Konovalova K.A..
Contemporary Bolivia and perceptions of a multipolar world
// World Politics.
2024. № 2.
P. 15-26.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2024.2.70476 EDN: XLGASS URL:
This article is devoted to the peculiarities of perception and representation of a multipolar world in Bolivia. Since the governments of the "Movimiento al Socialismo" party came to power, this country, on the one hand, can be called one of the leading critics of the world liberal order in the region, opponents of US dominance, and on the other hand, it is characterized by a nationalist course in the economy, proactive integration strategy and presence in reputable multilateral institutions for the Global South. These circumstances make the Bolivian case of attitude towards the issue of multipolarity very illustrative. Critical discourse analysis according to Teun Van Dijk was chosen as a research strategy. We consider selected materials of various genres and formats, referring to the semantic code “multipolar world” both explicitly and implicitly, through associations and metaphors. It is shown that, in general, for Bolivia the issue of forming a multipolar world is highly relevant and is associated with a number of fundamental aspects of the domestic and foreign policy model built by the ruling party “Movement to Socialism”. The positive expectations of Bolivian political leaders and international relations from the emerging multipolarity are associated not only and not so much with the decline of US dominance, but with the preservation of multilateralism and the opportunity for the country to diversify external relations, and integration is recognized as the key way to involve Bolivia in global dynamics. The scientific novelty of the work is ensured by the lack of study of the problem risen in both the Russian and foreign research fields; the author’s contribution is created by the results of a detailed analysis of the discourse concerning the multipolar world in Bolivia according to its main proponents, contexts and topics (“topics”).
BRICS, USA, Russia, China, Bolivian politicians, Bolivian experts, discourse, system of international relations, multipolar world, Bolivia
Kocherov O.S..
Eternal return of the dragon: discursive power trap and decolonial critique of international relations theory
// World Politics.
2023. № 4.
P. 1-20.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2023.4.69205 EDN: WWGCHI URL:
The paper explores discursive power and related concepts (institutional power, normative power, epistemic power) as an important part of contemporary PRC foreign strategy. As Westphalian identity carries certain risks for Beijing, China is actively trying to reconceptualize its identity through the development of epistemic power, its main manifestation being the emergence of the Chinese IR school. China’s two main strategies of interaction with the Western IR theory are (1) transcending its parochiality through inclusion of Chinese concepts and research methods and (2) creating radical alternatives to Western IR theory. At a more fundamental level of theorizing about non-Western IR, the former strategy is broadly aligned with the project of “global IR” and the latter with a decolonial/postcolonial approach to IR. Decolonial hermeneutics allows for revealing the main shortcomings of “global IR” and the underlying epistemic culture, as well as for examining problems that arise from China's accumulation of discursive power. Based on the analysis, we can conclude that there are three potential strategies of the PRC: Westphalian discursivity, Westphalian discursivity with Chinese characteristics, and critical discursivity. The first two strategies can potentially lead China into the trap of discursive power: trying to resist Western discursive aggression through accumulation of discursive power, Beijing begins to internalize power structures and narratives inherent in the Western political model or romanticize alternative systems for the reproduction of power in imperial China, hence reinforcing international suspicions regarding its true intentions and taking a less advantageous strategic position. The paper proposes a number of ways out of this trap (development of cooperation with countries of the global South, interaction with their epistemic cultures, critical rethinking of modern Chinese concepts of international relations).
global international relations, discursive power trap, Chinese IR theory, dichotomy of identity, colonial house of IR theory, non-Western IR theory, decolonial theory, epistemic power, discursive power, foreign strategy
Osipov E.A..
Three years of E. Macron’s presidency: French multiculturalism at secondary school
// World Politics.
2020. № 2.
P. 59-67.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.2.33129 URL:
The author considers France’s politics in the field of integration of child migrants into the system of secondary school education during the first three years of E. Macron’s presidency (2017 - 2020). The author gives special attention to the measures against the proliferation of religious radicalism among young people. The author proves that, unlike his predecessors whose steps were limited to merely counter-terrorist measures, Macron focuses on the individual approach to each detected radicalism case or behavior and on taking particular steps aimed at the prevention, monitoring and combating such cases. Generally speaking, Macron pursues the mainstream right policy on the issues of integration of representatives of religious and national minorities into the school education system. The steps taken by him, such as compulsory kindergarten attendance since the age of three, the reduction of the number of pupils at elementary school rooms, and the closing of the ELCO program, should lead to the improvement of the situation and can promote the Republic return to the lost territories in the suburbs of large cities. At the same time, the President of France avoids radical measures (e.g. the Arab language remains one of foreign languages studied at school) which could “stigmatize” the Musliim community of France.
Multiculturalism, Migrants, Islam, Integration, School, Macron, France, Radicalization, Fifth republic, Suburbs
Zhukova E.A..
The Problem of Rationality in Edmund Burke's Political Ideology
// World Politics.
2018. № 2.
