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Philology: scientific researches
Mordvinova, A.R. (2022). Linguopragmatic features of the coverage of bilingualism in the Quebec media discourse . Philology: scientific researches, 3, 33–46.
Linguopragmatic features of the coverage of bilingualism in the Quebec media discourse
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2022.3.35632Received: 04-05-2021Published: 21-03-2022Abstract: The object of the study is the coverage of bilingualism in the French-speaking press of the province of Quebec. The research material was 100 articles of online versions of the newspapers La Presse, Le Journal de Montréal, Le Devoir, the central theme of which is bilingualism and the official languages of Canada. The aim of the study is to identify the linguistic and pragmatic features of the coverage of bilingualism, which actually takes place in the province of Quebec with officially approved monolingualism, in the traditional media of the province. To achieve the purpose of the study, such a method as discourse analysis was applied, 320 units of discursive analysis were allocated (in this study, we consider the part of the article - a sentence, a paragraph, which highlights one aspect of bilingualism (an event related to bilingualism, the implementation of bilingualism in any sphere of public life or attitude to of these, 179 relate exclusively to bilingualism on a provincial scale. As a result of the analysis of the language material, it was revealed that the key topics are the statement of the bilingualism of the social life of the province, primarily its educational system and production process (including the need to speak English for employment), the further development of this trend and the regression of Francophonie due to the greater social significance of the English language and globalization, the struggle with the current linguistic and sociolinguistic the situation and the accusation of government structures and ordinary native speakers, criticism of institutional and individual bilingualism (although the motives for protecting bilingualism as a competitive advantage and criticism of the rejection of bilingualism are presented). The Bonjour/Hi formula is also widely covered (the attitude towards it in the Quebec press is mostly negative), bilingualism in Montreal, presented as a linguistic and ideological betrayal. The economic and legal aspects of bilingualism in the province are poorly reflected in the analyzed material, presumably due to officially approved monolingualism. Keywords: bilingualism, monolingualism, Quebec, media discourse, discourse analysis, francophonie, linguopragmatics, language policy, globalization, CanadaThis article is automatically translated. According to the 2016 Canadian census, for 77.1% of the population of the province of Quebec, French is the only native language (71.2% speak only French at home – 75.1% in 2006), almost half of them (44.5%) are bilinguals, and in the age category of 20 – 29 years, the proportion of bilinguals among Francophones is 65% [1]. The increasing role of the English language is indicated by the results of the CLUF survey [2]: 34.1% of "monolingual" Francophones (who use only French in public life) believe that knowledge of English is more important for success than proficiency in French, 32% believe that proficiency in both languages is equally important. Among the "bilingual" Francophones, these figures are 35.2% and 46.1%, respectively. The sociolinguistic status of languages is defined as follows: 45.5% of "monolingual" francophones recognize French as the most socially prestigious language, 47.6% insist on the equal status of English and French. Among Francophones, "bilinguals" are also more than those who attach equal importance to both languages - 55%, only French – 36.4%. Thus, K. Loubier's conviction that "[French-Canadians] attribute low social value to their native language" and that "the dynamics of bilingualism in Quebec is favorable for the spread of the English language" [3] is confirmed in numerical indicators. The problem of bilingualism is widely covered in the Canadian media discourse, but in the discourse of English–speaking and French-speaking media, bilingualism refers to different situations (in English-language publications and French-language publications outside Quebec, Canadian bilingualism is equated with the use of French along with English, in Quebec media - to the use of English). It is also worth considering the fact that "Anglo- and French-Canadian journalists belong to different professional communities" [4], which are characterized by different linguistic