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Police activity

Recruitment of Russian youth by extremist organizations

Keldasov Timur Dzhumagulovich

Senior Lecturer, Department of Special Training, East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

664074, Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk, Lermontov str., 110









Abstract: The article examines the current problems of recruiting young people to extremist organizations using both religious motivation and social problems of recruitment objects. The article describes the results of a study to identify the motives and reasons for citizens' participation in the activities of terrorist and extremist organizations. The practice of improving the system of measures to counter extremist organizations in recruiting new members is considered. In addition, the subject of the study includes recruiting tools, the structure of the recruitment process, models for attracting new members to terrorist organizations, as well as characteristics of potential recruits. The methodological basis of the research is such general scientific and private scientific methods as analysis, formal-logical and formal-legal. Based on the analysis of current law enforcement practice, modern statistical data and the points of view of other researchers, the reasons that complicate the effect of the norms of Russian legislation on recruiters and the application of preventive measures within the framework of the problem are reflected. The main results of the conducted research allow us to identify significant gaps in the issues of countering terrorism and extremism at the initial stages. The variants of solving the issue by introducing the cult of love for the Motherland into the consciousness of young people, as well as the skills of correct understanding of moral and religious values are proposed.


recruitment, terrorism, extremism, social networks, ideology, youth, involvement, aggression, online recruiting, religion

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On February 28, 2019, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, at an expanded meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, identified countering extremism as one of the most important areas of work of the internal affairs bodies (hereinafter referred to as the ATS). He noted that the Department of Internal Affairs should strictly suppress the activities of radical organizations in conscience with representatives of the public, public authorities within their responsibility, including taking decisive measures to identify and suppress the activities of persons involved in the spread of the ideology of aggression, violence and intolerance, primarily among young people.

Indeed, we have to state that at present, manifestations of extremism in various forms, primarily among young people, cause serious concern and concern in society. It is the youth with their immature life principles and views that are the primary object of the efforts of extremist organizations, regardless of their social, cultural and other characteristics.

As the analysis of practice shows, the involvement of the younger generation in the activities of extremist and terrorist organizations is carried out in various ways, based not only on traditional forms and methods of influencing a person and his psyche, but also using modern information and telecommunication technologies [1].

Mainly in recent years, emissaries of the ideology of extremism have been actively using Internet resources, social networks, messengers, various chats, etc. when carrying out recruitment activities. This is due to the fact that the Internet and other modern technical innovations in the field of communication and information exchange are characterized by the possibility of anonymizing one's identity, a wide audience, the absence of physical boundaries and appropriate appropriate control, both from society and from law enforcement agencies. As a result, terrorist and extremist organizations are provided with unprecedented opportunities to prepare and commit crimes, involve new participants in extremist activities, etc. the analysis of practice shows that, taken together, such technical innovations allow for the unhindered exchange of information regardless of the actual location on the condition of complete anonymity of the identity of the user of Internet resources. In this regard, recruitment and search for new participants in extremist activities is carried out in most cases in various chat rooms, websites, social media, etc.

This negative trend has not spared Russian citizens, where the recruitment and involvement of citizens in extremist activities is a serious threat and problem for the law enforcement activities of our country.

Here it is important to understand the origins of this problem and to study the reasons for citizens joining terrorist and extremist organizations.

We believe that, first of all, this state of affairs was the result of the lack of a systematic approach in the patriotic education of the younger generation, as well as the lack of a system for the formation of a certain ideology, which in essence are designed to provide a clear guideline in life based on legal and moral education of young people.

As a rule, the younger generation does not have sufficient life experience and well-established moral guidelines, which does not allow for a sufficiently correct and timely adaptation to the realities of adult life, followed by the definition of the line between criminal and non-criminal acts. That is why such an extensive social group as young people becomes the object of involvement in illegal extremist activities.

The process of involving extremist organizations in online communities is mainly carried out through the implementation of a specially developed system of measures to identify, attract and approve illegal actions and radical views of members of extremist and terrorist communities at the subconscious level of citizens, which in simple words is referred to by such a term as "online recruiting" [2].

Such recruitment is arranged in such a way that when visiting certain sites, forums, chats, emissaries of extremism and terrorism take all measures to involve the object of recruitment in various discussions. We draw your attention to the fact that it does not actually matter whether the object of extremist interest directly supports the views of the organizers of the site or denies them.

Then, as expected, practically a potential candidate, after applying a number of psychological techniques, is redirected to another website, forum, blog or chat for further verification of his further intentions, which ultimately allows him to establish closer contact with members of the extremist organization of the group and discuss upcoming participation in the preparation and commission of extremist crimes.

Separately, it should be noted that modern recruitment activity is purely the activity of highly qualified specialists and professionals from various fields of human activity. These broad-profile specialists are characterized by deep knowledge in the field of psychology, the use of which allows you to encourage and force a person to take actions in the interests and in fulfillment of the goals of the customer.

Moreover, in most cases, persons acting as so-called recruiters, as a rule, do not share the radical views of terrorists, do not have any relation to one or another extremist ideology. Their activities are limited solely to the performance of contract work for the provision of monetary remuneration. However, among the recruiters there are persons who were previously recruited and participated in military operations.

