Kushelev I.E..
The genealogical and topographic method of reconstruction of the Russian city of the XVII – XVIII centuries. (Using the example of Orel city).
// Urban Studies.
2024. № 4.
P. 64-103.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2024.4.69870 EDN: UGQAFD URL:
The article presents the experience of reconstructing the ancestral composition of all groups of the military population of the city of Orel, as well as the Posadsky in the period at the junction of the Middle Ages and Modern Times. Based on the correlation: the service unit (surname) is the yard, an attempt is made to see the internal urban dynamics of urban settlements through observation of the demographic process. In each settlement, groups of surnames were identified that persisted throughout the entire period under review and later. According to the author's hypothesis, this stable element of the urban population in the future, when compared with the yard reconstruction during the General Surveying of 1778, which is conducted in parallel, will help clarify the contours of the layout of the Orel city of an earlier time. The fate of the indigenous population of the Orel city is revealed in inextricable connection with the peculiarities of the settlement system and its transformation in history. The study was conducted on the material of an impressive volume of sources introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, as well as newly identified: Census books of the city of Orel of the XVII century in the period from 1638 to 1697, Painted lists and Estimated murals of the Orel voivodes of 1635-1664, the first four revisions (1718–1782). The comparative method was mainly used. The result of the work carried out already at this stage are conclusions about the preservation of the indigenous population of Orel from the second quarter of the XVII century to the present day, about the direct connection of this tribal stability with the retention of the territorial framework of the city since the XVI century. The methodology is proposed and the calculation of the population of the Orel city in the XVI century is made based on the area of urban arable land. The process of socio-economic transformation of the Orel city from a city of ploughmen warriors to a city of artisans and merchants has been revealed, its beginning is dated to the first half of the XVIII century. The generally accepted views on the territorial growth of the city, on the "nutrition" of its external influx of population are questioned, the relations of the city and the village are radically revised – the fact of the "exodus" of the indigenous military population of Orel after the Catherine reform to the rural agglomeration around the city, its preservation until the October Revolution, is established. In general, the flexible ratio of factors of stability and transformation of the city over time, the nonlinearity of these processes is shown.
planning and structure, settlement system, city homestead, sloboda, posadsky, service people, demography, genealogy, reconstruction, medieval city
Kibenko V.A., Ryabkova O.V..
Life strategies (plans) of the population of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Nadym)
// Urban Studies.
2021. № 4.
P. 1-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2021.4.36707 URL:
The subject of this research is the life strategies (plans) of the population of Nadym (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). The empirical basis is comprised of the qualitative sociological survey data (historical sources and primary sociological data obtained from in-depth interviews) carried out in two stages: historical research (oral history) for studying the subjective experience of historical events associated with the development of the deposit Medvezhiye and construction of the city of Nadym; case study for examination of the sociocultural characeristics of the city dwellers and urban environment of the modern Nadym, including in the context of the impact on migration plans, embeddedness. The article provides the results of sociological research that comprehensively explores the urban environment of Nadym, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, sociocultural portrait and life strategies (plans) of the residents in the context of formation of the approaches towards further choice of the paths of economic, social, and cultural development of the city. Population of Nadym is represented mostly by the public sector workers and the employees of oil and gas sector. Life strategies (plans) of Nadym residents are typical for the population of northern territories of the Russian Federation. Life in Nadym is primarily work-related and is often temporary (for the period of employment).
Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, the city of Nadym, urban environment, life plans, life strategies, North, Far North, Arctic, migration, rootedness
Ishmuratova D.F..
Reproduction and development of human capital in the conditions of a city and rural locality
// Urban Studies.
2020. № 4.
