Psychological warfare
Manoilo, A.V. (2013). World Models and Technologies of Psychological Impact to Resolve International Conflicts. World Politics, 4, 1–15.
International relations are more and more often becoming the field of political conflicts. Despite the fact that the epoch of global confrontation has come to an end, the total number of political conflicts in the world is not only on the decline, but rather continues to be on the rise, and are manifested in new forms, with a low likelihood of responding to stabilizing impacts of traditional instruments of political management. Modern day conflicts have become one of the leading factors of instability in the world today. Because they are poorly managed, they have the tendency to escalate and to draw in a greater and greater number of participants, which creates a threat not only to those who are directly involved in the conflict, but to everyone else as well.
the international relations, the international safety, political conflicts, conflicts management technologies, conflicts management models, psychological operations, information war, political, interests, the UN
World politics
Bajrektarevic, A. (2013). Future of Europe (of Lisbon and generational interval). World Politics, 4, 16–26.
The EU of social welfare or of generational warfare, the continent of debt-bound economies or of knowledge-based community? Is the predatory generation in power? Why the only organized counter-narrative comes as a lukewarm Mouse Mickey – between Anonymous and Pirate party, from the Wiki-leaky to Snowden-picky.Europe’s redemption lies in the re-affirmation of the Lisbon Strategy of 2000 (and of Göteborg 2001), a ten-year development plan that focused on innovation, mobility and education, social, economic and environmental renewal. Otherwise a generational warfare will join class and ethnic conflicts as a major dividing line of the EU society in decline.Back in the good old days of the Lisbon Strategy (when the Union was proclaimed to be the most competitive, knowledge-based economy of the world), the Prodi and Barroso Commissions have been both repeatedly stressing that: “at present, some of our world trading partners compete with primary resources, which we in the EU/Europe do not have. Some compete with cheap labor, which we do not want. Some compete on the back of their environment, which we cannot accept…” What has happened in the meantime?
international relations, foreign policy, Europe, geopolics, the Lisbon Summit, diplomacy, interests, values, conflict, cooperation
History of international relations
Raikhlin, E.I. (2013). Did they create history? Or did history create them?. World Politics, 4, 27–46.
George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt are usually recognized among the most outstanding leaders of the USA throughout the history of this state. Our goal is to attempt to find out whether these leaders of three American revolutions (each at his own time) define history of their state, or was it the history that defined their place in it. For this purpose and in accordance with the historical periods, we shall start with President Washington. Discussion is separated into two parts: brief overview of social, economic and political environment, in which George Washington leived on one hand, and a description of his personal qualities on the other hand. Our conclusion shall be based upon the comparison of the "input" of the environment, with the personal "input" of President Washington into his greatness. There is a question: whether the North-American colonies of the Great Britain could achieve independency and formation of a sovereign state - the USA without George Washington?
international relations, foreign policy, the USA, political history, Washington, diplomacy, state, interests, security, democracy
Psychology of international relations
Petrenko, A.I. (2013). A number of peculiarities of information-psychological influence during carrying out operations of information-psychological warfare. World Politics, 4, 47–60.
Information policy of any state, a social group or any other community has its own peculiar character because it is used to implement the certain objectives of those who set them. Information policy assists in efficient influence on people’s mentality; it is aimed at changing the individual’s certain structural elements (such as convictions, views, opinions, interests, ideals, motivation, aspirations, and so on). Information influence is efficient only in that case when it is aimed at the certain influenced groups. They can be both separate social groups (political, social or other people’s communities) and the whole nations, peoples, and sometimes the world community itself. Information policy is always implemented in the definite information-psychological environment. In reference to information-psychological influence in the framework of psychological operations information-psychological environment can be described as an integrity of subjects and objects on information-psychological influence and interaction; the information itself, which is purposed for applying by subjects of information-psychological environment; the information infrastructure, which provides a possibility of information exchange between subjects; social relations that are formed during formation, transformation, distribution, and storage of information, data exchange within the society.
the international relations, the international safety, political conflicts, conflicts management technologies, conflicts management, psychological operations, information war, political, interests, teh UN
Sociology of international relations
Grachev, G.V. (2013). Sociology of Information-Psychological Security: the problem of formulating the definitions. World Politics, 4, 61–85.
At present more and more researchers and practicians draw their attention to the problem of use of employing amendments and deformation of information environment as specific information weapon for gaining political, economical, war and other objectives. Problems of information warfare, information protection, and information counteraction are worked out actively 1.In this respect a specific type of information security threats is pointed out, it concerns an individual, his or her personality first of all. To tell the truth, threats of this kind influence on state and social security through influence on people’s mentality. Thus, they can be defined as threats to a humanitarian part of information protection or as information-psychological security.The following threats are distinguished as another type of principal threats that can be defined in general as threats to an information and technical part of information security.
the international relations, the international safety, political conflicts, conflicts management technologies, conflict management, psychological operations, information war, political, interests, the UN