ideologies (ideas about the role of language in society). The key characteristics of the linguistic ideologies of the French and English-Canadian media are considered in the work of R. Vesey "Language ideologies and discourses of national identity in Canadian newspapers: a cross-linguistic corpus-assisted discourse study" Linguistic ideologies and discourse of national identity in Canadian newspapers: a cross-linguistic study of discourse using the corpus. Based on the analysis of the Canadian media corpus, the linguist draws the following conclusions about the presentation of bilingualism in the French-Canadian media discourse: in general, language problems in the French-Canadian media are covered much more widely than in the English-Canadian media, the topic of bilingualism is covered equally, but in the French-Canadian media discourse bilingualism is discussed "with greater depth" (3.2 references to bilingualism in the text compared to 1.5 in English media texts). In general, the ideology of bilingualism in the Quebec media discourse is often "evaluated negatively" (unlike the ideology of monolingualism and the threatening position of the French language), bilingualism is considered as a step towards Anglicization and assimilation – adjectives, adverbs and verbs are used, "having the meaning of loss and depression" – "in?vitable" is inevitable, "imp?rativement" is mandatory, "tomber" fall, neologisms "bilinguization" bilingualization, "bilinguiser" bilingualize. However, the positive aspects of bilingualism are also presented, as well as the fact that bilingualism is part of the cultural identity of Canadians. R. Vessi notes that in the Acadian (New Brunswick) media discourse, the problem of bilingualism is more relevant ("topical"), but more specific data on the Francophone media discourse of the province are not presented in the study. The critical analysis of the corpus of Canadian media discourse conducted by R. Vesey, due to the peculiarities of the study, is more quantitative than qualitative (as the author himself points out), we are interested in the pragmatic characteristics of bilingualism in the Quebec media discourse, since, unlike the officially approved bilingualism of the province of New Brunswick, the province of Quebec is legally monolingualism is fixed with the accompanying language policy of development, promotion and protection of the French language, nevertheless, the dynamics of the level of bilingualism and the growth of its social significance are obvious, respectively, there is a conflict of public and private language interests. Its reflection in the media discourse, which is "a powerful means of producing and reproducing ideological discourses about language and nation" [4], is of considerable scientific interest. According to the data provided by the Centre d'etudes sur les m?dias Center for the Study of Mass Media, traditional media are the main source of information for 61% of the surveyed residents of the province of Quebec, while among different age groups this indicator varies significantly – from 22% of respondents aged 18 to 24 years to 72% for citizens over 55; At the same time, online versions of traditional media such as Le Journal de Montr?al, the Montreal Gazette and La Presse Press are also attractive to young respondents [5]. From the state (le minist?re de la Culture et des Communications du Qu?bec (MCC) Ministry of Culture and Communications of Quebec, le Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des t?l?communications canadiennes (CRTC) The Council of Canadian Broadcasting and Telecommunications) and non-profit structures (Hebdos Qu?bec Weeklies of Quebec, l'Association des m?dias ?crits communautaires du Qu?bec (AMECQ) Association of Municipal Written Media of Quebec), the following requirements are imposed on the media resources of the province: “The media must create and distribute... original written content covering the current state of affairs and aimed at the population of the province of Quebec" [6]. Thus, the media resources of the province should be a relevant base for the study of public consciousness and moods. In order to achieve the goal of the study – to identify the linguistic and pragmatic features of the coverage of bilingualism in the Quebec media discourse – 100 articles published in the online versions of the newspapers La Presse, Le Journal de Montr?al, Le Devoir from 2009 to 2020, proposed by the internal search mechanism of the websites of these newspapers on request “bilinguisme”, “les langues officielles" (with at the same time, a selection of articles was made, where bilingualism and the use of the official languages of Canada