P. 53-60.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2020.4.34445 URL:
Relevant trend in studying human capital is the determination of factors that affect its state and dynamics, among which is the type of settlement. The article explores the problems of formation and development of human capital characteristic to city and rural locality. The highlighted types differ in their socioeconomic and other conditions that affects the process of reproduction of human capital, and correspondingly its qualitative and quantitative parameters, as well as promotes uneven distribution of this resource to the benefit of the city. Demographic trends, level of education, employment and unemployment rate, salarie, etc. are examined in the context of city and rural locality, indicating a more favorable situation in city due to concentration of opportunities for the formation, development and efficient usage of human capital. Differences in living standards, opportunities for personal fulfillment, and other related to the type of settlement comprise a set of factors that contribute to consistency of the highlighted peculiarities of reproduction of this type of resource, and consolidate the advantages of city against rural locality.
level of education, migration, rural population, urban population, reproduction of human capital, human capital, unemployment, employment, employment instability, wages
Karavaeva Y.V., Litvinova S.V..
Living conditions of young people as a reflection of their needs
// Urban Studies.
2020. № 2.
P. 12-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2020.2.33219 URL:
This article examines the living conditions as a multiplicity of factors affecting the formation and satisfaction of needs of a person, as well as the reflection of such needs “objectified” under the circumstances. The results of studying the structure of needs of the student youth of Lipetsk are demonstrated. The survey was conducted in December 2019 – February 2020, involving 451 respondents, aged from 16 to 35, studying in the city of Lipetsk by the programs of secondary general education, vocational secondary education, and higher education. The survey was aimed at finding out the level of satisfaction of young people with their psychological, economic, ethnic, work, biological and social conditions, including the sense of security from viral and bacterial infections. The correlation between the level of satisfaction of youth with living conditions and gender characteristics was established. Men expressed a more negative attitude on the status of social and ethnic conditions, while women gave them a positive assessment. The author also traced the link between content with the living conditions and academic performance. Work, economic and social conditions received negative assessment from the students showing lower academic performance; while the students with better academic performance give poor assessment some biological conditions. It is determined that the increase in the level of satisfaction of young people with the living conditions is related to personal self-fulfillment, frequency of achieving and meeting the needs, assessment of the sufficiency of financial, material, technical, human, and information resources for meeting the needs, as well as subjective assessment of family income of the respondents.
working conditions, biological conditions of life, social conditions of life, ethnic living conditions, structure of personal needs, needs, youth, living conditions, economic conditions of life, psychological conditions of life
Sokolova M.V., Golubkina T.M., Petrosyan D.I..
The impact of work values upon the potential economic behavior of students in Vladimir city
// Urban Studies.
2020. № 2.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2020.2.33281 URL:
The subject of this research is the work values of students of higher and specializes secondary educational establishments in Vladimir city, and their impact upon the potential economic behavior of youth. Online questionnaire-based survey of the students of a regional center, conducted via clusters election in accordance with quota sampling, comprised the empirical base for this research. Special attention is paid to the priority spheres of employment, students’ representation on worthy pay rate, impact of the type of work motivation upon the choice of the key life aspirations of young people. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the statement that the achievable orientations prevail within the work values of students. Young people are targeted towards high salary, career growth, and professional fulfillment. For increasing the level of personal wellbeing, they are willing to work harder. The presence of favorable conditions at work, as well as job in their degree field, are the secondary factors. Entrepreneurship, work in government authorities and administration, and enforcement agencies are the preferred spheres of activity. The authors’ special contribution consists in determination of the dependence between different type of motivation and work values of the youth.
professional implementation, opinion poll, youth, labor values, labor, labor mobility, economic behavior, career, own business, economic situation
Koval'zhina L.S..
The concept of “Healthy Cities” and health-saving behavior of urban population: sociological analysis
// Urban Studies.
