Gereev, R.A. (2018). Modelling the Volume of Production Output When Tax Preferences are Applied. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 1–9.
The subject of the research is the analysis of the production output volume when the tax burden is changed, the case study is the automobile industry. The author of the article analyzes the production output volume of leading automobile industries. The measures of financial support offered by the author encourage the development of industries that implement the production base modernization strategy using the renovation or reconstruction of the main funds, purchase of technologies and funding of researches. These measures may allow to achieve synergetic effects especially if the equipment is purcased by domestic producers. The research methods used by the author include comparison and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data obtained during analysis of the dynamics of aforesaid indicators. The author offers the method of predicting the production output volume when the tax burden is changed based on stress testing, and try out the method in the automobile industry. The perdiction of the automobile industry development dynamics allows to receive information about possible changes and prospects of industrial enterprises depending on various factors beforehand.
long-term development, treasury revenue, manufacturing, tax analysis, key assets, automobile industry, tax burden, financial data, data base, forecasting
Popova, E.M. (2018). Evaluating the Efficiency of a Region's Investment Environment on the Economic Efficiency of Investment Corporate Tax Rebates. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 10–29.
The efficiency of investment tax rebates is a nettlesome issue widely discussed by the academic community. Foreign academic literature contains both theoretical analysis and empirical research which prove the point of view that efficiency of tax rebates is determined not only by fiscal factors (tax rebate structure). Socio-economic and institutional terms of investment processes also effect the efficiency of tax rebates. This dictates the rationale of the present research which is caused by the theoretical and practical importance of defining the degree of the impact of a region's investment environment on efficiency of tax rebates provided by the regional legislation. The research methodology includes methods of formal logic, in particular, analysis, synthesis, comparison, and statistical methods such as correlation, variance analysis, and aggregation. In addition, the author has also applied heuristic approach and such methods as the analysis of hierarchies and plain raiting. The results of the research demonstrate that tax rebates have a weak encouraging potential for a region that has an unfavorable investment environment. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves the need to calculate indicators of the investment environment and marginal effective rate at the stage of implementing tax rebates for the purpose of conducing a comparative analysis with other regions. This approach allows to give a preliminary estimate in terms of whether it is reasonable to introduce tax rebates from the point of view of competitive advantages, especially in cases when it is impossible to predict efficiency indicators because there are no potential tax rebate beneficiary investors.
financial and economic indicators, growth rate, marginal effective rate, tax burden, tax incentives, economic effectiveness, investment climate, investment process, potential, risk
Savina, E.O. (2018). Tax Revenues of Local Budgets as an Element of Financial Independency of Municipal Units (the Case Study of the Perm Region). Taxes and Taxation, 12, 30–52.
The local budget is the budget of a municipal unit that is formed, approved and performed by local self-government authorities. Considering that the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not include local self-government in the state authority and government authorities, local budgets are not included in state financial authorities, either, although they are certainly an element of a single fiscal system. Financial independence of local self-government is a very important goal of today's government because successful socio-economic development of municipal units requires the financial base that would be made out of own revenues of local budgets. The author of the article have analyzed tax revenues of municipal units in the Perm region at runtime and makes her conclusions. The financial dependence of the lower budgets on the higher budgets became an essential discouraging factor of sustainability of regional and local budgets and, as a consequence, reduced responsibility of budgets and weakened the tax administration system of regional and local budgets. Thus, the article is devoted to two aspects of one problem, the loss of financial sources of the Russian Federation and municipal authorities and reduction of their profitable powers. This is the problem the author of the article has tried to view based on particular examples.
tax policy, taxation, assessment of taxes, regional budgets, local budgets, town council, regional policy, tax revenues, financial independence, governance
Vachugov, I.V., Sedaev, P.V. (2018). Special Taxation Regimes: Legislative Regulation Issues. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 53–61.
The authors of the research analyze changes in tax legislation regarding small business in Russia and special taxation regimes in particular. The authors assume that efforts that are undertaken by the Government of the Russian Federation to simplify the process of administration of special regimes are necessary but insufficient. Having analyzed judicial practice and legislation that regulates implementation of special taxation regimes, the authors discover that active actions performed by the Government of the Russian Federation to introduce additional tax incentives and preferences for small business will not be efficient unless contradictions and gaps of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are covered. The main methodology of the research involves the systems analysis of tax legislation, letters of the Ministry of Finances of Russia and instructions of the Federal Tax Service of Russia that contain contradictory provisions regarding administration of special taxation regimes. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that based on their analysis, the authors discover contradictions and gaps in the tax law. These gaps and contradictions need to be eliminated to ensure a success of small business, on the one hand, and to fight against shadow tax avoidance schemes, on the other hand. The results of the research can be used in the legislative decision making process that regulates special taxation regimes.
tax incentives, pecial regimes, the ambiguity of the legislation, contradictions of the legislation, the shadow economy, small business, tax evasion, tax schemes, monitoring, conomic crunch
Ryzhkova, E.A. (2018). Legal Regulation of VAT in Bahrain. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 62–70.
In her article Ryzhkova analyzes the legal regulation of value added tax in Bahrain, the third state of the Persian Gulf after Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates that implemented the Gulf Cooperation VAT Agreement. The Agreement was signed in November 2016 and Bahrain introduced VAT in January of 2019. The author of the article analyzes economic and historical prerequisites for the implementation of VAT in Bahrain and describes the main elements of the tax. To analyze the legal grounds of VAT in Bahrain, the author has applied formal law and comparative law methods. Bahrain was forced to implement value added tax as a result of their growing budget deficit. At the same time, despite the antisocial nature of VAT, Bahrain tried to find compromise between the Western model of taxation and fundamental Islamic grounds and applied the beneficial regime for socially important goods.
indirect taxation, GCC, VAT refund, principle of justice, VAT, Bahrain, supply, Decree Law, tax evasion, administrative penalty