is the central topic). The issue of identifying units of discourse analysis is currently open, and in this study, we consider a part of the article – a sentence, a paragraph, in some cases an entire article, which highlights one aspect of bilingualism (an event related to bilingualism, the implementation of bilingualism in any sphere of public life, etc.) to be a unit of discursive analysis (hereinafter referred to as FOOD). etc.) or an expression of an attitude towards bilingualism in general or one of the aspects of its implementation. In total, 320 cases of coverage of aspects of bilingualism were recorded on three scales – as a phenomenon in general (12, 3.8% of the total), Canadian-wide bilingualism (129, 40.3%) and bilingualism in Quebec (179, 55.9%). In this article, we will consider the linguopragmatic features of the coverage of bilingualism only in the province of Quebec. 1) The central theme can be called the statement of the actual bilingualism of the province of Quebec (as opposed to the officially declared monolingualism), the further development of this trend and the regression of francophonie (99) – "Il n'est donc pas ?tonnant que l'on observe un certain degr? de bilinguisme fran?ais-anglais dans la vie sociale, culturelle, intellectuelle, administrative et ?conomique du Qu?bec" [7] Therefore, it is not surprising that in the social, cultural, intellectual, administrative and economic life of Quebec there is a certain degree of French-English bilingualism, etc. At the same time, the forecasts of the authors of the articles are extremely pessimistic (6): "j'estime que la bataille pour le fran?ais ? Montr?al est en train d'?tre perdue...Le multiculturalisme canadien a fait son ?uvre en pla?ant le fran?ais au niveau des autres langues parl?es aujourd'hui au Canada" [8] I believe that the battle for French in Montreal is about to be lost... Canadian multiculturalism has done its job, putting French on the level of other languages spoken in Canada today, etc. Among the reasons mentioned are such factors as demography – "La d?mographie ne joue pas en faveur des francophones" [9] demography does not play in favor of francophones, globalization – "l'id?ologie dominante pousse ? l'homog?n?isation linguistique de la plan?te sous le signe de l'anglais" [10] the dominant ideology pushes for the linguistic homogenization of the planet under the banner of the English language, the influence of American culture (2) – "immersion constante dans la culture anglo-am?ricaine" [11] constant immersion in Anglo-American culture, migrants-Anglo- and allophones (4) "L'immigration massive ... est le premier facteur de l'anglicisation du Qu?bec" [10] Mass immigration... is the first factor in the Anglicization of Quebec. Examples of the presence of English in various spheres of public life in the province are given: in trade(8), up to the transition to using only English in Montreal: "Plusieurs commer?ants qui, pour plaire ? une partie de la client?le, rendent tous les contenus ... bilingues et m?me leur affichage interne principalement en anglais" [12] A number of entrepreneurs, in order to please a part of the clientele, present bilingual information... and even their internal advertising is mainly in English, "l'anglais pr?domine encore dans de nombreuses boutiques de Montr?al" [13] English still prevails in many stores in Montreal, etc., although the adoption of measures to curb this trend is emphasized (1): "Les Old Navy, Best Buy et autres Casey's du Qu?bec doivent assurer "une pr?sence suffisante" du fran?ais sur leur facade, au moyen d'un slogan ou d'une autre mention en fran?ais situ?e sur la devanture"[13] Old Navy, Best Buy and other Caseys from Quebec must ensure "sufficient presence" of the French language on the facade using the slogan or another inscription in French, located on the showcase, in the cultural life of the province (3):"Peu de pi?ces de thtre m?lent le fran?ais et l'anglais, alors que la r?alit? montr?alaise est clairement marqu?e par la cohabitation de ces deux langues. Sexy B?ton, cr?ation de la compagnie Porte-parole, fait le pari du bilinguisme"[14] Few plays mix French and English, while the Montreal reality is clearly marked by the cohabitation of these two languages. Sexy Concrete, the creation of the Port Password Theater troupe (Press Secretary) relies on bilingualism of others, on television (3) – "Je vois qu'? la t?l? qu?b?coise, j'ai le choix entre les ?missions Open Mic, Roast battle et Shore lunch" [15] I see that on Quebec television I have a choice between the show Open Mic, Roast Battle and Shore Lunch, in the Internet space (2) - "Je vais sur Twitter lire les conseils