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Mushkina, Y.V., Shatilova, L.M., Karandeeva, L.G. (2022). Structural-functional model of terminological phrase in the field of production of technical formalin in the example of Russian and English languages. Litera, 1, 141–150.
Structural-functional model of terminological phrase in the field of production of technical formalin in the example of Russian and English languages
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2022.1.37258Received: 04-01-2022Published: 30-01-2022Abstract: This article is dedicated to comprehensive examination of the terminological system "Production of technical formalin" on the example of Russian and English languages. The article considers the characteristics f the nomination of terminological units and highlights the most common models of terms in the terminological system "Production of technical formalin" using the example of Russian and English languages. Modern linguistics features a few research on the terms of chemical industry, while the terminological system "Production of technical formalin" has not previously become a subject of separate research, particularly in the comparative aspect of two or more languages, which determines the relevance of this publication. The goal lies in description of the terms of chemical industry, namely "Production of technical formalin" in the Russian and English languages. The subject of this article is the study of the terminological systems of chemical industry in the field of production of technical formalin relative to functionality of the term-word and terminological phrase. The novelty consists in the comparative analysis of the terminological system "Production of technical formalin" on the example of Russian and English languages. The terminological system of chemical production of technical formalin includes the following lexical-thematic groups: 1. Technological process of production of technical formalin 2. Equipment line 3. Chemicals and reactions It is established that in the Russian language, the most commonly used model in all subgroups is the two-component model "adjective + noun" (over 50 %); while in the English language, it is the two-component model "noun + noun" (over 50%). Keywords: Term, terminological system, word-term, terminological phrase, formalin, technological process, machines and apparatus, chemical substances, two-component model, chemical industryThis article is automatically translated. At all times, in order to become a highly professional specialist, it is important to know your area of specialization well, be aware of all achievements, and also have an excellent command of terminology. Terminology is inextricably linked with the development of a particular field of knowledge, it is also being improved. The changes that have occurred are reflected in the language with the help of certain linguistic processes, for example, borrowing from foreign languages, transterminologization from related fields of knowledge, word production (creation of a new term), etc. There is a GOST for working with terms, which also helps to correctly form terminology for the necessary field of knowledge [1]. Yu.V. Solzhenikina notes that terminology and commonly used vocabulary are interrelated, and the process of interchangeability is traced if lexical or terminological "hunger" occurs: "... aggregates of special words are a structural subset of the national language, and there is a constant relationship between these two systems: on the one hand, terms go beyond highly specialized functioning and replenish general vocabulary … On the other hand, the literary language is a constant source of words for special vocabulary"[11, p. 22]. Every year we can observe the emergence of new special lexemes in professional fields of knowledge, mostly related to the technical sciences, which either provides a basis for creating a new term system, or replenishes it. But first of all, the term should be formed according to the rules of constructing the meaningful and formal structure of the term. Meanwhile, it is necessary to take into account the norms and rules of the national language, of which this term will be a part. The formal structure of the term can be expressed in the form of: terms-words and phrases. Terms-words can be represented by the following varieties: root (unmotivated or non-derived); affixal (motivated, derived): abbreviations and compound words; compound words; terms-symbols [11, p. 30]. Terms-phrases are subdivided according to the number of components, for example, two-, three- and more component terms are distinguished. Regarding the grammatical side of the term-phrase, linguists B.N. Golovin, R.Y. Kobrin propose to classify according to the grammatical affiliation of the main word: substantive, adjectival and verb forms. Most linguists prefer to consider only nouns as terms, which is probably why this approach is still used in lexicographic practice [6]. The subject of the study is the consideration of the terminological system of the chemical industry, namely the production of technical formalin regarding the functioning of the term-word and terminological phrase. The following research methods were used in the work: linguistic, logical and the method of systemology. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time a comparative analysis of the terminological system "Production of technical formalin" is carried out on the example of Russian and English. Let's consider the terminological system "Production of technical formalin" on the example of the Russian and English languages in order to identify the most common way of term formation.
