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Urban Studies
Bulatova, E.K. (2022). Architectural and tourist potential of Kyshtym. Urban Studies, 1, 12–25.
Architectural and tourist potential of Kyshtym
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2022.1.36717Received: 26-10-2021Published: 03-04-2022Abstract: The current state of the small South Ural city of Kyshtym is considered from the point of view of its tourist attractiveness. The tourist potential of the city, its spectacular and infrastructural facilities are one of the main factors in the further course of the study. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the organization of regional tourism in the Chelyabinsk region in the small town of Kyshtym. The object of the study is the small town of Kyshtym in the Chelyabinsk region. The subject of the study is the analysis of elements of architectural and tourist potential, as a possible transformation of the city into a tourist center of regional significance. The current state of Kyshtym is analyzed from the point of view of its tourist and architectural attractiveness. For this purpose, the method "architectural and tourist potential in urban settlement conditions" is used [2], and its approbation on the example of the small town of the Southern Urals Kyshtym.The scientific novelty is indicated by the fact that with the help of the "tourist and architectural potential analysis" [2] the small town of Kyshtym appears before us not as an industrial and industrial settlement, but as a possible center of regional tourism with significant tourist and architectural potential and elements of tourist activity. Results: a graphoanalytical analysis of the assessment of objects and elements of tourist interest, as well as infrastructure facilities for tourist services in the South Ural city is presented. The sequential stages of analysis in this method are highlighted, starting from the identification of spectacular and infrastructural objects and up to graphic schemes for creating a tourist complex with tourist activity zones. Conclusions: the resulting factor of the analysis presented in the study is the rational use and restoration of monuments and objects of tourist activity in Kyshtym, the estimated calculation of the optimal size of tourist flows in the Southern Urals, the further use in the tourism industry of the created graphic schemes of the territorial development of the tourist center in Kyshtym. Keywords: tourist center, architectural and tourist environment, resource, infrastructure, potential, hotel sector, Ural region, regional tourism, territorial architectural elements, Kyshtym cityThis article is automatically translated. Introduction. The study examines the state of the organization of regional tourism in the Chelyabinsk region in the small town of Kyshtym. One of the factors of the organization of the tourist center is the tourist potential of the city, characterized by the presence of objects and objects of sightseeing display and the development of tourist infrastructure. "For the rational use of tourist resources as tourism objects, it is necessary to have complete and reliable information about the territorial placement of elements of architectural and tourist potential" [2]. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the organization of regional tourism in the Chelyabinsk region in the small town of Kyshtym. The object of the study is the small town of Kyshtym in the Chelyabinsk region. The subject of the study is the analysis of elements of architectural and tourist potential, as a possible transformation of the city into a tourist center of regional significance. The scientific novelty is the analytical method "architectural and tourist potential in urban settlement conditions" [2], and its approbation on the example of the small town of the Southern Urals Kyshtym. The relevance of the study is indicated by the fact that using the method of "tourist and architectural potential analysis" [2], the small town of Kyshtym may represent not only an industrial and industrial settlement, but as a possible center of regional tourism with significant tourist and architectural potential and elements of tourist activity. Materials and methods. Currently, there are historical and structural methods of analyzing the tourist environment: G.A. Potaev [7], Yu.F. Bezrukov [1], A.E. Enin [5], Yu.B. Khromov [12], Yu.V. Raninsky [9], Yu.S. Putrik [8], according to S.Y. Gataullin [4] and others . But all these methods are highly specialized, i.e. the methods of assessing the urban, tourist and recreational environment do not allow them to be applied at all levels of analysis and assessment of the recreational and tourist environment, and the results of this assessment require a large amount of time for further processing. The universal method of "assessment of architectural and tourist opportunities in small settlements" is presented [2], and its approbation in the small town of Kyshtym in the Chelyabinsk region. The possibility of forming a tourist center is determined on the basis of an assessment of the tourist environment in the South Ural city and a comprehensive analysis of the presented method of "tourist and architectural potential in urban settlements" [2], with a view to its further development as a "city - tourist center". Localization of the Southern Urals in the regional tourist system On the territory of the USSR, according to the scheme of Tourist zoning (according to Yu.S. Putrin and V.V. Sveshnikov), 4 zones of tourist activity were allocated, divided into 34 districts according to the main tourist functions. The Urals is a single tourist region, within which the North Ural, Middle Ural and South Ural tourist regions are allocated. The South Ural district belongs to the second European zone with the main