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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

The history of forced labour in Soviet Russia

Sychenko Elena Vyacheslavovna

PhD in Law

Doctoral Candidate, department of Labor Law, University of Catania; Senior Educator, department of Civil Legal Disciplines, State Institute of Economics, Finance, Law and Technologies

188300, Russia, g. Gatchina, ul. K. Marksa, 36
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1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (art.4, 23)
2. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ( art. 8)
3. The European Convention on Human Rights (art. 4),
4. ILO Forced Labour Convention (No.29)
5. Art. 3 of the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1918, Art. 9 of the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1925, Art. 12 Constitution of the Soviet Union in 1936, Art. 59 of the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1978. The Russian legal database Consultant Plus.
6. Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Ch. 3, Art. 10
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8. Trotskiy L. (1926) Works.Volume 17, part 1. Moscow-Leningrad, p. 207. Trotskiy L. (1926) Sochineniya. Tom 17, chast 1. Moskva-Leningrad, s. 207.
9. Lenin V. I. (1929), How to organize the competition?// Newspaper Pravda, ¹ 17. Lenin V.I. Kak organizovat sorevnovaniye?// Pravda, ¹ 17.
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12. Code of labour laws of RSFSR (1918). The Russian legal database Consultant Plus.
13. Resolution of the Council of Workers’ and Peasants’ Defense “On natural labour and cartage conscriptions”( "Postanovleniye Soveta Raboche-Krestyanskoy oborony «O naturalnoy trudovoy i guzhevoy povinnosti»), 19.11.1919.// SU RSFSR. ¹ 57. –art. 543;
14. Decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the order of universal labour conscription" (Postanovleniye SNK «O poryadke vseobshchey trudovoy povinnosti)», 5.02.1920 //SU RSFSR. ¹ 8. – art. 49. Decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the committees of universal labour conscription” ( Postanovleniye SNK «O komitetakh po vseobshchey trudovoy povinnosti»), 5.02. 1920 // SU RSFSR. ¹ 8.-art. 50;
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17. Strumilin S.G. (1962) Selected works.( Izbrannyye proizvedeniya). Moscow., 1962. P. 327.
18. Decree of the Council of People's Commissars “On the disciplinary courts of comraids (provisions)” ( Dekret Soveta Narodnykh Komissarov O rabochikh distsiplinarnykh tovarishcheskikh sudakh ( polozheniye))14.11.1919// “Izvestiya VZIK” 16.11. 1919,. ¹ 257.
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20. Code of labour laws RSFSR (1922) Russian legal database Consultant plus.
21. Alexander Solzhenitsyn The The GULAG Archipelago Two (1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation III-IV),p. 71 GULAG_Archipelago_II#page/n1/mode/2up
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23. Prikaz OGPU ¹ 130/63 ot 25.04.1930, SU SSSR, 1930. ¹ 22. S. 248, from October 1930 the name was changed for famous THE GULAG.
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25. GULAG: SOVIET PRISON CAMPS AND THEIR LEGACY By David Hosford, Pamela Kachurin and Thomas Lamont//A Project of the National Park Service and the National Resource Center for Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies, Harvard University. Available at:
26. CEC and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Resolution "On the protection of property of state-owned enterprises, collective farms (kolhoz) and cooperatives and public (socialist) property strengthening" issued on August 7, 1932 («Pravda», 8 08.1932)
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31. Kizny, (2004) Gulag: Life and Death Inside the Soviet Concentration Camps. N.Y: Firefly. p. 38
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34. Solomon M. Schwarz (1952) Labour in the Soviet Union Prāeger, p. 110
35. Decree of the Presidium or the Supreme Soviet "On the transition to an eight hour work day, a seven day work week, and the prohibition of voluntary departures of workers from enterprises and institutions." 26.06.1940. Izvestiia, June 27, 1940
36. Olga Kucherenko (2012) State v. Danila Kuz'mich: Soviet Desertion Laws and Industrial Child Labour during World War II// The Russian Review Volume 71, Issue 3, P. 392, 401. As writes Olga Kucherenko the plan of mobilizing labour concerned even adolescents, as according Decree of Supreme Soviet “About the state labour reserves of the USSR” October 2, 1940, the initial plan was to mobilize eight hundred thousand adolescents.
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