Kryuchkova S.E..
Nigitology: Heidegger vs. Leibniz
// Philosophy and Culture.
2025. ¹ 2.
P. 21-32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2025.2.73078 EDN: HROZTM URL:
The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of attempts at ontological development of the problem of Nothingness, presented in philosophical systems Leibniz and Heidegger. The article shows that despite the fundamentally different premises and strategies of thinking, as well as the obvious opposition of styles of philosophizing - the clarity and validity of Leibniz's argumentation against the fluidity and hermeneutic "questioning" of Heidegger - in the course of philosophical searches for the ultimate foundations of Being, one can discover non-surface points of intersection in their reflections on the nature and status of negativity. The author examines in detail the methodological strategies of "thinking through" Nothingness and reveals similar intuitions in understanding the conceptual content and philosophical status of the category of Nothingness. The novelty of the study lies in identifying specific points of intersection between Leibniz and Heidegger in the philosophical discourse on the nature of negativity. It is particularly emphasized that despite the difference in styles of philosophizing and considering Nothingness, we are dealing with the “non-present presence of Nothingness”, where the latter appears not as a negation or “deprivation”, but is filled with positive content. The similarity of the philosophizing of Leibniz and Heidegger was also manifested in their search for new terms in an attempt to reform the language of traditional metaphysics. It is shown that historical and philosophical schematism with its “-isms” and “-ologies” is not always productive, since it simplifies and obscures some aspects that are not obvious and important for understanding the ideas of a particular philosopher. By penetrating the history of metaphysics with various methods in search of an answer to the question “Does the non-existent exist?”, they thereby support and develop the historical tradition of metaphysics as “philosophia perennis,” treating it as an eternal present.
Dasein, ontology, essence, Being, Nothing, metaphysics, Heidegger, Leibniz, history of philosophy, truth of being
Vorob'eva E.Y..
The Mother Archetype as a substantial constant of socio-anthropological metaphysics
// Philosophy and Culture.
2024. ¹ 11.
P. 16-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.11.70383 EDN: NHWQUM URL:
In the era of deconstruction of modern metaphysics, the search for unshakable supports of hyper-changeable existence is still relevant. The research problem can be defined as the need to consider archetypes as metaphysical categories of socio-anthropological systems that can set ideological frameworks for concepts that comprehend the changing picture of the world. Worldview universals expressed in ontological and other philosophical categories arise from the constructs of mythological consciousness that precede rational systems and are their “general existential” projections. But it is possible to determine the features of national archetypes only in comparison with other cultural and historical systems. We set the task to consider the archetype of the Mother as a substantial constant of Russian civilization. This archetype is interpreted as a stable phenomenon of the collective unconscious, which has a system-forming influence on the philosophical picture of the world in conditions of uncertainty. Images of the collective unconscious are an integral part of the picture of the world and penetrate the structure of existence. A researcher of archetypes sooner or later comes to ascertain their multi-layered nature, rooted in substantial depths. Despite social changes, the challenges facing the people and the country remain the same as hundreds of years ago. And the answers to these challenges remain the same, based on the properties of the Mother archetype in general, and the features that form the civilizational archetype in its universal and unique dimensions. It can be argued that the image of the Motherland is a manifestation of the main characteristics of the archetypes of the Mother-Raw-Earth and the Mother of God. This allows us to draw a conclusion about the ontology of the Mother archetype, associated with the very existence of civilization and culture of Russia.
Motherland, Mother of God, Mother-Syra-Earth, symbol, archetype, Orthodoxy, The palimpsest method, metaphysics, Socioanthropology, Russian culture
Babich V.V..
Narrative identity: between ontologies and epistemologies (experience of the 20th century)
// Philosophy and Culture.
2024. ¹ 7.
P. 43-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.7.43834 EDN: QGLPBB URL:
The epistemological and ontological aspect of "interpretation" in the structure of narrative identity is considered. A model for representing the structure of narrative identity in the form of a hermeneutic spiral is proposed. The problem of the significance of the narrative for human existence is analyzed from the point of view of two opposite positions. The first, arguing that the narrative is a "cognitive tool" through which a meaningful order is retrospectively constructed that falsifies the true nature of the subject's experience of existence. The analysis of this point of view is based on the tradition of narrative criticism formed by such philosophers as Arthur Danto, Louis Mink, Hayden White and Peter Strawson, who conceptualize the narrative as a "cognitive tool". The opposite position is a philosophical view of the narrative as an ontological category that characterizes a special way of being a person. The analysis of narrative as a constitutive element of human existence draws on the tradition of the hermeneutic method, the work of Paul Ricœur and Charles Taylor. It is argued that the experience of human existence cannot be reduced solely to narrative, but this does not contradict the fact that narrative interpretations of experience play a constitutive role in human existence. The conclusion is formed that an important element for understanding the ontological meaning of the narrative is the fact that narrative interpretations have a real impact on our existence in the world: they allow us to construct our self, take part in the creation of the intersubjective world and influence how we interact with others. From an empirical point of view, this means that interpretations have real, material, world-forming consequences. Scholars who deny the capacity of narratives to constitute human existence, view the meaning and role of (self-)interpretation from an anti-realist point of view, and adhere to the ontological assumption that there is an experience of understanding reality that does not depend on the human ability to give meanings.
existentialism, hermeneutics, realism, anti-realism, experience, narrative, interpretation, hermeneutic spiral, narrative identity, self
Mordas E.S..
Ontological foundations of motherhood
// Philosophy and Culture.
2024. ¹ 5.
P. 23-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2024.5.40959 EDN: EFZBNY URL:
The subject of the study is motherhood. The work is based on N.S. Rozov's model of the sphere of socio-historical existence. The biotechnosphere is about reproductive health and the possibility (not the possibility) of a woman becoming a mother. The psychosphere represents aspects of the mother's activity, motives and values, acceptance and rejection of motherhood, the choice of the form of motherhood. Culture and reproductive culture in the experience of motherhood is a direction that arouses interest and reflection (culture sphere). The problems of reproductive status and marital gender, reproductive behavior in the context of the problems of motherhood (sociosphere) remain open for research. Modern realities lead to the need to rethink the experience and understanding of motherhood at all levels of socio-historical existence. The main conclusions are: the biotechnosphere includes a woman's reproductive ability to become a mother, physical health, the ability to bear, give birth and raise a child. The psychosphere includes aspects of the mother's activity (motivational and activity sphere and subject interaction, motivation for the birth of a child), the mother's personality (satisfaction with motherhood and readiness for motherhood; mother-child relations, the problems of family relations. The role of a man in a woman's life and vice versa and the birth of a child is an area of possible research. And the question remains open for research – parenthood and gender in modern conditions. A model of the spheres of socio-historical existence of the phenomenon of motherhood is presented.
renunciation of motherhood, gender, society, culture, mother's image, infertility, being, pregnancy, motherhood, reproductive health
Gaginskii A.M..
