Balaeva D.A., Dzarasova A.K. (2015). The Analysis of the Effectiveness of Tax Incentives as Part of Taxation Mechanism. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 649–654.
The subject of this study is the analysis of the use of tax incentives as part of taxation mechanism. The object of the research is the analysis of the effectiveness of tax incentives. The authors of the article describe different aspects of the mechanism of tax benefits aand the influence of such mechanism on both a taxpayer and tax revenues into the budgets of all levels. The authors demonstrate that it is necessary to apply a balanced approach when using this tool of taxation policy. According to the authors, this tool can be used by a taxpayer to benefit from using unjustified benefits and to violate competitive conditions. The research methodology is based on the systems approach and mathematical and statistical methods. The research of the effectiveness of tax incentives as part of taxation mechanism is based on empirical and theoretical methods. The main conclusion of the research is the author's position about the nature of tax benefits, in accordance with which they should be clear and understandable for taxpayers to avoid and prevent ambiguous interpretation. According to the author, defective mechanisms for granting particular tax benefits lead to their inefficient use. Special contribution to the research theme is the analysis of the effectiveness of tax incentives as part of taxation mechanism.
tax expenditures, tax incentives, analysis of effectiveness, performance criteria, implementation progress, evaluation criteria, tax report, tax revenues, stimulating value, principles of taxation
Aliev B.Kh., Somoev R.G., Kravtsova N.I., Suleymanov M.M. (2015). The Role of Fiscal Federalism in Reducing Interterritorial Differentiation of Regions. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 655–664.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of fiscal federalism in reducing interterritorial differentiation of regions. The authors make a conclusion that the applicable system of allocation of taxes between different budget levels is irrational. They reasonably conclud that a significant centralization of tax revenues at the federal level increases interterritorial differentiation of regions, reduces sufficient incentives to develop their own revenue base and increases the volumes of incoming financial flows between the regions and federal authorities as well as between municipal units and regions. Based on the system approach and with the help of the SWOT analysis the authors describe the features of the current system of allocation of taxes between budgets of different levels in the Russian Federation. As a result of the research carried out, the authors reveal the defects of the current Russian taxation system. They make a reasoned conclusion that the defects of the Russian model of fiscal federalism is largely due to the lack of a comprehensive approach to developing the taxation system. Moreover, not all complex relations between participants of social relations arising in the process of imposing and paying taxes are taken into consideratin. The lack of an integrated approach to the establishment of the Russian taxation system exacerbates the economic and social contradictions, outflow of capital abroad and development of the shadow economy.
fiscal capacity, fiscal federalism, taxation system, interterritorial imbalances, differentiation, reduction, intergovernmental relations, budget control, centralization of revenues, efficiency
Chesnokova L.A., Yashina N.I. (2015). The Allocation of Tax Between the Federal and Regional Budgets on the Basis of Variation Coefficient. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 665–673.
Taxes are the main source of budgeting at all levels. The efficient tax allocation mechanism is that makes the budgeting system stable. At the present time allocation of taxes between budget levels is made on the basis of the theoretical criteria that don't have a practical justification. Such approach doesn't consider territorial or economic features of the Russian Federation constituents and therefore needs to be improved. The authors of the present article suggest that we should use variation coefficients as a threshold coefficient to differentiate receipts of tax between federal and regional budgets. The purpose of the research is to develop the system of indicators that will give the most accurate calculating of the variation of the time series for all indicators for each region of the Russian Federation. The methodological basis of the calculation presented in this article includes statistical formulas and axioms. In their research the authors have used the methods of analysis and forming groups of tax and statistical data for different regions of the Russian Federation. The main result of the research is the algorithm of the profit tax allocation developed by the authors for the Belgorod Region. Based on this algorithm, variation coefficients for each of the given 12 indicators have been calculated. According to the calculations, income tax can be attributed to the two levels of the budget. The percentage allocation of the tax is planned to be performed on the basis of the theory of weighted coefficient distribution.
corporate income tax, variation, uniformity, distribution, budget, indicator, tax base, algorithm, region, tax
Aguzarova F.S. (2015). On Strengthening the Role of Regional Taxes in the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 674–679.
In her article Aguzarova examines the possibility of enhancing the role of regional taxes as well as relevant changes in the Russian tax legislation. She emphasizes that the regional taxes should be the main and stable source of regional budget revenues. The analysis carried out in this research has allowed to define a minor role of taxes under research. To enhance their role it is advisable to improve the tax legislation of the Russian Federation. Unstable applicable laws on taxes and dues have a negative effect on the entire tax system. Therefore there is an urgent need to improve the tax laws, and this can be done only through cooperation with the tax authorities. When writing this research article, the author has used economic research methods such as the method of synthesis and analysis, the comparative method, and others. The scientific novelty of the research is reflected in the author's proposals on strengthening the role of regional taxes in the Russian Federation. It is proposed to create a stable legislation on taxes and duties taking into account the interests of both the state and taxpayers. For the present time annual changes still reflect a minor role of regional taxes in the system of budget revenues of the Russian Federation constituents.
regional taxes, motor vehicle tax, property tax, gambling, gambling area, vehicles, regional budget, tax revenues, cadastral value, regional legislation
P'yanova M.V. (2015). The Role of Corporate Property Taxation in Provision of Social Support for Citizens. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 680–688.
