Gurnak, A.V., Nazarova, N.A. (2023). Tax Stimulation of Economic Growth in Russia: Problems and Prospects. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 1–16.
Economic growth is the most important condition for dynamic socio-economic development of any country. The problems of tax stimulation of economic growth in Russia are of particular relevance due to the fact that its indicators are very unstable, for many years the target values have never been achieved, and the efficiency of the tax instruments involved has been much lower than expected. The purpose of this paper is to study the main problems of tax stimulation of economic growth in Russia in connection with the new industrial revolution and to determine its prospective directions. The research methodology is based on the integrated application of the tools of analysis and synthesis; quantitative economic analysis and analysis of tax buoyancy are used to substantiate the main conclusions. Scientific novelty of the research is associated with the substantiation of conceptual provisions of tax stimulation of economic growth in the Russian Federation, the distinctive feature of which is the focus on the formation of a tax regime favorable to it, with a focus on the possibilities of digitalization. The necessity of transition from stimulation of economic growth through the mechanism of corporate income taxation to tax stimulation encouraging investments and innovations through other, more reliable mechanisms in the conditions of digitalization was substantiated. Application of the results: the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service can use the results of the study in determining the proactive tax policy in the Russian Federation in terms of tax incentives for economic growth.
tax administration, Fourth Industrial Revolution, digitalization, economic mainstream, economic growth, tax incentives, tax benefits, corporate income tax, tax policy, taxes
Avdeeva, V.M. (2023). Corporate Income Tax Preferences as a Tool to Stimulate Innovation. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 17–26.
The level of economic growth in Russia at the moment is largely determined by such factors as the number of scientific achievements and the general level of technology development in the country. The Russian Federation does not lag behind in terms of scientific and technological achievements, and it can be said with confidence that at the moment the country has a sufficient number of innovative developments. However, among the weaknesses it should be noted the sector of tax incentives for innovation, which in Russia is developing at a relatively slow pace. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to identify and develop practical recommendations on the issue of stimulating innovation through the application of corporate income tax preferences. The subject of the study is corporate income tax preferences as one of the tools to encourage organizations to invest in innovation and digital development. The main conclusion of the study is that corporate income tax preferences currently do not play such a significant role in stimulating innovative organizations and innovative projects. In order to increase the effectiveness of stimulating innovative enterprises with the help of income tax preferences, it is necessary to pay attention to the problematic aspects indicated in the article, which are often the cause of tax disputes. In addition, this article indicates possible directions for solving these problematic issues, which in the future can generally improve the state of the tax system of the Russian Federation.
digitalization, innovative activity, innovation, tax tools, support, stimulation, tax preferences, income tax, preferences, economy
International Tax Law
Kirichenko, T., Komzolov, A., Kirichenko, O., Kosminova, A., Smolenkova, M., Minasyan, V., Mikhailova, O., Sarycheva, A., Akchurina, D., Kiseleva, I. (2023). Modern international trends in taxation of transnational corporations: assessment of efficiency and consequences of applying methodological approaches to the budget. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 27–39.
The object of the study is transnational corporations. That is, companies that operate and have legal entities in various jurisdictions, which allows them to transfer the corporate tax base – profit to jurisdictions with minimal corporate tax. The transfer is carried out through the use of intra-group transfer prices. The subject of the study is current trends, ideas and international efforts in the taxation of multinational corporations. Both such trends themselves were investigated, and a computational experiment was conducted to assess the applicability of a possible methodology for calculating the profit tax of a subsidiary of such a corporation in Russia and the possible consequences for the budget from its application. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: at present, an international consensus is gradually being formed that the total profit of a transnational corporation should be distributed in a reasonable and fair way among the countries of its activities, an understanding of the need to consolidate such an order at the international level is being formed; however, no single understanding of approaches to taxation of transnational corporations, nor a single methodology capable of implementing them in practice. The scientific novelty is the author's reduction of the principle of tax neutrality from the classical principle of tax neutrality. In addition, the contribution of the authors is to demonstrate the fundamental efficiency of one of these methods by the example of calculating indicators based on open reporting data of a particular organization, as well as the consequences of using such a methodology for the budget.
transfer price, tax optimization, tax haven, offshore zone, tax rate, income tax, corporate tax, taxes, taxation, multinational corporations
Titorenko, S.K. (2023). Legal Regulation of Taxation of Cryptocurrency Turnover: a Comparative Legal Study of the Tax and Legal Regulation of the Republic of Turkey and the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 40–46.
The article discusses the features of the tax and legal regulation of cryptocurrencies in the Republic of Turkey and the Russian Federation. A study of regulatory regulation and a study of the positions of legal scholars of the Republic of Turkey, in terms of regulating the turnover of cryptocurrencies, as well as the experience of regulatory regulation of the turnover of cryptocurrencies in the Russian Federation. As a result of the study, the author identified a gap in the legal regulation of taxation of cryptocurrencies in the Russian Federation, in comparison with the legal regulation of the Republic of Turkey. Public relations arising in connection with the turnover of cryptocurrencies are not regulated in all countries of the world at the moment, including in terms of taxation of transactions using cryptocurrencies. In this connection, it is necessary to take into account the foreign experience of legal regulation of taxation of cryptocurrency turnover, including the Republic of Turkey. The problem lies in the fact that amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation have not been adopted at the moment, which would regulate the taxation of cryptocurrency turnover in the Russian Federation. The aim of the study is to investigate the experience of legal regulation of taxation of cryptocurrencies of the Republic of Turkey and to identify aspects that could be applied to form the legal regulation of taxation of turnover of cryptocurrencies in the Russian Federation.
digital financial asset, token, blockchain, cryptocurrency, taxation, tax and legal regulation, digital currency, mining, Republic of Turkey, Tax Code of Turkey
Savina, A.V. (2023). On the Role of Confiscation in the Theory of Taxation. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 47–53.
The formation of modern mechanisms for collecting taxes and fees is a complex process that has gone through many stages of improvement: from forced and unjustified seizures to taxation justified by economic necessity and public interest. The subject of the study is the historical background of the formation of the taxation process in Russia and in a number of foreign countries. To understand the issue under consideration, the author turns to the historical component of such a phenomenon as confiscation. The role of the institution of confiscation in the context of the history of taxes is evaluated. The author explores the problem of legal limits and justifies the importance of their establishment in the field of tax relations. The novelty of the research lies in the comparison of scientific categories, such as "confiscation", "tax", as well as in the formation of an idea of the redistribution of taxation, which is an integral element of effective economic policy.The author studies certain aspects of the theory of effective demand, the theory of monetarism, revealing the contents of the concept of "tax". Conclusions are drawn about the correlation of excessive taxation with the economic downturn, the role of the state in regulating these processes is assessed. The author compares the theory of A. Laffer with the modern mechanism of legal regulation of tax relations, and also summarizes that going beyond taxation creates weakened economic incentives, resistance and tax evasion in society.
economic policy, public interest, legal restriction, legal limit, tax legal relations, economic limit, taxation limit, confiscation, tax history, taxes