Dai X..
The path to grammaticalization of the phrase "taking into account": the specifics of lexical and semantic compatibility
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 11.
P. 121-131.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.11.72115 EDN: PXGXSI URL:
As a result of the constant process of grammaticalization, a large number of words have appeared in the Russian language that perform the function of prepositions. Modern linguists are paying more and more attention to such service words. The object is the word "considering" (phrase "taking into account"), which performs a function similar to the function of a preposition. The subject of the study is the semantics and syntagmatic properties of this word form. The purpose of the study is to identify the syntagmatic specifics of the phrase "taking into account". The task is to establish thematic groups of vocabulary, which occupies the positions of the left and right components of the structure, which is built using the phrase "taking into account". The author examines in detail the specifics of the lexical and semantic compatibility of the phrase "taking into account" and its grammaticalization stage. The source of the material is the National Corpus of the Russian Language. The results obtained can be applied in lexicographic practice. The study uses a descriptive method and a method of contextual analysis. As a result of the analysis of the material, several lexico-semantic groups with the highest frequency of occurrence in the left and right components of the structure were identified. It has been established that the following lexical and semantic groups are the most frequent in the position of the right component: verbal nouns denoting human action and activity; nouns denoting parameters; nouns naming various kinds of qualitative characteristics; nouns naming phenomena from the sphere of "finance". In the position of the left component, verbs or verbal nouns with the meaning of creative activity are most frequent; vocabulary denoting a change in state or quantity; verbs and verbal nouns with the meaning of doing something. The interrelationships between lexical and semantic groups in the position of the left and right components are revealed. This allowed us to conclude about the limited compatibility of the phrase "taking into account", which indicates the initial stage of grammaticalization. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the work presents for the first time the results of a study of the specifics of the syntagmatics of the word form "taking into account".
grammaticalisation, semantics, lexicon, left component, right component, lexico-semantic group, combinability, otymene relativ, derived preposition, service word
Shigurov V.V., Shigurova T.A..
Part-of-speech homonyms as a consequence of the step-by-step transposition of the instrumental case of nouns into an adverb
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 10.
P. 106-118.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.10.71810 EDN: AUIXPM URL:
The relevance of the work is associated with the need to develop criteria for differentiating functional and functional-semantic homonyms generated by the mechanism of adverbial transposition of the instrumental case of nouns. The novelty of the study is due to the development of criteria for differentiating, on the one hand, nouns, and on the other hand, adverbs arising on their basis. The purpose of the work is to study the features of nouns and adverbs that allow differentiating grammatical and lexical-grammatical homonyms. The object of analysis is substantive word forms involved in the process of adverbialization, the subject of consideration is the stages and features of their adverbial transposition, the criteria for differentiating homonyms. Structural-semantic, distributional and oppositional analysis, linguistic experiment were used. Criteria for differentiating word forms representing different degrees of adverbialization in the zones of the periphery and core of adverbs are established. The meanings of objectivity and adverbiality are recognized as the main criteria. The presence of part-of-speech semantics of the subject in the disputed word forms predetermines the implementation of the categories of gender, number and case, case-numerical paradigms, the system of inflections and the typical function of complement in them. The formation of adverbial semantics in nouns leads to their decategorization, loss of categories and paradigms, transformation of the morphemic structure caused by the degeneration of inflection into a suffix and expansion of the word base, as well as to the acquisition of the typical function of adverbial circumstance. It is proved that as a result of the stepwise adverbialization of the instrumental case of nouns, grammatical homonyms arise that do not break the semantic connection with the substantive lexeme; hybrids and nuclear adverbs that function as lexical and grammatical homonyms.
criteria, periphery, homonymy, core, transitivity scale, adverb, adverbialization, noun, transpositional grammar, Russian language
Shigurov V.V., Shigurova T.A..
Instrumental case of nouns in contexts of adverbialization, modulation and particulation
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 8.
