Apal'kova, T.G., Levchenko, K.G. (2024). Statistical analysis of the differentiation of regions of the Russian Federation by tax revenues of consolidated budgets using the R language. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 1–11.
The subject area of this article is the application of descriptive statistics and multidimensional classification methods to describe the regional features of the formation of tax components of revenues of consolidated budgets of the Russian Federation. The aim of the work is to demonstrate the simplicity and effectiveness of using mathematical and statistical methods and the functionality of the open source language R to solve problems of structural analysis of tax revenues, identify regional specifics, and comparative analysis of regions from the point of view of tax revenues. The apparatus of mathematical statistics implemented in the R language, in particular, opens up wide opportunities for classifying tax subjects, including multidimensional ones, significantly facilitating the procedures of analysis, ranking and planning. The functionality described in the article can be used in the process of forming and adjusting tax policy at different levels. The possibilities of the mathematical statistics apparatus in combination with the instrumental methods of the R language are revealed by the example of the classification analysis of the regions of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the absolute and relative values of tax revenues in the revenues of regional budgets are selected as classification features. The classification by belonging to the federal district and the study of the "natural" stratification by the method of cluster analysis are considered. The apparatus of mathematical statistics and, especially, the tools of the R language are used unreasonably rarely in research of this kind, despite the ease of use and the absence of the need for special training, these circumstances determine the relevance of this article. Aggregation by federal districts made it possible to identify: the Ural Federal District as the leader in terms of the average regional share of tax revenues in the revenue part of the budget and the North Caucasus Federal District, characterized by the lowest average regional contributions of tax payments to regional budgets. The analysis of the natural stratification of the regions of the Russian Federation by their relative tax contributions to consolidated budgets made it possible to identify groups: the most typical regions, subsidized regions, donor regions and regions in which the most expensive assets of enterprises of the Russian Federation are concentrated
subsidized regions, tax collection statistics, budget tax revenues, descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, regional tax revenues, multivariate classification, mathematical statistics, tax analysis methods, R language
Garibov, A.G. (2024). Tax incentives for investments in NPOs in a mobilization economy. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 12–23.
The subject of the study is the mechanism of tax incentives for non-profit organizations in the context of a special military operation. The paper examines the importance of NGOs in this context, the main trends in the development of the non-profit sector, as well as possible measures of tax incentives for NGOs to solve primary social problems. The author focuses on the central place of non-profit organizations in the mechanism of ensuring financing of the needs of the state and society, as well as the high degree of importance of the non-profit sector in providing social services to the population, combating emerging challenges in the social sphere. Special attention is paid to the development of proposals on tax incentives for charity from legal entities in terms of corporate income tax and value added tax. The main research methods used are analysis and synthesis, analogy and description, induction and deduction, statistical grouping. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the formulation of specific proposals for changing the current tax legislation to create a mechanism for additional financing of priority social areas and providing the necessary end beneficiaries in a mobilization economy. The proposed mechanism is based on the introduction of new tax incentives for the implementation of charity and the functioning of non-profit organizations, with special attention to the targeting and precision of the proposed measures. Based on the results of the work, a conclusion is made about the effectiveness of the proposed legislative changes based on the calculation of shortfall in state budget revenues and the allocation of advantages of these proposals. In addition, attention is paid to the wide possibilities of the described measures of tax incentives for charity due to the options initially laid down for varying categories of goods subject to tax preferences, depending on the social context and priorities of the state in a certain period of time.
charity, social expenses, mobilization economy, Special military operation, non-profit organizations, Tax incentives, the non-profit sector, beneficiaries, non-operating expenses, VAT
Musaeva, K.M., Imanshapieva, M.M. (2024). Realization of the fiscal and regulatory potential of the corporate income tax. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 24–34.
