Pianova, M. (2017). On the Modern State and Tax Regulation of Small Business Patterns in the Agricultural Sector. Taxes and Taxation, 10, 1–16.
The article is devoted to the economic role of small business patterns in the agricultural sector. The author of the article examines economic indicators of family-operated farms and farm households as well as their role in the economic growth of the agricultural sector and particularities of their taxation. The author pays special attention to assessing popularity and efficiency of special tax regimes for small businesses in the agricultural sector and describing particular features of special tax regimes used by agricultural producers. The article has been written as part of the research 'Improvement of tax and other instruments of state financial support of the agricultural sector development aimed at import substitution and production safety'. In the course of her research the author has used methods of analysis and synthesis, description, comparison, scientific abstraction, analogy, analysis of statistical data and her own calculations. Based on the comparative analysis of Simplied Tax System and Single Agricultural Tax the author has discovered particular reasons that lower the attractiveness of special tax regimes for small businesses in the agricultural sector. Analysis of statistical data and author's calculations have allowed to make conclusions about the increase in the absolute sums of taxes payable as a result of implementing special tax regimes, prevailing share of paid taxes as a result of applying Simplied Tax System, and growth of the tax burden on family-operated farms and farm households.
food safety, state support, tax burden, small business, agricultural producers, special tax regimes, tax regulation, farm households, family-operated farms, agricultural sector
Question at hand
Panskov, V.G. (2017). Principles of Taxation and How They are Presented in Russia's Tax Laws
. Taxes and Taxation, 10, 17–26.
The subject of the research is the system of principles that influence the development of the tax system and tax policy of the state. The object of the research is the current Russian tax laws, academic and reference literature. In his research Panskov pays special attention to how tax principles are presented in Russia's laws on laws and levies. He conducts a critical analysis of tax principles set forth by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and describes their contents. It is demonstrated that the form and content of tax principles as they are stipulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation may have a negative effect on the formation and development of Russia's tax system and tax policy. The methodological basis for analysis involves systems analysis of the provisions of laws and comparison of views of Russian and foreign researchers on the taxation principles system. The main conclusions of the research are the following. The author proves the need to fix principles of taxation in Russia's tax laws by adding a special chapter that would describe principles formatoin and development of Russia's tax system should be based upon. The author also emphasizes the need to adopt the system of taxation principles used in the world theory and practice. The author's special contribution is his recommendations concerning the structure of the section that he suggests to add to the Tax Code as well as description of the contents and types of modern principles of taxation. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author carries out a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and practical issues related to the system of taxation principles as well as offers a theoretical substantiation of the need to make amendments to the current tax laws in this sphere.
preferences, taxation, Tax Code, tax incentives, tax system, tax policy, tax, budget revenues, principles of taxation, tax equity
International Tax Law
Berberov, A.B., Milogolov, N.S. (2017). Tax Policy in the Process of Adopting Multilateral Tax Instrument to Implement BEPS: Analysis of Russia's and Foreign States' Approaches. Taxes and Taxation, 10, 27–44.
This article is devoted to the multilateral tax instrument within the BEPS plan and how the entire concept and particular provisions of it are perceived by participating jurisdictions. To achieve the aforesaid goal, the authors of the article analyze provisions of the multilateral tax instrument within the BEPS plan and official sources of foreign competent authorities explaining positions of these countries regarding the multilateral tax instrument within the BEPS plan. The results of the first part of the research demonstrate that the multilateral tax instrument within the BEPS plan is still far from achieving the goals of international 'tax cooperation' and some key countries prefer not to implement certain provisions of the multilateral tax instrument within the BEPS plan in their double tax treaties based on particularities of their own tax policies. The second part of the research is focused on analyzing the role and position of the Russian Federation regarding the multilateral tax instrument within the BEPS plan. Based on the analysis of Russia's laws, other legal sources and the experience of the foreign states analyzed in the first part of the research, the authors underline provisions of the multilateral tax instrument within the BEPS plan that Russia is not ready to implement in double tax treaties yet. In the third part of the research the authors analyze a new double tax treaty between the Russian Federation and Japan that fully comply with Action 15 of the BEPS plan and multilateral instrument within the BEPS plan, however, they underline that it also has the problems described in the second part of the research. In the third part of their research the authors focus on the features of the mutual agreement procedure within the framework of the aforesaid double tax treaty. Based on their analysis, the authors have discovered a pressing need to reform the mutual agreement procedure and offer their recommendations on how to do it.
corresponding adjustments, Russian Federation, tax treaty abuse, permanent establishment, double tax treaties, OECD model tax convention, mutual agreement procedure, multilateral tax instrument within the BEPS plan, BEPS plan, tax system
Loginova, T.A., Semkina, T.I. (2017). Theoretical Arguments in Favor of Putting Changes to Patent Tax System. Taxes and Taxation, 10, 45–54.
