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NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice
Matyukhin, O.I. (2022). On the issue of the exercise of powers by internal affairs bodies in ensuring public safety at air transport facilities. NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice, 1, 35–43.
On the issue of the exercise of powers by internal affairs bodies in ensuring public safety at air transport facilities
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2022.1.36832Received: 10-11-2021Published: 03-04-2022Abstract: The subject of the study of the topic under consideration is the implementation of the powers of the internal affairs bodies in ensuring public safety at air transport facilities. The article shows the role of the internal affairs bodies in ensuring public safety through the implementation of the powers assigned to them. The article is a structural presentation of the material on the implementation of law enforcement tasks at air transport facilities. The introduction describes the relevance of the field of aviation transport to meet the needs of society, the high demand of the population for this type of transport, the tasks of law enforcement agencies and air transport enterprises to ensure the safety of citizens while they are at the airport and during the flight. The main part explains the issues related to the use of regulations as a means of preventing persons from entering air transport facilities when performing work related to transport security by checking them against various databases, the results of which are concluded. An idea is given about the use of the norms of legislation providing for liability in the case of an administrative offense or crime. The article may be useful to those who are involved in the process of ensuring security at air transport facilities, law enforcement officers, subjects of ensuring transport security – employees of the aviation security service and departmental security of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, as well as whose interests are related to carrying out work at such facilities, and citizens using air transport services. Thus, the concentration of efforts in the field of public safety, based on the application and implementation of legal norms by the subjects involved in this process, understanding the importance of aspects of interaction in the implementation of the powers granted, as well as the overall organization of activities at air transport facilities will allow us to talk about the effectiveness of the entire security system focused mainly on the social needs of citizens and interests states. Keywords: threats, system, internal affairs bodies, an act of unlawful interference, aviation transport, transport security, transport complex, transport facilities, authority, interactionThis article is automatically translated. Further development of ensuring the safety of the transport complex is seen in the improvement of regulatory regulation in matters of taking measures to prevent acts of unlawful interference, in particular the specification of measures defined in Federal laws in this area, mutual responsibility of both transport infrastructure entities and law enforcement and supervisory authorities. Also, it is necessary to note such issues as logistical, financial, personnel support for this activity. In addition, scientific research, the development of concepts, strategies, and the introduction of positive experience will expand the boundaries of knowledge in the problems of ensuring public safety in air transport. References
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