Heidegger’s Thesis on ancient Ontology: Being as Production
// Philosophy and Culture.
2023. ¹ 10.
P. 77-99.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2023.10.68750 EDN: JUDCRO URL:
The article deals with Heidegger’s interpretation of antique ontology, in which Being was conceptualized in terms of production. What is this interpretation and why is it so important? Until recently, it has been difficult to answer these questions, since the texts in question have only in recent years become publicly available, and therefore have not yet been fully absorbed in Heideggerian-studies. Consequently, even the very useful works that cover the subject of production-theme in Heidegger focus more on the question of technique and do not consider the formation of this problematic, and therefore do not deal with it substantively. In the years 1921-1924, Heidegger was closely involved with Aristotle and lectured on his favorite philosopher for four years. It was during this period that he began to interpret Being in Aristotle as being-made, being-produced (das Hergestelltsein), and then extended this interpretation to the whole of ancient and medieval philosophy. This is a very remarkable moment in terms of methodology that characterizes Heidegger as a historian of philosophy. In this article, the author examines Heidegger’s interpretation of ancient ontology, revealing its weaknesses.
production, movement, care, Plato, Aristotle, Heidegger, antiquity, ontology, pre-having, Being
Gaginskii A.M..
Some aspects of F. Brentano's ontology and its influence on the philosophy of M. Heidegger
// Philosophy and Culture.
2023. ¹ 9.
P. 128-151.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2023.9.44027 EDN: ZYHHOU URL:
The article examines some aspects of Brentano's ontology, starting with his 1862 dissertation "On the ambiguity of Being according to Aristotle", as well as its influence on the philosophy of M. Heidegger. The author shows that the ontology of the early Brentano is not limited to ousiology, since it includes a discussion of the field of mental being (ens rationis, ὂν ὡς ἀληθές) and it is in this aspect that he influences the young Heidegger. Following Aristotle, Brentano assigns a central role to the ontology of essence, which in the late period leads him to the position of reism, but in the lectures of the middle period Brentano discusses the problems of intentional inexistence, thanks to which projects of "new types of ontology" by Husserl and Mainong appear. The author believes that Heidegger was also influenced by these ideas. Of course, there are fundamental differences between the positions of Brentano and Heidegger, but the similarities are quite large. In particular, if Brentano, highlighting the real and true areas, gives preference in favor of the former, then Heidegger's ontology is built on the second member of this opposition. In particular, everything that can be given is called being by Heidegger, because we are talking about intentional being, about ens rationis, or ὂν ὡς ἀληθές
representation, truth, intentionality, reality, beings, being, Aristotle, Brentano, Heidegger, ens rationis
Kachay I.S..
Ontological determinant of the phenomenon of creativity in the conceptual space of non-classical philosophy
// Philosophy and Culture.
2022. ¹ 7.
P. 44-55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2022.7.38434 EDN: JOEZEY URL:
The subject of the study is the ontological nature of the phenomenon of creativity in the context of conceptual constructions of the most important nominal layers of non-classical philosophy. The aim of the work is to reveal the ontological essence of creativity in the context of European philosophy of the XIX–XX centuries based on the works of A. Schopenhauer, A. Bergson, J.-P. Sartre, A. Camus and M. Heidegger. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the works of representatives of the non-classical period of the development of philosophical thought, as well as the works of modern domestic and foreign researchers, in their works directly or indirectly touching on the problem of the ontological determinant of creativity. The central research methods are comparative and complex methods for establishing connections and relationships between phenomena that are part of the sphere of creative being, as well as an analytical and interpretive method for analyzing existing interpretations of the phenomenon under study and presenting the author's position. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the identification and systematization of philosophical ideas regarding the ontological determinant of creativity in the conceptual field of Western European non–classical philosophy of the XIX-XX centuries. As a result of the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that within the framework of non-classical philosophy, the ontological nature of creativity is revealed both at the level of objective reality (generation and change of existing being) and in the existential-personal space of the subject (self-creation and self-transcending through the implementation of irrational-volitional intentions and life-meaning orientations). Unlike the classical tradition of philosophizing, which absolutizes the epistemological component of the subject's creativity, in the subject field of non-classical philosophy, creativity regains its ontological rootedness, since it acts as the general existential of human existence, revealing itself through the prism of such concepts as the Will to live, pure duration, creative evolution, Vital impulse, imaginative consciousness, rebellion against the absurd, the promotion of truth and the way out of inauthenticity.
intuition, imagination, western European philosophy, non-classical philosophy, existing, genesis, creative act, the creative process, creativity, ontology
Kutyrev V.A..
Speculative realism as the philosophy of facticity of the beginning of the end of humanity (world). (Reasoning on the book: Quentin Meillassoux. After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency)
// Philosophy and Culture.
2018. ¹ 10.
P. 8-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2018.10.27939 URL:
The landmark for speculative realism book of Q. Meillassoux solves the problem of gaining access to the “reality as it is”. The arguments are put forward against correlationism of classical philosophy, the main of which is the refusal of the principle of necessity of sufficient foundation to the benefit of the principle of contingent facticity. As the new “non-dogmatic” Absolute in introduced the notion of mathematized Chaos. The post-theoretical (speculative) realism is the reflection of expansion of the artificial virtual reality that claims the paradigmatic explanation of all things in existence. As the converted form of philosophy computer science, he substantiates the finitude of the substantive physical reality by depriving human of his lifeworld. This is the version of nihility and manifestation of apophatic state of modern consciousness. Speculative realism is opposed to the philosophy of phenomenological substantialism. Analysis of the text demonstrates that this is essentialistic analogy of the ideas of structuralism, ontology of communication and synergetics that were formulated more persuasively in the methodology of science. Preservation of Homo Genus is attainable only in terms of preserving his lifeworld as the facticity of “realization” of one of the possible worlds. The philosophy of such approach leans on the dialectics of nonlinear interaction between the necessary and contingent, which allows the existence of various scenarios without rescinding the causes of origin.
mathematics, chaos, factuality, correlationism, contingency, absolute, speculative realism, Meillassoux, virtualizm, phenomenological substantialism
Skorodumov D.A..