2020. № 1.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2020.1.31864 URL:
This article presents analysis of concept and objectives of World Health Organization initiative “Healthy Cities”, developed in accordance with the Future Earth 2025 Vision. Attention is focused on the relevant documents and basic conceptual principles of the project. The WHO European Healthy Cities Network along with the peculiarities of Russian project are described. The author provides a forecast of the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Human Wellbeing regarding the improvement of sanitary-epidemiological wellbeing of the population. The article discusses the results of sampling observation of behavioral factors affecting public health conducted by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service in 2013, 2018, 2019; as well as fragment of the sociological survey results carried out by the author in 2013 and 2017 among the school and university students of Tyumen Region. The scientific novelty is associated with result acquired by the author from the analysis of secondary empirical data; as well as the formulated conclusions on the relevance of comprehensive approach towards preservation of health of urban population, need for creating equal access of all population groups to quality infrastructure, as well as prevention, diagnostics, treatment of diseases alongside restoration, preservation and improvement of health. It is recommended to use international and Russian experience of “Healthy Cities” initiatives for encouraging health-saving behavior of urban population, and development similar project “Healthy Village” for rural population.
healthy lifestyle, public health, health preservation, social groups, concept, World Health Organization, health, Healthy cities, health saving behavior, urban population
Polyakova A.G., Akhmetshin E.M..
Digital monitoring of socioeconomic situation of urban population
// Urban Studies.
2020. № 1.
P. 148-154.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2020.1.32207 URL:
The subject of this research is the socioeconomic situation of urban population and its response to the processes ongoing within the urban environment. Special attention is turned to digital sociology ensuring the due theoretical-methodological framework and toolset for diagnostic and determination of responses based on formation and processing of big data array extracted from the digital environment represented by social media. Digital environment has potential related in inclusion of new research algorithms and technologies into studying social processes unfolding within urban space. Solution of the task of monitoring of socioeconomic situation of urban population is realized through operationalization of big data using network analysis. The article proposes the procedure for creating in midterm perspective of innovative information system for monitoring the quality of life and socioeconomic situation of urban population based on the comprehensive information maintenance of collection and processing of big data arrays of socioeconomic nature. The author described the components ensuring functionality of the suggested information-analytical system.
digital technology, the quality of life, socio-economic situation of the population, monitoring, socio-economic policy, urban space, urban environment, big data, digital sociology, social networks
Breslavskii A.S..
Urbanization processes in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia): the dynamics of key parameters (1989-2018)
// Urban Studies.
2020. № 1.
P. 68-81.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2020.1.32402 URL:
This article analyzes the key parameters of urbanization in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) on the background of urbanization processes in other republics in the East of Russia during the period from 1988 to 2018. Attention is paid to the dynamics of demographic development of the cities and workers’ settlements, changes in the structure of urban localities in the republic associated to abolishment of the settlements and turning them into the rural localities. The article also demonstrates which factors affected density or urban population in Yakutia, as well as analyzes the sources and vectors of continuing urbanization. The research leans on the extensive corpus of official statistical data on 11 cities and 67 urban-type settlements acquires based on the results of All-Union Census of 1989, Russian Censuses of 2002 and 2010, and special statistical examinations of Rosstat and its regional branck in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) conducted in 2011-2018. The conclusion is made on the overall deceleration of urbanization processes in the republic for the past 30 years. These changes were associated with restructuration of the regional industry, particularly reduction of urban-type settlement for 27 localities – from 67 to 40. At the same time, population of majority of the cities and settlements during the period from 1990 to 2018 was decreasing; however, the rapid demographic growth of Yakutsk partially compensated for these losses. It is concluded that urban population was concentrated mostly in the capital and its environs, as well as the largest cities of the republic – Neryungri, Mirny, Lensk and Aldan.
agglomeration, urban population, Yakutsk, suburb, suburbanization, urban settlement, city, Sakha Yakutia, urbanization, rural-urban migration
Nizamutdinov M.M., Oreshnikov V.V..
Large cities of the Siberian Federal District: mutual influence of economic and demographic development
// Urban Studies.
2019. № 4.
