Neimatov A.Y..
The Outlines and Scripts Color Revolution in Tajikistan
// World Politics.
2018. № 3.
P. 107-112.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.3.18488 URL:
This article analyzes the possible prerequisites for the scenario of color revolutions in Tajikistan. It is known that Tajikistan today is included in "at risk" in relation to the color revolutions; above his priority for the organizers and writers of color revolutions are only Kazakhstan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, and in the second tier, Kyrgyzstan. Results of the analysis of network activity of opposition groups in Tajikistan suggest that the country is in the phase of preparation of "colored" coup - that is in the same phase of the color revolution scenario, which includes all pre-service training, and carried out in compliance with the conditions of secrecy. In Tajikistan, in the current form of government, there are at least two political forces, which can be used by political technologists color revolutions for organizing mass protests and armed rebellion: it is the Islamists, whose activities are generally coordinated by representatives of the "Islamic State"; and pro-American "supporters of European values" opposed Tajikistan's participation in the Eurasian integration projects, in which the leading role played by Russia. The limiting factor for the color revolution in Tajikistan is the military presence of Russia (201st base) and Tajikistan's membership in the SCO and the CSTO - the organizations, providing regional security.
diplomacy, international relations, U.S. foreign policy, world politics, global information space, political system, interests, state, sequrity, color revolutions
Naumov A.O..
“Colour Revolutions” as a threat to state sovereignty: the case of Kyrgyzstan
// World Politics.
2016. № 2.
P. 36-45.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2016.2.17599 URL:
The author analyzes the influence of “colour revolutions” on state sovereignty of the modern nation-states using the example of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. The differential peculiarity of “colour revolutions” on the post-Soviet space was their non-violent character. Though the mechanism, developed by the Western geopolitical engineering specialists, failed during the 2005 “Tulip Revolution” in Kyrgyzstan. The technologies and results of the “Tulip Revolution” had a destructive influence on the Kyrgyz society. Its consequences turned in the series of crises, among which the most significant was the second Kyrgyz revolution of 2010, the slipping down to the status of a failed state and the prospect of the civil war and the loss of state sovereignty. The research methodology is based on the system, structural-functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation. The problem of state sovereignty in the context of the current crisis of the global governance system is very significant. “Colour revolutions” are among the most serious threats to the normal functioning of states. In the last 15 years, the wave of “revolutions” overflew several countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Kyrgyzstan became one of their victims. The author concludes that only by virtue of the transition to the new system of administration, especially the policy of a close cooperation with Russia, Kyrgyzstan, subjected to the external “democratization” in the form of the 2005 “colour revolution”, manage to preserve its sovereignty and integrity.
democratization , sovereignty, Otunbayeva, Bakiyev, Akayev, the second Kyrgyz revolution, the Tulip Revolution, state sovereignty, Kyrgyzstan, colour revolutions
Bolokhov I.I..
Transformation of China’s Foreign Policy Strategy in the Context of the Arab Spring
// World Politics.
2016. № 1.
P. 36-47.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2016.1.18483 URL:
The article shows the reaction of China to the Arab Spring as a demonstration of an overall transformation of the country’s foreign policy. The research object is China's foreign policy strategy, the research subject is the peculiarities of its transformation in the context of the Arab Spring. The large-scale and rapid evacuation of its citizens from Libya has shown China's willingness to defend its interests all over the world. At the same time, China is still adhering to the basic principles on non-interference in the internal affairs of states and the willingness to cooperate with any kind of political regimes.The research methodology is based on the system, structural-functional, and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation. The author also examines the impact of color revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa on China's home policy which took into account the lessons of the Arab Spring for preventing the 2014 Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong.
diplomacy, international relations, U.S. foreign policy, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, China, state, security, color revolutions
Manoilo A.V..
Color revolution in Venezuela.
// World Politics.
2015. № 1.
P. 176-179.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2015.1.12666 URL:
The situation analogous to the Ukrainian situation is currently ongoing in Venezuela. There is a protest movement in Venezuela, which has all the elements of the classical color revolution. It may mean, that having implemented the color revolution scenario in Ukraine, the USA started dealing with another ally of Russia - Venezuela. It also may be stated that now the USA sends the wave of color revolutions more than just one certain state (for example, Ukraine), rather the influence involves several strategic directions: Ukraine, Kirgizia, Kazakhstan, Venezuela (formerly Ukraine till February 2014) as strategic allies of Russia. The methodology of the article includes systemic, structural-functional, and comparative approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis and modeling. In case of Venezuela the so-called controlled chaos shall be involved to ruin the social unity of those, who gained many benefits from the peaceful revolution of Chavez, and to weaken other Latin American states, so they would not help Venezuela.
international relations, foreign policy, Venezuela, controlled chaos, color revolution, diplomacy, state, conflict, security, values
Manoilo A.V..
Countermeasures against the spread of color revolution ideology among the young people.
// World Politics.
2015. № 1.
P. 180-191.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2015.1.12667 URL:
The issue of organizing countermeasures against the spread of the color revolution ideology among the University students is very topical nowadays. The student environment is mostly non-political, but it is very flexible. It easily supports any slogans, which allow the students to differ from their peers. The goal of activities in the student environment is boosting self-esteem, bringing variety into lives of students, dealing with boredom and looking for vivid impressions. Often this need of the young people in self-esteem is manifested through the denial of the existing norms and standards, including the fundamentals of the state structure. That is why the students are so eager to join any protest movements, which allow them to do so, treat any new member individually and provide them an active role in their work. The methodology of the article is based upon systemic and comparative approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, observation, modelling. All of the above differs from the pro-government youth movements, many of which are organized like neo-sects or military barracks, looking like "gray matter" going where they are sent. Becoming a member of such an organization the student loses his freedom, and he gets a personal commander, whom he has to obey without any questions asked.
international relations, foreign policy, Arab revolution, color revolution, controlled chaos, Ukraine, youth movement, conflict, security, youth organizations
Spiridonov V.V..
