City and mass culture
Siiukhova, A. (2016). Embodiment of the cosmos archetype in public architectural spaces of the modern suburban towns. Urban Studies, 2, 1–8.
The subject of this research is the reflection of an image of cosmic infinity in the urban interiors designated for public leisure and perception of art in the provincial towns: theatre, philharmonic, movie theatre, shopping mall. The article presents the dynamics of changes in the attitude towards the building as a model of Cosmos, beginning from the era of ancient civilizations and until present times. The public architecture of small cities is being analyzed within the time frame of the early XX century until today. Special attention is given to the examination of the décor of the roofs and ceilings, which spatially and conceptually most vividly reflect the idea of the sky and cosmos. Scientific novelty consists in the introduction into the scientific discourse of the empirical data about the artistic-aesthetic properties of the historical and cultural importance of the public buildings in the provincial regions of Russia on the example of Maykop, Ryazan, and Penza. The article justifies the possibility of the cyclic returns to the stylistics of classical canon in architecture due to the search of the lost in the postmodern era perception of the stability of being.
ornamental decor, arches, cinema, Philharmonic, theatre, temple, house, cosmogonic myth, mass culture, constructivism
City dwellers
Sidorov, A., Sapron, D. (2016). The development of public spaces: sociological dimension (on the example of Novosobornaya Square of the city of Tomsk). Urban Studies, 2, 9–22.
This article examines the questions associated with the instruments of taking into account the position of population in establishment of the municipal policy in the area of development of public spaces. Particularly, the authors underline that various forms of participation of population in implementation of the local self-government allow to the institutions of public administration forming a certain opinion about the need to reform the important urban areas. In addition to that, the authors give attention to the problem of non-involvement of the general public into the process of formation of the urban development landmarks, even despite the fact that the city resident acts as a main consumer of the results of the work of government authorities and administration. The authors suggest conducting full-scale surveys among population related to discussion of the general directions in development of separate urban spaces. The proposed model has been for the first time tested in Tomsk (in 2015) within the frameworks of the Mayor Council on development of the public spaces, in preparation to which was conducted a sociological survey aimed at accumulation of positions of the citizens with regards to development of one of the remarkable places of the city – Novosobornaya Square. The research revealed the problems that are characteristic to this place from the residents’ point of view, as well as what is desired to be accomplished. The results of the survey also demonstrate that in general, the population is satisfied with the work of the local self-government in this regard. The format of the Mayor Council on development of the public spaces became traditional, which testifies to the effectiveness of such form of interaction between the government authorities and the population.
decision-making, municipal policy, public opinion, development of the territory, urban environment, sociological researches, public spaces, information and analytical support, local government, population
Социология и демография
Shilina, E.N. (2016). Smoking as a form of deviant behavior among the megalopolis residents
. Urban Studies, 2, 23–28.
The paper analyzes the social consequences of smoking. Particular attention is paid to the spread of smoking among urban youth. Smoking is rated as one of the forms of social deviance. Traces the economic, social and socio-cultural effects of tobacco use, says the relationship of smoking with urban lifestyle. The author raises the question about the causes of the wide spread of this type of deviation in modern society, especially among young people, and at the same time expresses the assumption that it is associated with tolerance of smoking in society in general. The author makes his conclusions on the basis of a poll conducted among students of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering based on the step-by-step selection. In order to distract the youthfrom bad habits, there is a need for an effective counter-propaganda. It is necessaryto find new ways of agitation and propaganda in favor of a healthy lifestyle, bas well as ut also to provide leisure for teenagers and young people predominantly on the budgetary basis. Only the implementation of active measures is able to save the young generation from the harmful tobacco smoke.
anomie, city, fire, healthy lifestyle, nicotine addiction, smoking, deviant behavior, outreach, teenagers, students
Проектирование и архитектура
Suvorov, A. (2016). Analytical description of nonlinear work of the normal section at the top of the inclined crack. Urban Studies, 2, 29–35.
This article examines the technique of describing the stress-strain state (hereinafter - the SSS) of the normal section at the top of the inclined crack, based on nonlinear deformation model. Normal section's analysis will assess the uniaxial SSS of any concrete element subjected to bending, compression with bending, stretching or stretching with the bend. Parameters of SSS of the normal section are the normal and shear stresses, the relative deformation of compression and tension. Data acquisition of this parameters using the nonlinear deformation calculation, created the prerequisites for describing SSS oblique section. Algorithm is built using modern mathematical apparatus in the computer environment «MathCAD». Used abilities of mathematical analysis allowed foprming a realistic settlement of the normal section diagram at the top of the inclined crack. By implementing real chart of material deformation, the algorithm is allowed to build a more accurate diagrams of normal and shear stresses in the normal section on the basis of steps, iterative and integrated processes. During algorithmization work, section were identified important components of its work: the value of the centers of gravity of plane diagrams of stress and strain, the exact coordinates of the boundaries of the compressed, stretched and destroyed sectional areas. The study was applied and refined new ways to describe the theory of concrete strength.
material deformation diagrams, strength, concrete, reinforced concrete beam, nonlinear deformation model, inclined section, inclined crack, normal section, MathCAD, iterative method
Vorontsova, A.V. (2016). The development of urban territories and spaces with mixed functional application. Urban Studies, 2, 36–46.
The object of this research is the territories of Kazan, the structure of which suggests the possibility of use of the concept of mixed application on the various spatial levels. The author examines the rules of land utilization and city development in Russia with examples of the areas with mixed functional application of territories. The subject of the research includes the study of the methods of formation of areas with mixed functional application of territories. Special attention is given to the development of such areas for the purpose of their implementation into the rules of land utilization and city development of Kazan. The concept of mixed application of territories is new to the Russian urban construction. Currently, the work is being conducted on realization of the new general plan for the reconstruction of Kazan, substantiation of the territorial zoning and urban planning regulations. The new classificatory of territorial zones is being developed. Scientific novelty consists in implementation of the concept of mixed application of territories in designing the urban territories, namely in development of areas with mixed functional application of territories. The two zones along with the lists of the permitted types of application are being prepared.
urban plannin regulations, land utilization, compact city, sustainable development, urban environment, multifunctional area, mixed application, functional areas, new urbanism, city
Транспорт и коммуникации
Boltaevskii, A.A. (2016). The municipal public transportation: evolution of views. Urban Studies, 2, 47–53.
The subject of this research is the development of the municipal passenger transportation, without a proper functionality of which the modern city cannot exist. In the XX century the competition between the automobile and the public transportation gas grown; this first caused reduction in the intraurban transportation by bus, trolleybus, and tramway in the Western countries, and later in Russia. Such phenomenon appeared to be sudden for both categories, people in power, as well as specialists. The author examines the change of paradigms in dichotomy automobile – land transportation, pointing out the delay in the automobilization processes in Russia. Special attention is given to the questions of development of the municipal electric transportation, particularly the tramway. The author’s main contribution consists in the necessity of the urgent development of the public electric transportation in large and medium sized cities of Russia, specifically tramway, trolley bus, and the system of urban electric trains. It will allow improving not only the territorial accessibility, but also realize the environmental requirements essential for the modern city.
rail transport, urban environment, availability, competition, automobilization , municipal transportation, Russia, foreign experience, regularity, comfort