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PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal

“Winter Journey” by Schubert in the Context of Contemporary Culture: Eternal Themes and Limitless Interpretations

Shapinskaia Ekaterina Nikolaevna

Doctor of Philosophy

deputy head of the Expert-Analytical Center for the Development of Education Systems in the Sphere of Culture at Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage of Dmitry Likhachov

107207, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Ural'skaya, 6, of. Uralskaya
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1. Barthes R. Smert avtora/ Bart R.Iizbrannye raboty. Semiotika, Poetica.-M.: Progress, 1989. ., 384-392
2. Barthes R. Udovolstvye ot texta/ Bart R.Iizbrannye raboty. Semiotika, Poetica.-M.: Progress, 1989. P. 462-519
3. Bryon M. Povsednevnaya zisn veny vo vremena Mozarta I Shuberta/ Brion M.: Molodaya Gvardia. Palimpsest, 2009. – 359 P.
4. Giddens A. Transformatsiya intimnosti/ Giddens A. – SPb.: Piter, 2004. – 208 P.
5. E.T.A.Gofman. Kreisleriana./ Literatyrnye manifesty nemetskih romantikov. – M.: izdatelstvo MGU, 1980. P. 177-188
6. Camus A. Buntuyushiy chelovek. / Camus A. –M.: Politizdat, 1990. 415 p.
7. Loshakova G.A. Semantika puteshestviya I stranstviya v hudozhestvennoq proze avstriiskogo bidermeiiera// Observatotiya kultury, ¹1, 2014. P. 121-124
8. Novalis. Fragmenty./SPb.:VLADIMIR DAL, 2014. – 319 p.
9. Flier A.J. Ocherki teorii istoricheskoy dinamiki cultutry/ Flier A.J. Izbrannuye raboty po teorii kultury. – M.: Soglasiye, 2014. 456 p.
10. Chukurov A.J. Tema odinochestva v hudozhestvennoi culture stran severnoi Evropy/ Mir kultury i kulturologiya.-SPb, 2012
11. Shapinskaya E.N. problema lichnosti v iskusstve modernism: tragism “Pikovoi damy” Tchaikovskogo i “Vozzeka” A.Berga v kontexte vyzovov sovremennosti// Vestnik MGUKI, ¹6, 2013
12. Shapinskaya E.N. Lyubov kak vlastnoye otnosheniye: Don Juan kak archetipichny geroj // Kultura kultury, ¹1, 2014
13. Shelling F.V.J. Deduktsiya proizvedeniya iskusstva voobshe/ Literatyrnye manifesty nemetskih romantikov. – M.: izdatelstvo MGU, 1980. P.135-137
14. Shestakov V.P. Eros I kultura/ Shestakov V.P. – M.: Respublica, 1999. – 454 P.
15. Burrows J. (ed.) Classic Music. / Burrows J.-L-NY, DK, 2005.-512 p.
16. McMahon D. The Pursuit of Happiness. A History from the Greeks to the Present. /McMahon, L.-NY, Penguin, 2006. – 345 p.
17. G.G. Pogosyan Review of the book Valentina N. Kholopova. Put’ artista: Vladimir Spivakov [The Path of the Artist: Vladimir Spivakov]. Moscow, “Deka-VS”, 2013. ISBN 901-5-901951-56-9. 328 p. // PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal. - 2014. - 1. - C. 145 - 149. DOI: 10.7256/.2014.1.12888.
18. Gurevich, P. S. The phenomenon of spirit in philosophical understanding of man // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. - 2013. - 1. - C. 4 - 842. DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2013.1.8932.
19. P.S. Gurevich, E.G. Rudneva Music and ideas // PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal. - 2014. - 1. - C. 26 - 33. DOI: 10.7256/.2014.1.12189.