Political stability
Khadyrov, R.Y. (2023). On the Institutional Status of the Armed forces of Tajikistan. World Politics, 2, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8671.2023.2.39864
The article draws attention to the new topic of determining the institutional status of the National Army in the state-political system of Tajikistan. Of interest is the positioning of the army institute in the totality of the political institutions of the state and society, its evolution in the process of depoliticization of power structures. It is established that the institute of the Army of Tajikistan has evolved from a political institution during the Civil war into an instrument of the policy of the peacetime authorities, and the actual power component of effectiveness does not fully correspond to the level of external threats. 30 years ago, on February 23, 1993, the armed forces of independent Tajikistan were born. On the anniversary date, speeches by the president, political and military figures, scientists are published, revealing the outstanding role of the army in saving the state during the difficult years of brutal political and military confrontation between secular patriotic and Islamist forces. However, the topic of the connection between the army and politics, the role of the army in politics is not in the focus of interest of the scientific community of Tajikistan, although addressing this issue is relevant in light of the rapid and dangerous changes in the military-political situation in the world and the Central Asian region. These circumstances determined the research question about the status of the Tajik army - it is a political institution or a policy tool, as well as the purpose and objectives of the publication – to reveal the conditions and process of institutionalization of the Tajik army, its functions and status as an institution of the state and society.
armed forces, depoliticization, political institutions, tarmy as institution, army, Tadjikistan, political regime, political process, politics, state
International conflicts
El'zeni, N.K. (2023). Socio-Political Factors of the Military Conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic. World Politics, 2, 11–19. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8671.2023.2.39996
The article "Socio-political factors of the military conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic" examines the main factors influencing the conflict in Syria. The study is based on the analysis of statistical data and the results of a survey conducted in Syria. The article shows that the military conflict in Syria is caused by political instability, economic problems and disagreements between various political groups. In addition, ethical and religious differences and the influence of external forces on the situation in the country are also important factors in the conflict. The findings of the study emphasize the need to continue work to resolve the conflict in Syria through political dialogue and peaceful negotiations between the parties, as well as creating conditions for political stability, justice and economic well-being for all segments of the population. The military conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic has many causes and factors that interact with each other and strengthen the situation in the country. Political instability and divisions between different political groups, the presence of economic problems and injustices, ethical and religious differences and the influence of external forces on the situation in the country - all these factors contribute to the aggravation of the conflict. However, despite the complexity of the situation in Syria, there are chances to resolve the conflict through political dialogue and peaceful negotiations between the parties. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the roots of the conflict, to ensure political stability, justice and economic well-being for all segments of the population. Thus, it is important to continue research on the socio-political factors of the military conflict in Syria and work on creating conditions for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, which will ensure the security and well-being of the inhabitants of this country.
reconstruction and stabilization, religious differences, international politics, refugees, economic crisis, socio-political factors, Civil War, military conflict, Syria, terrorism
World politics
Sosnitskaia, V. (2023). Transatlantic Security Relations: NATO Relevance Issues. World Politics, 2, 20–31. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8671.2023.2.40029
This article focuses on the crisis of transatlantic relations, which seriously affect the formation of the European security architecture. The author examines the system of interaction between European countries in a historical perspective in order to find the prerequisites for the existing ties within the Alliance. The analysis of NATO's transformation after the Cold War also reveals the relationship between the goals of unification and the realization of their interests mainly under the guise of universal security, which is quite clearly seen in the relations between the United States and NATO. The high uncertainty of the Alliance in the distribution of priorities, the difference in positions regarding the regional focus of the association and often the impossibility of consolidation in the mobilization of available resources have been corroding the unity of the union for many years, which makes it a rather controversial instrument of global governance to maintain peaceful coexistence of states. The main conclusion of the study is that the main challenge NATO cannot cope with is the internal crisis caused by the inconsistency of the actions of the participating countries, the American dominance in decision-making process, the dependence of European economies on the United States. Acting as a provider of international security, in reality, the alliance is rather an instrument for the realization of the national interests of individual states participating in the military-political bloc. Despite the fact that the question of the relevance of NATO has been raised more than once in the history of its existence, the Alliance continues to gravitate towards expansion. However, this will hardly save it from internal contradictions, which with each new challenge from the outside are exposed more and more clearly and cause more and more concern among the codependent members of the Alliance.
the United States, NATO expansion, Cold War, Europe, NATO challenges, collective security, international security, world politics, foreign policy, NATO
Theory and methodology of international relations
Han, S. (2023). Discussion of definition of defence and security cooperation between Chinese and Russian scientists. World Politics, 2, 32–40. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8671.2023.2.40401
With the deepening and growing cooperation between Russia and China, studies pertaining to relevant international cooperations between the two states, including those on defense and security cooperation, have drawn the attention of many researchers. However, the differences in schools of research on safety and cooperation have made the boundaries on said matter more complex and diverse. Russian and Chinese researchers have further displayed different understanding and perception on the definition of national safety cooperation. Hence, the paper aims to carry out in depth analysis and discussion on the definition of defense and security cooperation based on Russian and Chinese literature.
