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Philology: scientific researches
Gorodilova, L.M. (2022). Expense books of Yeniseian Siberia of the XVII century as a linguistic source . Philology: scientific researches, 1, 17–27.
Expense books of Yeniseian Siberia of the XVII century as a linguistic source
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.1.37266Received: 06-01-2022Published: 14-01-2022Abstract: This research is conducted within the framework of linguistic source studies, the theoretical basis of which was formed as part of the Sector of Linguistic Source Studies and Research of the Monuments of the Russian Language of V. V. Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language. The object of this article is the genres of customs record management, which are rarely involved in historical and linguistic research. The subject of this article is the expense books of Yeniseian Siberia stored in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents. Its brief overview is intended to draw attention of the scholars to high linguistic capacity of these manuscripts. The relevance of the selected topic is substantiated by the need to solve one of the key tasks of linguistic source studies – introduction of new sources with high linguistic capacity into the scientific discourse. The application of paleographic, historiographical, formulary analysis, and historical-lexicological analysis establish the affiliation of these manuscripts to the local scribes; determine their structure and form of texts of the expense books; reveal most common lexical-semantic groups and individual lexemes that were not recorded in other customs materials. The specificity of expense books allow using them as a reliable onomastic source that reflects not only the all-Russian, but also local processes of formation of the Russian anthroponymycon. The introduction of the regional expense books with high linguistic capacity into the scientific discourse broadens the representation on the Old Russian language, provides reliable information on the lexis and onomastic system on the periphery of the Moscow State. Keywords: linguistic source studies, genres of customs records management, expense books, text structure, linguistic content, linguistic informativeness, handwritten monuments, Yenisei Siberia, historical lexicology, historical anthroponymyThis article is automatically translated. Introduction
The materials of customs records management attracted the attention of historians and linguists back in the XIX century, but the customs books of the predominantly European part of the Moscow state were subjected to careful study. The publication of the most valuable sources falls in the middle — second half of the XX century . [9, 12, 18, 19]. For the first time, the famous historian N. N. Ogloblin addressed the scientific description of the Siberian customs documentation in the famous work "Review of columns and books of the Siberian Order (1592-1768)" [8]. During the Soviet period, K. V. Bazilevich was one of the first to investigate the specific features of customs in Siberia [2], who tried to describe the procedure for collecting the tenth duty from commercial and industrial people who came to Siberia, to reveal the reasons for the discrepancy between customs estimates of goods and market prices, but did it, according to Kopylov, "not quite successfully" [7, p. 330]. In the second half of the century, the increased interest of historians in customs policy in Siberia of the XVII century led to the appearance of a significant number of publications devoted mainly to the study of customs books. See, for example, the works of S. V. Bakhrushin (1953), A. C. Merzon (1958), I. S. Gurvich 1966), P. N. Pavlova (1972, 1974), V. A. Alexandrova (1978), V. F. Ivanov (1979), Z. V. Bashkatova (1983), V. M. Leontieva (1987), etc. Some of the most significant customs materials were published in the collection "The first century of Siberian cities. XVII century" [11]. Since 1997, the series "Customs Books of Siberian cities of the XVII century" [20] has been published, which includes materials on the cities: Berezov, Verkhoturye, Ketsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kuznetsk. Narym, Pelym, Surgut, Tara, Tobolsk, Tomsk, Turinsk, Tyumen. In 2005, the work "Tomsk in the XVII century: documents and materials. Income and Expense books of the Tomsk city of the 30s of the XVII century." [23]. However, all the proposed texts are entirely focused on presenting the history of the first Russian cities and the material culture of the first settlers, designed primarily for historians and therefore do not sufficiently reflect the linguistic features of business writing necessary for linguistic research. The linguistic specificity of the materials of customs records of the XVII–XVIII centuries became the subject of study and linguists, such as K. D. Glushkova (1965); S. I. Kotkov (1972), A. N. Kachalkin (1973); V. V. Palagina (1978, 1979); N. S. Kotkova (1976, 1982); L. A. Vladimirova (1983), O. V. Barakova (1995), I. A. Malysheva (1997), M. V. Mordkovich (2000), Yu. G. Zakharova (2002), Yu. V. Bezborodova (2005), E. G. Gankova (2006), etc., however, almost all studies relate to customs books, and therefore many genres of customs administration still need to identify and define their linguistic potential. Siberian customs documentation is particularly poorly reflected in the scientific literature. Meanwhile, as A. N. Kachalkin notes, "the idea of the territorial distribution of preserved customs documents would allow us to more accurately judge the available opportunities for studying certain lexical layers of the Russian language in historical and geographical terms" [5, p. 19]. The experience of working in the archives of the country has shown that most of the materials of the local customs production, which operated in the peripheral zones of the Moscow state, have not yet been introduced into scientific circulation. Linguistically, such substantial sources as extracts, list paintings, travel certificates and vacation memories, counting and painting lists, etc. have been studied extremely poorly. Representing various spheres of activity of Russian first settlers, these