Chesnokova L.A., Yashina N.I. (2016). Creation of Algorithm of Distribution of Taxes in the Budgetary System. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 300–316.
The subject of the research is the possibility of application of quantitative indices for definition of criteria of differentiation of taxes depending on levels of the budgetary system and the algorithm of calculation of these indicators. The main purpose of the research is to develop unified quantitative criteria for distribution of taxes according to levels of the budgetary system. To fulfill the purpose, the following problems have been solved: 1) possible algorithm of calculation of similar criteria has been defined, 2) the systems of the auxiliary indicators have been developed, 3) the algorithm has been verified based on the sample data, 4) the system of indicators has been corrected according to the results of their verification. The authors develop the system of indicators for quantitative reflection of criteria of redistribution of taxes between regional and federal budget levels. The developed algorithm is checked on the basis of 22 randomly chosen territorial constituents of the Russian Federation for income tax. The criterion of mobility of tax base receives quantitative interpretation during research. The received values of coefficients are estimated from the point of view of statistical norms. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors provide the qualitative interpretation of the criteria of the tax base mobility based on which profit tax revenues are distributed between federal and regional levels of the Russian Federation budget. It is concluded that theoretical criteria of distribution of taxes can be expressed through quantitative indexes. Indicators are used for percentage differentiation of taxes according to budget levels. This approach allows to distribute tax income between constituents of the Russian Federation most effectively taking into account their economic and territorial features. The priority of absolute values over the relative values on the first stages of calculation of indicators is revealed.
mobility, tax, budget, distribution of taxes, disbalance, variation coefficient, algorithm, Russian Federation constituents, tax benefits, profits tax
Tax administration
Efremova T.A., Ivanova I.A. (2016). Assessment of Efficiency of the Tax Administration Through Econometric Modeling. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 317–324.
Tax revenues are the main source of state revenue, the magnitude of which depends on the performance of all of its directorates - social, economic, military, defense, law enforcement, on the development of fundamental science and others. Completeness and timeliness of tax revenue is intended to enable the tax administration - management of tax relations by the state. Predicting the dynamics of tax revenues to the state budget is a prerequisite for stable development of the state. For this widely used economic and statistical modeling techniques. The article discusses the correlation and regression modeling depending on the level of tax revenues from the efficiency of the tax administration. The main purpose of multiple regression is to build a model with a large number of factors, determining at the same time the influence of each of them separately, as well as their impact on the cumulative simulated index. The factors that provide the formation of tax revenue with the most influence are discussed. The study of the nature and the modeled relationship between factors and effective indicator, allowed to select and justify the two mathematical regression equations (linear and degree), based on three variables: the value of actual repayment of debt; coverage of taxpayers' field tax audit; reduced the amount of tax payments, as a result of tax audits.Comparison of equations with each other on the criteria of significance (t-statistic indicators for the regression parameters, determination coefficient, multiple correlation coefficient, Fisher test) allowed to define some of them, which most accurately expresses the essence of the study of dependence. It was recommended for the study and forecasting of tax revenues to the budgetary system.
multicollinearity, regression equation, correlation, econometric modeling, taxes, tax administration, determination, efficiency, productivity, budget revenues
Tax administration
Sazanov O.V., Akhmetshin E.M. (2016). "Horizontal" Monitoring in Practice as An Alternative Form of Tax Control. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 325–332.
The subject of the research is the analysis of the conditions of application of a new mechanism of tax control, monitoring of the tax, to contemporary tax relations . The object of the research is the relationship between public authorities and taxpayers in the process of implementing monitoring measures within the framework of the current tax system in Russia. It is known that one of the main functions of taxes as an economic category is the control function. This function is being implemented through various forms of tax control such as state tax accounting, in-house and on site audits and other forms and types of control, authority to conduct which is fixed in position on the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Since the beginning of this year in the sphere of practical application to the previously existing forms of tax control, introduced alternative form - tax monitoring.The author examines in detail the cost-effectiveness of existing forms of tax control, the impact on taxpayers, as well as aspects of the readiness for dialogue tax authorities and taxpayers in terms of voluntary open interaction to pay taxes instead of the non-use of repressive measures.Special attention is given to consideration of closing conditions to conduct monitoring of the tax agreements, prospects for its implementation and the extent of the possible effects on the existing tax legal system in the country.The methodological basis of the research is the dialectic method of knowledge, systems approach to the analysis of the considered facts and the phenomena. The research is based on application of methods of the structural functional and statistical analysis. The specified methods are used in various combinations. It promoted ensuring reliability of the drawing conclusions.Scientific novelty of the article consists in need of consideration of questions of practical use of rather new tools for control practice of tax authorities of Russia – tax monitoring. The analysis of its provisions will allow coming to consideration of a question of change of a paradigm of tax legal relationship from "vertical" model to formation confidential and partnership between government bodies and taxpayers. Besides, result of tax monitoring is expected to increase the efficiency of administration of taxes and fees through labor and financial resources reduction.
tax monitoring, reasoned opinion, mutual agreement procedure, horizontal monitoring, major taxpayer, tax agency, in-house tax audit, on site tax audit, tax control, tax
Orobinskaya I.V., Gashenko I.V. (2016). Mechanism of Implementation of the Regulatory Function of Taxes For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 333–341.