Materialistic theology of A. Badiou criticized by S. Žižek: between death and resurrection
// Philosophy and Culture.
2017. ¹ 7.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.7.21586 URL:
The subject of this research is the question of balance between the existence and nothingness using the example of materialistic theology of A. Badiou and S. Žižek. The article reveals the meaning of why the event of resurrection of Christ is important to A. Badiou, as well as view of S. Žižek upon the positive event as just another version of ideology. For Badiou, resurrection becomes a universal power, which allows a human to obtain identity, while for S. Žižek, such identity becomes a duplication law, which the event attempted to get rid of. He sees the power of liberation in nonexistence or death. Methodological base applies the phenomenological method, which considers the theological abstractions without resolving the question about their existence or nonexistence. Author’s main contribution into this research is the comparative-analytical conclusions regarding the positions of the philosophers. It is determined that these positions are affinitive to each other and follow a single goal – to release a man; but due to various theoretical tasks – dispute with Nietzsche in Badiou’s situation, and opposition to ideology in S. Žižek’s case – they choose different methods.
ideology, resurrection, death, Žižek, Badiou, Death of God theology, event, Apostle Paul, discourse, God
Dragel' L.V..
Conceptual and procedural principles of justice
// Philosophy and Culture.
2017. ¹ 2.
P. 36-44.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.2.18035 URL:
This article examines the universal and private justice. Private justice is the share of juridical, economic, and other sciences, while general justice is the problem of philosophy. The subject of this research is the principles of justice, which reflect the characteristics of the universal justice. The author suggest a comparative analysis of the conceptual and procedural principles of justice. Understanding of the principles of justice finds its reflection from the perspective of ontological and deontological approaches. In first case, the principles of justice are perceived as the justice itself, and thus are viewed as the highest value and public welfare. In second case, the principles of justice can be viewed as the granted, in other words, not as justice itself, but rather the means that lead to it. The method of this research lies in reflection in form of analysis of the notion of “principles of justice”, as well as comparative analysis of the conceptual and procedural principles of justice. Comparing the procedural and conceptual principles of justice, the first seems more proper, because it gives a chance to everybody to take part in achievement of justice; in addition to that, the procedural principles of justice are considered to be more organically connected with the development of society, and do not push it.
Institutions, Freedom, Procedure, Equality, Duty, Society, Value, Welfare, Principles of justice, Justice
Vetushinskiy A.S..
On the way to symmetry: how did the ontology become flat
// Philosophy and Culture.
2016. ¹ 12.
P. 1625-1630.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.12.68509 URL:
The author refers to the new ontologies that attained the name of “flat”, among which are the ontologies of Latur, Deslandes, Harman, Bogost, Bryant, Morton, and others. However, the author believes that it is not enough to just describe the peculiarities of this new type on ontologies (which have already been done by the representatives themselves), but also demonstrate why and in what ways the non-flat ontology transformed into the flat, in other words, how the flat ontology fits the general philosophical context. The author suggest examining the flat ontology as one of the four basic ontological schematisms, which are the four different versions of the answer to the question “what is?” As a result, the author determines that the flat ontology emerged due to the denial of the assumptions that lie in the foundation of the three ontological schematisms (Parmenidean, ascent, Democritus’ descent, Kant’s medium that sets up and down). As demonstrated by the author, all of these schematisms originated from the clear in one or another way vertical. The refusal of it became the cause that the new ontology holds just the horizontal.
object, beings, being, correlationism, speculative realism, object-oriented ontology, flat ontology, ontology, symmetry, asymmetry
Vetushinskii A.S., Galanina E.V..
The ontology of video games: objects, worlds, and environment
// Philosophy and Culture.
2016. ¹ 11.
P. 1511-1516.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.11.68309 URL:
,Video game became an imperative part of the modern culture, which at the present stage finds its application in education, science and business, as well as training of cosmonauts, military officers, and medical personnel. We can also see video games exhibited in museums of modern art, and of course, they are studied in universities all over the world. In this sense, the authors attempt to cognize the philosophical aspect of video games, namely the ontology. Because without the description and analysis of the ontology of video games, it is impossible to understand their structure, as well as which ontological and gnoseological positions they are based upon. However, the authors believe that there is no single ontology, considering that there are different apprehensions of video games. Thus, the authors suggest referring to the three main ontologies of video games: the first one views them as the cultural phenomenon; the second – as the virtual words; and the thirds – as the mediator between a human (gamer and developer) and gaming platform, the interaction of which, as a matter of fact, makes the video games possible.
gamer, virtual worlds, digital culture, game studies, flat ontology, ontology of video games, computer games, video games, game developer, gaming platform
Faritov V.T..
Transgression as a lifestyle in Nietzsche’s philosophy
// Philosophy and Culture.
2016. ¹ 4.
P. 477-487.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.4.67799 URL:
The subject of this research is Nietzsche’s philosophical doctrine in the perspective of transgression. The authors reviews the main categories of Nietzsche’s philosophy (superhuman, will to power, eternal return, nihilism) and determines their correlation with transgression. Special attention is given to the problem of being and becoming with regards to the prospects of transgression. Questions, associated with the problems of culture and state in the philosophy of Nietzsche, are also being examined. A separate paragraph is dedicated to the question about the status of transgression as the principal strategy of life and philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. The main result of the conducted research consists in the conclusion about the status of transgression as a fundamental horizon of Nietzsche’s philosophical doctrine. The author determines that the modern non-classical ontology is based on transgression. Within the existing philosophical discourse the prospect of transgression pushes out the prospect of transcendence.
culture, transcendence, nihilism, eternal return, will to power, Superman, transgression, Nietzsche, being, becoming
Prokhorov M.M..
The ontology of being
// Philosophy and Culture.
2016. ¹ 3.
P. 320-336.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.3.67723 URL:
The subject of this research is the process of being. The article examines the four key problems. The first consists in the clarification of the philosophical concept and meaning of the “ontology of being”, its universal character, comparable to the fundamental philosophical category of being, as well as the concrete specificity of ontology in each sphere of being. In the second aspect the author reveals the ontology applied to all types of human-world relationship, and illustrates its various “projections”. Such connection is demonstrated in analyzing Hegel’s concept of ontology. The third aspect is detected in researching the content of the main categories that emerged in the history of philosophy: movement, development, activity, creativeness, and game. Each of them has its own content and volume. In this article the author suggests a generalized picture of the ontology of being, which is based on these categories. The fourth aspect is determined in the plane of being of actual human, his history, in which take place the current process of globalization, the establishment of the “global society”. Its central problem is a so-call problem of the “end of history”. The author believes that today the fundamental values of the dialectical-materialistic methodology are pushed back by the applied value of the knowledge that falls under the authority capital and officialdom, and becomes a commodity; scholars and thinkers turn into hired employees who produce this commodity; the values of fundamental science and philosophy are replaced by the growth number of whose who carry out a pragmatic-conjunctural orders. Scientific novelty consists in the revelation of such characteristics of ontology that lie in the foundation of the main types of human-world relationship and are determined by the variety of this relationship.