materials of customs records reflect the richest fund of household vocabulary, vocabulary of socio-economic, trade, etc. In addition, customs materials are a valuable source of regional onomastic research. An example of this is the expense books, which present only one of the spheres of activity of the Siberian customs — accounting for the expenditure of money received from all types of duties. Expense books have not been used as an independent linguistic source until now and extremely "rarely appear in historical research" [4, p. 191]. The relevance of this research is determined by the need to expand the range of sources, which contributes to solving the main and constant task of linguistic source studies. "Despite the fact that many of the monuments of writing have already been introduced into scientific circulation, many of them have not yet been systematized and described by archival workers. This means that access to them is difficult" [10, p. 108]. In addition, the introduction of expense books into scientific circulation makes it possible to solve another problem of linguistic source studies — to expand the aspects of studying handwritten sources stored in the archives of the country. The purpose of the work is to introduce into scientific circulation a new type of unpublished locally limited sources with a high degree of linguistic content and linguistic informativeness, suitable for lexicological and onomastic research, as well as for lexicographic developments. To achieve this goal and obtain reliable data, the following methods were used: – paleographic, which allows to establish the authenticity of the document, to determine whether the texts belong to the scribes of local clerical institutions; – source studies, used to identify the relationship between the genre of the source, its form, place and time of creation; this method allows you to establish the dependence of the linguistic content of the handwritten text on the circumstances of its creation. The source analysis of expense books is aimed at the most complete representation of their linguistic significance, the definition of lexicological, lexicographic and onomastic potential; – the comparative-comparative method is used to identify the linguistic features of locally dated handwritten monuments of business content, since "the linguistic content of certain types of sources can be fully revealed only as a result of the application of the comparative-historical method of studying texts that touch each other with elements of content (in the broad sense of the word)" [3, p. 5]; – the method of formulary analysis allows you to study the structure of expense books, to establish a set of stable expressions, stamps, formulas that organize this type of documents; – the historical-lexicological method makes it possible to observe the vocabulary of the analyzed handwritten monuments; – a descriptive method consisting "in a systematic inventory of linguistic units, in explaining the features of their structure and functioning" [1, p. 233].
Research sources
Despite the fact that the expense books were compiled annually, there are few of them preserved on the territory of Yenisei Siberia. In the fund of the Siberian Order of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (RGADA. Moscow) we managed to establish 5 books, which served as a source of lexicological and onomastic research: Customs expense books 138 of the Mangazey elective tselovalnik Andriy Ivanov son Kalinin (without beginning), 1630 [21]; Customs expense books 139 of the Yenisei custom-made tselovalnik Grigory Savelyev Taramyshin, 1631 [22]; Expense books customs tithe fees of 144 for the purchase of ship gear in the Mangazey city and Turukhansk winter quarters, 1636 [6]; A list from the expense books of the Mangazey city of the registered tselovalnik Grigory Lebedev Kolmogorets, 1632 [16]; A list from the black expense books of the Yenisei registered tselovalnik Filka Antsyferov Kolmogorets, 1636 [17].
The structure of the expense books of the Yenisei Siberia
The structure of the expense books coincide with the books of the receipt and contain three distinct components: 1) the initial formalizing part is quite detailed and, as a rule, contains the self—designation of the document - "books of the Russian Federation". Mandatory elements of the initial part are: the date of compilation of the report ("Summer 7139 (1634) go du maia in 30 de"; "144 (1636) go du Maia in 20 chi with la"), the names of the compilers of the expense books (Yenisei custom-made tselovalnik Grigory Savelyev Taramyshin Pinezhanin, Yenisei custom-made tselovalnik Philip Ontsyforov, Mangazeysky cities custom-made tselovalnik Grigory Lebedev Kolmogorets, etc.), an indication of the purpose of expenditure ("for purchase", "for gsdrev roskhod", "on winter leave"); 2) the main part is daily records containing information about who exactly and what exactly was bought, to whom and for what money was given, the purpose of spending money is indicated: "the same mcca in 4 de bought fresh sturgeon from Ortemka Semenov, the Pointer gave desyat altn" [22, l. 288 vol.]; "I hired a blacksmith to fix two Amanatsky irons and gave me altyn two dengs" [22, l. 291]; "maya bought a tray of money from the Vymithians from Danilka Manturov, three rubles were given to the altn <...> maya in 22 de was done to the sovereign's tray by a carpenter Boris Ivanov Black with a commodity given the money from the craft is two rubles and a half" [6, l. 166] and under. Each expense item contains the formula "bought" ("bought") / "hired" — "money given <amount>" / "money given <amount>" (sometimes – "gave"). In some books, after each entry there is a confirming signature of the customs head "given". 3) The final part of the expense books (if any) it contains the resulting accounting records — summing up the results of all the described expenses: "and in total, for purchases from the state treasury of tithes and all sorts of money, and what was given by the tselovalnik for carts and from the elderly yard where the head lived, eighty rubles came out, two hundred and four dollars" [6, l. 170]. In some books there are physical assaults ("spravy"): "Ilishka Pirogovsky spravil" [22, l. 319].
