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PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal

Specialized and Non-Specialized Musical Content

Kholopova Valentina Nikolaevna

Doctor of Art History

125009, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Bol'shaya Nikitskaya, 13/6
Other publications by this author








1. Abert G. W.A. Mozart. Part1, Book 2, Moscow, 1980.
2. Blok A. O naznachenii poeta [About the Purpose of the Poet] //A.Blok. Sobranie sochineniy. v 8 tomakh. T.6 [Collected Works in 8 Volumes. Volume 6]. Moscow-Leningrad, 1962. pp.160-168.
3. Berlioz, H. Kriticheskii ocherk o simfoniakh Bethovena [ A Critical Essay on Beethoven’s Symphonies], in Russian //H. Berlioz. Izbrannye statyi [Selected Articles]. Moscow,1956.
4. Berlioz, H. O podrazhanii v muzyke [On Imitation in Music] // H. Berlioz. Izbrannye statyi [Selected Articles]. Moscow, 1956.
5. Volodin, A. Rol garmonicheskogo spectra v garmonicheskom vospriyatii vysoty i tembra zvuka [The Role of the Harmonic Spectrum in the Harmonic Perception of Pitch and Timbre of Sound] // Muzykal’noye iskusstvo i nauka [The Art and Science of Music]. Issue 1. Moscow, 1970.
6. Golosovker, Ya. E. Dostoyevsky i Kant [Dostoyevsky and Kant]. Moscow,1963.
7. Hegel G.W.F. Sochineniya [Collected Works]. Volume 12, Book 1. Moscow, 1938.
8. Peirce, C. O novom spiske kategoriy [About a New List of Categories], in Russian // C. S. Peirce. Izbrannye filosofskiye proizvedeniya [Selected Philosophical Works]. Moscow, 2000.
9. Polyakov, M. Voprosy poetiki i khudozhestvennoy semantiki [Questions of Poetics and Artistic Semantics]. Moscow, 1987.
10. Savenko, S. O stilisticheskikh tendentsiyakh tvorchestva Ligeti [On the Stylistic Tendencies of the Musical Creativity of Ligeti] //G. Ligeti. Lichnost’ i tvorchestvo [Personality and Musical Creativity]. Moscow, 1993.
11. Kholopova, V. O prototipakh funktsiy muzykal’noy formy {On the Prototypes of the Functions of Musical Form] //Problemy muzykal’noy nauki [Problems of Music Scholarship]. Issue 4. Moscow,1979.
12. Kholopova, V.N., Kholopov, Yu. N. Anton Webern. Moscow,1984.
13. Shestakov V.P. Garmoniya kak esteticheskaya kategoriya. Uchenie o garmonii v istorii esteticheskoy mysli [Harmony as an Aesthetical Category. A Teaching of Harmony in the History of Aesthetical Thought]. Moscow,1973.
14. Schnittke, A. Polistilisticheskie tendentsii v sovremennoy muzyke [Polystylistic Tendencies in Contemporary Music] //Kholopova, V., Chigareva, E. Alfred Schnittke. Moscow,1990.
15. Eisenstein, S. Izbrannye proizvedeniya v 6 tomakh. T.4. Iskusstvo mizanstseny [Collected Works in 6 Volumes. Volume 4. The Art of the Mise-en-scene]. Moscow,1966.
16. Dahlhaus, C. Die Idee der absoluten Musik. VEB Deutscher Verlag für Musik, 1979.
17. Dahhaus, C. Was ist autonome Musik //Neue Zeitschrift für Musik CXXXIII (1972).
18. Eggebrecht, H.H. Funktionale Musik //Archiv für Musikwissenschaft XXX (1973).
19. Ritzel, F. Die Entwicklung der “Sonatenform” in musiktheoretischen Schrifttum des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. 2. Auflage. Wiesbaden, 1969.