Being, Ontology, Non-being, Movement, Development, Activity, Game, Globalization, “End of history”, Worldview
Voronina T.E..
I. Kant on metaphysics, things, freedom, and unfreedom
// Philosophy and Culture.
2016. ¹ 1.
P. 16-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.1.67428 URL:
The subject of this research is the theory of transcendence, developed by I. Kant in his book “Metaphysics of Morals”, which presents comprehension of metaphysics and associated with it issues of freedom and unfreedom of Human of transcended ideas about the world, order, and nature of things. The initial object pointed out by the author: transcendent base of the World-system, described by I. Kant, gives a full image on God’s being as a factor of correlation and development of the transcended and transcendental relations. In the author’s opinion, this moment is most relevant for the science, because in emphasizes the fundamental role of antinomies within the presented metaphysical process. In order to cover an important for the ontology moment, the author of the article used Kant’s method of transcendentalism that expresses the essence of laws equal for everyone. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the author in fact legalizes the ontological being of God on Earth: the religion of Ancient Rome, as well as Orthodoxy serve as a background for development of this problem. The focal point of the article is that “metaphysics of morals” always exists in time and space of freedom and unfreedom, and today defines the order of things basing on the absolute identity with Israel’s Solomon era, Hellenism, and emergence of Christianity. We also can add the beginning of Vedism. The historical contribution of Kant consists in the developing of the doctrine of Human in philosophy, which allows turning our attention to the number of important problems currently existing in anthropology.
Human, I. Kant, Metaphysics, antinomies, science, meaning, science, World-system, logic, things
Nedugova I.A..
The Concept of the Human Self's Object-Related Identity
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. ¹ 12.
P. 1762-1766.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.12.67255 URL:
The present research is devoted to the concept of human object-related identity that is based on the movement of thought through objective layers to the point of the 'non-object' as a form of objectivity 'thinning' and the 'all-in-all' relation of Self to Object. Genesis of the human self's object-related identity and culture involve development of the cultural concept based on the principles of analyzing the human self's object-related identity. The object-related identity of Self undergoes the four stages of identity formation: instrumental Self, sign-oriented Self, symbolic Self and utmost sign-oriented Self. The last transformation of Self includes the release of consciousness from being captured by Object (the 'nothing-in-all' relation) and achievement of the 'all-in-all' relation, i.e. the state of 'potential Self'. The methodological basis of the research implies the non-linear layered method that combines phenomenology, hermeneutics, substantive dialectics (Plato and Hegel) and concept analysis of human identities. The researcher views the human's object-related identity as the process of transformation through objective layers. The author's model of human Self's object-related identity gives an opportunity to carry out gnoseological, ontological and cultural hermeneutical analysis of the dialectics of consciousness and culture. The concept gives an opportunity to conduct the object-related analysis of human existence in philosophy, cultural research, social philosophy and other branches of humanities, in particular, to analyze cultural processes as well as processes of development of the human Self's object-related identity.
dialectics, phenomenology, hermeneutics, culture, consciousness, objectivity, human, identity, substantiality, nonlinearity
Kuz'min A.V..
Ontological Options for Developing Early Cosmological Models and Creation of Zodiacal Constellations
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. ¹ 11.
P. 1597-1607.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.11.67219 URL:
The article is devoted to the research of the ontological option for creating zodiacal constellations. Special attention is paid to the formation of the octopartite (prezodiacal) and final duodecimal (zodiacal) models. The latter had been already created during the period of recorded history. In his article Kuzmin develops the concept of 'zodiacal writing' and 'existence writing'. He also touches upon the interrelationships between different zodiacal models and their role in the process of creation of the Cosmos model or so called armillary sphere. In his research Kusmin also provides evaluation of astronomy as an independent scientific and academic discipline. The researcher has used the method of the comparative analysis of sources referring to the subject of the research as well as the critical analysis of previously published Russian and foreign researches. Kuzmin has also made an attempt to re-enact the history of the creation and description of zodiacal constellations based on the critical analysis of Russian and foreign researches. Based on the results of the analysis, the author also tries to answer the question whether there could be pre-zodiacal and zodiacal models of Cosmos. The main conclusion of the article is that duodecimal Zodiac was created as a result of a stepwise process that lasted for a considerable period of time and had started in the VIth century BC. The final stage of the process was recorded during the period of recorded history. At the final stage Zodiac was also 'split' into the two inequal terms, Zodiacal constellations and Zodiacal signs.
ontology, world model, zodiacal model, octopartite zodiac, duodecimal zodiac, cosmos, Zoroastrianism, Zurvan religion, armillary sphere, astronomy
Bazaluk O.A..
What is Dasein? (Reminiscence of Martin Heidegger’s Ideas)
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. ¹ 10.
P. 1441-1450.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.10.67068 URL:
The subject of the author’s research is Dasein. On the one hand, reminiscence of Heidegger’s ideas allowed the author to use reputable researches of a famous philosopher of the twentieth century as well as a large group of his followers and researchers of his work, and, on the other hand, to avoid a direct reference to Heidegger’s texts and theorists interpreting him. The author investigated the research question 'What is Dasein in the philosophy of cosmos?', however, he did not base solely on Heidegger’s ideas but only appealed to them. The author offered the so-called philosophy of cosmos as his own methodological structure for discovering and understanding Dasein to the maximum extend. The author has used the dialectical, system-structural, structural-functional research methods as well as methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis. The author’s main contribution to the research of the topic was a response to the following questions: 1. “What is philosophy?”, in particular, whether philosophy is: a) a certain kind of activity that appears as a response to historical events (Marx’s understanding of philosophy) or b) questioning i.e. asking questions about Dasein and being and the search for answers to them (Heidegger’s understanding of philosophy). 2. “What methodologies should be implied to discover all the variety of the meanings of Dasein?” 3. “What is Dasein?”
philosophy of cosmos, being, reminiscence, complication, Heidegger, complicating factors, complication causes, Dasein, philosophy, complication of existence
Kuz'min A.V..
