnostics, express method, screening method, questioning, personality diagnostics
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First Peer Review
Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential. The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.
Review of the article "Development and approbation of a screening method for the diagnosis of propensity to extremism" The subject of the study is not stated directly by the author of the article, but is traced in its title and clarified in the purpose - this is a description of the procedure for the development and approbation of a screening method for the diagnosis of propensity to extremism, It is recommended to review the subject area of the study. The description of the development and testing procedure is a research process. And the subject requires a description of the result. The research methodology is based on traditional methods of psychological research. In the first part, methods of analysis, systematization and generalization of literary data are applied, and a review of 19 literary sources is used. The empirical part of the study is presented quite extensively. The author conducts a multi-stage assessment of the validity and reliability of the methodology. A very extensive sample of subjects is involved in this work – schoolchildren (395 people), students (629 people). It is advisable to describe in the article the principle of selecting respondents and the procedure for conducting the study. Were the participants diagnosed in person or online? If in an online format. How have the diagnostic tools been adapted to this? Due to the fact that the diagnostic procedure is not fully disclosed, many questions arise about its organization. The article uses various terms as synonyms – screening method and questionnaire. As a result, it is unclear which method is being standardized? The mathematical methods used to assess validity and reliability also raise methodological issues. For example, why does the author use Spearman's correlation analysis method when it is used on unrepresentative samples of small size, and cannot be applied to voluminous studies. The relevance of the presented article is beyond doubt. There is no doubt about the interest in studying violent behavior and propensity to extremism from a psychological point of view. But the author somewhat categorically describes the relevance with phrases that require justification. For example, "The main purpose of such attacks is to kill as many people as possible." Meanwhile, the targets of attacks can be different. This is an important issue that determines the selection of a psychodiagnostic tool in the future. Also, the relevance is not justified by statistical data, analysis of the dynamics of crimes, the representation of data on age coverage, etc. The research topic is quite complex and contradictory from an ethical point of view. Therefore, a serious justification of relevance is required. Scientific novelty is manifested only in the stated topic, it is not disclosed in the content of the article. A description of the construct "propensity to extremism" is required - what scientific concepts and approaches it is based on, what structural components it consists of, how it differs in manifestation at different ages, etc.. Style, structure, content The article has a traditional structure – introductory, main and final parts. The introductory part justifies the choice of topic. It is important that the author accompanies the literature review with voluminous materials and extensive research by domestic and foreign scientists. But, unfortunately, in the introductory part, not enough attention is paid to substantiating the relevance of the chosen topic. The main part of the article presents the results of evaluating the reliability and validity of the screening method. It is important that the description of the method itself is incomplete. As a result, it is unclear what this tool is. The author uses the concepts of "screening method" and questionnaire as synonyms, which raises even more questions about the research methodology. In conclusion, the author draws a conclusion that is questionable from the point of view of terminology – "the screening method is a psychological tool that allows for a preventive function, revealing a tendency to extremist forms of social activity." The style of presentation of the material meets the requirements of science, but at the same time it is quite accessible to perception. The article contains significant typos and grammatical errors. For example, "propensity to extremism", "its prevention.I wanted to", etc. The bibliography includes 19 sources, including editions in English. Among the literary sources are monographs, articles, classical publications, collections of tests, materials of electronic resources. They are dated from different periods, including 2021-22. This list of references can be considered as a selection of sources on psychological diagnostics. Appeal to opponents – the article can be recommended for publication after correcting the comments. Conclusions, the interest of the readership – in the revised version, the article will arouse the interest of the readership – teachers, psychologists, psychodiagnostics, researchers, teachers of psychology. But it needs to be improved.
Second Peer Review
Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential. The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.
The paper "Development and approbation of a screening method for diagnosing propensity to extremism" is submitted for review. The article describes the procedure for developing and testing a new screening method for diagnosing propensity to extremism (R.V. Kadyrov, T.V. Kapustina, E.V. Sadon, A.S. Elsesser), which is currently relevant. In modern and foreign psychological research, the psychodiagnostics of such a personal characteristic as a tendency to extremism is problematic. A significant amount of research has been conducted, but the range of special personal qualities of an ectremist has not been identified. As a result, heterogeneous groups were identified based on motives and composition. Experts have developed a number of psychodiagnostic personality assessment techniques, but they relate mainly to those who have already committed illegal acts. The questions in such questionnaires are often straightforward in nature. Therefore, the identified problems and opinions have formed the need to develop a methodology that would allow us to determine the propensity for extremism among young people. The subject of this study is the tendency to extremism in the context of socio-psychological maladjustment. This psychological construct formed the basis for the development of a new methodology for the diagnosis of propensity to extremism, which reflects the scientific novelty of this study. The main criteria for assessing extremism are: signs of depression, loneliness, dehumanization of others, declaring a sense of superiority, motives for revenge, and a positive attitude towards death. The author gave a detailed description and description of the selected criteria, on the basis of which two versions of the questionnaire were developed (for students aged 15-18 and students). The paper describes in detail the procedure and evaluation criteria, as well as the methodology itself is presented in the appendix. The experts carried out a verification of the content validity. The experts were doctors and candidates of psychological sciences who specialize in the study of extremist phenomena and personality psychodiagnostics. The following were evaluated: the general appearance of the questionnaire, instructions, compliance with the stated criteria, the sufficiency of the number of questions to measure the propensity to extremism, the wording of the questions (ease of perception, lack of double interpretation, in cases of closed and semi–closed questions - the presented answers). As a result of the examination, adjustments were made and recommendations were taken into account. The developed screening method has been tested and has psychometric properties. The conducted research among schoolchildren and students allowed us to confirm its retest reliability, substantive and constructive validity. The methodology fully measures the criteria that formed the theoretical basis of the concept of "propensity to extremism". The work has a clear structure and holistic content, written in scientific language. The article presents the results of theoretical and practical significance. The bibliographic list is designed in accordance with the requirements and includes domestic and foreign scientific sources. The article deserves high praise, touches on significant issues for the reading audience and can be recommended for publication.