Закон и порядок
Ivanov, O., Ilinskaya, Y. (2017). Mediation in city-planning conflicts. Urban Studies, 2, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2017.2.22594
This article examines the phenomenon of city-planning conflicts in modern Russia, as well as possibility of their efficient management by means of mediation procedure. Attention is focused on the factors that caused changes in urban space in the process of continuous urbanization and effect of the economic interest upon the character of urban development. The urban environment is viewed as consumer space; the city-planning conflicts are studied based on the practical material. The authors provide definition to the city-planning conflict and determine the structures that generate such conflict. From the perspective of systemic approach and with consideration of the existing city-planning theories, the article analyzed the nature of occurrence and development of the conflict situations within the urban realm. The need is substantiated for examination and consideration of the urban conflicts by the experts in the field of conflictology and mediation. The authors conduct analysis of the flaws in legal regulation in the area of mediation procedure applicable to the city-planning conflicts, as well as suggest measures on improvement of legislation in this sphere. Conclusion is made on the possibility and purposefulness of implementation of mediation as an efficient tool for managing the city-planning conflicts alongside their resolution upon the condition of the substantial increase of the role of mediation and mediators and necessary amendments to the existing legislation.
city, city-planning, urbanization, urban space, mediation, actors of conflict, city-planning conflicts, metropolis, development, dehumanization
Озеленение и парковое хозяйство
Rodionovskaya, I.S., Dorozhkina, E. (2017). Environment of the urbanized territories in the aspect of “green architecture” and improvement. Urban Studies, 2, 11–19. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2017.2.22835
This article is dedicated to the question of formation of housing development of the Moscow urban environment. The author examines the existing modern archetype of residential construction in the commuter areas, as well as notes the high-density housing with dense population. The principles of construction are viewed from the perspective of their impact upon the ecological characteristics of the environment. The article also analyze the influence of urban greening upon the ecological component of the environment, and thus, touches upon its new type – the “green” building. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in the necessity of phyto-ecologization of the living environment through creation of the powerful system of urban greening. However, it seems rather difficult task due to the significant limitation of territorial resource. The article suggests forming a new type of urban greening – the “green” building”.
living environment, integrated landscaping, green architecture, green building, quality of environment, urban ecology, suburbanization, phyto-ecologization, horizontal gardening, vertical gardening
Ethnology and cultural anthropology
Ulchitckii, O.A., Veremei, O.M. (2017). New artifacts in study ancient culture of nation Southern Urals. Urban Studies, 2, 20–29. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2017.2.22880
This article examines a rare zoomorphic statuette carved from natural stone in a realistic manner of small plastic. The subject of the research constitutes the entire image of mammal in a horizontal position. The find was near the city of Magnitogorsk, near the former Staroseverniy village. We describe the background and details of the discovery artifact: place of discovery, process of exploration and excavation of soil, structure and morphology of subject. The authors examine the structure of zoomorphic depicted involvement in forms of aquatic animals; type object, allowing considers it a cult and radiocarbon dating analysis leads to conclusion of the periodization. It is noted that this finding has no known analogues reveals similarities but there are signs with zoomorphic subject’s realistic small plastic Neolithic, found in the Urals. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of morphology. It was established the statuette is the subject of cult in the Neolithic period, and could be used for daily or ritual purposes; it is dated back to about 4-5 thousand years BC. Author's contribution consists in the natural exploration of the territory of extraction of the artifacts, description, fixation, and establishment of dating og the subject discovered during the field research.
Household item, ancient, Southern Urals, object of worship, Neolithic, zoomorphic, small plastic, Suburban territory, Mount Mohnataya, Atach Slope
Проектирование и архитектура
Dorozhkina, E. (2017). Constructs in buildings with integrated vegetation. Urban Studies, 2, 30–37. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2017.2.23002
This article is dedicated to the questions of projecting of constructs-foundations for vegetation integrated into the structure of a building. The object of this research is the building constructs that can serve as an artificial foundation for vegetation. The boundaries of the research are defined by integration of vegetation on roofs, terraces, facades (balconies and patios), and interiors. The article explores such aspects of the topic as additional strain on the buildings from vegetation. The additional constant weight of the vegetation system is being viewed as the sum of two types of loads: stationary and weighed average. The article substantiates the need to account for the change in the volume of lumber due to vegetation. However, to simplify the calculation in absence of data on the size of growth of separate types of vegetation in the catalogue, the author offers recommended average indexes of the weight for various vegetation elements.
supporting constructs , combination of loads, climate weight, constant load, reconstruction, artificial basis, new construction, green building, integrated vegetation, green roof
Оценки и риски
Pryadko, I.P. (2017). Biosphere and environmental security in Moscow and Moscow Region: current state and prospects. Urban Studies, 2, 38–51. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2017.2.23036
The object of this research is the environmental conditions of a modern city dweller, while the subject is the measures taken in the cities of Moscow Region and European part of Russia on ensuring the environmental and social security throughout urbanized territories. The article discusses the questions of establishment of biosphere-compatible architecturally designed space in the city. The events hosting by municipalities of Moscow Region (besides the capital metropolis, the article names Mytishchi and Sergiyev Posad) on formation of comfort environment for their residents. The scientific novelty consists in the reference to the innovative ideas of a British sociologist and historian of urban culture – Leo Hollis, as well as the conclusions of Charles Landry. Particularly, the creation of biosphere-compatible secure space subordinates to the ability of urban communities to self-education. Another new aspect lies in the complex character of posing and resolution of the tasks of contemporary urbanism, which is underlines in the works of Hollis, Lenadrt, and Baudrillard. Thus, the notion of “environmental security” is interpreted extensively, taking into account the social adjustment of an individual to city life.