Ontological Possibility of Pegasus and Little Horse Constellations (The Ritual, Constellation Map and a Question Whether There Was a Cosmological Model in the Bronze Age)
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. ¹ 9.
P. 1286-1296.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.9.67042 URL:
The article is devoted to reconstructing the elements of cosmological views in the societies that had existed before philosophy was created. According to the author's hypothesis, the main elements of cosmological views of the preliterate period are illustrated with the ritual of 'sacrifising a horse'. In his article Kuzmin makes an attempt to reconstruct the history of establishment and fixation of the sacrifice ritual (base on both historical-philosophical and archeological sources) as an existential cosmological model of the Bronze Age. The author analyzes how that model was described in writing materials (the Vedas). In his research Kuzmin has used the comparative analysis of textual sources and illustrations related to the subject under research as well as the critical analysis of previously published researches by Russian and foreign scientists. Based on the analysis undertaken in this research, the author considers whether Cosmos models could exist already in the third century BC. The main conclusion of the article is that at the turn of the IVth - IIIth centuries the idea of 'Cosmos originating from the sacrifice of Heavenly Horse' was created. That idea was fixed in the symbols of Northern constellations.
cosmological models, constellation map, mythology, constellations, Cosmos, ontology of science, preclassical science, ritual, uranography, metauranography
Faritov V.T..
Nietzsche's Perspectivism , Philosophical Theory of of Discourse and Transgression
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. ¹ 7.
P. 962-968.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.7.66780 URL:
The subject of the study is the philosophical theory of discourse in terms of the conceptual development of Friedrich Nietzsche's ideas. The author examines the relationship between perspectivism of the German philosopher and such concepts of modern ontology as discourse and transgression. The article makes explicit the ontological meaning of the concept of discourse. In particular, the author studies the role and place of transcendence and transgression prospects in the discourse. Much attention is paid to the interpretation of the basic teachings of Nietzsche (the will to power, the superman and morality) from the perspective of the contemporary philosophical discourse theory. The author has used the set of methods developed by non-classical philosophy and social sciences and humanities. The author has also used several methodological provisions of hermeneutical and poststructuralist approaches. The main result of the study is the explication of the relationship between the contemporary philosophical discourse theory and the conceptual development of Friedrich Nietzsche's ideas. The author demonstrates that there is a certain relation between the concept of discourse an perspectivism of Nietzsche. The author also identifies the specific role of the phenomenon of transgression in the theory of discourse and in the teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche. The concepts of discourse and transgression are being presented as ontological phenomena.
transgression, transcendence, perspective, Nietzsche, perspectivism, discourse, metadiscourse, will to power, superman, way of being
Reznik Yu.M..
The World as the Projection of Human Being
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. ¹ 6.
P. 810-817.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.6.66612 URL:
In his article Reznik investigates the possibilities of human to design the world and build a world-project. Subjectivist philosophers put human being in the center of the world view and stress out the dominant position of human in the world. However, such an interpretation has not always been normative. There is also an objectivist view on the human-world interaction. Within the existentialist tradition the world 'unfolds' from human being and is understood as a projection of his/her being. Yet the author underlines that we should not interpret this idea literally. It is the human himself/herself that gives birth to the world. Without the active role of the human the world becomes estranged and feels like an imposed form of existence which restricts human creative abilities. Martin Heidegger insists on the human being's pertaining to the world. This means that human longs to feel at home everywhere in the world, to fulfill his/her own opportunity and to become the 'being' himself/herself . The human being is the one who transfers his/her being-in–the-world into a project and vests it with existential features. The research method used by the author is based on the ontological premises of existentialism. The human and the world are analyzed by the author as a project of co-being, in which the contours of their future unification are traced. The human being is not opposed to the world and not regarded as its separate part. He/she has a capacity of world-creation and hence, can act as a being proportionate to the world. In everyday life he/she is what he/she is occupied with. Yet the human being develops his/her identity as a result of his/her unity with the world. The main result of the research is an ontological synthesis to which the author comes through the analysis of the interactions between the human being and the world. The author regards the world in two aspects: as a “what-ness” of human being and as an accentuation of his/her ”who-ness”. In the first case the world acts as a form of human existence and a way of reaching a transcendental state. It is consequentially cognized as a multiple being or a universe of being (ontical dimension) and as a universal in being (ontological dimension). At the same time there are the spatial and pragmatic dimensions of being-in-the-world: the human being does not only exost in the being-here-and-now, but can also treat the world as a useful material. In the second case it is the who-ness of being that comes forward and defines the subjective capabilities of the human being to rebuild the world for himself/herself, making his/her presence in the world fundamental. It is always his/her own liberated being, the' being-for-oneself'.The author comes to the conclusion that in order to define one’s model of interaction with the world it is necessary to build a project of coexistence with this world and thus broaden one’s creative capacities.
what-being, presence, world, being, pertaining to the world, human being, world creation, who-being, existence, capability
Kuz'min A.V..
Early 'Discoveries' and 'Models' of Cosmos
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. ¹ 5.
P. 647-657.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.5.66513 URL:
The article is devoted to the research of the ontological possibility of early models of Cosmos. Special attention is paid to the very first model that was created at the epoch 'when the myth reigned' as well as the beginnings of the zodiacal model. In addition, the researcher analyzes the relationship between'new' and 'old' models of Cosmos and whether the initial model (neither 'new' nor 'old' but 'zero' or 'having no precedents' model). In his article Kuzmin also analyzes the definition of metacosmography and ontological possibility of the constellation map at different epochs. In his research Kuzmin has used the comparative analysis of archeological and historical sources that relate to the studied period as well as the comparative analysis of previous both Russian and foreign researches. The researcher attempts to reconstruct early (preliterate) models of Cosmos based on the author's interpretation of published archeological records and critical analysis of prior Russian and foreign researches. Based on the results of the analysis carried out, the researcher offers a new ontological model lof the initial (i.e. 'having no precedents') cosmological model and the first solar-horizon (protozodiacal) model. The main conclusion of the research is that there were self-sufficient semiotic systems of mythologems and signs in the Mesolithic and proto-Neolithic culture and those systems were used to describe the main regularly repeating sequences of celestial events. The latter created the basis not only for early calendars but also for cosmological models.
ontology, world (universe) model, lunar model, Cosmos, solar model, zodiacal model, myth, world order, cosmology, constellation
Faritov V.T..
The Subject and Ñonsciousness in the Transgressive Mode
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. ¹ 4.
