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Interdisciplinary study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on family and marriage institutions

Loboda Polina Evgen'evna

Student, Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Far Eastern Federal University

692331, Russia, Primorskii krai, g. Arsen'ev, ul. Sadovaya, 29, kv. 25
Prokudina Regina Olegovna

Student, Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Far Eastern Federal University

690911, Russia, Primorskii krai, g. Vladivostok, ul. Admirala Gorshkova, 38, kv. 61









Abstract: The object of the study is the family. The subject of the study is the institute of divorce. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the role of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the institution of divorce. The analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the directions of state development in the field of economics, demography, as well as regulation of family relations is carried out. The article reveals the content of the psychological aspect. In particular, it is said about the formation of psychological tension that arose due to the need to stay in a confined space for a long time. As a result, stress begins in subjects, which affects not only the psychological state of a person, but also the physical one, it can reduce immunity and resistance to coronavirus. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is to establish the indirect role of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dissolution of marriages. The main conclusion of the study is that coronavirus cannot be considered as an independent cause of marital divorce, but it aggravates the negative trends that occur in every family. Despite this, an increase in the number of divorces is inevitable, so it is necessary to take measures to optimize this process. A significant contribution was made by innovative changes in the field of notary in 2021. One of the innovations was remote notarial actions. Thanks to this, the notary actively implements electronic technologies in its activities, allowing not only to speed up the passage of all stages of the procedure, but also to increase the security and reliability of legally important information. Such changes have had a positive impact on the existing system, since they have made it the most simplified and convenient.


Family law, Family, Dissolution of marriage, COVID-19, Technological changes, Notary Public, Psychological tension, Demographic development, Alimony, Notarial actions

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It should be noted that in this case we are talking only about a family legal agreement on the payment of alimony, without taking into account a civil contract on the provision of maintenance. The latter has its own distinctive features. For example, S.S. Chekulaev believes that these are similar concepts, but their legal nature, the set of subjects, the grounds for the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as the nature of the legal consequences are different.

A notary is the most accessible lawyer for citizens and the only private person acting on behalf of the state. It not only helps to draw up documents and give them legal significance, but also according to Article 16 "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries" dated 11.02.1993 N 4462-1, a notary is obliged to explain to individuals and legal entities the rights and obligations, warn about the consequences of notarial actions performed, so that legal ignorance could not be used to their detriment. The Institute of the notary, performing a public legal function on behalf of the state, creates all conditions so that citizens always have the opportunity to apply for a notarial action to solve almost any issues.

According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Covid-19 pandemic, when considered as an independent reason for the dissolution of marriages, does not find its confirmation. However, the self-isolation of spouses can exacerbate the negative trends that occur in each family. Despite such an indirect role of the severe epidemiological situation, an increase in the number of divorces is inevitable, therefore it is necessary to take measures to optimize this process. A significant contribution was made by innovative changes in the field of notary, which made it possible to settle unresolved issues between former spouses in a remote format.

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