Question at hand
Krasnobaeva, A. (2019). Modern problems of forming and maintaining corporate tax database in the conditions of digital economy. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 1–9.
The author gives attention to the most relevant and discussed question of international taxation – rules of direct taxation of corporate income in the conditions of digital economy. The subject of this research is the problems of taxation of corporations that use digital business models in their activity. The object of this research is the existing and proposed rules for corporate taxation. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the fact that the final proposals of OECD within the framework of Action of the BEPS plan, dedicated to the problems of taxation in the era of digital economy, are expected in the nearest future. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive research of the problems of direct taxation in the conditions of digital economy, their categorization, and concealment of causes contributing to their occurrence. The article presents substantiation to an original approach towards determining the problems in taxation of digital economy and development of measures aimed at resolving these problems. In course of research, the author argues the need to delineate problems in order to search for proper solutions. Defending the position of prematurity of introduction of measures regarding the problem of tax evasion and aggressive taxation planning by digital companies, the author refers to the absence of data on implementation of previous initiatives in this sphere that could demonstrate the degree of necessity for further measures.
European Commission, OECD, правила определения связи, permanent establishment, BEPS, digital economy, Transfer pricing, IP regime, user participation, value creation
Question at hand
Vinogradova, T.N. (2019). Efficiency assessment of application of tax breaks in the Moscow Region. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 10–22.
Support of businesses is carried out through multiple instruments, among which an important place belongs to tax breaks. Educated assessment of the efficiency of providing tax breaks would allow the authorities to abolish the ineffective breaks and conduct productive tax policy considering the peculiarities of regional development. The goal of this research lies in carrying out an efficiency assessment of provision of current tax breaks in the Moscow Region. The author attempts to make conclusions on the productiveness of using tax breaks by companies in the Moscow Region, as well as propose original criteria for assessment and make recommendation on improving the quality of the efficiency assessment of tax breaks in the region. The acquired results and proposed original recommendations may be applied by the government and the Ministry of Finances of the Moscow Region for evaluating the results of provision of the regional tax incentives. The conclusion is drawn on the absence of a unified regional methodology for assessing tax breaks. Based on the efficiency coefficients it is impossible to accurately assess the productiveness of providing tax incentives. The need is underlined for further improvements to the mechanism of assessment of the current tax breaks and approval of a unified nationwide methodology.
budgetary efficiency, assessment of the effectiveness, tax rates, tax benefits, tax incentives, tax revenues, regional taxation, tax policy, economic efficiency, lost income
Question at hand
Tikhonova, A.V. (2019). Coordinated tax policy as a development factor of the Eurasian Economic Union. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 23–32.
The subject of this research is the harmonized tax policy in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member-states in the area of indirect taxation. The article explores the general principles of free market of the Eurasian Economic Union and their legislative regulation. Special attention is given to the analysis of current tax deviations from the rules of free trade in EAEU. The author notes that the majority of obstacles in the area of taxation represents barriers that do not align with the law of the Union and should be abolished on the national level. Such barriers exert distorting influence upon mutual trade of the EAEU countries, leading to negative externalities of separate member-states. Supporting the views of leading scholars upon harmonization of indirect taxes, the author presents original conclusions on possible vectors of development of coordinated tax policy in the EAEU. It is noted that the efficiency of tax policy in the EAEU member-states can be reached only in the context of a unified system of tax control and tax administration.
limitations, free trade, barriers, excise taxes, VAT, EAEU, harmonization, obstacles, tax rates, taxes
Question at hand
Malkova, Y.V. (2019). Investment attractiveness of precious metals for population: the impact of the value-added taxation. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 33–42.
The object of this research is the attractiveness of precious metals in ingots as an investment instrument for population. The goal consists in the analysis of the impact of the fact of value-added taxation (VAT) of transactions involving precious metals in ingots upon their investment attractiveness for population. The author outlines several potential vectors for investing in precious metals (in form measured and precious metal accounts); analyzes the profitability of the various ways of investments; and makes a comparison with the most popular method of financial investment among population – bank investment. The information base for this research consists of the normative and legislative acts, electronic resources, and statistical information. The author formulates a conclusion that value-added taxation of transactions involving precious metals in ingots does not significantly affect their investment attractiveness, as it is mostly defined by the profitability that depends on the dynamics of the precious metals prices. Therefore, the proposed legislative bills on abolishment of VAT for transactions involving precious metals should be argued using other evidence.
precious metal coins, precious metal accounts, VAT, taxation, investment instrument, precious metals, precious metal ingots, bank deposits, investment attractiveness, saving
Eremkin, M.A. (2019). Legal aspects of regulating taxation of e-commerce: the experience of India. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 43–52.
This article is dedicated to the questions of legal regulation of taxation of e-commerce in India under the conditions of digitalization and increase of a number of transactions conducted over the Internet. The goal of this research is to determine the key directions for modernization of the Indian tax legislation in the area of e-commerce. The subject of this research is the normative legal acts passed in India within the framework of large-scale fiscal reform, which regulate tax relations in the sphere of e-commerce. Based on the analysis and generalization of scientific, normative and empirical materials, usage of normative-logical and comparative methods, the author determines the specific traits and key vectors of legal regulation of e-commerce taxation in India, as well as approaches towards formation of tax policy in this sphere. Prerequisites are determined, which justify the need for cooperation between India and Russia with regards to regulation of e-commerce taxation. Conclusions are made on the possibility of application of India’s experience for modernization of tax legislation of Russia in terms of implementation of the national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”.
electronic commerce operator, equalisation levy, tax policy, digital economy, taxation of e-commerce, Electronic commerce, digital product, online information, goods&services tax, India