sports, educational and recreational tourist function. In accordance with the scheme of Recreational zoning of the USSR (according to B.N. Likhanov and V.S. Preobrazhensky), the Ural region belongs to the second recreational zone with the main recreational function. It should be noted that the territory of the Southern Urals (according to A.S. Kuskov) is characterized by a low density of tourist and recreational facilities, their poor transport accessibility, poor physical condition and lack of complexity. However, tourist processes are localized in certain territories of the Southern Urals and form territorial-spatial areas, the cores of which are: "Thresholds. Aiskaya Valley", the territory of the city of Satka, the territory of the park "Zyuratkul", etc. At the moment, about 20 tourist excursion routes have been accepted for implementation on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region [13, 14], which can be classified according to the types of tourist activity being implemented and the main motive of travel: - tourist and recreational routes: "In the footsteps of a meteorite" (developed in the Center for Tourism Development together with the administration of Chebarkul in 2013 through the cities of Chelyabinsk and Chebarkul), "Uvildinskaya circumnavigation", "On the hills of South Ural", "Lake Turgoyak and Vera Island", "Zyuratkul-Nurgush-Zyuratkul", etc.; - routes through historical settlements, historical and cultural complexes: "The Country of cities" (a route to the Historical and Cultural Reserve "Arkaim" and a number of fortified settlements), "From Fershampenoise to Paris", "Necropolis of Troitsk", "Mining civilization" (the cities of Kyshtym and Kasli of the Chelyabinsk region and Asbestos, Sverdlovsk region) and others .; - mixed recreational and scientific and educational routes: "Zlatoust — Kialimsky cordon — Dalny Taganay — Zlatoust" (developed by the administration of the Taganay National Park), "Bolshoe Balandino", etc. Tourist resources of the cities of the Southern Urals In the course of regional studies [13], it was revealed that the territory of the Southern Urals is promising for such types of tourism as business and event, cultural and educational, active and amateur, therapeutic and recreational, ecological and adventure, rural tourism, hunting and fishing. One of the main factors in the development of tourism in the Southern Urals is the historical and cultural potential of the region, which until recently was not evaluated as a tourist and was not involved in tourism projects in the region properly. Most small and medium-sized South Ural cities have tourist potential in the form of objects of historical and cultural heritage. The cities are characterized as "having received directed territorial development, preserving the unity of the historical layout and buildings as a whole, having monuments of regional and world significance, while the historical part of the city turned out to be apart from modern development. According to the "category of historical and cultural significance" (Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On objects of cultural Heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation" (with amendments and additions dated 23.07.2013 No. 245-FZ), there are: 21 objects of cultural heritage with the status of federal, 732 - regional and 8 – municipal significance on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region. The tourist implementing factor also includes facilities and institutions of infrastructure services for vacationers and tourists. According to socio-economic indicators for 2018 [14], 235 hotels and other collective accommodation facilities with a total number of 35,000 beds were functioning on the territory of the Chelyabinsk Region, of which the number of rooms of hotel-type enterprises is 8588 beds. More than 240 thousand people used the services of hotel enterprises. The results of the study. As a result of the analysis of the study of "architectural and tourist potential", approbation was carried out on the example of the small town of Kyshtym in the Southern Urals, where data were collected on objects and elements of tourist interest, as well as on infrastructure facilities for servicing tourists. 1. Identification of "spectacular" objects of architectural and tourist potential of territories. a) Classification groups of elements of architectural and tourist potential were determined by functional significance: objects of the thematic zone of tourist activity, attractive territories, recreational zones. The assessment of the groups was carried out as a result of field surveys, as well as reference and project data. Kyshtym has categories of tourist resources suitable for the formation of thematic tourist complexes: the church "In the Name of the Holy Trinity" (1847 to 1849), the Church of the Nativity of Christ (1857), the place of the first revolutionary crowd of Kyshtym workers (1905), etc. And not material objects that are not indicated on the master plan diagram: radiation disaster at the chemical plant "Mayak" (1957), the horror brand of Kyshtym: "Humanoid Alyoshenka", brands: "Kyshtym knitwear", "Kaolin quarry at Kyshtym" (dug in 1945), etc. b) Due to the differentiation of objects according to the degree of tourist significance, the "key resources" are designated: the Demidov Estate ("White House" 1809); city ponds – a system of hydraulic structures of the Verkhne-Kyshtym plant (a monument of industrial culture of the second half of the XVIII century), which appeared during the construction of the Demidov plants, and has no world analogues [10]; The Upper and Lower Kyshtym factories are unique historical monuments of industrial Ural architecture (1757, 1755) (Fig. 1. A). c) A quantitative assessment of the availability of categories of objects of tourist potential acceptable for sightseeing display was made (Table 1, A). Fig. 1. Scheme of the master plan for the placement of tourist potential objects: A – objects of sightseeing display; B – infrastructure service facilities