P. 66-72.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2019.4.30281 URL:
This article is dedicated to the problem of assessing mutual influence of economic and demographic factors in the development of large cities (on example of cities of the Siberian Federal District). The goal lies in the analysis of trends and factors of mutual influence of demographic potential and economic development of the large cities. The research results demonstrate that the total number of cities in the Siberian Federal District for the past decade remains virtually the same. However, the author underlines the unevenness of socioeconomic development of cities, as well as noticeable changes in their structure and population. A set of indicators for assessing the dynamics of urban development based on the analysis of economic and socio-demographic trends is proposed. The dynamics of development of large cities of the Siberian Federal District and their rating is evaluated, which allows determining the areas of territorial growth. Using the Zipf curves, the author determines the even “saturation” of cities of the Siberian Federal District; and simultaneously observes the reverse trend of improving the parameters of settlement affected by rapid growth of the largest cities. It is forecasted that the portion of urban population will gradually increase The conclusion is made on the need to consider the determined link between socio-demographic and economic processing in elaboration of government policy measures in the area of spatial development of the Siberian Federal District.
spatial development, Siberian federal district, Zipf’s law, ranking, economic development, urban resettlement, socio-demographic processes, large cities, social-economic factors, classification
Koval'zhina L.S..
Social and administrative aspects of the “Healthy Cities” project: sociological analysis
// Urban Studies.
2019. № 3.
P. 1-6.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2019.3.30083 URL:
This article presents the analysis of sociological discourse on the fundamental aspects of the “Healthy Cities” project; discusses the peculiarities of the World Health Organization “Healthy Cities” strategy; technologies of formation of the created on its basis programs on preservation of health of the urban population. The importance of the political and legislative factor impacting people’s health and inequality with regards to health maintenance is revealed. The subject of this research is the projects aimed at preservation of health of the city dwellers and overcoming of inequality related to health, developed on the basis of the World Health Organization “Healthy Cities” concept. The author applies the theoretical-methodological analysis, secondary data analysis of the sociological study “Moscow is a Healthy City” (Russian Public Opinion Research Center, 2018)’; as well as survey results, conducted by the author in 2013 and 2017 among the schoolers, university students, and their parents of Tyumen Region, on the questions of health maintenance. The main conclusion consists in consideration of the socio-biological gradient in formation of inequalities with regards to health among the representatives of different social groups. The author emphasizes the effectiveness of the “Healthy Cities” project in Moscow; as well as discusses the strategies on preservation of health among the population of Tyumen Region. The results of the conducted sociological study on living a healthy lifestyle demonstrate an accurate correlation between the increasing level of education and the number of those adopting a healthy lifestyle. Such project is relevant for not only large cities, but also rural areas with certain adjustment to the local specificities and tasks.
public policy, public health, prevention, social groups, health inequalities, World Health Organization, Healthy City, health, health factors, social inequality
Semenova O.V., Butovskaya M.L..
Birth rate in the modern Russian society: the role of economic and cultural factors in the conditions of increasing globalization
// Urban Studies.
2019. № 2.
P. 49-63.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2019.2.28966 URL:
Understanding the nature of birth rate decline in the postindustrial world is a crucial task for a broad range of experts. It remains unclear what became the major motive for the switch of reproductive models in the highly urbanized world: the growing role of economic expenditure in a competitive urban environment or the result of manifestation of the new cultural norms of reproductive behavior via diffusion changing the modern demographic landscape. The theoretical part of the work familiarizes the audience with the main conclusions of the two competing hypotheses: the impact of economic versus of cultural factors upon the current birth rate. The practical part represents a quantitative study. As a result of application of the statistical methods of analysis in interviewing the Russian citizens, the author assesses the impact of economic and cultural factors upon birth rate, considering the factor of increasing urbanization. The article applies an interdisciplinary approach, as well as introduces into the scientific discourse the new materials of evolutionary ecology as one of the bases of human reproductive behavior. The analytical part focuses on the questions of population density (urbanization), its influence on birth rate in the observed cultures, taking into account the economic parameters.
demography, fertility decline, population density, urbanization, reproductive behavior, demographic transition, fertility, evolutionary ecology, population, birth rate
Breslavskii A.S..