Figure No. 1 – Terminological system "Production of technical formalin" The terminological system of chemical production of technical formalin includes the following lexical and thematic groups: 1. Technological process of production of technical formalin (in trans. Process); 2. Machines and apparatuses (in Equipment lane); 3. Chemicals and reactions (in trans. Chemicals and reactions). Let's consider the first lexical-thematic group "Technological process of production of technical formalin" in the Russian language. This group includes technical systems that are necessary for the production of technical formalin. There are more than 10 systems for the proper functioning of the formalin production plant. Thus, we get the following lexico-thematic subgroup "Technological systems for the production of formalin", for example, a methanol supply system, a process gas system, a coolant system, a steam system, a boiler water system, a water cycle system, a waste gas purification system, a safety system, a locking system. Each system also has its own operating principle, fixed in the technical literature (instructions, manuals, diagrams). And therefore, highly specialized terminology is also used to describe the necessary processes and phenomena, for example, methanol, oxygen, nitrogen, cooling water, absorption, start-up, evaporation, catalytic oxidation, emission control, reaction temperature control, heating, oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde, shutdown, heat removal, oxygen supply, etc. The terminological nomination of the lexico-thematic group "Technological process of production of technical formalin" is expressed to a greater extent by the syntactic way of forming terms, that is, terminological phrases are used. In the structure of these terms, there are logical connections between concepts, for example, a methanol supply system and a waste gas purification system – the connection of an object and its function, and inside there are also attracted terms methanol and waste gases, whose structure is based on a generic relationship. In this subgroup we observe the most popular terminological phrases of two types: · noun + noun – 36%; · noun + adjective + noun – 22%; · adjective + noun – 14%; · noun + noun + noun – 14%. Noun + noun and noun + adjective + noun are the most common forms in the formation of terminological combinations and terminological phrases due to the fact that the term, first of all, has a nominative function, which is perfectly expressed by a noun with a verbal derivative noun and with a noun in the indirect case. In the lexico-thematic group "Technological process of production of technical formalin (in trans. Process)" all kinds of terms and terminological formations function in English, for example, HTF vapor condensation, Steam generation, HTF condensation, BFW evaporation, Level measurement,Methanol, Process Gas, Process Water. Terminological phrases are in the first place in terms of usage, and simple terms are in the second place: · phrases – 52%; · simple terms – 28%. According to the analysis, this lexico-thematic group includes various types of terminological phrases. Terminological phrases such as noun + noun and noun + noun + noun + noun prevail: · noun + noun – 57%; · noun + noun + noun + noun – 16%. Let's consider the lexical and terminological group "Machines and apparatuses" (in the Equipment lane). This group in Russian includes terms denoting a particular unit or machine involved in the production of formalin. In this lexico-thematic group, we also observe the predominance of phrases, for example, absorption towers, gas blower, inert carrier, methanol evaporator, catalyst in the tube space, emission control system catalyst, boiling heat transfer fluid, shell-and-tube heat exchanger, air compressor, coolant condenser, vapor-liquid mixture, flow refractometer, reactor, coolant separator, etc. etc . The most common are terminological phrases such as: · adjective + noun – 61 %; · noun + noun – 22%. The lexico-thematic group "Machines and apparatuses" (in the Equipment lane) in English includes all kinds of terms and terminological formations. For example, Galvanized studs. Gasket, Glass Tape, Globe Valves, Massflow Transmitter, MCC, Methanol prevaporizer, Methanol pump, Methanol safety valve, spray nozzles, Vaporizer, Multipoint thermoelements. As in many groups of terminological systems under study, terminological phrases prevail in this group: · phrases – 67%; · simple terms – 23%. According to the analysis, this lexico-thematic group includes a large number of types of phrases. Terminological phrases such as adjective + noun and noun + noun prevail: · noun + noun – 38%; · adjective + noun – 23 %; · noun + noun + noun – 12 %; · adjective + noun + noun – 8%. Next, consider the following lexico-thematic group "Chemicals and reactions". According to the collected terms in Russian, we see that the nomination of terms of this group is also complex, and phrases are used to a greater extent, for example, dimethyl ether, NSOON (formic acid), paraformaldehyde, hydrochloric acid, process air, carbon dioxide, tail gas, oxalic acid. Among the phrases , the most popular are the forms: · adjective + noun – 56 %; · noun + adjective + noun – 15 %; · noun + noun + adjective + noun – 4 %; · noun + noun – 25 %; · adjective + noun – 56%. In the lexico-thematic group "Chemicals and reactions (in trans. Chemicals and reactions)" all kinds of terms, including abbreviations, function in the English language. For example, Catalytic oxidation, Removing of heat from the exothermic reaction, Control the reaction temperature, HTF-pressure control, the oil overheating, Dimethylether, Formaldehyde. The most common are terminological phrases: · phrases – 52%; · complex terms – 38%. According to the analysis, this lexical-thematic group includes several types of phrases. Terminological phrases such as noun + noun and adjective + noun prevail: · noun + noun – 54%; · adjective + noun – 30%. It is difficult to classify complex terms, due to the small number of terms of this lexical-thematic group. The term formalin is the key link of this terminological system. We can observe these terms in all lexical and thematic groups. The terminological phrase in the terminological system "Production of technical formalin", as well as the term-word, serves as a means of nominating a certain field of knowledge, being at the same time a separately formed, but semantically integral combination formed by combining two or three components. After collecting and analyzing the terms used in the written and oral speech of the production site specialists, we can conclude that the most common model in the term system "Production of technical formalin" on the example of the Russian language is a two–component model "adjective + noun" (more than 50%). Despite the fact that the Russian language belongs to synthetic languages, a common type of terminological units is a terminological phrase. Thus, with the help of such a nomination, we get more detailed terms, in which the criterion of "brevity" is expressed somewhat indirectly, but in terms of content, they most adequately convey the concept. Having analyzed the terms of the terminological system "Production of technical formalin" on the example of the English language, it can be argued that in all subgroups the most used model in the term system is a two–component model "noun + noun" – more than 50%. English belongs to analytical languages, and terminological phrases are most common among the terms. Noun + noun is the most convenient and understandable way to form a terminological phrase (Figures No. 2, 3). The active use of terminological (two- and multicomponent) phrases in scientific and journalistic texts, as well as the variety of their forms, is proof that these units are an integral part of the terminological system under study and an effective means of transmitting accurate information in this field of science. Figure No. 2 – The most used types of phrases in each lexical and thematic subgroup on the example of the Russian language
Figure No. 3 – The most used types of phrases in each lexical and thematic subgroup on the example of the English language References
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