Global cooperation
Ikryam, A., Yur, A.S. (2024). Environmental migration: a new challenge for the global community. World Politics, 2, 1–14.
The subject of the research in this article is the impact of environmental migration on humanity and its significance for the world community. The object of research in this article can be considered the study of the process of environmental migration and its impact on social development. The article aims to identify trends in the development of environmental migration, its impact on the future of mankind and its significance for the entire world community. The article comprehensively applied scientific research methods: methods of conceptual, institutional, historical analysis, as well as elements of a scenario approach. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that in recent decades attention to the problem of environmental migration has been increasing, which emphasizes the relevance of conducting research and a comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon. The article provides basic statistical data on the level of migration, analyzes the very concept of "environmental migration", identifies the main causes, trends and impact of environmental migration on the spheres of society. The research hypothesis about the need to form a unified theoretical basis for the concept of "ecological migration" was confirmed in the paper. The findings suggest that environmental migration is a serious challenge for the modern world, requiring a comprehensive approach and specific measures to manage this process. Trends in the development of environmental migration point to the need to develop sustainable strategies for migration management and adaptation to the changing world situation. At the same time, environmental migration offers opportunities for intensifying sustainable development measures and programmes, as the phenomenon itself requires theoretical and managerial rethinking, management and/or adaptation to its consequences.
international organisations, global problems, world community, population displacement, environmental problems, sustainable development, climate change, mobility, IOM, environmental migration
Concepts of political structure of the world
Konovalova, K.A. (2024). Contemporary Bolivia and perceptions of a multipolar world. World Politics, 2, 15–26.
This article is devoted to the peculiarities of perception and representation of a multipolar world in Bolivia. Since the governments of the "Movimiento al Socialismo" party came to power, this country, on the one hand, can be called one of the leading critics of the world liberal order in the region, opponents of US dominance, and on the other hand, it is characterized by a nationalist course in the economy, proactive integration strategy and presence in reputable multilateral institutions for the Global South. These circumstances make the Bolivian case of attitude towards the issue of multipolarity very illustrative. Critical discourse analysis according to Teun Van Dijk was chosen as a research strategy. We consider selected materials of various genres and formats, referring to the semantic code “multipolar world” both explicitly and implicitly, through associations and metaphors. It is shown that, in general, for Bolivia the issue of forming a multipolar world is highly relevant and is associated with a number of fundamental aspects of the domestic and foreign policy model built by the ruling party “Movement to Socialism”. The positive expectations of Bolivian political leaders and international relations from the emerging multipolarity are associated not only and not so much with the decline of US dominance, but with the preservation of multilateralism and the opportunity for the country to diversify external relations, and integration is recognized as the key way to involve Bolivia in global dynamics. The scientific novelty of the work is ensured by the lack of study of the problem risen in both the Russian and foreign research fields; the author’s contribution is created by the results of a detailed analysis of the discourse concerning the multipolar world in Bolivia according to its main proponents, contexts and topics (“topics”).
BRICS, USA, Russia, China, Bolivian politicians, Bolivian experts, discourse, system of international relations, multipolar world, Bolivia
Interests and values
Emelianenko, E.G. (2024). Pan-Africanism and Afrocentrism — current trends of the XXI century: the potential of symbiosis. World Politics, 2, 27–39.