The subject of the study is the fiscal and regulatory possibilities of corporate income tax, its structural elements and their impact on the economic activity of business entities. The purpose of the study is to identify possible ways to expand the use of the fiscal and regulatory potential of corporate income tax as an important tool for stimulating economic activity. The paper provides an assessment of the level of corporate income tax revenues to the budget system of the Russian Federation, analyzes the factors constraining the realization of its fiscal potential. Special attention is paid to the analysis of corporate income tax revenues based on the materials of one of the subjects of the Russian Federation with a low level of production and investment potential – the Republic of Dagestan. The conclusion is argued that despite the excess of the growth rate of income tax to the budget over the overall growth of tax revenues, the potential for increasing budget revenues due to an increase in the tax burden has been exhausted. Considerable attention is paid to the instruments for stimulating investment activity provided for by the current tax legislation on corporate income tax. The need to achieve the set research goal led to the expediency of using a set of different methods and techniques: the transition from the general to the particular, logical inference, observation, generalization, systematization, comparison, factor analysis, synthesis, a systematic approach. The research is based on official analytical data from the Federal Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service of Russia, as well as the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan. The scientific novelty of the study is to develop a set of recommendations aimed at realizing the fiscal and regulatory potential of income tax in the context of stimulating investment activity of organizations and reducing tax risks. The conclusion is substantiated that it is necessary to achieve an increase in corporate income tax revenues not by increasing the fiscal burden, but by fully realizing its regulatory potential as a tool to stimulate economic activity. Recommendations are formulated aimed at improving the investment tax deduction for corporate income tax as a tool to stimulate the acceleration of the renewal of worn-out fixed assets. It is noted that strategically important internal reserves for increasing income tax revenues can be both the growth of the tax base due to the intensification of economic activity of the subjects of the Russian Federation, and comprehensive solutions aimed at reducing tax risks.
depreciation of fixed assets, depreciation premium, investment tax deduction, tax risks, tax incentive instruments, tax revenues, Research and development, regulatory potential, corporate profit tax, regional economic activity
SHelepova, N.V., Medved'ko, A.S. (2024). Improving corporate income tax control: a regional aspect. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 35–44.
The article discusses ways to improve tax control on corporate income tax, based on the already well-known experience of tax authorities and tax reporting of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Amur region. The analysis of such areas of tax control as desk tax audits and on-site tax audits based on the materials of the Federal Tax Service for the Amur region was carried out. The analysis showed that the number of desk tax audits, the results of which revealed tax offenses, is decreasing, which may indicate an improvement in the information activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Amur region. The number of on-site tax audits, the results of which revealed a tax offense, practically corresponds to the number of on-site tax audits conducted, which indicates the predominant use of a risk-based approach to planning on-site tax audits of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Amur region. However, the revealed number of tax offenses based on the results of tax audits does not allow us to conclude that tax control is sufficiently effective. The most common schemes of illegal tax optimization and certain types of tax offenses are considered. The article also suggests ways to improve tax control on corporate income tax aimed at regulating, preventing and combating tax offenses. The methods used in the study are horizontal analysis, induction and deduction. The methodology of the work is the justification of the relevance of the work, the formulation of the problem, the study of desk and field inspections, the results of the study and conclusions. Based on the results of the work, it was concluded that the number of tax offenses identified by the results of tax audits based on the materials of the Federal Tax Service for the Amur Region suggests the need to improve tax control over corporate income tax using such methods of preventing and combating tax offenses as information notification to taxpayers about the revealed facts of tax offenses, interim measures and tax sanctions for these offenses, an increase in tax penalties and fines in an amount higher than the tax rate for which a tax offense has been detected and a ban on registration of more than two or three organizations per individual. This will lead to an increase in the volume of funds flowing to the budget of the Amur region and a decrease in tax offenses committed by taxpayers.
tax, analysis, the taxpayer, on-site tax audit, desk tax audit, Tax offenses, profit of organizations, tax control, Amur region, method
Razu, S.B. (2024). Analysis of foreign practice of tax incentives for the development of high-tech industry. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 45–65.