Urbanization in the republics of Southern Siberia: the dynamics of key parameters (1989-2019)
// Urban Studies.
2019. № 1.
P. 58-67.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2019.1.29217 URL:
This article presents the results of data statistical analysis on the three key parameters of urbanization in the four republics of Southern Siberia (Altai, Buryatia, Tuva, and Khakassia) over the period from 1989 to the beginning of 2019. The author demonstrates the influence of socioeconomic and administrative reforms upon the changes in the overall size of urban population, its ratio within the population composition of the republics, as well as the transformation of the structure of urban settlements in the indicated regions over the last 30 years. The research leans on the analysis of the official data of Soviet census of 1989, pan-Russian censuses of 2002 and 2019, and results of the annual statistical observations arranged by Rosstat and its regional divisions in 1990-2018. The materials were acquired and clarified during the author’s scientific expedition to Altai, Buryatia, Tuva, and Khakassia republics in September-October of 2019. In the course of the expedition, the author explored the processes of demographic and territorial growth of the capital cities (Abakan, Gorno-Altaysk, Kyzyl, Ulan-Ude) and their suburban areas. The following conclusions were made: in 1990-2019, urbanization processes in the republics of Southern Siberia captured mostly the capital cities and their suburban areas, while the small cities and urban-type localities for the most part have lost their potential for the sustainable industrial and territorial development.
city, urban population, The Republic of Tyva, The Republic of Buryatia, The Republic of Khakassia, The Republic of Altai, Southern Siberia, urbanization, urban settlement, suburb
Neustroeva A.B., Semenova L.A..
The peculiarities of displacement of the indigenous minorities of the North in the territories of natural resource management of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
// Urban Studies.
2018. № 4.
P. 22-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2018.4.24896 URL:
In the conditions of industrial development of the Arctic and the North, the questions of preservation of the traditional natural resource management of the indigenous minorities of the North, their legal and socioeconomic situation, protection of rights and interests gain particular relevance. This article considers the problem and specifics of creating the territories of the traditional natural resource management in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The authors meticulously analyze the population dynamics and displacement pattern of the five indigenous peoples of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) in the territories of traditional natural resource management. The study contains the data from the national censuses and statistical indexes; the geoinformation approach allowed visualizing the assessment results in form of the thematic maps. The use of geoinformation approach an important tool from the perspective of realization of the regional socioeconomic monitoring. The acquired data demonstrate that currently the majority of territories of the traditional natural resource management in the republic are established within the agricultural communities (“nasleg”) and occupy over 50% of the region’s territory. The research illustrated that the portion of the indigenous minorities of the North residing only within the territories of traditional natural resource management comprised 59% of the total number, and the rest 41% resided either in the urban areas or localities where the territories of the traditional natural resource management have not been created.
Evenks, Yukagirs, geoinformation analysis, settlement, demography, territories of traditional nature management, indigenous peoples of the North, Evens, Dolgans, Chukchi
Skudenkov V.A..
Gender peculiarities of socioeconomic pretensions (on the example of city dwellers of Irkutsk Region)
// Urban Studies.
2018. № 2.
P. 50-58.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2018.2.25521 URL:
The objects of this work is the gender peculiarities of city dwellers in perception, evaluation, and realization of socioeconomic pretensions. The author demonstrates the traditional values and models of social interaction, as well as egalitarian strategies of social adaptation and modelling of personal behavior under the influence of external factors. Relevance of the article is expressed in determination of gender discrepancies within urban environment to socioeconomic pretensions. Particular attention is given to the outside environment of the emergence of socioeconomic pretensions and existing socio-cultural orientations dominant in urban environment. The method of research is the questionnaire survey (random sample of 2,200 people), as well as the non-structured expert interview (22 people). The main conclusion is substantiated by the fact that the socioeconomic pretension of men and women form differently in urban environment, depending on the traditional foundations and external conditions of socialization and life in a particular city. Though not a complete rejection of the traditional values, the research determined a substantial modelling (deviation) in the male and female behavior from the traditionally assigned scenario.
living conditions, ideals, modern society, traditional values, gengender singularities, urban development, urban environment, social claims, economic claims, the quality of life
Khusyainov T.M..