de mes copines qui font le buzz. Hashtag #girlpower #love #millenials #storytelling #soproud #welldone" [15] I go to Twitter to read the advice of my friends. Hashtag #girlpower #love #millenials #storytelling #soproud #welldone, in catering establishments – "Le serveur, francophone, nous apporte des menus... en anglais seulement. "On n'en a pas en fran?ais" [16] The waiter, a Francophone, brings us the menu... only in English. "Not in French", in cinemas – "Les cin?mas pr?sentent des films en version anglaise dans un nombre toujours plus grand de salles" [15] cinemas are showing films in English in an increasing number of halls. The degradation of the French language in Quebec is noted, the abundance of Anglicisms of various kinds (3) – "le fran?ais d?natur?, ? la syntaxe d?structur?e" [17] distorted French, with destroyed syntax. In the same category, we will separately highlight the coverage of bilingualism in the educational system of the province (28) and the presence of both state languages as "languages of work" (langues de travail) (24). Bilingualism in the educational system of the province: 1) the problem of reducing the demand and prestige of francophone educational institutions (respectively, French as the language of education and the language in general) while increasing the demand and prestige of Anglophone educational institutions, since English is perceived by young people as a competitive advantage and a "ticket to life" (11) – "On assiste actuellement ? une v?ritable ru?e sur les c?geps qui enseignent en anglais ? Montr?al; le nombre de demandes d'admission y est en hausse constante" [18] Currently in Montreal there is a real commotion in those colleges where they teach in English; the number of applications for admission is constantly growing, etc.; 2) criticism of the actions of politicians in this area (11) – "Nous sommes t?moins d'un retournement des institutions publiques qu?b?coises contre la langue fran?aise" [19] we are witnessing the turn of Quebec state institutions against the French language, etc.; 3) vision of the role of an intensive English course ("immersion") in the school curriculum (4) – "Ma sixi?me ann?e ne m'a pas appris ? renier ou ? m?priser le fran?ais. Elle m'a appris l'anglais, c'est tout… Alors, quand vous dites que l'apprentissage intensif de l'anglais est une r?gression identitaire, je remets en doute vos arguments» [20]My sixth year didn't make me renounce French or despise it. He taught me English, that's all... therefore, when you say that intensive study of English is a regression of identity, I doubt your arguments, etc. In all cases, the authors (as the parents of the students or as the students themselves who took these courses) postulated the idea that in–depth study of English is a competitive advantage and does not harm the French language in any way; 4) English in education = English at work = English in life (2) - "Une importante ?tude de l'Institut de recherche sur le fran?ais en Am?rique (IRFA), r?alis?e pour le compte de la CSQ en 2010, avait prouv? que le choix du c?gep anglais ?tait un v?ritable "choix de vie" et avait des cons?quences majeures sur l'orientation linguistique et culturelle subs?quente: le choix du c?gep anglais menait ensuite ? l' universit? en anglais (? 90%), ? travailler en anglais, ? l'utilisation de l'anglais comme langue de socialisation avec ses amis, ? l'anglais comme langue de consommation culturelle et comme langue d'usage publique"[18] the choice of an English college was a true "choice of life" and had serious consequences for subsequent language and cultural orientation: choosing an English college leads to studying at the university in English (90%), working in English, using English as a language of communication with friends, cultural consumption and the language used in society, etc. Coverage of the place of bilingualism in the field of industrial relations in Quebec can be divided into the following subcategories: 1) the necessity of French-English bilingualism to receive/work in a specific position (13), promotion on the career ladder – "Le bilinguisme essentiel est pratiquement ? l obtention d'un emploi, que l'on soit d'accord ou non avec ce fait" [20] Bilingualism is almost essential for getting a job, regardless of whether you agree with that or not , etc.; 2) increase use of two languages in the workplace (5) – "le bilinguisme dans le cadre du travail est en hausse" [21] the use of bilingualism in the workplace is growing , etc.; 3) requirement of English to work at certain positions is justified and does not contradict the language laws of Quebec city (3) – "Prot?ger le droit "fondamental" de