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Police activity

The importance of moral and psychological aspects in carrying out operational and service tasks of police officers.

Domysheva Tat'yana Vital'evna

Teacher, Department, Department of Fire Training, East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

664074, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 110
Slobodchikova Tat'yana Anatol'evna

senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Ural State Law University

66 Korepina str., Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Region, 620000
Lavrichenko Ruslan Konstantinovich

PhD in Pedagogy

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Tactical and Special Training of the Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

344000, Rostov-on-Don, Eremenko str., 83









Abstract: The subject of the study is the legal and psychological aspects of the use of firearms by police officers.The object of the study is the psychological and emotional state of police officers in various situations, as well as the content and effectiveness of modern testing methods that determine the psychological state of a person. The objectives of the study are: - study of factors affecting the psychological state of employees; - analysis of the causes and conditions in connection with which irritable factors that affect the psycho-emotional state of a police officer arise. The scientific novelty of the work is a comparative study of the legal and psychological aspects of the use of firearms by police officers in stressful situations. Thus, in order to perform operational and service tasks, it is necessary to be ready not only theoretically and possess special skills and abilities in the implementation of their activities, but also to be morally ready to carry out their activities, as well as objectively understand that certain problems may arise in the performance of official duties. It is necessary to approach the performance of official tasks correctly, while maintaining calm. A police officer who is morally ready to perform his official duties is able to solve operational and official tasks; with the correct and confident performance of his official actions, the quality of the employee's activity increases.


operational and service tasks, fire training, stress resistance, psychological difficulties, police officer, psychology, firearms, emotional stability, legality, practical activities

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Currently, the problems of psychological direction of police officers during operational and service tasks are relevant, and this is due to the fact that police officers often arrive in extreme and stressful situations where high stress tolerance and emotional stability are very important.

To date, due attention is paid to moral and psychological work, which includes the following disciplines: educational, psychological, social, etc. [3]. There is no doubt that the effectiveness of these measures is necessary in the system of internal affairs bodies. Psychological examinations are carried out, the socio-psychological climate in the team is analyzed, psychological assistance is provided to employees who are first employed in the internal affairs bodies [7].

The activity of an employee is often associated with tense situations that pose a danger to the health and life of a police officer, as well as moments related to the use of firearms. The employee is charged with the duties of solving official tasks defined by the spectrum of offenses, the characteristic feature of which is the illegality of behavior. The employee must be prepared to disobey his legal requirements in relation to offenders, listening to vocabulary using obscene language. At the same time, a representative of the authorities can be filmed, thereby provoking actions that discredit his honor and dignity. According to Part 4 of Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation [5], citizens have the right to produce and disseminate information in any legal way, and police activities are open to citizens, due to the principle of publicity and openness defined by Article 8 of Federal Law No. 3-FZ of February 7, 2011 "On Police". Of course, in practice there is such a thing when it is forbidden to shoot police activities on video, but employees under the influence of video fixation may be in a state of heightened emotionality, which may lead to irritability and illegal actions. Illegal actions on the part of an internal affairs officer provoke citizens to display aggressive behavior [6].


According to Asyamov S.V. and Pulatov Yu.S., the following psychological features are inherent in the activities of an employee of the Department of Internal Affairs [2]:

1.                Legal regulation – an employee is obliged to perform his labor functions according to the established norms of law, actions contrary to the norms of law will be illegal;

2. Tension – when disclosing offenses, you have to participate in conflict situations, because often offenders refuse to fulfill the legitimate requirements of an employee, which leads to emotional and physical stress;

3. Lack of time – an employee must have the necessary efficiency and speed of disclosing offenses, while certain requirements must be met, for example, procedural deadlines, all this characterizes the density of the police officer's work schedule;

4. A wide range of interaction – the employee is obliged to behave with dignity and politely when communicating, refrain from insults, rudeness in speech, while being an example of the execution of laws;

5. The presence of authority – it is necessary to be able to use them correctly.

We see that the employee's activity is characterized by features that require him to have official discipline and the right emotional approach, therefore it is necessary to have psychological stability at a high level. But it is important to understand that it is not an innate, but an acquired property, that is, an employee is formed in parallel with the development of personality and depends on experience, level of professional training, etc. [8].

In the process of entering the service in the internal affairs bodies, a potential employee undergoes professional selection, which provides for a conversation with a psychologist, psychological testing and other activities, the results of which determine the degree of readiness of the candidate to perform operational and official tasks.

Due to subjective reasons, not every employee who has passed a psychological diagnostic examination can carry out official activities due to psychological problems. This is characterized by the difference between expectation and reality, when a person, entering the service, expected a different result, and as a result, it is very difficult mentally to endure the process of performing his activities.

One of the results may be dismissal on their own because of their low stress tolerance. An employee who experiences psychological difficulties does not always quit. For example, a psychologist can hold a conversation with him, after which he will understand that there are ways to solve these problems. Unfortunately, due to certain emotional problems, employees also resort to suicide. It is important to note that when entering the service in the internal affairs bodies, about 40% who committed suicide did not undergo examination in mental diagnostic centers [1].

To increase emotional stability and stress resistance during operational and service tasks, an employee of the Department of Internal Affairs must master and assimilate a set of the following prescriptions:

- a candidate for admission to the Department of Internal Affairs must be examined in the centers of mental diagnostics, while objectively answering in a conversation with a psychologist, psychological tests, during a polygraph examination, etc.

- after successfully passing a mental diagnosis, a potential employee needs to carefully consider his decision whether he should enter the Department of Internal Affairs, weighing all the pros and cons at the same time;

- it is necessary to be able to distract from the service during non-working hours, for example, spending time with your family, with friends, doing what you love or in another way;

- first of all, employees are obliged to remain calm in any situations in the process of performing operational and service tasks;

- heads of departments need to be instructed and develop an algorithm for how to manifest themselves in extreme and stressful situations when performing official activities, while maintaining calm and not exposing themselves to increased emotionality;

- behave decently and politely when communicating with citizens, serve as an example of law enforcement, refrain from insults, build relationships with colleagues on the principles of friendly partnership and mutual assistance, be fair in assessing their official activities and the work of colleagues [4];

- to give yourself an incentive that in any situation there is an opportunity to find solutions to overcome negative aspects;

- effective and lawful use of physical, special means and firearms will give the employee self-confidence, because he will know how to correctly apply appropriate measures in his official activities;

- knowledge of the regulatory framework will also give a sense of confidence.

Thus, in order to perform operational and service tasks, it is necessary to be ready not only theoretically and possess special skills and abilities in the implementation of their activities, but also to be ready to be morally stable in the implementation of their activities and objectively understand that certain problems may arise in the performance of official duties. It is necessary to approach the performance of official tasks correctly, while maintaining calm. A police officer who is morally ready to perform his official duties is able to solve operational and official tasks, with the correct and confident performance of his official actions, the quality of activity increases.

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