city parks, biosphere, technosphere, biosphere compatibility, pollution hydrology, atmospheric pollution, Moscow district, metropolis, urban environment , environmental situation
Architecture and Environment
Kuryleva, L.A. (2017). Lighting of public spaces of the historical center of Saratov. Urban Studies, 2, 52–57. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2017.2.23243
This article analyzes the state of artificial lighting of the major squares, embankments, pedestrian precincts and avenues in the historical part of Saratov as the most popular public cultural spaces among its visitors and residents. The author provides the main results of the conducted social survey of the city population regarding the quality of night lighting environment of the claimed territories, as well as presents a descriptive analysis of the visual inspection of the spaces of historical center of Saratov under the conditions of artificial lighting. During the course of this research, took place the field measurements of the levels of horizontal, cylindrical, and semi-cylindrical lighting of the territories, as well as comparison of the acquired data with the standards. The author determines the negative and positive aspects of the existing artificial lighting environment, gives assessment to their convenience and attractiveness for the population. The article also suggests recommendations on increasing the quality of artificial lighting of the aforementioned territories, as well as guidance on further research.
Light, Historical center, Embankment, City environment, Pedestrian precincts, External lighting, Historical environment, Artificial lighting, Saratov, Lighting
Design and Environment
Griber, Y.A. (2017). Monochromatic model of urban coloristics . Urban Studies, 2, 58–64. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2017.2.22749
The object of this research is the architectural coloristics as a historical and cultural phenomenon. The subject of this research is the monochromatic color pallet of the building facades common for certain urban areas of the world. The goal of this article consists in identification of the mechanism of formation of the monochromatic model of urban coloristics and systematization of its sociocultural specificities. The author thoroughly examines the key principle of the model that defines the correlation between the color and shape in urban space, as well as analyzes the strategies of spreading the monochromatic coloristics and mechanism of inheriting the color tradition by the culture. Special attention is given to the expert evaluation of the areas with monochromatic color pallet of the building facades. For resolution of the research problem, the author uses the method of classification aimed at the well-ordered description and explanation of the diverse variants of monochromatic model of the urban coloristics. Author’s special contribution lies in formulation of the historical and cultural grounds for structuring the typology of monochrome within the architectural coloristics. The scientific novelty consists in determination and description of the three major versions of monochromatic model: evolutionary, artificial, and mixed, which noticeably differ from the perspective of mechanisms of formation and sociocultural properties. Evolutionary versions represents a product of natural development of coloristics of the area; artificial is the result of target color design; and the mixed combines the artificial mechanism of introducing the new coloristics with natural way of future development of the new color traditions in urban fabrics.
color tradition, model, color design, urban design, urban coloristics, city, color, cultural norm, color plan, tradition
Закон и порядок
Kobets, P.N. (2017). Peculiarities of counteracting terrorism in large cities and metropolitan areas. Urban Studies, 2, 65–80. https://doi.org/10.7256/2310-8673.2017.2.22508
The subject of this research is the criminological, sociological, legal and statistical characteristics of terrorist crime in the large cities and metropolitan areas, as well as the activities aimed at its prevention. For this purpose, the author attempts to highlight the complex criminological issues of theoretical nature related to the functioning and improvement of the system for preventing crime of terrorist nature in major cities and metropolitan areas for possible further elaboration of the scientifically substantiated recommendations aimed at improving the criminal and social policy for minimizing the consequences of terrorist crime. Covering the peculiarities of counteracting urban terrorism, the author describes social danger of the examined phenomenon, reveals its legislative base, as well as mentiones the organizational framework of counter-terrorism. A brief reference to the problems of interpretation of law and law enforcement in the field of counteracting terrorism is provided. The article also raises a question about the need for revising and correcting the main definitions that characterize urban terrorism, offering an original definition of urban terrorism. The author gives assessment to the current terrorist threats in the large cities and metropolitan areas, ways, means, and consequences of terrorist attack. Motivation of urban terrorism alongside the specificities of strategy of the urban terrorists are being examined. The aspects of such important issue as recruiting of civilians into the terrorist organizations are being touched upon. The author comes concludes that in terms of the urban environment, terrorism has become more complex, diverse, and difficult to predict. Analyzing the existing system of terrorism prevention in the cities, the author notes the need for establishing the more efficient system for counteracting the urban terrorism. Scientific novelty of the research is defined by the system analysis of urban terrorism.
counteracting terrorism, crime prevention, support of population, ensuring security, protection of population, metropolitan area, large city, terrorist threat, explosive device, terrorist strategy