P. 496-504.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.4.66460 URL:
The objective of the present research is to describe a specific transgressive mode of the existence of the subject and consciousness. In order to achieve the objective, it is necessary to deconstrut the Cartesian subject and transcedental concept of consciousness. It is also necessary to express the constructive nature of the self-identical subject and universal consciousness not to show their falsehood but to open possibilities essentially of other configurations of subjectivity. Transcendentalism has to be exposed in the claim on universality and presented as one of the modes of the life of a subjectification existing along with others. Along with the traditional methods of ontologic research some methodological principles and ideas of structuralism, deconstruction and post-structuralism are used. The result of the research is the general description of the transgressive mode of subjectification as an alternative way of the existence of the subject and consciousness. In the transcedental mode the subject and consciousness are constituted as a self-identical unity with one center. In the transgressive mode subjectivity is revealed as an open and mobile configuration of a set of heterogeneous existence-semantic prospects.
plurality, unity, prospect, perspective, meaning-making, transgression, transcendence, subjectification mode, consciousness, subject, neutralization, elimination
Loshchits I.V..
Ontological Argument in the Middle Ages and Modern Times. Theoretical Aspect
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. ¹ 3.
P. 342-354.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.3.66379 URL:
The article is devoted to the theoretical issues related to the phenomenon of ontological argumentation in the Middle Ages and Modern Times. The author of the article tries to find a unified form of the ontological argument that would be a general form for all historical variants of ontological argumentation. The author also offers a classification of different approaches to the problem and describes the main conceptual disagreements between supporters and detractors of ontological argumentation. The author also focuses on the origin of the ontological concept of God as the central element of ontological argumentation and its relationship with a posteriori argument of God's existence. The main references were the works of the medieval and new European authors as well as contemporary Russian and foreign researchers. Conclusions: 1. The author finds a unified form of the ontological argument and describes the main properties of ontological argumentation. 2. Different historical forms of ontological argument critics have been classified as the eight main types. 3. The author defines important conceptua grounds for supporting and critisizing the ontologica argument in terms of mind and being, thought and reality. 4. The author has analyzed the ontologica definition of God, proved that that definition was rational and discovered the sources of that concept in ancient philosophy as wel as works written by the aforesaid authors.
ontological argument, God, Middle Ages, New Times, theology, metaphysics, Anselm of Canterbury, Descartes, Kant
Yakovlev V.A..
Being of Information or Informational Being?
// Philosophy and Culture.
2015. ¹ 2.
P. 173-182.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2015.2.66240 URL:
The main research subject of the present article is the new understanding of the philosophical concept 'being' as a result of different interpretations of being as 'being of information' or 'informational being' in different branches of science. The scope of research includes physical and mathemathical sciences that interpret the nature of logics, mathematics and calculations. The research subject also involves the definition of consciousness in Husserl's phenomenology due to the fact that contemporary quantum physics and astronomy study the role of the scientific mind. Noteworthy, that the focus is made on the most recent achievements in these branches of science. In his research Yakovlev carries out a comparative research of modern approaches to definitions of information in relation to Husserl's phenomenology and contemporary theories of mind. Yakovlev also offers a new approach to the problem of being based on information theories. He makes an assumption that infomation reality (being of information) is becoming synonymous to the objective reality. Information reality (or informational being) is understood as the fundamental nature of the universe and being of an individual consciousness is understood as a fractal of this reality.
information, being, reality, consciousness, mathematics, phenomenology, creativity, synergetics, physics, absolute
Mkrtchyan, R. A..
The Idea of the ‘Bodiless’ and the Concept of General and Particular Natures in Ancient Philosophy and Christian
Patristics of the 5th – 6th Centuries
// Philosophy and Culture.
2014. ¹ 11.
P. 1562-1572.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2014.11.65721 URL:
The article is devoted to the philosophical concepts of general nature and particular nature that were based on
Neo-Platonism and Aristotelianism and made a significant influence on the ideas of Christian philosophers of the Byzantium
epoch. The cornerstone of the present research is the analysis of the above mentioned natures. In this regard, the author
analyzes the interpretations of the above mentioned natures from the points of view of physicality and the bodiless. The author analyzes which interpretation proves to be efficient, what general nature is and what particular nature is and how
these two natures are related. This is mostly an analytical research. The author applies the system approach and views each
concept of nature as a system of related ideas and views. The author has used the question-and-answer method to make
his analysis more accurate and detailed. The author proves that the concepts of natural nature and particular nature are
not necessarily alternative (at least when reasonable beings are concerned). Quite on the contrary, general natures exist
side by side with particular natures, both general and particular natures are bodiless and have the same ontological status.
Particular nature is the combination of general nature and the principle of individuation. The latter is bodiless, too.
ontology, Plato, Aristotle, Neo-Platonism, bodiless, David the Invincible, John Philoponus, general nature, particular nature, principle of individuation.
Sizemskaya, I. N..
‘Not Everything is Divisible by Sense Exactly’: Russian Philosophy About Conceptual and Art Insight Into Being
// Philosophy and Culture.
2014. ¹ 2.
P. 162-172.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2014.2.63918 URL:
The subject of the author’s research is the conceptual and art insight into the world and being as the main
feature of the Russian philosophical and social thought. In this regard, the author of the article traces back the historical
development of the union of philosophy and poetry. The author focuses on their relation and interprets that union as
the genetic code of the Russian spiritual culture. The unity between creativity regulated by ratio and art contemplation
managing images created the topics that were common for both philosophy and poetry: the Universe and human
existence, life and death, freedom and necessity, good and evil. Touching upon these topics, the author of the article
indicates special features of the path of development of Russian philosophy and poetic lyrics in the XIX century.
The main methods used in research is the principle of the integrity of being and philosophical perception of the world.
The applied method allowed the author to set forth forcibly his conclusion about ‘the poetry of the heart having
the same rights as the poetry of the thought’. The main importance and novelty is the author’s analysis of Russian
philosophical poetry from the moment of its origin in Russia (early XIX century) till present and focus on similar
researches carried out by the most important figures in Russian philosophy such as Vladimir Soloviev, Merezhkovsky,
Frank, Stepun, Bulgakov, I. Ilyin and Zenkovsky. The article contains rich historiography on the matter.
philosophical reflection, Russian philosophy, conceptual thinking, emotional thinking, rationalism, art contemplation, integrated knowledge, world view, spiritual experience, philosophical poetry, ‘poet – thoughts’.
Karpenko, A. S..
Principle of Plentitude in Philosophy. Part II
// Philosophy and Culture.
2013. ¹ 12.