The subject of the study is the financial relations arising between taxpayers, small and medium-sized businesses, and tax authorities, represented by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, regarding the calculation and payment of tax payments in connection with application of special tax regimes. The object of the research is taxation and tax regulation of small and medium-sized businesses by the means of the mechanism of special tax treatment, in the forms of Simplified Tax System, Single Tax on Imputed Income, Single Agricultural Tax and the patent system of taxation. The methodological basis of the research involves fundamental concepts presented in the works of Russian and foreign scientists, legislative and regulatory acts of statel authorities, federal laws, decrees of the President and the RF Government Decree, materials of scientific and practical conferences on issues of taxation of small and medium-sized businesses. The authors have used the abstract logic, monographic, statistical, economic and other methods of economic research. The main findings of the research is the substantiation of tax instruments that realize the regulatory function of taxes in relation to the well-defined segment of the economy. Within the framework of the present research the aforesaid tool is the application of special tax regimes for of small-and medium-sized business entities. The importance of special tax regimes is tremendous at the present moment due to the unstable economic situation in the world and global crisis which have an impact on the Russian Federation as well.
Single Agricultural Tax, Single Tax on Imputed Income, Simplified Tax System, tax burden, taxes payable, tax revenues, special tax regimes, taxation, small business, tax functions
Maslova I.N., Ulez'ko O.V. (2016). Assessment of Efficiency of Special Tax Regimes in the Voronezh Region. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 342–350.
The subject (and the object) of the research is the efficiency of application of special tax regimes. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as assessing efficiency of special tax regimes which is an important element of the monitoring of tax benefits and a current priority. Considering that revenues from special tax regimes come to the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation constituents, analysis of their efficiency should be carried out at the federal level in order to evaluate the regulative and fiscal functions of tax regimes. Special attention is paid to analysis of the fiscal and incentive function special tax regimes based on the example of the Voronezh Region. Using econometric methods, the authors of the article analyze dynamics of revenues from special tax regimes, number of taxpayers and tax base when applying special tax regimes at the regional level based on the example of the consolidated budget of the Voronezh Region. The research also provides the results of assessing efficiency of special tax regimes in the Russian Federation and Voronezh Region according to the final data of tax revenues over the period since 2012 till 2014. The authors conclude that there is a need to improve indicators of efficiency of special tax regimes. In this regard, the authors suggest to include such indicators as the number of employees and gross product according to current prices into Forms 5-ESKH (Single Agricultural Tax), 5-USN (Simplified Tax System) and 1-NM ('On Calculation and Receipt of Taxes, Levies and Other Mandatory Payments into the Budget System of the Russian Federation). In addition, the authors emphasize the need to develop the system of the indicators of statistical tax accounts in according with established efficiency indicators for special tax regimes that would reflect compensative and drop-out tax revenues.
tax base, tax payments, gross domestic product, taxes, special tax regimes, Voronezh Region, fiscal function of tax, taxation of small business, small business, tax administration
Roshchupkina V.V. (2016). Evolution of the Profit Taxation in the Russian Federation . Taxes and Taxation, 4, 351–358.
The subject of the research is the analysis of the evolution of the profit taxation in the Russian Federation including development of the state legislative basis. The purpose of the research is to define regular patterns of state regulation of profits made by economic entities at different stages of the development of the national economy including periods of the economic growth and crisis. The results of the research are the description of the role of corporate profit tax in the pumping up the budgets of all levels, critical analysis of the legislative basis for the aforesaid tax, stressing out debatable points in administration of the given tax and determination of alternative opportunities of tax regulation. The main research method used by the author is the monographic method based on the comparative anaylsis of the legislative basis. The importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research can be applied by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to the process of tax regulation and creation of regulatory documents dealing with the issues of taxation of corporate profits. Results of the analysis of the theories of taxation from the point of view of the conceptual provisions of the economic development allow to make certain conclusions about evoluation of the profit taxation in the Russian Federation. Development of the legislative basis implies renovation of the analytical technology which, in its turn, allows to establish the most efficient instruments of profit taxation for economic entities under the conditions of the economic crisis of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the author assumes that creation of the efficient system of profits taxation would allow, on the one hand, improve the mechanism of the risk-oriented tax administration and develop effective basis of taxation, and to offer regulation models that would satisfy requirements of the modern economic situation, on the other hand.
profit, tax base, budget, tax benefit, tax system, tax period, tax holidays, tax rate, tax policy, evolution
Lukashova I.V. (2016). Principles of Taxation of Residential Property. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 359–363.
The object of the present research is the taxation of residential property. The subject of the research is the principles of taxation. The author of the article examines the principles of real property taxation according to the world theory and practice and then applies these principles to taxation of residential property critically re-evaluating each of them. The researcher underlines that the status of residential property illustrated by the purpose of use, high significance and social sensibility thereof sets requirements for the aforesaid principles which are not identical to the general principles of taxation. The methodology of the research is based on the analysis of the theoretical works written by contemporary scientists who study the issues of property taxation as well as effective legislative documents regulating taxation of residential property in post-Soviet countries and generalization and systematization of data. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author describes and systematizes the pricniples taxation of residential property should be based on as a complex and socially important phenomenon. The author's special contribution to the topic is the substantiation of the limited scope of application of the elements of market pricing when calculating taxable price of a piece of residential property and assessing the need to provide tax benefits not only for pieces of residential property but also to owners with special social status.
principles of taxation, residential property, mass assessment, market value, modeling taxes, price factors, tax benefits, social sensibility, variable tax rate, tax progressivity