The object of the research is the system of taxation for individual entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation. The subject of the research is the patent system of taxation as one of the types of deemed tax regimes. The authors pay special attention to comparing this special regime with other tax regimes in Russia, namely unified tax on imputed income and common system of taxation. Unified tax on imputed income does not base on real income of the taxpayer, while common tax is calculated based on real income. As result of comparative analysis, the authors discover pros and cons of mechanisms of collecting taxes under three above-mentioned options of tax regimes. Analysis shows that there are significant tax benefits in patent tax system, including simplified tax accounting and reporting, tax benefits on social contributions, while positive economic impact from this system in form of tax revenues, taxpayers reporting, types of activities covered is not significant yet. This proves the need to modernize this system.
tax rate, fixed income, social contributions, business activities, taxation of income, individual entrepreneurs, imputed income, common tax system, patent tax system, patent
Loginova, T.A. (2017). Current Issues in Property Taxation. Taxes and Taxation, 10, 55–66.
The object of the research is taxation of immovable property based on cadaster value. The subject of the research is the mechanism of lowering tax burden on citizens resulting from shift to calculating tax liabilities based on cadaster value. In her article Loginova analyzes court cases about setting cadaster value of immovable property. As result of such analysis she discovers that problems with accounting and valuation of immovable property is the key factor of forming indebtedness for personal property tax. Problems of property registration and problems with regulations and legislation lead to ineffective tax administration, which occasionally lead to budget revenue loss. The author particularly focuses on problems arising in the process of distributing tax burden of personal property tax. This research is based on analysis of statistical information. The author has used following methods: observation, comparison, measuring, and modelling. Results of the research are represented in forms of description, technical writing, tables and graphs. As a result of analysis of taxable objects and tax base volume the author has found that imperfection of accounting and valuation of property negatively effects growth of tax revenue. The author has also found that current mechanism of applying personal property tax deductions leads to inequitable and unfair distribution of tax burden. Applying tax deductions leads to growth of dependence of effective tax rate from size of property rather than from cadaster value. The author makes certain suggestions on how to develop the mechanism of property taxation based on cadaster value. She has also developed and proposed the mechanism of setting tax rate of personal property tax.
taxpayers, principles of taxation, tax rate, object of taxation, tax base, cadastral value, taxation of immovable property, tax burden, tax deduction, tax indebtedness
Frumina, S.V. (2017). Tax Incentives for Developing Small and Medium Business in the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 10, 67–75.
The subject of the research is the revenues that come into the budget system as a result of applying special tax regimes, in particular, single tax on imputed income. The object of the research is the economic relations that arise in the process of distributing financial resources by taxpayers. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as changes in revenues of consolidated budgets of the Russian Federation constituents as a result of abolishment of single tax on imputed income. In her research Frumina emphasizes the need to transfer small and medium business entities to the patent and simplified taxation systems. The methodology of the research is based on application of such methods as induction, deduction, comparative analysis and graphic interpretation of results. The author's contribution to the topic is her idea that there is a need to review budgeting laws and specify the share of single tax payable into budgets of the Russian Federation as a result of applying the simplied taxation method after abolishment of single tax on imputed income.
tax revenues of the budget, taxpayer, imputed income, simplified tax system, special tax regime, small business, tax, tax regulation, tax incentives, budgets of the budgetary system
Krasnov, A.Y. (2017). Special Tax Regimes as Instrument of the Fiscal Policy Aimed at Raising the Economic Growth of the Kyrgyz Republic. Taxes and Taxation, 10, 76–84.
The object of the research is the tax system of the Kyrgyz Republic. The subject of the research is the taxes collectable in terms of special tax regimes and their role in boosting the economic growth of the country. Based on the analysis of special tax regimes and dynamics of small and medium business in the Kyrgyz Republic, the author of the article emphasizes the efficiency of these mechanisms affecting revenues of the state budget as well as the fact that these mechanisms comply with certain taxation principles. The author pays special attention to the encouraging role of special tax regimes in the economic development, in particular, development of the agricultural sector. Within the framework of the present research the author has used general research methods such as analysis, synthesis, description and generalization, comparison and grouping. In his research Krasnov has defined particularities of special tax regimes applied in the Kyrgyz Republic, in particular, the prevailing role of voluntary patents. He has also stated that implementation of special tax regimes has both positive and negative sides. In particular, despite the fact that administration and control over implementation of these tax regimes are rather simple, they still lead to the breach of the presumption of good faith. Moreover, the need to apply for patents causes discrimination of economic entities by depriving them of the right to choose another taxation method. The results of the research can be used as instruments for further researches as well as in the process of improving special tax regimes. Based on the analysis of statistical data, the author of the research has described the main particularities of the tax policy being implemented in the Kyrgyz Republic.
small enterprises, individual entrepreneurs, tax contract, voluntary patent, binding patent, single tax, minimum tax, imputed tax, special tax regimes, fiscal policy