Vocabulary of expense books
The linguistic content of the expense books is determined by the main activities of customs. Of particular interest for lexicological research and lexicographic developments is the expense book of the Mangazey city and Turukhansk winter quarters, which is based on the vocabulary of ship business [6]. Thus, the compilers of the book recorded the names of ships, their parts and ship gear characteristic of Siberia: carbas, kayak, koch, boat, naboynitsa, single-tree plow; watershed, veksha (‘block’ [15, p. 53]), naboi (‘boards nailed to raise the sides of small vessels' [15, p. 248]), sapec(‘steering wheel' [15, p. 445]), raina(‘yard on the mast' [15, p. 420]); delivery(‘rope' [15, p. 141]), cabin tree, sail tree, ship staples, cabin nails, naparya (‘big drill’ [15, p. 255]), peshnya, iron anchor, etc. The book describes in sufficient detail the costs associated with "boat and cabin crafts":"that was the days of the ssdr, the tray was made and the trees were made on the kayak and the kayak had a water cut and draughts were nailed, and from that case the carpenter gave Savka Vazhenin with a thousand rubles of money for a ruble [6, l. 166 vol.]. The expense books, in addition to the vocabulary of ship business, record the vocabulary of other crafts, for example, leather: elk, venison, elk leather made, raw and crumpled, rovduga (‘deer suede’ [15, p. 424]), a deer bed, a belt. In the expenditure articles, the names of the main food products used by the first settlers and which went "to feed amanat" are marked: prosol fish, salted fish, fresh fish, sturgeon, chir, cow butter, pork meat, ham, flour, ducklings, etc. Sr.: "I bought from Ivan Trafimov Kozitsin a pood of fish gave six altyn four dengs that fish was given to feed the amanatom" [22, l. 284 vol.]. There is a vocabulary with the meaning of a person by type of activity, including composite nominations: a tramp, a leader, zborschik, kormschik, blacksmith, carpenter, messenger, interpreter, zborny tselovalnik, worldly orderly, worldly messenger, areal clerk, prison guard, amanatsky watchman, etc. The names of documents (cabal, worldly cabal, survey, unsubscription, roadside, petition, subscription petition) and types of duties (food, hozhenoe, anbarny inn) are fixed in the books. Verb vocabulary is much richer than in customs books and paintings, the use of which is due to the specifics of the text content is presented in the expense books: to redeem, row, delati, write down, expel, kovati, feed, buy, catch, hire, cut, lay, overlap, pay, visit, pavositi, do, pokriti, put a vise, visit, post, fix, nail, bring, provaditi, push, guard, sew, sew. In the expense books, the process of formation of verbal nouns is recorded: diy — diy ("I paid the Fifth Alexiev for a kayak craft one and a half rubles of money" [22, l. 307]); soaring ('picking up sable skins with the abdominal part cut out two by two' [15, p. 309]) — soaring ("in the Tazovsky city it was bought on the gsdrv of the bag to the sable belt and on the soaring of the thread to the sables" [6, l. 169]); hire — naim ("hired Ivashka Fedotov in carts to row under the serving people and under the amanats, naim gave a ruble three cents altn two dengs" [22, l. 285 vol.]); spend — cost ("I bought two hundred pieces of paper from Vaska Yukolin for zemstvo expenses" [22, l. 292]), etc. In addition to the all–Russian vocabulary, dialect words are also found in the expense books, for example, a rock - 'birch bark, a piece of birch bark' [14, p. 173]; "When a hut is covered, narrow long boards are placed on poles, and rocks are on them. From above, the rocks are covered with a board. Vologda.; “Previously, roofs were covered with a rock on ships, and they were laid between the lower and upper rows of boards.” Volzh." [13, issue 37, p. 373]: "in the days of the GSDRV, the kayak was blocked by new ropes and rocks and new vises were laid" [6, l. 166 vol.]. From the languages of the indigenous population, the word viska penetrated into the living colloquial speech of the Russian first settlers, and then into business writing — ‘birch bark boiled in fresh water, then sewn together with panels, is used to cover boats, plagues’ [15, p. 508; 13, issue 44, p. 135]. It can be assumed that the expense books recorded the process of assimilation of the vocabulary of the indigenous population, reflected in different ways of writing the word "yukola" — 'dried fish; removed from the bones and dried meat of large fish' [15, p. 566]: "I bought taking yukola" / "taking injections <...> that yukola was given to feed amanat" [22, l. 286 vol.]. Among the expenditure items of the same type, separate detailed contexts containing various kinds of explanations attract attention, which is especially important for regional lexicographic developments: "I bought <...> a trough of strelnoe, that trough was given to the customs hut where to put the sable sables of the same" [22, l. 303 vol.]; "I hired that well for 25 days Olferka Pavlova with a comrade to the voivode to Ondri Fyodorovich in the camp of the needles of the incision and sent naim gave both of them two dengs" [22, l. 305]; "yes, as the gsdrva bags were sewn on sable and bought to those bags on the collar two leather leggings made money for them given two rubles and a half" [6, L. 170]. Thus, the analysis of the vocabulary of the expense books shows that the described genre of business writing is a valuable source of learning the Old Russian language in its spoken and written form.
