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«Administrative and municipal law» (18+)

¹ 3, 2014
Published since
2013 year
Once every two months

Administrative law, municipal law and security
P. 201 - 211
Administrative and municipal law: forms and methods of implementation (practice)
P. 212 - 218
Administrative enforcement
P. 219 - 224
Liability in administrative and municipal law
P. 225 - 233
P. 234 - 240
Management law
P. 241 - 246
P. 247 - 258
Law-enforcement legislation
P. 259 - 271
Administrative law and local self-government
P. 272 - 285
Administrative law, municipal law and human rights
P. 286 - 293
Reviews and bibliography
P. 294 - 298
P. 299 - 302
Contents details