International conflicts
Ivanov, O. (2018). Trans-Dniester Conflict: Actual Status and Solutions. World Politics, 1, 1–12.
The article is devoted to the actual status of Trans-Dniester conflict and possible solutions of that conflict. In his research Ivanov carries out his analysis in terms of Russia's policies in the region. The author describes the role of the region for Russia as well as the role of Russia for regional security. To define key factors affecting processes of formation and realisation of Trans-Dniester Moldavian Republic's interests, the author suggests to analyse the scope of extrapolitical conditions and structure of international and regional relations, external and internal state policy, role of the political leader and relations of political and economic elites with the society. In the course of writing his research the author has used a set of methods including historical, institutional, comparative analysis as well as systems approach and sociological research methods. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author tries to view possible scenarios of the development of unrecognized Trans-Dniester Moldavian Republic taking into account all concerned actors as well as from the point of view of the actual status and potentials of Russia - Moldova relations and situaion in the region. The goal of the global community is to find acceptable solutions. The goal of Russia is to persuade the global community that it is necessary to solve Trans-Dniester conflict through negotiations and Russia's leaving the conflict zone may aggravate the situation. The author emphasizes that effective development of the region is possible only with the principles of peace and mutual respect.
unrecognized states, economic dependence, geostrategic interests, cooperation, geopolitics, Euro-Atlanticism, USA, Russia, Transnistria, Moldova
International economy relations
Grigor'eva, Y.G. (2018). Economic Cooperation Between the Republic of Korea and Mongolia: Current Status and Prospects. World Politics, 1, 13–23.
The subject of this research is the main trends of trade and economic cooperation between the Republic of Korea and Mongolia at the present stage. The aim of the research is to create a picture of trade and economic cooperation between Mongolia and the Republic of Korea at the present time. The author of the article describes trade and economic relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Korea, defines the role of investments of the Republic of Korea in the development of bilateral cooperation, and describes the main problems faced by South Korean companies during executing their investment projects in Mongolia. In her research Grigorieva analyzes the results of economic cooperation between the Republic of Korea and Mongolia over the past 25 years and offers activities to be taken to expand the scope of their economic cooperation in the future. The methodological basis of teh research involves general and special research methods such as comparative historical analysis that allowed to define the state of the problem based on the analysis of different sources; statistical method that allowed to trace back quantitative changes in trade and economic bilateral relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Korea; and logical method that defined problems and trends in studying Mongolian - South Korean investment relations. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that this is a rather understudied topic and the author defines trends in the trade turnover between Mongolia and the Republic of Korea during the aforesaid period. The author concludes that against the active cooperation between Mongolia and the Republic of Korea, their economic relations are still have much to catch up with in political and sociocultural environment. Trade relations between Mongolia and the Republic of Korea show positive dynamics, with ups and downs, however, have a declining tendency.
investment cooperation, foreign direct investment, Mongolian-South Korean relations, trade and economic relations, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, exports, imports, economy, foreign trade
International image of the state
Mekhdieva, U. (2018). The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Public Diplomacy (by the Example of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation) . World Politics, 1, 24–32.
Today Non-Governmental Organizations have emerged as a full-fledged actor of public diplomacy. Adeptly employing the "soft power" tools in their activities, they cultivate the country's positive image abroad thus solving a number of foreign-policy problems. The Heydar Aliyev Foundation is an example of such an organization in Azerbaijan. By the aid of the Foundation mugham (one of the genres of national music) has been included in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, and the Khojaly Massacre was recognized as genocide by the countries of Latin America and several US states. In addition, this institution has implemented the most successful media image project of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of mass media - Baku magazine - whose main goal is the promotion of the country's historical and cultural heritage. The article is based on the methods of historicism, objectivity and integrity which allowed the author to draw independent conclusions reflective of the real state of affairs. It is noteworthy that the Heydar Aliyev Foundation is considered an organization that forms the opinion on modern Azerbaijan in the international arena through successful implementation of a number of projects in the field of science, education, culture, and mass media. According to the author, it is the multifaceted activity that allowed the Foundation to become the largest and highly reputed social structure not only of the Republic of Azerbaijan but of the whole region.Keywords: public diplomacy, soft power, NGO, Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO, Mehriban Aliyeva, Leyla Aliyeva, mugham, Justice of Khojaly, Baku magazine
Leyla Aliyeva, Mehriban Aliyeva, UNESCO, NGOs, Heydar Aliyev Foundation, soft power, public diplomacy, mugham, Justice for Khojaly, Baku magazine
Questions of current interest
Rustamova, L.R. (2018). Public Diplomacy of Russia in Conflict Resolution in Syria. World Politics, 1, 33–37.