security, cooperation, realism, liberalism, interests, threat, international relations theory, Russia, China, constructivism
Regional configurations of international relations
Bezhina, Y.V. (2023). Nordic Defence Cooperation in the Post-Bipolar World. World Politics, 2, 41–58. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8671.2023.2.40066
The author examines the specific features of defense cooperation in Northern Europe and considers its future prospects amid the transformation of the global political landscape. The author regards the Nordic sub-region as a regional security complex (RSC) and scrutinizes historical similarities and dissimilarities in the Nordic approaches to security issues; distinctive features of the Nordic integration in general and sub-regional defence cooperation in particular; structure and possible prospects of the NORDEFCO. The author concludes that defenñe cooperation deepened the integration model in Northern Europe significantly, thus highlighting the ability of the Nordic states to cooperate in matters of security. Nevertheless, the aspirations of Finland and Sweden for NATO membership overshadow the NORDEFCO as a local security mechanism. The author contributes to the study of the issue by suggesting possible scenarios of the Nordic defence cooperation development. It is highly likely that NORDEFCO will be marginalized within the framework of Nordic cooperation, since NATO will meet almost all needs of the Nordic states in the field of defense and security. The scientific novelty of the research results from the revision of the Nordic domestic and foreign policy priorities in the field of security after 2014 and 2022, the impact of the deteriorating relations between Russia and Western countries on defence cooperation in the sub-region and the political and military relevance of the issue for the future of Russia.
post-bipolar world, national security, RSC, defence cooperation, sub-regional groups, regional integration, regionalism, NATO, Nordic states, NORDEFCO
International conflicts
Gavrilenko, N.V. (2023). The Ukrainian dimension of Britain's foreign policy amid the Russian special military operation. World Politics, 2, 59–73. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8671.2023.2.40649
The article looks at the UK's foreign policy in Ukraine against the background of the special military operation of the Russian Federation. The author examines historical prerequisites for Britain's involvement in the conflict, in particular, reveals the process of forming a model of the state's behaviour in the international arena and shows how bilateral relations between London and Kiev have developed. The study also determines the significance of the events in Eastern Europe for the UK as a power with global ambitions. The scientific research program of realism is used as the theoretical basis of the article, with the historical—genetic method, discourse analysis and problem node decomposition used as its methodological basis. While conducting a research, an attempt was made to systemise all the goals and interests that the United Kingdom pursues. It was concluded that London takes part in the crisis in Ukraine indirectly for several reasons that are national, regional, and global in nature. All the efforts of the political leadership are aimed at diverting attention of British subjects from domestic political issues, strengthening the position of the state on the European continent and not allowing the Russian Federation to fulfil its strategic tasks, thereby creating new opportunities for itself elsewhere.
NATO, Sovereignty, The Ukraine Conflict, The Special Military Operation, The Russian Federation, Ukraine, Great Britain, Global Britain, Democracy, Europe
Non-government agents in international relations
Stenko, A.I. (2023). The spiritual presence of the Russian Orthodox Church in Africa: recent situation, current risks and potential threats. World Politics, 2, 74–83. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8671.2023.2.40624
The phenomenon of the growing complex jurisdictional and dogmatic contradictions between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Patriarchate of Alexandria, which at the same time is making increasingly persistent efforts to solve the problem of torpedoing the missionary activity of the ROC in Africa is the object of research. In this context, Alexandria relies on attracting influential external players from among representatives of not only other faiths, but also secular authorities of different countries, especially the United States. Author strives to conduct a retrospective review of the situation around the spiritual presence of the Moscow Patriarchate in Africa, as well as an analysis of the current legislative and institutional framework underlying such an element of US foreign policy as the promotion of "freedom of religion in the world." The study is based on the documents available on the Internet from the archives of the Alexandria Orthodox Church and US government agencies (Congress, State Department) aimed at consolidating the sphere of "freedom of religion in the world" as one of the current international priorities of Washington's policy. A comprehensive study of the prehistory of the conflicts between the APC and the ROC was carried out, as well as an analysis of the multidirectional arsenal of tools available to Washington for potentially exerting pressure on the Moscow Patriarchate in the context of the current spiritual presence of the ROC on the African continent. A holistic picture has been formed of the options for interaction between the Patriarchate of Alexandria and the US administration in the framework of joint attempts to restrain Moscow's activities in Africa. The research materials can be used in educational activities in order to counter the anti-Russian propaganda of the United States and other Western countries, which is increasingly affecting the church-religious "dossier".
Ecumenical Patriarchate, Security Council, US administration, United States of America, ROC in Africa, US foreign policy, religious freedom, intra-orthodox relations, Patriarchate of Alexandria, Russian Orthodox Church