P. 1660-1679.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2013.12.63600 URL:
The author of the article analyzes logical consequence of the principle of abundance described
by Arthur Lovejoy in his book ‘The Great Chain of Being’ (1936). Arthur Lovejoy asserts that
all potentials of existence must be fulfilled. The principle of abundance is completed with the principle
of plentitude that requires practical implementation of all what is thought to be possible. Fulfillment
of the principle of plentitude causes numerous ‘stratifications’ of space, time, world and all. This is the
conclusion modern cosmology has come to as well. To save ourselves from absolute chaos, we need to
limit the principle of plentitude. Therefore, we approach the most fundamental problem in ontology:
how does the impossible become possible? The series includes the following articles: 1. Introduction.
2. The Great Chain of Being. 3. The principle of abundance. 4. The unified. 5. Theodicy. 6. Ontological
evidence of God’ s existence. 7. The problem of eternity. 8. The limits. 9. The impossible. 10. Theories
of incompleteness. 11. Borders of mind? 12. Destiny of human. 13. Everett worlds. 14. The principle of
plentitude in action. 15. On the way to intelligent Multiverse. Annex. Alternative Reality: Gaius Iulius
Everett worlds, borders of mind, undecidability, Godel about incompleteness, impossibility, eternity, theodicy, principle of abundance, Multiverse, symmetric distortion.
Karpenko, A.S..
Principle of Plentitude in Philosophy. Part I
// Philosophy and Culture.
2013. ¹ 11.
P. 1508-1522.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2013.11.63544 URL:
The author of the article analyzes logical consequence of the principle of abundance described by Arthur Lovejoy in his book ‘The Great Chain of Being’ (1936). Arthur Lovejoy asserts that all potentials of existence must be fulfilled. The principle of abundance is completed with the principle of plentitude that requires practical implementation of all what is thought to be possible. Fulfillment of the principle of plentitude causes numerous ‘stratifications’ of space, time, world and all. This is the conclusion modern cosmology has come to as well. To save ourselves from absolute chaos, we need to limit the principle of plentitude. Therefore, we approach the most fundamental problem in ontology: how does the impossible become possible? The series includes the following articles: 1. Introduction. 2. The Great Chain of Being. 3. The principle of abundance. 4. The unified. 5. Theodicy. 6. Ontological evidence of God’s existence. 7. The problem of eternity. 8. The limits. 9. The impossible. 10. Theories of incompleteness. 11. Borders of mind? 12. Destiny of human. 13. Everett worlds. 14. The principle of plentitude in action. 15. On the way to intelligent Multiverse. Annex. Alternative Reality: Gaius Iulius Caesar.
Everett worlds, borders of mind, undecidability, Godel about incompleteness, impossibility, eternity, theodicy, principle of abundance, Multiverse, symmetric distortion.
Knyazeva, E. N..
Atomism and Holism in Modern Complexity Theory
// Philosophy and Culture.
2013. ¹ 6.
P. 736-745.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2013.6.62759 URL:
Atomism and holism are viewed as the two opposing but at the same time completing each other
approaches in the modern theory of complex self-organizing systems (this theory is also called the ‘complexity
theory’). Atomism is related to complex world structures and their fractal organization which bring us to
elementary and further indivisible structural fragments that lie in the basis of complex space-and-time structures.
Atomism refers to studying levels of existence and elements, parts and subsystems. At the same time,
it is shown that the entire complexity theory is filled with holism and this holism often has an evolutionary
nature. In evolution of complex self-organizing systems holism is associated with the appearance of emergence
features of holistic structures and discreteness defined by a set of structures – evolution attractors. Modern
atomism also refers to so called perception frames in cognitive science. Based on the system and evolutionary
approach, the author offers certain arguments proving the hypothesis about the appearance of alphabetic
writing and the teaching about atoms in physical nature (as introduced by A. Kozyrev and V. Lysenko).
perception frames, fractality, complex systems, continuity, linguistic hypothesis, holism, discontinuity, atomism, evolutionary epistemology, emergence.
Kravchenko, Yu. P..
Environmental Issues as Late Effects of Formation of Modern Time Science
// Philosophy and Culture.
2013. ¹ 3.
P. 279-288.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2013.3.62421 URL:
The article is devoted to the main methodological and world perception provisions of science during the
Modern Time. The author of the article analyzes relations between human and nature at that period and makes an
attempt to find the basis of modern environmental issues in those provisions.
philosophy, human, nature, interaction, mechanism, metaphysics, experiment, rationalism, world perception, environmental studies.
Nedugova, I. A..
Consciousness Under Conditions of Cultural Dissipation
// Philosophy and Culture.
2012. ¹ 12.
P. 6-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2012.12.61741 URL:
The article is devoted to dissipative cultural processes. The author represents the concept of
cultural dissipations, borderline and delusive consciousness. The author determines influence of cultural
dynamics on consciousness as determination processes. The main purpose of the article is to understand
what processes make the picture perceived by one’s consciousness to differ from the reality. The author
also develops the mechanism of reflection over the delusive consciousness as the hierarchy of material
levels of existence.
philosophy, consciousness, culture, dissipation, materialism, marginality, denial, crisis, self identity, reflection.
Yakovlev, V. A..
Metaphysics of Nature and Human Existence
// Philosophy and Culture.
2012. ¹ 9.
P. 7-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2012.9.61431 URL:
The article briefly describes the prehistory of metaphysics of nature and human existence. The author of the
article analyzes the modern role of the above mentioned issue in general philosophy, religion and natural sciences.
The author also provides grounds for the definition of metaphysics as the core of spiritual theoretical activity — the
combination of creative eidoses research projects are based on. The author describes the seven binary metaphysical
programs of the Ancient World which later determined the main branches of science.
philosophy, metaphysics, existence, creative ideas, principles, Christianity, oppositions, binary, innovations, programs.
Neretina, S. S..
Augustine after Heidegger: Time and Being
// Philosophy and Culture.
2012. ¹ 8.
P. 6-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2012.8.61248 URL:
Analyzing Augustine’s conception of the relation between time and being as part of Heidegger’s
readings allows to define features of Augistine’s theological conception. Augustine views time as a forced
attention towards an item being considered and being is related not to the essence but to the opportunity to
be and not to be. The author also makes an attempt to interpret the terms associated with time and being
such as existential, the other, retention, protention, attention.
philosophy, time, quantity, retention, protention, attention, being, name, intention, meaning.
Fatenkov, A. V..
Existential Ontognoseology: from Experience to Witnessing
// Philosophy and Culture.
