Questions of current interest
Manoilo, A.V. (2014). Controlled chaos strategies in the situation of chaotization of international relations: myth or reality?. World Politics, 1, 1–3.
The modern "colored" revolutions are typical examples of Anglo-Saxon approach to managing international conflicts within the system of international relations. The technology of colored revolutions in the global policy is one of the types of modern technologies for the information and psychological international conflict management. The modern colored revolutions are highly technological and almost theatrically dramatic, their goal being to make a believable show of spontaneous will of the people, wishing to regain the right to govern their own country. In order for a colored revolution to be successful, the state should be in the situation of persisting or developing political instability, there should be a government crisis, or it would still be even better, if there is one or several local armed conflicts, or if the state is involved in an international conflict. That is, there should be an object of influence - a political conflict at any stage of its development. If the government is sustainable and there is no conflict, then the conflict should first be formed.
international relations, foreign policy, colored revolution, controlled chaos, political stability, international conflicts, state, interests, security, values
World politics
Maurina, E. (2014). 20th anniversary of the trade of economic independence for political sovereignty. World Politics, 1, 4–17.
Following famous words of Professor Anis Bajrektarevic that: “the Atlantic Europe is a political power-house (with the two of three European nuclear powers and two of five permanent members of the UN Security Council, P-5), Central Europe is an economic power-house, Russophone Europe is an energy power-house, Scandinavian Europe is all of that a bit, and Eastern Europe is none of it.”, I wanted to examine the standing of author's place of origin in the ‘new European constellations’. What happens to a country which suddenly is free to govern its own territory and people? What is the biggest fear? Is it the inability to satisfy its population or a threat from the former conqueror? Should a country opt for the ‘shock therapy’ or experience gradual changes? How to deal with the privatization of state-owned institutions? The following lines objectively question how the well-being of the East-European nation has changed in 20 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, and in the course of the country’s integration into the EU. The authoress also answers whether a small country like Latvia can actually preserve both its political and economic sovereignty. On a bigger scale, the findings suggest that the well-being in the Latvian SSR was better than it is today, while others strongly disagree. Furthermore, the author concludes that Latvia had to sacrifice its economical sovereignty in order to preserve its political independence. Is any other choice conceivable, now or in future?
the international relations, independence , Human Development Index, Latvia, the European Union, the Soviet Union, political sovereignty, economic sovereignty, human well-being, human development
Russian foreign policy
Koval'ska, M. (2014). The relevance of study of decision-making processes in Modern Russia. World Politics, 1, 18–20.
Abstracts: Under present conditions political decision-making models and procedures (both internationally and domestically) become crucial for the development of a country and the determination of it role in World Politics. Therefore the study of political decision-making processes in Modern Russia is an urgent goal. During the study of political decision-making processes in Modern Russia one can come to the conclusion that the study of these processes owes to the scientific analysis of the functioning of the presidential power institute its interaction in what relates to decision-making with other branches of power: legislative and judicial. On the whole, the relevance of study of decision-making processes in Modern Russia (on the example of the institute of presidential power) is determined by set of special factors.
the international relations, the international safety, political conflicts, conflicts management technologies, management of conflicts, psychological operations, information war, politica, interests, state
Shchuplenkov, N.O., Shchuplenkov, O.V. (2014). Economic and legal forms for the cooperation between the Soviet Russia and Germany in 1920s. World Politics, 1, 21–63.
The article concerns the process of rapprochement between the Soviet Russia and Germany within the concession policy framework. The author establishes the causes for the rapproachment of two states. The separate peace treaty, which was concluded between the Soviet Russia and the German coalition states in March of 1918 in Brest-Litovsk caused great economic damage to the state. Additionally, the Brest peace treaty served as an excuse for the Allies to introduce the economic isolation regime against Russia. The attention is paid that cooperation continued, while the states were interested in each other. The documents from the Russian archives, which were lately declassified, prove the presence of contradictions and frictions between the USSR and Germany at that time, which lowered the efficiency of the Rapallo spirit in the mutual trade and economic, political, and military technical connections. At the verge of 1926-1927 there was a rapture in the Soviet-German cooperation. The Germany joined the League of Nations and there was a granite scandal showed the real limit to the cooperation, which was reviewed by 1927 and changed. With the transfer to the legal forms of cooperation, the military and technical contacts between the parties declined. When the active forefathers of such cooperation (Lenin, Trotskiy, Wirth, Seeckt) were gone, the Soviet government began to doubt the viability of strenghenting the defence potential of hte Soviet Union with the financial and technical support of Germany. When Germany and the USSR entered the global politics, both parties had the opportunities to use alternative partners, and they started trethinking the bilateral relations in military, political, trade and economic spheres. The pragmatic approach of Berlin and Moscow to the mutual cooperation challenged the entire Rapallo course, which lost its political and practical significance for both parties by the late 1920s.
Brest-Litovsk peace treaty, Chicherin, G.V., Germany, mining industry, foreign capital, concession, Krasin, L.B., the Rapallo course, the USSR, economic isolation
Challenges and threats to international security
Gusher, A.I. (2014). Threats and challenges to the security of Russia. World Politics, 1, 64–75.
Currently the threats and challenges to Russia are being transformed and new tendencies appear. The character of these transformation provides for a higher level of external threats to Russia and to widening of their spectre. All of the above require permanent, in-depth and multi-aspect study and analysis of the newly appearing security problems. During the last 25 years Russia has been going through a very complicated period of its history. The break-up of the Soviet Union and the later actions of the Eltsin's regime caused grave systemic, material and moral damage to the Russian society. Being a basis and the backbone of the Soviet Union, the Russian Soviet Federal Republic (RSFSR), which is currently the Russian Federation, had the most losses due to the break-up of the Soviet Union. About 25 million Russian people remained outside of the Russian borders. The economic, technological, scientific and cultural links among the Republic and inside the Union which were formed for decades before and directed towards the RSFSR, Russia and Moscow were destroyed. The material losses of Russia were huge, since it was mostly for the Russian money that the former Republics of the USSR obtained their industries, infrastructures, cities, new workplaces, and millions of Russian people worked there.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, geopolitics, political stability, diplomacy, state, interests, security, values
Resource competition
Raikhlin, E.I. (2014). On Soviet and post-Soviet distribution of the land income. World Politics, 1, 76–87.
The land income is a form of income from land and subsoil resources. Just like any other form of income, the production of land income is different from its distribution. The quantity of land is stable and limited, and it forms the conditions for the land income. The production factors do not include the owner of the plot of land or its user (not being it s owner). The limited quantity of land and the services provided with it is relative . It is relative in comparison with two other production factors: physical capital (means and instruments of production) and the workforce, as well as to the amount of services provided by these two production factors. The relative character of limitations of land and services guaranteed by it do not provide for the lack of unused opportunityó expenses, that is, alternative options for the use of a plot of land. Of course, there are such expenses and such options. However, the amount of unused opportunity expenses or the amount of alternatives for the use of land are less when the physical capital and workforce used are not so limited and not so permanent at the current period of time.
politics, land income, economics, Socialism, the Soviet Union, political regime, state, interests, values, security