The object of the study is the movement of pan-Africanism, which arose at the end of the XIX century and the concept of afrocentrism, at the end of the XX century. The first concept, pan-Africanism, turned into a powerful socio-political movement aimed at the national liberation, political struggle of the peoples of Africa against the metropolises, colonialism, as well as other forms of oppression. Afrocentrism was also formed as a tool to combat colonialism, but mentally, spiritually, and culturally. It was created as a tool to support and fight African Americans, the peoples of Africa and representatives of the African diaspora living around the world against the dominance of the Eurocentric model of the world. The subject of the study is the study of the formation of these concepts and the main ideological positions that formed the basis of their ideological foundation. The author examines in detail such aspects as spiritual decolonization, cultural decolonization, and the African personality. Special attention is paid to the study of the semantic core of pan-Africanism and Afrocentrism, the influence of European culture and the position of Africa as an object rather than a subject of history. The purpose of the work is to establish common ideological positions, as well as the possibility of symbiosis to solve the current challenges of the African continent. The methodological basis of the study was the historical approach necessary to restore the picture of past events, which were the basis for the formation of the ideological base of pan-Africanism, Afrocentrism, as well as the emergence of certain provisions. A systematic approach is used to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between ideological trends and determine the main trends in the development of these relations, methods of deduction, induction and synthesis. The novelty of the research lies in considering the concepts of pan-Africanism and Afrocentrism as complementary and mutually reinforcing parts. Both concepts were born almost a hundred years apart, but their similarity and relevance of ideas remain to this day. About 100 years ago, pan-Africanism called for the decolonization of African countries, and today for the eradication of neo-colonialism. Afrocentrism has common roots with pan-Africanism. The main conclusions of the study showed the possibility of a symbiosis of pan-Africanism and afrocentrism. It can become an effective tool for strengthening African society and obtaining the necessary energy to implement national strategies and protect the interests and values of both individual States and the continent as a whole.
africain countries, eurocentrism, spiritual decolonisation, Blyden, Asante, ideology, panafricanism, Africa, ideological movements, afrocentrism
International economy relations
Tikhomirova, K.S., Ruchina, V.M. (2024). Trends in the development of EU energy policy at the present stage. World Politics, 2, 40–52.
The issue of energy security and energy independence of the EU is one of the key factors in ensuring the stable development of the association. The subject of the study is the energy concepts of the European Union. The object of the study is the modern energy policy of the EU countries. The countries of the European Union are among the world's largest importers and exporters of energy resources, and therefore one of the criteria for EU energy security is the creation of secure logistics chains for uninterrupted energy supplies, since this factor has always been one of the most important problems in energy security. However, despite all the data that the European Union has, this area is a source of numerous problems for ensuring energy security that the EU faces at the current stage of its development. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic analysis and a geo-economic approach. The systematic approach was used in the work to identify the reasons for the transformation of EU energy concepts in the context of the energy crisis. The geo-economic approach allows us to qualitatively consider this issue from the point of view of economics and geopolitics of the countries of Eastern and Western Europe in the context of energy transition. The novelty of the research lies in the comprehensive analysis of the concept of energy security in the complex in the context of energy transfer. The authors pay special attention to the analysis of the energy policy of the European Union, numerous new initiatives and documents related to this area, as well as the development of the concept of green energy. The authors highlight the challenges that the EU will face on the way to building a stable and safe energy sector. The paper also examines the impact of the EU's energy policy on the concept of European unity. Attention is being paid to the EU's attempts to diversify energy supplies, which plays an important role in the context of the Ukrainian crisis and complications from the loss of Russian supplies. The authors conclude that the lack of internal unity within the EU does not allow for an effective and sustainable energy policy, since the European Union does not have a common energy legislation, and infrastructure development between the countries of Western and Eastern Europe is overly diversified, which does not allow us to talk about the transformation of energy policy in the EU countries at the present stage.
Renewable energy sources, Wind turbines, Energy security, Hydrogen energy, Nuclear power industry, Energy policy, EU, The European Union, European solidarity, Energy infrastructure
International conflicts
Vedeneev, I.N. (2024). The National Movement of the Kurds of Iraq (the Twentieth Century and the Present). World Politics, 2, 53–66.
The subject of the study is Kurdish nationalism, which is revealed by the example of the national movement of the Kurds of Iraq in the twentieth century. The modern period is also touched upon. A number of stages through which Kurdish nationalism in Iraq has passed are consistently described. Special attention is paid to the period following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, when representatives of this people had the greatest chances to gain their own statehood. The period of the "September Revolution" (1958–1975) is considered in detail, during which the leaders of the national movement managed to raise the issue of granting autonomy to the national minority. The current stage (1992 – present century) is also considered in detail, within the framework of which the question of the existing urgent problems of the Kurds in Iraq is raised. The work is based on the principles of consistency and historicism, as well as extensive literature on the topic of Kurdish nationalism (by Soviet, modern Russian and Western authors). Firstly, the work sets out a set of reasons according to which the leaders of the national movement of the initial stage failed to succeed in establishing an independent statehood. Secondly, the periodization of the stages of the formation of the national movement of the Iraqi Kurds is proposed. Thirdly, the situation in the autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan is analyzed as of the current moment. Currently, the leadership of the Autonomy is facing serious challenges, which it seems extremely difficult to overcome. This is due, not least, to the lack of unity in the national movement (between the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan). In other words, modern Kurdish nationalism (as far as practical, political practice is concerned) completely inherits the shortcomings of the national movement of the previous stages.