The article was prepared based on the results of research carried out at the expense of budget funds under the state assignment of the Financial University. The subject of the study is specific measures in the field of tax regulation of industrial development by the leading industrial powers of the world. The purpose of the work is to explore the use of tax instruments to influence the manufacturing sector of various countries and the areas of their application, considering their evolution and development. The result of the work is the identification of the most promising methods of tax incentives for high-tech industry enterprises, which in the future can be introduced into taxation practice in the Russian Federation in order to stimulate the achievement of the country's technological sovereignty. The main methods used in this study are comparison, classification, statistical and retrospective analysis, as well as economic and mathematical calculations. The result of the work is the identification of the most promising methods of tax incentives for high-tech industry enterprises. The novelty of the study lies in the systematization of tax mechanisms for high-tech industry in industrialized countries, general trends in the development of such mechanisms, as well as justifying the feasibility of using their experience in the Russian Federation. In addition, the novelty lies in making proposals for the adaptation and modification of these mechanisms to Russian economy. The scope of the work is the tax system of the Russian Federation. The main conclusions are the identification among the analyzed instruments the most suitable ones for our country in the current conditions, which in the future can have a stimulating effect on the formation of the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation, as well as calculation of the potential tax benefits for high-tech industry enterprises.
Japan, USA, China, Russian Federation, technological sovereignty, tax regulation, tax incentive, corporate income tax, high-tech industry, stimulation
Tax administration
Mitin, D.A. (2024). Development of tax administration in the Russian Federation in the context of digital transformation. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 66–96.
The digital transformation of business and the public sector has had a significant impact on business activities. New types of business have emerged, mainly carried out in the digital space. In addition, new means of payment have emerged: cryptocurrencies and digital financial assets. These facts are shocks to tax administration models created to interact with taxpayers engaged in traditional activities. In this regard, in 2020, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) at the XIII plenary meeting of the Forum on Tax Administration proposed the concept of digital transformation of tax administration “Tax Administration 3.0: Digital transformation of tax administration.” Taking into account the noted factors, the article provides a theoretical analysis of the risks caused by digital transformation for the purposes of tax administration, and also considers the best practices for leveling risks, including through the digitalization of tax administration. The subject of the study is the digital transformation of tax administration in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for the development of tax administration in the Russian Federation, taking into account the best global practices, as well as using advanced technologies of the digital economy. As part of the study, the following research methods were used: retrospective analysis, synthesis, comparison and forecasting. The article provides a general analysis of the phenomenon of digital transformation and the associated risks for the purposes of tax administration; OECD proposals for the digital transformation of tax administration were reviewed, including their advantages and disadvantages; actual approaches to the transformation of the tax administration model used in the Russian Federation are noted. The scientific novelty of the work is expressed in the proposed further directions for the development of tax administration in the Russian Federation, including: the development of electronic document management; expanding the use of Blockchain technology; using the capabilities of smart contracts to automate the process of calculating and paying taxes. The solutions proposed in the study can be used in the practical implementation of measures to develop tax administration in the Russian Federation.
OECD, electronic document management, smart contracts, blockchain, EAEU, tax regulation, taxes, tax incentives, digitalization, Tax administration
Gerasimova, A.E. (2024). Analysis of the influence of climatic conditions on the tax potential of Russian regions using cluster analysis. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 97–114.
The tax burden of the regions is influenced by a whole range of factors, among which it is necessary to take into account the natural and climatic conditions. After all, the specialization of the regions, production capabilities, production volumes and, accordingly, the level of tax revenues to the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation depend on them. The article analyzes the tax potential of regions depending on the climatic factor. The subject of this study is a system of statistical indicators characterizing the natural and climatic conditions of the regions (temperature and precipitation in July and January for three years) and the economic results of their activities, including tax revenues to budgets. The aim of the work is to assess the influence of the climatic factor on the tax potential of the regions using the grouping method of cluster analysis. The research method is cluster analysis (k-means method), implemented using the R programming language and its packages, which allows combining regions according to the similarity in climatic conditions, while minimizing variation within groups and maximizing intergroup differences. The results of the study can be applied in the development of recommendations at the state level on optimizing the tax burden of regions for regions with similar conditions. The novelty of the study lies in the possibility of assessing and comparing the characteristics of regions with similar climatic conditions in terms of tax potential, which is necessary to develop measures for the development of regions and increase their tax potential. As a result of the study, the influence of the climatic factor on the tax potential of the regions and the need to take it into account in combination with other factors is proved.
regional development, taxes, k-means method, budget expenditures, precipitation, budget revenues, climatic conditions, average annual temperature, cluster analysis, tax potential