2012. ¹ 6.
P. 7-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2012.6.60232 URL:
Existential ontology and ontognoseology counters are defined based on science and philosophy.
Experience and witnessing are shown as the basic epochs of existentionally founded process of cogitation.
The author of the article also describes certain anthropological consequences of existentional witnessing of
philosophy, ontology, ontognoseology, existentionalism, science, human, experience, touch, emotion, witnessing.
Granin, R. S..
Problem of Objectivization in Nikolay Berdyaev’s Philosophy
// Philosophy and Culture.
2012. ¹ 4.
P. 6-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2012.4.59385 URL:
The article is devoted to Nikolay Berdyaev’s philosophy of spirit developed as part of his existential
metaphysics evolving around the relationship between existence of spirit and world existence, between
the numismatic and phenomenal. Based on Berdyaev, this is the objective function of human consciousness
which makes the form of such a relationship. The objective function of human consciousness hypostatizes the
mind constructs (universals and substances) and then socializes them, after which they gain a universally
binding meaning and their own existence. Berdyaev saw the struggle against the power of spirit objectivization
as a transcendent coming out of the borders of the phenomenal cause-and-effect world into the reality
of the pre-existence freedom — existential.
philosophy, reality, existentialism, realization, objectivization, symbolization, antinomy, eschatology, utopia, initiation.
Kornev, S. V..
Plato’s Teaching about the World Origin
// Philosophy and Culture.
2012. ¹ 1.
P. 6-22.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2012.1.59120 URL:
This study pays attention at what Plato said, which creates the path to understanding what Plato meant but
did not say. If we understand that, it will allow us to see Plato’s thoughts as if we were talking to him. This is what the
author is aimed at — to understand Plato’s thoughts in a dialogue.
philosophy, Plato, Heidegger, ontology, Timaeus, myth, logos, demiurge, cosmos, unity.
Kutyrev, V. A..
Our Civilization in the Epoch of Trans-Modern
// Philosophy and Culture.
2011. ¹ 12.
P. 10-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2011.12.59001 URL:
Modern civilization is turning into a self-developing post-human formation. Cognitivism and
techno science declare that the macro-world reality is nothing else but the projection of calculus mathematics.
The sphere of the ‘other’ existence is created and being developed. This is the epoch of transmodernism.
Humankind is not wise enough to use its knowledge which is growing more and more
dangerous. The only way to save it is to slow up the pace of technological development, fight with the
spontaneity of innovation processes and gain control over it. The author suggests a so-called philosophy
of antagonism.
philosophy, techno science, cognitivism, the other, trans-modernism, wisdom, identity, phenomenology, administration, antagonism.
Ivanov, S. Yu..
Philosophical Discourse as the Basic Concept of Possible Structural Models of World View
// Philosophy and Culture.
2011. ¹ 9.
P. 8-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2011.9.58680 URL:
The article considers the role and functional meaning of the world view when defining the spheres and
borders of philosophy. The article describes the main challenges, purpose and goals of philosophy in the 21st century,
basic categories and principles in philosophy and the scope of their application. The article also reveals possible perspective
visions of the ‘subjective body of philosophy’, considers the main thinking paths and patters of metaphysics
which determines the choice of these or those alternatives. The main novelty is the introduction of the conception of
philosophical world view as well as description of its structure and basic functional orientation.
philosophy, objectivity, philosophy, philosophical world view, existence, being, explication of being, structure of being, ‘Dasein’, conception, substance.
Kutyrev, V. A..
Greatness and Insidiousness of Husserl’s Idea of Phenomenology (Philosophical and Historical Background
of Information Cognitivism)
// Philosophy and Culture.
2011. ¹ 5.
P. 18-24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2011.5.58410 URL:
Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology is viewed as an anticipation of information revolution. It offers conceptions
which, by their inner meaning, were philosophically speculative analogues of structural and cognitive and communicative
theorizing. According to the author, it was the source and the beginning of a denial of reality of a phenomenal world (macro
world) as the modern technoscience denies.
philosophy, Husserl, phenomenology, noema, information, agent, communication, existence, nothing, ontology.
E. Cassirer.
Mythological, esthetical and theoretical space (translated by T.S. Karachentsova).
// Philosophy and Culture.
2011. ¹ 1.
P. 25-34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2011.1.57964 URL:
The article represents the speech by Ernst Cassirer – German philosopher and culture expert, representative of the Marburg tradition of Neo-Kantianism.
philosophy, science, theoretical learning, meaning, space
Rodzinsky, D. L..
Non-Existential Nature of the Mystical World Perception.
// Philosophy and Culture.
2010. ¹ 12.
P. 23-32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2010.12.57878 URL:
The article considers the essence of the mystical perception of the world and its connection with
the basic sciences of philosophy: anthropology, ontology, gnoseology and ethics. The author attempted
to compare the positive and negative aspects of the mystical ideology. The author also showed a possible
mechanism of ‘breaking’ the mind of human into derivates.
philosophy, mysticism, anthropology, perception of the world, ideology, existence, non-existence, mind, god, pantheism, Gnosticism
Bayborodov, A. Yu..
Peculiarities of Co-Existential Symbol.
// Philosophy and Culture.
2010. ¹ 11.
P. 32-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2010.11.57864 URL:
The article is devoted to analyzing the possibility of understanding the Other’s being through co-existential communication.
Co-existential act is shown as a unity of the ‘superior meaning’ and a great number of concrete forms. The universal ‘superior meaning’ is understood through experience of co-being. Moreover, the ‘superior meaning’ displays itself in a concrete situation and expresses itself through a concrete co-existential act.
philosophy, symbol, co existentialism, consciousness, superior meaning, act, word, expression, language, peculiarities
Demenev, D.N..
Measure, harmony, taste as key structural elements of art work.
// Philosophy and Culture.
2010. ¹ 10.
P. 21-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2010.10.57682 URL:
The article includes analysis of the structure of art work, taking painting as an example. The author comes to a conclusion that measure, harmony and taste in their optimal balance define the wholeness of the artwork. The article is of theoretical and practical value for artists, and may be of interest to those appreciating philosophy and fine art.
philosophy, being, whole, part, structure, measure, harmony, taste, correlation, Gestalt
// Philosophy and Culture.
2008. ¹ 1.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2008.1.55616 URL:
Human existence has many faces to it. However, in spite of all the variety, the main choice seems to be – to be or to seem to be. The first choice would mean to search for the unique personal being, and the second would call for something, that is not natural and not authentic, even if it is better accepted. Can one be and seem to be at the same time?