travailler en fran?ais et exiger le bilinguisme pour certains postes ne sont pas deux choses incompatibles" [22] The protection of "fundamental" right to work in the French language and bilingualism a requirement for certain positions – are not two incompatible things , etc.; 4) no requirement of knowledge of the English language for those posts where its use is not necessary (2) – "Des employeurs recommencent ? exiger syst?matiquement le bilinguisme, ind?pendamment des besoins r?els de l'emploi" [23] Employers are beginning to systematically require bilingualism, regardless of the actual needs of the position"; 5) search for bilingual employees (1): search bilingual employee can be a problem only in rural areas of Quebec, but not in the cities – "Le chef lib?ral n'a pas encore trouv? de cas o? une entreprise qu?b?coise n aurait pas r?ussi ? trouver de main d'oeuvre bilingue. Mais en r?gion, ce n'est "pas toujours facile" ... on ne trouve pas au coin de la rue un employ? couramment bilingue"[22] The Liberal leader has not yet encountered such a case that a Quebec company could not find a bilingual workforce. But in the region it is "not always easy.".. fluent English speakers don't stand on every corner. 2) Struggle with the current language situation (23): 1) the requirement to reduce the cost of Anglophone education and to strengthen the Francophone education (8) – "Il faut r?tablir le financement des institutions anglophones au prorata du poids d?mographique des anglophones, et ne plus attribuer aux institutions anglophones la part des allophones qui devrait aller enti?rement aux institutions francophones" [24] it is Necessary to restore funding for English-language institutions in proportion to the demographic weight of the English, and not to allocate the English-speaking institutions the proportion of allophones, which should be fully move in Francophone institutions; 2) call for Francophones to monitor compliance with its own language rights and the purity of the French language (4) – "Denise Bombardier nous dit que si nous ne sommes pas vigilants, C'est ici m?me, au Qu?bec, que nous serons bient?t comme des ours polaires affam?s, sur une banquise en train de fondre" [25] Denise Bombardier tells us that if we are not vigilant, it is here, in Quebec, we'll be as hungry polar bears on melting ice , etc.; 3) demand reduction-making of migrants and greater control over their Francisella (3) – "Celui qui arrive chez nous ne doit pas avoir le choix entre le fran?ais et l'anglais, mais embrasser notre langue" [26] Those who come to us must have a choice between French and English, and must take our language; 4) to make a French language the working language and as the language of provision of services (not counting work with anglophones) (3) – "Les services publics devraient ?tre offerts en fran?ais exclusivement, sauf pour la minorit? historique anglaise, ?videmment" [27] Social services should be offered exclusively in French language, except English historical minorities, of course; 5) strengthening of legislative measures (2) – "Seules des mesures l?gislatives claires et efficaces combin?es ? une volont? politique av?r?e des gouvernements ? les appliquer, peut donner du souffle au rapport de forces du fran?ais face ? l'anglais" [28] Only a clear and effective legislative measures, combined with the effort of governments to implement them can change the balance of forces against the French speakers of English; 6) measures (3): at the political level – "Il [Le PQ] d?posera ? nouveau un projet de loi pour interdire aux entreprises d exiger l'anglais comme crit?re d embauche quand ce n'est pas n?cessaire" [29] [Party of Quebec] again will submit a bill banning companies require English as a criterion for recruitment when it is not needed; at the company level – the failure of the Quebec companies to provide services in English: "la STM exige que ses travailleurs donnent des services en anglais. Cette d?claration nous semble aussi irreponsable que contradictoire avec les engagements du Parti qu?b?cois"[30] The Montreal Transport Society requires its employees to provide services in English. This statement seems to us as irresponsible as it contradicts the obligations of the Quebec Party - the implementation of condemnation tactics is obvious; at the level of individuals – a boycott of establishments that do not provide services in French – "Pas de menu en fran?ais, donc pas de clients en fran?ais" que je lui ai r?pondu [16] "There is no menu on in French, there are no Francophone clients," that's what I told him. 3) Accusation in the current situation (20):1) the provincial authorities (5) – "toutes nos ?lites ... qui jouent les surprises aujourd'hui, ont tout fait pour nier et enterrer le probl?me depuis vingt ans" [31] all our elite representatives ... who pretend to be surprised today, have been doing everything for 20 years to deny and silence this problem; 2) confession of guilt (5) – "Les Qu?b?cois francophones ont perdu le goit de se battre pour le fran?ais" [32] Quebec Francophones no longer want to fight for the French language; 3) Federal authorities (4) – "Apr?s avoir tout fait pour les angliciser, le Canada leur offre d?sormais un respirateur artificiel et se pr?sente comme leur sauveur" [33] after everything has been done to anglicize them, Canada offers them an "artificial respiration device" and presents itself as a savior; 4) French Language Department (3) – "L'OQLF n'intervient pas" [13] French Language Department the French language does not interfere; 5) the insolvency of the legislative apparatus of the province (3) – "la Charte de la langue fran?aise, dans sa forme actuelle, est un ?chec!" [34] The Charter of the French language in its current form is a failure! 3) Attitude to the Bonjour/Hi formula (14): 1) the formula is only the "tip of the iceberg", reflecting the regression of francophonie (7) – "Le Bonjour-Hi n'est qu'un sympt?me. Chercher ? l'interdire, c'est comme prendre une pastille pour combattre une pneumonie" [35] bonjour/hai is just a symptom. Trying to ban it is like treating pneumonia with cough lozenges, etc.; 2) negative (4) – "la formule d?bile" [27] moronic formula; 3) recognition as part of identity (2): "Le bonjour/hi est en train de devenir le symbole principal de l'identit? montr?alaise" [36] bonjour/hai becomes the main symbol of Montreal identity; 4) the formula is incorrect from a linguistic point of view (1) – "Dr?le de comparaison: on ne peut pas mettre sur le m?me pied la langue utilis?e dans des entreprises ou des commerces et la langue parl?e par des individuus dans leur vie de tous les jours" [37] A funny comparison: one cannot equate the language used in companies or shops with the language spoken by people in their daily lives. 4) Bilingualism in Montreal (10). It is well known that Montreal is much more bilingual and bicultural than the province of Quebec as a whole; the analyzed material reflects such aspects as: 1) Montreal is not French–speaking, but fully bilingual, with a gradual departure into Anglicization (8): "Ce n'est plus une ville fran?aise avec la pr?sence d'une communaut? anglophone importante et ancr?e. C'est une ville tout simplement bilingue"[38] This is no longer a French city with a significant and entrenched English-speaking community. It is simply a bilingual city, "C'est simplement parce que la dynamique linguistique montr?alaise est anglicisante. La langue commune, ? Montr?al, c'est l'anglais" [39] This is simply because the Montreal linguistic dynamic is anglicizing. The common language in Montreal is English; 2) the uniqueness of Montreal as an example of the harmonious coexistence of two languages and cultures (1): "Ce qui est absolute unique ... c'est la dualit? de Montr?al, le fait qu'elle se soit b?tie sur deux groupes linguistiques et culturels ... Cette dualit? a ?t? et reste une source de tensions ... Mais nous avons atteint un certain ?quilibre" [40] What is absolutely unique ... is the duality of Montreal, the fact that it is built on two linguistic and cultural groups... this duality has been and remains a source of tension ... but we have reached some equilibrium; 3) institutional bilingualism in Montreal (1) – "le d?clin du fran?ais ? Montr?al est largement attribuable au bilinguisme institutionnel qui s'est propag? partout dans les services publics ? tous les paliers de gouvernement" [30] the decline of the French language in Montreal is largely due to institutional bilingualism, which has spread to all public services at all levels of government. In 9 cases out of 10, bilingualism in Montreal is presented in a negative light, as a kind of linguistic and ideological betrayal. 5) Criticism of individual and institutional bilingualism in Quebec (9), primarily because bilingualism is a threat to the French language and Quebec identity: "Le bilinguisme institutionnel constitue une menace claire contre le fran?ais" [12] Institutional bilingualism is a clear threat to the French language, etc. At the same time, we particularly note the following example, which testifies to the vision of the role of monolingualism of Quebec as a guarantor of bilingualism in Canada: "Si on veut que le Canada demeure un pays bilingue, le Qu?bec se doit de rester d'abord et avant tout francophone" [41] If we want Canada to remain a bilingual country, Quebec must remain primarily French-speaking. 