PUK, KDP, Barzani, KRG, Kurdish nationalism, nationalism, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, the Kurds
Modern foreign policy concepts and doctrine
Mamatkhanov, R.S. (2024). The US military policy toward China and Russia under the Biden administration. World Politics, 2, 67–85.
This article offers a comprehensive study of the policy of deterrence toward China and Russia in the military sphere under the Biden Administration. The US military policy toward China and Russia under the Biden Administration consists in increase regular pressure on Beijing and Moscow. The motivation for this policy is expressed in the following way: authoritarian China and Russia are posing a direct challenge not only to the values, interests, security and well-being of the United States, but also to the free, open, prosperous, and secure world order. According to the Biden administration's opinion only integrated deterrence through military and non-military methods and direct competition with China and Russia can maintain the US leadership in world politics. The methodological basis of the study includes analysis of the doctrinal documents which that regulate foreign and military policy of the US, the method of logical analysis and decision analysis. Despite the difference in ideological preferences and foreign policy attitudes between the Democrats and the Republicans, the foundations of the US military strategy toward China and Russia under Trump have passed into the strategic documents of the Biden administration. The main threats to the US and its allies are once again China and Russia. The US emphasizes that China and Russia are powerful nuclear powers which the US faces simultaneously for the first time in its history. China is rapidly developing its military potential and preparing for a military confrontation with the United States, which makes this country the most dangerous threat to the entire world in the very near future. Russia, which has a smaller range of capabilities compared to China, poses an acute military threat here and right now through special military operation, cyber-attacks, activities in gray zones and the deployment of the latest hypersonic missile systems.
military development, allies of the US, Armed Forces of the US, Russian national interests, the Indo-Pacific, acute threat, the China threat, integrated deterrence, the Biden administration, the US military policy
Challenges and threats to international security
Vasilev, A.A., Mansur, D.N. (2024). Terrorist activity in Germany: approaches to defining the term and structure, nature and features. World Politics, 2, 86–96.
The relevance of the research topic lies in the increased danger of terrorist acts in the world. The object of the research presented in the article is terrorism. The subject of the study is terrorist activity in Germany. The purpose of the article is to characterize the phenomenon of terrorist activity in Germany by analyzing theoretical and conceptual approaches to the definition of terrorism and its organizational structures after World War II. Main tasks: to define the term "terrorism", to analyze the structure of terrorism based on theoretical and conceptual approaches, to identify the features and nature of terrorism in the Federal Republic of Germany. The research is based on the network theory proposed by S. Stohl and M. Stohl. In the article are used diverse approaches to the definition of the term and structure of terrorism, and also identifies the nature and features of terrorist activity in Germany. The author uses statistical data, analytical reports and scientific literature. The main conclusions of the study are the establishment of the fact that it will take more time for the problem of terrorism to receive a clear legal description both in Germany and in international law, the structural feature of terrorist activity in Germany is represented by party organizations that were active in the second half of the twentieth century, as well as diaspora and religious networks of terrorists, features of terrorism: they are "vindictive", "diaspora-based" and religious in nature. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the wide use of versatile approaches to determining the level structure of terrorist activity in the world, in the European Union, as well as at the state level. Moreover, the author has identified the main features of terrorism in Germany since the second half of the twentieth century.
FRG, Germany, Islamic radicalism, Religious terrorism, Network structure, Network, Diaspora-based terrorism, Terrorist organization, Terrorism, Political radicalism