Separately, it can be mentioned that representatives of extremist organizations create various online network games ("Big Game", "Break the system", "Falcon. The world after the race war", etc.), which are aimed specifically at the youth audience. Playing such games, users through the provision of various techniques and tricks unwittingly transform real life into virtual [3]

Such games are mostly permeated with the idea of the spread of violence, which acts in the player's arsenal as the only means and way to solve certain issues, depending on the current situation. It is through violence that extremist views are methodically instilled in players-users, starting from the formation of a sense of intolerance to the activities of state authorities, law enforcement agencies, ending with calls to take part in jihad in combination with training in the manufacture of improvised explosive devices with the subsequent implementation of terrorist acts and sabotage.  

At the same time, we note that in the process of the recruiter's influence on the object of interest, a number of sequential actions are carried out, which, regardless of the techniques and technologies used, should be conditionally classified into the following stages:

1) Preparatory stage. Here, a potential candidate is identified, information about him is collected and analyzed, and tactics for introducing him into the organization's activities are developed.

2) The immediate stage at which the recruitment process includes conducting introductory and recruitment interviews, as well as various activities related to checking the reliability and commitment of the candidate to extremist views.

3) The next stage. Here, the candidate is retained in the organization using various violent methods associated with psychological and physical influence.

It is important to note that after the candidate has passed all the above stages of recruitment and his entry into the activities of the organization, as a rule, he will not be able to leave it due to the lack of opportunities.  

There are cases in practice when the recruiter does not have enough time to conduct thorough preparation of the candidate. In these cases, the organizers apply proven and effective measures, including the use of psychological recruitment techniques, such as the expression of slogans spread among the population, followed by caring for the recruited object and meeting its needs, needs, etc. [4].

The motivational component of individuals joining extremist organizations also deserves attention. Among the encouraging actions to contact the candidate with members of an extremist organization include:

– the need for dominance, which is associated with the unrealized possibility of taking leadership positions in their social environment (that is, the so-called various complexes);

– the need for internal security;

– the need to confirm one's own position;

– the need for understanding and empathy;

– the desire for cooperation in solving the "global", overdue, in their opinion, problems of society.

At the same time, it should be clarified that the specific motivation of a person that drives him depends on his actual life situation, as well as his psychological personality characteristics.

Attention is also drawn to the "pseudo-Islamic" motivation, which also has a significant impact on the formation of a specific ideology with participation in the activities of illegal armed groups, in which attention is focused on the introduction of ideas of self-sacrifice into the consciousness of candidates. The organizers and members of such formations base their activities on the provisions of the holy books, in particular the Koran, interpreting the need for one or another candidate to fight against the "wicked, sin-ridden world" in order to build a different world in which society will exist according to the laws of Allah. And it is for this reason that the candidate will become fair and the best, and adherents of such a doctrine will save not only their soul, but also their people. At the same time, recruiters often emphasize that God's patience is not infinite, that he has repeatedly destroyed nations that did not fulfill his prescriptions [5].

Along with this, a feeling is introduced into the consciousness of the recruit that in this society he will benefit the people; with the help of this organization he will influence the course of world history, which creates one of the prerequisites for joining such an organization; that this is the pursuit of a noble goal, but only if one condition is met – unquestioning submission the emir of a terrorist group or organization.

As a result of such "processing", a suicide bomber is formed, who is ready to carry out any orders of the chief emir without any hesitation, namely, to commit self-detonation in places of mass stay of people, hostage-taking, etc.

It should be noted that among the recruited persons there is no category of emissaries who accidentally got into the observation zone. Based on the practice of law enforcement agencies, involvement in extremist organizations is often carried out by using the established connections of members of the organization with people who enter into various relationships with them [6]. The arrival of "new" people into their illegal formations is ensured through various friendly, ideological, religious, and sometimes even kinship ties between members of the organization and ordinary citizens.  In this regard, the leaders of extremist organizations among the radical strata of the population also play an important role.

Taking into account the above, we note the following. The ideology of extremism is successfully used in propaganda work, where first of all it is about introducing radical views, ideas, ideology into people's minds, and not about applying repressive measures of influence on the recruit. As long as there is social injustice in society, where education is based on the propaganda of the cult of domination of material values over spiritual and other values, where the moral component of youth education does not noticeably meet the requirements of modern realities, the scale and threats of extremism, it is almost impossible to influence in any way the reduction in the number of recruits, followed by a decrease in the activity of extremist organizations. Here we need targeted propaganda of a "healthy" ideology, education of moral guidelines among young people, the formation of a cult of kindness, respect for the honor and dignity of man and citizen, public values through various general and private events.

At the same time, it is important to explain to the younger generation the legal consequences of joining extremist organizations and any activity in its composition on real practical examples, which will certainly strengthen the educational component of patriotism among young people. Also, do not forget the traditional methods, such as holding various actions, lectures, talks, round tables in educational institutions with the involvement of public figures, the creation of all kinds of circles on the coverage of heroism and patriotism of citizens, etc.

Thus, the introduction of the cult of love for the Motherland into the consciousness of young people, as well as the skills of a correct understanding of moral values, will make it possible to neutralize the activities of extremist organizations.

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