Economic causes for the political conflict in Ukraine.
// World Politics.
2014. № 4.
P. 45-78.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.4.11528 URL:
At the verge of 2013-2014 there was a wave of protests in Ukraine, which was caused by contradictions in the views of political forces on the vector of foreign political development of the Ukrainian state. One side was in favor of complete integration with the European Union, while another was in favor of the closer relations with Russia. Several days before the date when Ukraine was supposed to sign documents with the European Union, the Ukrainian Government has suspended the preparations for conclusion of this treaty. It caused dissatisfaction among the forces, who were in favor of Eurointegration, the acute protest actions followed, and they were mostly aimed against the ruling elite. The result of the opposition in Ukraine was the downfall of the government. This article contains overview and analysis of the factors of domestic and external economic development of Ukraine, including analysis of real and financial economy sectors. Analysis of economic parameter, such as the budget structure, trade balance, financial situation from the standpoint of business structure, correlation of foreign and domestic assets, vectors of capital movement in Ukraine allowed to uncover the connection between their dynamics and potential threat to the stability of the state.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, political instability, diplomacy, state, nation, conflict, security
Gusher A.I..
Crisis in Ukraine: geopolitical and geostrategical aspects.
// World Politics.
2014. № 4.
P. 79-89.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.4.11605 URL:
It has been a long time since such an acute military and political situation with long-standing consequences as the current situation in Ukraine and around it took place in the world. Yet another political crisis in Ukraine which took place in November 2013 continued as three months of tough opposition between the government and its opponents, and it was finished on February 22, 2014, with an armed insurrection was implemented and the government was taken over by the group of Yatsenyuk-Klichko-Tyagniboka representing the interests of the pro-Western Ukrainian nationalists and the fascist and extremist Banderovite groups. It took place the next day after President Yanukovych and the above-mentioned leaders of the opposing parties "Batkivschina", "Udar" and "Soboda" in the presence of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Poland, France and representative of Russia has signed the treaty on the conditions and procedure of crisis regulation. All of the Ukrainian government system fell under the pressure of opposition, Banderovite groups and the crowds of people intoxicated by the anti-Russian propaganda. President Yanukovych, who did not show either the government power or the personal bravery secretly left the country just before these events and he hid in the territory of the Russian Federation. Maybe for all of the people caring for the destiny of the Ukrainian people it was the moment of truth, and it showed the rotten and ugly situation in the Ukrainian politics and the lack of perspective in the efforts of Russia on honest and businesslike interactions and cooperation with the current Ukrainian political elite.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, geopolitics, political instability, diplomacy, state, Ukraine, security, conflict
Manoilo A.V..
The armed riot in Ukraine: the wave of colored revolutions is moving towards Russia.
// World Politics.
2014. № 3.
P. 27-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.3.11498 URL:
Currently attention of all of the world is drawn to the events in Ukraine. The Color Revolution 2.0 in Kyiv put Ukraine at the verge of the civil war and break-up of the state based on geo-political tension lines, which shall not be peaceful or painless. In case of a break-up Ukraine shall follow the Yugoslavian scenario - war of everyone against everyone, genocide, terror, foreign intervention, and the number of victims shall be thousands. Aggressive nationalism of the Westerners, who took over the government in Kyiv and who are openly calling upon the NATO intervention in the conflict against Russia, gives one the basis for such a forecast. All of the above shall cause much damage to the security of the neighboring states, which shall may be lit on fire by the color revolutions. The consequences of such as scenario for Russia are horrible even to think of. The Arab Spring revolutions rolling over the CIS territory and hitting Russia may start the "Christian winter". The entire post-Soviet territory may be overrun by the "controlled chaos", the favorite invention of the Washington politicians, which is used for destabilizations of the opposition regimes.
international relations, foreign policy, Arab revolutions, geopolitics, conflicts, diplomacy, Ukraine, Crimea, Yanukovych, crisis
Borodinov E.N..
Causes and effects of the insurrection in Ukraine.
// World Politics.
2014. № 3.
P. 36-59.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.3.11501 URL:
Attention of the global community is drawn to the Ukraine and all the Russian people may not be indifferent to the events there, since Ukraine and Russia are connected by historical and cultural unity and relations. The mayhem, which takes place in Ukraine is outside the scope of understanding of a normal adequate person, such are the derogations and persecutions towards the militia officers and their families, and the bloody provocations of the fighters of the "Right Sector" in the South-East of Ukraine. All of the above causes gravest concern among the population and the leaders of Russia. The concern is also caused by the insurrection in a fraternal country, which was actively supported by the so-called "democratic" states, the EU and the USA. The statement of the USA that the pro-Fascist organizations played a "constructive role" in this bloody Bacchanalia makes one think about the organizers and sponsors of these special operations. Due to the above, the analysis of the specific features of armed riots, as well as the factors serving as prerequisites for the armed takeover in a state, and the forecasts for the future developments in the situation in Ukraine become especially topical.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, conflicts, diplomacy, state, interests, security, the Euromaidan