World politics
Avatkov, V.A. (2019). Ideology- and value-based factor in Turkic post-Soviet states. World Politics, 4, 1–12.
The article is aimed at defining the ideology and value-based principles in Turkic post-Soviet states. Particularly, the author considers the states of Central Asia and Azerbaijan. The author proceeds from the fact that after the collapse of the USSR, these states initiated self-identification processes. Therefore, at the present moment, it is important to trace back the principles of the ideology- and value-based factor in the foreign policy of the states of Central Asia and Azerbaijan. The author gives special attention to the analysis of official documents reflecting the foreign policy course of the post-Soviet states containing the main ideas of national identity. Analyzing foreign policy documents of the states, the author emphasizes that, in basic terms, western-oriented narratives can be traced, transformed according to the national specificity of Turkic states. Foreign policy ideology of the states is based on the aspiration to become more sovereign and independent of external influence. It’s important to understand that Turkey has ideological influence on Turkic people of the post-Soviet political space, and it also affects the interrelations between Russia, Turkey, and Azerbaijan. The author also notes the significance of the Turkic factor in Russia’s foreign policy in the context of cooperation.
ideology, foreign policy concepts, foreign policy, national identity, post-soviet space, ideas, values, culture, traditions, international cooperation
History of international relations
Grigor'eva, Y.G. (2019). Mongolia and the Republic of Korea: interstate cooperation and foreign policy interests
. World Politics, 4, 13–25.
The article studies the formation and development of bilateral interstate relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Korea from 1990 till 2015. The research subject is political interaction between Mongolia and the Republic of Korea at the modern stage. The author analyzes the most important aspects of reciprocal visits at top level and their contribution to the development of bilateral relations. The author analyzes the strategic interests of Mongolia and the Republic of Korea. This analysis helps to substantiate the key directions and specify the prospects of further development of Mongolia-Korea relations. The theoretical base of the research includes legislative instruments of Mongolia and the Republic of Korea, official documents of both countries, and the official statistical data. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the lack of detailed studies of this issue. The author concludes that for 25 years, the cooperation between Mongolia and the Republic of Korea has not only remained topical, but is becoming more promising year by year. The key reason for active political interaction is the mutual interest of the two countries. For Mongolia, the Republic of Korea can become an economically beneficial partner. For South Korea, Mongolia is an important diplomatic partner in the field of energy security and is of a big importance as a strategic partner for comprehensive cooperation extension, and also a front base for entering Eurasia.
foreign policy interests, Northeast Asia, interstate visits, foreign policy cooperation, Mongolian-South Korean relations, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, korean problem, korean peninsula, security issue
Issues of war and peace
Shapiro, N.I. (2019). Continuity and novations in U.S. policy in Afghanistan
. World Politics, 4, 26–45.
The research object is U.S. strategy in asymmetric regional conflicts in the Middle East. The research subject is the process of formation and implementation of U.S. strategy in the conflict situation in Afghanistan and its consequences for regional and international security. The author demonstrates the confrontation between the competing coalitions of supporters of different behaviour strategies in the conflict reflecting the fundamental contradiction in U.S. political elite between the supporters of interventionism and a moderate foreign policy line. The author reveals the elements of continuity and transformation of U.S. policy in the conflict situation in Afghanistan. The research is based on the traditions of the systems approach to studying international relations and world policy. The author uses the elements of the historical-political and structural-functional analysis. The author studies the role of a personal factor in the development of foreign policy decisions using the techniques of political psychology. The author concludes that as a result of complex socio-political interactions, foreign policy of a state can markedly differ from the subjective goals and preferences of particular participants of foreign policy process. The experience of modification of U.S. strategy in Afghanistan undertaken by the Administrations of Barack Obama and Donald Trump, shows that the basic guidelines of U.S. policy have been stable during quite a long period of time. The interpretation of the key goal in the conflict - the prevention of Afghanistan turning into a base for international terrorism - hasn’t changed for a long period of time. The reduction of involvement in the conflict, which started during Obama’s administration, is in compliance with U.S. long-term orientation to more prudent, pragmatic and selective involvement into conflicts on the periphery of the world system.
Russia, Taliban, transnational terrorism, Afghanistan, regional asymmetric conflicts, Donald Trump, U.S., think tanks, foreign policy expertise, negotiated settlement
Questions of current interest
Filipović, A. (2019). Influence of the far right in Sweden on the process of European integration. World Politics, 4, 46–60.
The purpose of the research is to study the influence of the Democrats in Sweden on the process of Sweden’s European integration. The author emphasizes such aspects as the history of the party, its ideology, worldview, politics, electoral success and the potential reasons for the growth of the electoral support during the last decade. The analysis of political documents of Sweden’s Democrats can help understand their viewpoint better, see Sweden’s problems with their eyes, and understand how they see Sweden’s policy towards further European integration and immigration, and regional and international issues. The research methodology contains content-analysis which is used for studying political and electoral programs of the party, as well as election results. The author concludes that until Sweden’s Democrats enter the government coalition, there will be no radical changes in Sweden’s European integration or foreign policy. However, the author notes, the main political parties and intellectual elite of Sweden slowly reconsider their positions on such issues as immigration, mainly due to a vibrant anti-immigration message spread by the Democrats both in the parliament and in the Mass Media.
Northern Europe, Swexit, elections, Sweden, social-conservatism, right-wing populism, right-wing parties, Sweden Democrats, Nordic countries, European Union
Theory and methodology of international relations
Bogdanov, A.N. (2019). Factors of order in the international politics: rethinking Neo-Realist interpretations. World Politics, 4, 61–72.
The author delves into the three most important Neo-Realist theories forming the basics of the modern understanding of the key patterns of international politics: R. Gilpin’s concept of the global international system, K. Waltz’s concept of the international structure, and H. Bull’s concept of international order. The author focuses on the problems of sustainability of the international order, predictability of states’ behaviour, and compliance of their policy with generally accepted standards and values, which influences international security and determines the urgency of a comprehensive study of this problem. The author uses the method of comparative analysis to detect the key peculiarities of the Neo-Realist interpretation of the notions “system”, “structure” and “order” in the international politics, and critically assesses the adequacy of their explanatory potential in modern geopolitical conditions. The main conclusion of the article is that the Neo-Realist worldview is gradually losing its topicality which can be seen in the fact that system changes are becoming more independent of the dynamics of material wealth distribution structure. Consequently, “anarchy” and the principles of a sovereign state are losing their influence turning into merely descriptive notions stating the absence of a superior sovereign power in the international politics and the formal equality of rights of nation-states.
anarchy, neorealism, international structure, international system, international order, polarity, system change, R. Gilpin, K. Waltz, H. Bull
Non-government agents in international relations
Naumov, A.O. (2019). Amnesty International’s role in the global governance system: the past and the present
. World Politics, 4, 73–88.
The article’s research object is the international non-governmental human rights organization Amnesty International. The research subject is the NGO’s activity since its establishment in 1962 till 2019. The author delves into such aspects of the topic as the history of creation of Amnesty International, its activities during the Cold War, the evolution of its approaches to the main problems in the field of human rights protection during the post-bipolar period, and analyzes the modern campaigns of this global NGO. The research methodology is based on the systems, structural-functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of historicism, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation. The given research is the first in Russian historiography to analyze, based on primary sources and academic works, the role of Amnesty International within the global governance system from its creation to the present day. The author concludes that, despite its controversial character, this NGO has played and is still playing an important role in the world policy.
Death penalty, Human rights activity, Human rights, Amnesty International, World politics, Global governance, Non-state actors, International NGOs, Refugees, Migrants