The article focuses on participation of Russia in conflict resolutionin Syria through public diplomacy. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of public diplomacy methods in improving the image of Russia as the main peace-keeping force in the Syrian conflict in the context of the negative information background formed due to the recent events in Ukraine. The author explores the areas for interaction between agencies of Russia and other countries involved in the settlement of the conflict, in particular, the provision of humanitarian assistance and the establishment of interfaith dialogue. The author also analyzes the coverage of humanitarian operations and Russia's participation in the conflict settlement both by Russian military structures and media outlets and by Western media. The methodological basis of the study includes a system approach, as well as general scientific and particular scientific methods, including analysis, synthesis, comparison, and historical method. Analyzing the humanitarian activity of the main Russian institutions of public diplomacy as well as their efforts to cooperate with Western military forces, the author comes to the conclusion that, generally, Western media outlets (which serve as the main source of information for a foreign audience) put a negative spin on it, and Russia has not progressed much in improvement of its image through a military campaign in Syria; but Russia's military operations together with civilian projects for rehabilitation of Syrian infrastructure, cultural events were significant in terms of ensuring success recognition of Russia's foreign policy in Syria.
public diplomacy, Syria, The Middle East, international terrorism, armed conflict, world politics, multilateral diplomacy, humanitarian aid, IGIL, regional security
Russian foreign policy
Ozmanyan, M.S. (2018). The Image of the Russian Federation and Russian-Kurdish Relations in the Context of the Syrian Crisis (2015-2017) . World Politics, 1, 38–47.
The article is focused on an analysis of the image of the Russian Federation and its relationship with the Kurds in the context of the Syrian crisis. The article performs the following tasks: to consider the concept of the image of a State; to provide insight into Russian-Kurdish relations; to identify the features of Russian policy in Syria; to determine the ways to maintain a positive image of the Russian Federation in perception of the Syrian Kurds. From the outset of the Syrian conflict, the Kurds are one of the forces opposing the "Islamic state". The military operation in Syria was an important event for the foreign and military policy of the Russian Federation and significantly influenced Russia's political image in East and West. Participation of Russia in the settlement of the internal conflict in Syria contributed to improvement of the situation for the Kurds. At the same time the Kurds implement a two-pronged strategy: they seek to get Russia's support with regard to the situation in southern Syria and form an alliance with the United States with regard to the situation in the north of the same country. Strengthening of Russian-Kurdish constructive relations can make an important contribution to formation of a positive international image of the Russian Federation. Russia is taking a lead role in the Levant countries, and the establishment of strong relationships with the Syrian Kurds is of particular importance for the success of Moscow's Middle Eastern policy. Intervention of the Russian Federation in the Syrian conflict has not only strengthened the position of B. Asad, and bolstered the Kurds’ influence in the west of the Syrian Arab Republic, but also has significantly increased the credibility of Moscow from the international community, since Russia's loyalty to its allied duty and obligations positively affects its image abroad.
cooperation, ISIS, the Syrian crisis, Russia, the image of the state, kurds, Syria, policy, USA, Rojava
Challenges and threats to international security
Borisov, D.A. (2018). Extremism and Counter-Terrorism Agenda of the UN in the 21st Century. World Politics, 1, 48–57.
The article considers the formation of the international approach to counteract extremism under the aegis of the United Nations. The author identifies two stages in this process. The first stage (2001-2014) is characterized by lack of attention of the international community to the problems of extremism, which were treated in the context of counter-terrorism activities during this period. As result, the formulated principles and definitions of the UN counter-terrorism approach were applied in anti-extremist activities by default. However, the spread of destructive international processes in the first decade of the 21st century required a revision of the international community's approaches ensuring international security, especially with regard to countering new threats and challenges. In 2014, the second stage of the development of the international approach to counter extremism began. Issues of countering the spread of violent extremism received special attention within the framework of the UN's counter-terrorism activities. In 2014-2016 the process of developing the legal and regulatory framework for preventing extremism within the UN were launched as the topic of counteraction to extremist activity was included in the agenda of meetings in the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly. The author's contribution to the study of the topic is periodization of the UN activities in the field of countering extremism. The main conclusion of the study is fixation of a new conceptual direction in the UN's counter-terrorism activities, within which prevention of militant extremism becomes a new vector. An important research emphasis of the work is description and analysis of the conceptual frames of the United Nations counter-terrorism and counter-extremist approaches for the international community.
counter-terrorism strategy , violent extremism , new threats , international terrorism, international law, international security, definition of terrorism, causes of extremism, extremism , UN
Resource competition
Rozhkov, I.S. (2018). Transit-and-Transport Synergy in the Caspian Region in the Context of Establishment of the International Legal Status of the Caspian Sea: a Historic Chance or a Modern Challenge?. World Politics, 1, 58–76.
The subject of study of the present article is an analysis of the transit-and-transport cluster of multilateral cooperation of the internal and external actors in the Caspian region in the context of the uncertain international legal status of the Caspian Sea. The author takes a short excursion into the history of the coastal countries' interaction in the sphere of trade and movement of goods; explores the origins of the main transport corridors; considers the major projects in the transit sector implemented at the present stage also through the prism of China's active actions in this direction within "One belt, one road" global economic initiative); and predicts further development of the situation on this track for the near future given progressive improvement of the legal regime of the water body. As a methodological basis the study uses a comprehensive method in combination with historical, institutional and comparative methods of scientific analysis, as well as methods of systematic and comparative analysis of sources. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identification and comprehension of the synergetic effect that could be obtained from the parties' interaction within the framework of the implemented projects of international transport corridors in the Caspian region (TRACECA, "North-South", " Silk Road Economic Belt", Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, etc). The author’s one of the conclusions is that final regularization of the international legal status of the Caspian Sea and adoption of the relevant Convention will have a beneficial effect on cooperation in this area and will create a solid legal framework for further cooperation and a reliable shield to counter external challenges and threats.
transport interface , synergy , Caspian Sea , legal status , convention, TRACECA, North-South, OBOR, TCITR, transit