P. 117-127.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71428 EDN: YIJOSP URL:
The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that linguistic units of different parts of speech and inter-part-of-speech semantic-syntactic categories closely interact with each other, forming numerous transition zones with peripheral and hybrid structures that allow for a brief but capacious transmission of complex information. The mechanism of linguistic transposition, the nature of which is not entirely clear, is a means of creating syncretic forms. The purpose of the work is to describe the features of the interaction of adverbialization, modalization and particulation processes in the structure of instrumental case forms of nouns. The object of analysis is word forms that are to some extent subject to transposition into adverbs, particles and introductory-modal words, the subject of consideration is the stages, features and limit of their adverbialization, modalization and particulation. The novelty of the work is determined by the methodology of oppositional analysis of grammatically contradictory material. The study is based on structural-semantic, lexicographic, comparative methods, linguistic experiment, elements of distributional and component analysis. The study showed that some forms of the instrumental case of nouns are involved in the processes of adverbialization, modalization and particulation in the Russian language. The main features, stages and limits of their categorical transformation are shown. A distinction is made between the grammatical type of transposition of linguistic units from the class of nouns into adverbs and introductory-modal words and the lexical-grammatical type associated with word formation. Criteria for distinguishing part-of-speech homonyms arising during adverbialization, modalization and particulation of forms of the instrumental case of nouns are outlined.
particle, adverb, noun, particulation, modalation, adverbialization, transpositional grammar, Russian language, introductory-modal word, transition zone
Shigurov V.V., Shigurova T.A..
Transposition of substantive word forms into the category of adverbs of a collection: steps, signs, limits
// Philology: scientific researches.
2024. № 5.
P. 87-102.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.5.70720 EDN: BQSPVG URL:
The relevance of the study is due to the need for a comprehensive analysis of the process and result of the functional and functional-semantic transposition of linguistic units from nouns to the class of adverbs. The purpose of the work is to describe the stages and limits of transposition of instrumental case forms of nouns into the category of adverbs of compatibility/collection. The novelty of the approach lies in the use of the technique of oppositional analysis, which made it possible to establish that the degree of departure of different word forms and their groups from nouns and approach to adverbs is different. In certain contextual conditions, the same word form demonstrates, respectively, a core or peripheral noun, a hybrid and a peripheral non-substantive adverb. The indicated stages of the actual grammatical transposition of a word form into the category of adverbs with the semantics of a collection are found within the semantic zone of the original substantive lexeme. The limit of this type of transposition is the stage of peripheral adverbs, representing grammatical homonyms of the original forms of the instrumental case of nouns. It has been revealed that cases of word forms going beyond the semantic zone of the original lexeme during adverbialization are rare. Most often, with functional-semantic adverbialization, metaphorization of the adverbialized noun is observed, creating a favorable basis for its semantic separation from the original lexeme. Groups of nouns have been identified that demonstrate, in typical contexts, different numbers of stages of transposition into adverbs of compatibility. Each stage of adverbialization is determined by the syntactic conditions of speech – the syntagmatic environment of the word form, its functional load. In the zones of the periphery and core of adverbs, proper morphological changes in the structure of linguistic units are recorded.
periphery, core, adverb, noun, adverbialization, transposition, grammar, Russian language, zone of hybridity, stage
Tarelkina T.I..
Using Interjections as Modal Words
// Philology: scientific researches.
2018. № 1.
P. 84-88.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.1.25271 URL:
The article is devoted to using emotional interjections and phraseological interjections as modal words. The object of the research is the interjection as a part of speech. The subject of the research is the functional interjection used as other parts of speech, in particular, modal words. The author of the article analyzes gramatical features of interjections and demonstrate how they are similar to modal words. The author pays special attention to transformational modification of interjection constructs aimed at defining cases when interjections are used as modal words, and determination of semantic constraints when interjections are replaced with modal words. In the course of the research the author has used the following methods: comparative, transformational, contextual and semantic analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author discovers, analyses and interprets situations when interjections function as modal words. As a result of the research, the author makes the following conclusions: interjections can be used as modal words and this is the way the modality of interjections reveals itself; emotional interjections and phraseological interjections are used as modal words; interjections that replace modal words express both an emotional response of a speaker to the world and the shape of his or her thought ingratiating to the meaning of relevant modal words.
emotional interjection, parts of speech, function, modality, modal word, interjection, phraseological interjection, usage, functioning, semantics