Where do the university students reside? (On the example of N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University)
// Urban Studies.
2016. № 3.
P. 11-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2016.3.17123 URL:
This work examines the question of where and with whom do the students of N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University reside. The conditions of where and with whom the university students live during the education process in many aspects depend of their financial situation, where they resided before, and a number of other factors. Within the framework of this research, we will underline the gender, geographical, age, and financial aspects. The data acquired during surveying the students of Nizhny Novgorod State University in spring of 2015 (N-688) is implemented in this work. As the result of this research, based on the empirical data, the author determined the main options of the students’ place of residence. The author makes an attempt of interpretation of the acquired results referring to the economic status and gender differences. The examination of the living conditions of the students can give new information for better understanding of this specific socio-demographical group.
Family, Place of residence, Living conditions, Higher education, University, Socialization, Dormitory, City, Nizhny Novgorod State University , Studenthood
Shilina E.N..
Smoking as a form of deviant behavior among the megalopolis residents
// Urban Studies.
2016. № 2.
P. 23-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2016.2.16106 URL:
The paper analyzes the social consequences of smoking. Particular attention is paid to the spread of smoking among urban youth. Smoking is rated as one of the forms of social deviance. Traces the economic, social and socio-cultural effects of tobacco use, says the relationship of smoking with urban lifestyle. The author raises the question about the causes of the wide spread of this type of deviation in modern society, especially among young people, and at the same time expresses the assumption that it is associated with tolerance of smoking in society in general. The author makes his conclusions on the basis of a poll conducted among students of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering based on the step-by-step selection. In order to distract the youthfrom bad habits, there is a need for an effective counter-propaganda. It is necessaryto find new ways of agitation and propaganda in favor of a healthy lifestyle, bas well as ut also to provide leisure for teenagers and young people predominantly on the budgetary basis. Only the implementation of active measures is able to save the young generation from the harmful tobacco smoke.
anomie, city, fire, healthy lifestyle, nicotine addiction, smoking, deviant behavior, outreach, teenagers, students
Antropova I., Kalinin I..
The modern urban society and space of the childhood: Euclid’s fifth postulate?
// Urban Studies.
2016. № 1.
P. 24-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2016.1.17705 URL:
This article examines the problem of narrowing the space of childhood in its correlation to the negative trends of development of the modern urban society. The authors analyze the urban society from the perspective of carrying out the extremely important social functions, first and foremost, the assistance in involvement of an individual into the current phenomena and events. The influence of the urban landscape upon the “children territorial behavior” and the development of a child as a whole, is being detected. The authors raise a serious problem of deformation of the natural communications between humans, which is caused by the alienating interference of the infrastructure, information, and other changes of the society. Within the framework of this research, as an example of the contemporary Russian megalopolis, the authors examine Yekaterinburg from the position “a convenient for life city” and “city kind to children”. The authors state that there are less possibilities for children with regards to independent territorial travelling, decrease in the amount of social interactions and decrease in the intensity of social cooperation between children under the various social circumstances; as a result, it all leads to the disruption of the processes of transferring the socio-historical experience, social adaptation, as well as social destructions and deviations.
Urban society, Space of childhood, Urban landscape, Children territorial behavior, Convenient city, Kind city, Social safety, Sociocultural dynamics, Social deprivation, Social reproduction
Urozhaeva T.P..
Demographic problems of the industrial cities of Irkutsk region during the 1990’s
// Urban Studies.