P. 65-72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.2.25603 URL:
Could conservative ideology be considered rational since for many researchers the question of the rational in the philosophy of the first conservative Edmund Burke does not arise in principle due to the fact that the thinker is perceived as a traditionalist? How do Burke's ideas correlate with the rationality of the classical Enlightenment type? Could the first conservative really be a non-rationalist, if he lived and worked in a time when the mind was actually the only constant in social and political thought? In this article the author considers all the above questions and provides his own interpretation. He applied the historical and value-normative research methods when working on the article. The author used a comparative analysis of emerging conservatism and liberal ideology to clarify and define the conservative ideas. The main conclusion of the article lies in evidence of rationality of classical conservatism. The author claims that rationality of Edmund Burke is based on a different type of perception of political reality. The article explores the concepts of reason and tradition, experiment and experience. Burke was the first to prove the possibility of coexistence of tradition and reason in the same political field defending the principles of heredity, continuity, and traditionalism.
Modern history, rational, rationality, Age of Enlightenment, Edmund Burke, ideology, conservatism, tradition, reason, history
Ursul A.D..
Formation of global world and transition to a sustainable future
// World Politics.
2017. № 3.
P. 92-102.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.3.23454 URL:
The article shows that the formation of global world to a significant extent depends on solving global problems and reducing negative impacts of globalization during the transition to sustainable development (SD). Global process of transition to sustainable development is understood not only as a new form and strategy of development of mankind, which gives equal opportunities to present and future generations to satisfy their requirements, but also as a new, co-evolutional, way of interaction of society and nature, accompanied by the formation of global world. Sustainable development is considered in the context of solving priority global problems, not merely the ecological problem. To develop the issue, the author uses such general scientific research methods as the system-global, socio-natural, integrative-interdisciplinary and evolutionary-historical approaches, the methods of futures studies, especially the futurology approach and sustainable development prognostication. The author focuses on the fact that globalization and global problems are to a considerable degree determined by socio-natural factors: features of the planet and limits of the planet as a space body and the need to fundamentally change the traditional forms and ways of people’s life and their interaction with nature. The author studies the formation of global world in the context of solving the key socio-natural contradiction between the growing needs of mankind and impossibility to meet these needs without quick degradation of the biosphere. The author emphasizes that in the context of multiplication of global challenges and threats, it is necessary to move from eradication of emergency and other negative consequences of natural disasters and anthropogenic activity to prevention and preventive measures consisting in further movement to global sustainability.
global world, global sustainablity, global processes, global problems, globalistics, globalization processes, survival of civilization, biosphere, socio-natural contradiction, sustainable development
Goncharov V.V..
The impact of global constitutionalism on the formation of socio-philosophical concepts in Russia
// World Politics.
2016. № 3.
P. 37-52.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2016.3.19841 URL:
This article studies the impact of global constitutionalism on the formation and development of socio-philosophical concepts in the Russian Federation.The author substantiates the thesis that global constitutionalism has a significant impact on the formation and development of the modern Russian socio-philosophical concepts which, depending on the relation to the processes of globalization, socio-political, public-legal and financial-economic structure of the Russian Federation, can be divided into three large groups: justifying the positive nature of global constitutionalism for our country; criticizing the processes of globalization according to the Western model; developing alternative projects of Russia's participation in globalization processes.The article examines various neoliberal, neoconservative, liberal, conservative, Marxist, neo-Marxist, national-bolshevik, Islamic, religious and other contemporary Russian socio-philosophical concepts and their relation to the issues of globalization, socio-philosophical, public-legal and financial-economic development of the Russian Federation.We use a number of methods of scientific cognition: epistemological; ontology; formal logic; dialectic; statistical; comparative legal; abstract-idealistic; specifically historical.
Islamism, Marxism, neoconservatism, neoliberalism, Izborsky club, socio-philosophical concept, global constitutionalism, Eurasian, Russian Federation, West
Manoilo A.V..
Geopolitical Order of the Modern World in the Context of Global Instability
// World Politics.
2015. № 2.
P. 86-98.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.2.15309 URL:
The modern geopolitical order of the world is characterized by an extreme instability. Its main peculiarity is that geopolitical borders, delimiting modern states and nations, exist now not so much within geographical boundaries of watersheds (mountain ranges) and coastlines, as in the minds of people who have learned to divide the society into "the same" and "the others" on the basis of belonging to certain national interests, values, ideological concepts, doctrines, and patterns of political behavior which can be followed by both continental and island states. The methodology of the research is based on the system, structural-functional, and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation.Symbols serving as markers are used to consolidate these boundaries in the minds of the population, marking "the same" and separating them from “the others.” Often these markers are of a primitive character, such as flowers (roses in Georgia, tulips in Kyrgyzstan, cornflowers in Belarus, cactuses in Mexico, and jasmine in Tunisia) in the hands of the participants of the color revolutions in the CIS, orange rags in Ukraine, or white ribbons in Russia, dates in Tunisia and Egypt, etc.
international conflicts, democracy, state, hybrid war, geopolitics, the USA, society, politics, color revolutions, security