2. Identification of reference objects of information and transport services. a) On the scale of a separate functional zone, all the basic conditions for the organization of tourist activity in Kyshtym were analyzed [6, 11, etc.], as a result, classification groups of infrastructure facilities of tourist and excursion services were identified [2]. b) A quantitative assessment was made of the availability of reference objects of information and transport services in a particular zone (Table 1, B). Within the framework of the proposed tourist center of Kyshtym, it is possible to assess the possibility of forming a full-fledged tourist stay of a mixed type lasting 1-2 days, provided that the service infrastructure is retrofitted: the creation of information distribution centers, the construction of additional hotels, points catering and other service facilities. c) Based on these criteria, the layout of infrastructure service facilities has been developed (Fig. 1, B). 3. Determination of density, diversity and complexity of identified objects a) The maximum concentration of tourist objects (cultural heritage, industrial unique objects) is established along the embankment of the Verkhne-Kyshtym reservoir, in the area of the bridge crossing along the embankment of the Nizhne-Kyshtym city pond. Table 1 Scheme for determining groups of objects of tourist potential
b) According to the quantitative indicator of the diversity of resources, the tourist potential of Kyshtym (until 2010 belonging to the group of historical cities of Russia) is primarily focused on cultural heritage sites, architectural monuments, unique industrial structures. c) A scheme of urban zoning of the territory of Kyshtym has been drawn up, taking into account the density of the location of tourist resources. The basis for drawing up the scheme was the location of the existing groups of attractions. As a result, four possible zones of excursion display and one of infrastructure service are designated (Fig. 2, A). 4. Designation of possible types of tourist activities for implementation. The assessment of the tourist potential of the city made it possible to identify promising types of tourist activities for development: cultural and educational (including religious and pilgrimage) tourism, scientific tourism, architecture. 5. Determination of the possibility of creating thematic tourist complexes. As a result of the study, three proposed thematic tourist complexes with the main complex of reception and distribution of tourists were identified. And also two zones of perspective development of tourism are defined (Fig. 2, B). 6. Allocation of tourist activity zones. The analysis of the schemes of geographical location of potential opportunities for tourism development made it possible to identify zones of maximum concentration of the proposed tourist processes, on the basis of which a zone of possible maximum tourist activity is proposed (Fig. 2, C), which is a communication between two possible tourist complexes. Fig. 2. Summary diagram of the complex architectural and tourist potential: A - zones of sightseeing display and infrastructure services; B – zones of maximum tourist activity; C – tourist complexes and zones of promising tourism development
Appeal to opponents. The discussion about different forms of tourist and recreational activity has been going on for quite a long time, since the 20th of the XX century, and affects both Russian (Soviet) scientists (e.g.: works on the history of the creation of tourist urban and recreational centers and complexes: N.I. Alexandrova, A.V. Lesika, G.S. Zaikin, etc. scientific works in the field of typology, classification and systematization of tourist and recreational facilities: M.I. Baranovsky, A.I. Zorin, etc.) [2], including experts of the UNWTO (English – "United Nations World Tourism Organization"). In 2001, an international sequence of architectural and tourist resources was prepared: previously, 16 international and 13 local clusters on tourist topics were provided. In Russia, since 2011, the demand for tourism architecture has been increasingly expanding with the adoption of the Federal Target Program "Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)", "(2019-2025)", in which not only the crisis situations of architectural formation and the formation of tourism are identified, but also research with current analysis and the use of assistance measures, both at the regional and local levels [2]. The lack of information about the Ural forms of tourist and recreational formations and their development and introduction into the thematic area of tourism and conglomeration causes difficulties. Conclusions. Graphoanalytical analysis and assessment of the placement of elements of tourist potential (on the example of the city of Kyshtym) will contribute to: 1. Development of programs for the development of tourism in any small city, as one of the main factors in the formation of the urban environment in order to revive it; 2. Preservation and rational use of monuments and other objects of excursion display in the architectural and spatial structure of Kyshtym; 3. Development of scenario travel plans in the system of a unified artistically meaningful environment of the entire South Ural region; 4. Calculations of various options for the travel time of tourists and clarification of the optimal size of tourist flows; 5. Development of graphic schemes of territorial development of a tourist center in the conditions of a specific settlement of the Southern Urals. References
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