2016. № 1.
P. 34-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2016.1.18170 URL:
The subject of this research is the demographical processes that took place in the cities of Irkutsk Oblast during the 1990’s, while the object is the urban population of the region. The author examines the negative trends in the natural and migration movement of the urban population, as well as establishes the causes of depopulation. In the author’s opinion, the spread of municipal institutions of Irkutsk Oblast by the indexes of the general coefficient of mortality allows determining only the most common regularities. The minimal level of mortality was recorded in the southeastern and central districts of the Oblast, and also in the majority of large and medium size cities; the highest indexes of the general coefficient of mortality was accounted for the northern and a number of monotowns of the central and eastern part of the region. It is mostly the depressive municipal institutions with the monobranch economy. The conclusion is made the causes of demographical instability of the industrial cities were laid during the Soviet period and associated with the practice of involving the population from the new industrial districts. The economic crisis along with the elevation of social issues in 1990 significantly complicated the demographical development of the urban population in the region. During the course of this research the author used publications from the regional and local periodic publishers, materials from the separate monographs, and statistical data.
Industrial, Cities, Demography, Birth rate, Mortality rate, Reproduction, Population, Migration, Depopulation, Monotowns
Kostrigin A., Khusyainov T.M..
Uzupis - a Republic amidst Vilnius
// Urban Studies.
2015. № 1.
P. 19-32.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2015.1.15551 URL:
This paper examines the phenomenon of the "Užupis Republic", the establishment of which in the center of Vilnius became one of the most intriguing social experiments of our time. What makes it so special? The bold attempt to form a social and economic life, the development of modern art, as well as political structure, situated in the center of one of the European capitals - not on an isolated island. This work aims to define this new phenomenon and to outline and its borders for research within different scientific disciplines and interdisciplinary studies. As a method of this study the authors used theoretical analysis of foreign scientific literature and other sources on the history and functioning of "Republic of Užupis". The novelty of the study is that "The Republic of Užupis", being as a prominent social experiment, did not find significant reflection in the scientific literature to date. In this paper, the authors make an attempt to define a new object of interdisciplinary research. The article provides an overview of the main events since the establishment up to the present moment, as well as examines the impact on the development of the city of Vilnius.
Self-government, Virtual State, Vilnius, Autonomy, City block, Microstates, The Republic of Uzupis, Uzupis, Place of interest, Art-object
Khusyainov T.M..
Christiania - the "Independent" section of Copenhagen: history and modern time
// Urban Studies.
2014. № 4.
P. 8-20.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2014.4.14530 URL:
This study examines the phenomenon of "Freetown Christiania", the emergence of which in the middle of the Danish capital is one of the most interesting social experiments of our time. An attempt to create a society from scratch, forming a new social and economic life, political structure, at the very center of one of the European capitals - not on a remote island. This work aims to define a new study object and the limits for research within different scientific disciplines and interdisciplinary research. The method of this study is theoretical analysis of Russian and foreign scientific literature and other sources on the subject of "Freetown Christiania." The novelty of the research lies in the fact that "Freetown Christiania" represents an intriguing social experiment, and was not properly researched. In this paper, the author makes an attempt to define a new object of interdisciplinary research. This article contains an overview of major events since the beginning up to the present moment.
Microstate, Utopian communities, Counter-economics, Hippie, Copenhagen, Freetown Christiania, Christiania, City block, autonomy, self-government
Boltaevskii A.A., Pryadko I.P..
Fear and consumption machine: urban demographics and the issues of its growth
// Urban Studies.
2014. № 4.