6) Criticism of non-acceptance of bilingualism (4): "Ce que je trouve absurde, c'est qu'au Qu?bec, on a la chance d'?tre bilingue. Au lieu de prendre ?a comme un atout, on a d?cid? que ?a allait ?tre la croix qu'on porterait"[42] I find it absurd that in Quebec we are lucky to be bilingual, but instead of taking this as an advantage, we decided that it would be a cross that we would bear and others . 7) Bilingualism as a stumbling block (3): "Le bilinguisme: p?ril ou n?cessit? pour les Qu?b?cois?" Bilingualism: danger or necessity for Quebecers? [23] and others. To highlight this aspect, it is characteristic to use interrogative sentences to pose the problem, which, from our point of view, is a reflection of the mixed feelings of Quebecers regarding bilingualism in the province, since its inevitability, advantages, and the blow it deals to the ideology of Francophonie are obvious. 8) The humiliating past of Francophonie (3): "Dans ma tendre enfance lorsque j'accompagnais ma m?re chez Eaton, rue Sainte-Catherine, je m'adressais ? elle en anglais, car j'?tais honteuse de r?v?ler ma faiblesse, c'est-?-dire que j'?tais francophone" [9] As a child When I accompanied my mother to Eton on St. Catherine Street, I addressed her in English, because I was ashamed to reveal my weakness, that is, that I was French-speaking. 9) Statistics of bilingualism in the province of Quebec (2): "Ce sont les anglophones du Qu?bec qui ont fait les plus importants progr?s en mati?re de bilinguisme... Le bilinguisme fran?ais-anglais a aussi progress? fortement chez les Qu?b?cois n'ayant pas le fran?ais ou l'anglais comme langue maternelle... Le bilinguisme a aussi fait d 'importants progr?s chez les francophones du Qu?bec, m?me si ces gains sont plus modestes que chez les anglophones et les allophones de la province" [43] It was the English-speaking residents of Quebec who achieved the greatest success in bilingualism... French-English bilingualism has also advanced greatly among Quebecers who do not have French or English as their mother tongue... Bilingualism has also advanced significantly among French-speaking residentsQuebec, although these successes are more modest than those of English-speaking and allophone residents of the province. 11) Legal aspects of provincial legislation related to bilingualism in Canada (1): "Le Barreau du Qu?bec et le Barreau de Montr?al ont soulev? un toll? en avril lorsqu'ils ont d?pos? un recours all?guant que les lois du Qu?bec sont invalides puisqu'elles ne sont pas adopt?es simultan?ment en fran?ais et en anglais, ce qui occasion des incoh?rences entre les deux versions et serait contraire ? la Loi constitutionnelle de 1867" [44] Bar AssociationQuebec andBar AssociationMontreal filed a protest in April when they filed an appeal, arguing that the lawsQuebec are invalid because they are not accepted simultaneously in French and English, which leads to inconsistencies between the two versions and contradicts the constitutional law of 1867. 12) Economics of bilingualism (1): if on a Canadian scale the issue is treated exclusively as translation costs, in the context of the province bilingualism carries a profit – "Pour le PLQ, le Qu?bec se devait d'?tre une province parfaiture bilingue afin d'?tre sur la "map" et d'attirer des cerveaux, des immigrants riches et des transnationales" [45] For the Liberal PartyQuebec had to be a completely bilingual province in order to be on the map and attract brains, wealthy immigrants and multinational corporations. Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn about the peculiarities of the coverage of bilingualism in the traditional media discourse of the province of Quebec: the key topic is the statement of actual bilingualism in official monolingualism due to the greater demand for English as the language of instruction, work, trade, service sector and cultural life. The current linguistic and sociolinguistic situation, awareness of the rather sad prospects of Francophonie in Quebec give rise to motives for accusing government structures and ordinary Quebecers directly of reducing the status and functional role of the French language and combating these trends. Both criticism of institutional and individual bilingualism, including in Montreal in particular, and criticism of the rejection of bilingualism (to a lesser extent) are presented. The economic and legal aspects of bilingualism in the province are poorly reflected in the analyzed material. References
1. Update of the 2016 Census language data // URL: (data obrashcheniya: 10.04.2021).
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