Expense books as a source for the study of onyms
Expense books may well be involved in various kinds of onomastic research. Since the daily nature of the record required the full nomination of the person for whom the expense item was issued, this led to the saturation of documents with anthroponymic material. Thus, two- and three-component models of anthroponyms with a clear predominance of the former are noted in all texts:Braga Grigoriev, Vaska Ortemyev, Volodimir Pakhotin, Garasimko Obolyaninov, Danilko Manturov, Ivan Trapeznikov, Maksimko Vorona, Maksimko Tarasov, Ontonko Fomin, Ontonko Pavlov, Panfilko Leontiev, Rosputka Ermolin, Semyon Kol; Borisko Ivanov Cherny, Onisimko Fedorov Ikonnik, Ortemka Semenov Pointer, Semyon Semenov Filly, etc. In the expense books of the first half of the XVII century. more often than in other documentary sources, the use of non-calendar personal names is observed:Bazhen,Braga, Druzhina, Reliable, Nekrasko, Nekhoroshko, Fifth, Rosputa, Smolka, Chudinko, etc., which are practically not found in the materials of business writing of the second half of the XVII century. Calendar (Christian) names clearly prevail among personal names, which corresponds to the all-Russian picture:Vaska, Gavrilko, Grishka, Danilko, Makarsha, Maksimko, Mikitka, Mishka, Olferko, Ondrushka, Ostashko, Panfilko, Savka, Stenka, etc. Along with the above examples of personal names, there are also full forms, the use of which is not motivated by the social status of a person:Semyon, Stepan, Ilya, Yudin. Expense books, although not fully reflect the process of forming nicknames (Crow, Icon Painter, Blacksmith, Stake, Mug, Hatter, Yarets, etc.) and nickname surnames (Voronin, Rozhin, Yartsov, Sheshukov and pod.). Of particular interest is the indication in the anthroponymic postposition of the place of exit of the person — dvinyanin orDvinyanin (appellative/ anthroponym?), kargopolets orKargopolets and pod. The status of this element in the anthroponymic structure is still undefined and needs further study. If the book deals with expenses related to the organization of a hike "to yasachnye zemlitsy", then in this case a large number of local toponyms are noted: riversNepa, Nizhnaya Tunguska, Podkamennaya Tunguska, Pyasida, Taimura; Mundus Lake; En esi skoi(so in the RCP.) /Yenisei andSymskoy portage; Tu rh anskoye(so in the RCP.) /Turukhanskoe and Inbatskoe winter quarters; Mangazeya, Mangazeysky city, Tazovsky city, etc.
Thus, a brief overview of the expense books created in the customs offices of Yenisei Siberia allows us to conclude that these sources are important not only for studying the material culture and everyday life of settlements on the periphery of the Moscow state, but also for determining the vocabulary of the Old Russian language in its regional variety. The studied expense books are generally fairly standard, but at the same time they are more free from stamps characteristic of other customs materials, contain both special and household vocabulary. The advantage of the expense books is that they contain tokens that are not marked in the general and private customs books. Regional expense books are a valuable source of onomastic research, containing information about the naming of the population of Yenisei Siberia during its active colonization and reflecting both the all—Russian processes of the formation of the anthroponymic system and geographically limited ones. In addition, the expense books contain linguistic information that makes it possible to clarify and supplement certain provisions of historical anthroponymy, in particular, the issue of distinguishing appellatives, components of the anthroponymic formula and additional identifiers that occupy a postposition in the anthroponymic model of naming a person. Introduction of new sources of onomastic information into scientific circulation, allows expanding the composition of the regional anthroponymicon of the Russian population of the Yenisei Siberia of the XVII century. Expense books as a whole have a high lexicological, lexicographic and onomastic potential, which makes them a reliable linguistic source that contributes to the expansion of the research space. References
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