P. 21-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2014.4.14571 URL:
The challenges that Russia faces in the modern globalizing world present the issues of forming a long-standing social and demographic policy. Currently, our country's population constututes less than half of an optimal value for a territory as big as 17th of habitable land. At the same time, developing neighbouring countries like China, India and Pakistan experience a constant growth in poopulation. The experts suggest that Earth's population numbers area approaching critical values, which correlates with economic data. The authors use social and demographic projections by S.M. Shirokogorov, N.A. Vasilyev and P.A. Sorokin in their research. In order to solve Russia's demographic crisis, we must take into account the state of education and healthcare, not just raw population numbers. It is not possible to overcome this challenge in urban environment, and thus, we must focus our effort on developing and supporting the rural parts of Russia. Competent government policies for improving demographics must be long-term oriented, keeping in mind that depopulation problems cannot be solved in one swipe.
active population, fertility, depopulation, unevenness, Russia, limits to growth, city, demography, migration, comfortable habitat
Zhabina S.A..
Building playgrounds and leisure facilities for children as means of solving social issues
// Urban Studies.
2014. № 3.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2014.3.13423 URL:
The Moscow superregion (Moscow and Moscow region) boasts fairly stable birth rates, especially in comparison with other Russian regions. However, this involves the necessity for solving such social problems as creating comfortable environment for children and their parents, including pre-school facilities, playgrounds, etc. Properly organized architectural environment is paramount to children's socialization. However, the steps taken are not yet enough to solve this problem. Basing on publicism and polling, this article studies the problem of social space for the young urban dwellers. To overcome the demographic lapse, urban planning that takes into account the comfort of children and young parents becomes highly necessary. At the same time, organization of space for children and teenagers results in local conflicts, based on clashing interests of different social groups in modern cities.
Urban environment, urban planning, children, young families, solving demography problems, children's institutions, interest groups, social conflicts, Moscow, Moscow region
Boltaevskii A.A..
The fight for morality in urban environment.: Russian Empire and USSR experience
// Urban Studies.
2014. № 1.
P. 10-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2014.1.12768 URL:
During the Perestroika (late 1980s reforms), a social revolution took place in Russia, resulting in a sharp turn in the system of values for ordinary citizens. Sexual emancipation became an integral part of their lives - both, sex industry workers and outright pornography emerged from the underground, which contributed to moral decline of some Russian citizens. Over the last 25 years, voices emerge that advocate the legalization of prostitution as an integral part of urban environment. To get to the heart of this problem, it is important to explore historical experience of fighting prostitution in Russia. The author uses statistical data, testimonies of contemporaries and publications of domestic and foreign authors. In the modern period, the fight against prostitution mustn't be primarily based on repression and fighting prostitutes themselves, like 100 years ago, and mostly now, but rather on social aid and cultural education. Mass Media must be sex industry advertisement-free. Legalization of prostitution will only lead to its further expansion, as well as sex-tourism, which will undoubtedly have corrupting influence, especially on younger generations. The city must be a place for personal growth, not degradation.
administrative enforcement, social patronage, sexual revolution, public opinion, morality, charity, abolitionism, prostitution, urban environment, medical and police committees
Boltaevskii A.A..
Prostitution as a form of social deviation in Urban environment
// Urban Studies.
2013. № 1.
P. 17-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2013.1.10463 URL:
The process of large-scale urbanization, which began in XIX century, resulted in not only to the rapid growth of cities, but also in broad spread of urban lifestyle. Along with positive effects of this process, we can also see negative consequences, like the quantitative growth of social deviation. Prostitution as a form of human trafficking is an indispensable segment of urban culture, even to this day. Only by studying its nature can we find methods of its eradication. The author examines modern period prostitution as an urban social anomaly, basing his research on documents, memoires, published media by both, foreign and domestic authors. The article shows the roots of study on prostitution, as well as the circumstances for its emergence and growth in Russia. Prostitution as a form of human trafficking deserves condemnation not only in public opinion, religious organizations, but within authorities, as well. Only by working together can we save the fairer sex from defilement, as long as we remember the hundreds of thousands of broken lives.
Social aid, Migration, Health control, Economic factors, Psychological factors, Risk groups, Urban environment, Prostitution, Deviant behaviour, Sociology