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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

To whom does the writer V. Rozanov owe his reputation of an outstanding religious thinker?

Vorontsova Irina Vladimirovna

PhD in History

senior researcher of the Scientific Department of Contemporary History of the Russian Orthodox Church, Theological Faculty at Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University of Humanities

121359, Russia, Moscow, Saint Tikhon's Orthodox University of Humanities, str. Novokuznetskaya, 23 B, room No. 2
Other publications by this author








1. VORONTSOVA, IRINA (2011) ‘Protoierei Aleksandr Ust'inskii i “neokhristianstvo”. Put' ot “reformatorstva” k raskolu: Na materiale perepiski s V. V. Rozanovym 1907–1919 gg. (Archpriest Alexander Ustyinsky and the “neo-Christianity”. The Way from “Reformation” towards Schism: Based on the Correspondence with V. V. Rozanov in 1907–1919)’, Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities Herald (II) 5(42), 66–74.
2. VORONTSOVA , IRINA (2010) ‘Razrabotka tezisov “neokhristianskoi” doktriny v perepiske V. V. Rozanova i protoiereya A. P. Ust'inskogo (1898–1901) (The Development of the “Neo-Christian” Doctrine in the Correspondence between V.V. Rozanov and Archpriest A. Ustyinsky (1898–1901))’, Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities Herald (II) 2(35), 7–21.
3. ROZANOV, VASILY (1901) ‘Brak i khristianstvo: Moya perepiska s pravoslavnym svyashchennikom (Wedlock and Christianity: My Correspondence with an Orthodox Priest)’, The Russian Labor 47, 21–22; 48, 20–22; 49, 20–21; 50–51, 30–34; 52, 18–22.
4. ROZANOV, VASILY (1990) Sochineniya (Collected Works). I (Moscow)
5. ROZANOV, VASILY (2001) Apokalipsis nashego vremeni (Apocalypse of Our Times). (Saint Petersburg)
6. SHARAPOV, SERGEI (1901) Sushchnost' braka (The Essence of Wedlock) (Saint Petersburg), 115–125.
7. USTYINSKY, ALEXANDER (1901) ‘O “nezakonnorozhdennykh”: Pis'mo v redaktsiyu (On “Illegitimate Children:” Letter to the Editor)’, The New Time 9238, 4.
8. USTYINSKY, ALEXANDER (1899) ‘O V. V. Rozanove i ego religii braka (On V. V. Rozanov and His Religion of Wedlock)’, The Russian Labor 24, 11–14.
9. Research Department of Manuscripts at the Russian State Library, Fund 249. M. 4209.
10. Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, Fund 419, Collection 1.