In her article Pyanova analyzes social benefits on corporate property tax as a mean of social support of citizens in the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis of the the two groups of regions, the researcher concludes that corporate property taxation involves extensive and sometimes unjustified implementation of social benefits. Moreover, there is a general trend towards reduction of the quantity of taxpayers who uses social benefits on corporate property tax. Thus, Russia faces the need to monitor the use of tax benefits and exemptions through assessing their efficiency and effectiveness. With the help of the methods of description and generalization, the researcher has discovered particular causes of the low efficiency and effectiveness of social benefits on corporate property tax. To analyze the frequency of such benefits, the researcher has used the methods comparison, statistical data analysis, graphic presentation of data and author's calculations. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) The result of the implementation of social benefits on corporate property tax is the reduction of the tax burden accompanied with the need to spend savings on socially important goals. 2) At the present time there is no unified regulation of the Russian Federation to assess effectiveness and efficiency of implemented social benefits granted to organizations, the major part of the regions under review do not conduct such assessment at all. 3) Beneficiary regions are less interested in implementing autonomous fiscal policy, in particular, social support of their citizens, compared to non-beneficiary regions. A number of the Russian Federation constituents do not grant property tax benefits locally. 4) Current social benefits on corporate property tax are inefficient and ineffective. 5) The defective mechanism for computation of corporate property tax creates uncertainty and complicates the performance of a social function of this tax.
assessment of efficiency, efficiency of benefits, social benefits, property taxation, efficiency of tax advantages, tax advantages, tax benefits, social support, social function of taxes, reduction of tax burden, social sphere, social services
Zholobova G.A. (2015). The Mechanism for Legal Regulation of Private Alcoholic Drinks Trade Under the Conditions of State Wine Monopoly in Russia at the Turn of the XIXth - XXth Centuries. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 689–709.
The object of the present research is the process of deliberate and effective influence of the Russian government on private (non-state) relations in the sphere of alcohlic drinks trade as well as on behaviour of participants by using legal measures. The subject of the research is the integral system of successively arranged legal measures regulating the alcoholic trade during that period in Russia. Special attention is paid to the targets and means of legal regulation of the aforesaid relations. Over the last decade the discussion of state policy projects in the sphere of production and turnover of alcoholic drinks and creation of a healthy lifestyle of Russians have intensified; the process of optimization of the legislation regulating this sphere of the public relations has become more active. The analysis of the history of legal domestic mechanism regulating the alcoholic trade at the end of the XIXth and at the beginning of the XXth centuries is very important for creating a modern concept of state regulation of alcohol turnover in Russia. During that time period the alcohol production and sale made up the essential part of state revenues and the government was interested in the increase of alcoholic tax; the government was also concerned by the fact that illegal production and trade led to the considerable shortage of state benefits. Admittedly, it was necessary to govern regulations of alcohol trade. On the other hand, its regulation was also caused by moral and medical reasons, because the development of alcohol-distillation and alcohol trade had been always closely connected with the problem of alcoholization of the population. That topic was widely covered in the economic and historical literature, mainly with the aim to increase state revenues and counteract to the alcoholization of the population. However, the experience of legal regulation of private trade has not been practically researched. The main contribution made by the author to the research of the aforesaid topic is the analysis of the acts of the Russian Empire at the turn of the XIXth and the XXth centuries and materials of the Ministry of Finance. Based on the results of this analysis, the author reviews the domestic retrospective of the mechanisms of legal regulation of alcoholic drinks trade under the conditions of state wine monopoly, describes the steps to solve state tasks existing in this sphere, and analyses the results.
tavern, shop, cellar, supervision, trade, alcoholic drinks, alcohol, state, monopoly, law, wine, beer, excise tax, vodka
Palagina T.V. (2015). Investment Tax Incentives in the Industrial Sector of the Economy in the Kyrgyz Republic. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 710–715.
The subject of the present research is the tax incentives for investment activity because it is a crucial task to increase investment and innovation activities as the main factor of the economic growth. In this research Palagina analyzes the mechanisms of investment tax incentives such as tax exemptions, deductions, rebates and prolongation of a tax payment due date in order to encourage investment behaviour of economic entities. Invstment tax credicts allow to accelerate the process of developing proprietary financial resources out of internal sources as well as to foster the growth of a corporate's net cash flow. Reinvestment of these assets guarantees a timely renewal of fixed assets. The researcher also analyzes the experience of foreign states, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federatrion and the Republic of Kazakhstan in implementation of tax benefits to encourage investment activity. The main conclusion of the research is that there is a need to improve the tax law of Kyrgyzstan and involve accelerating amortization factors and investment tax credits. According to the author, these benefits should be granted to industrial establishments that invest in innovative resource saving and energy efficient equipment considering that such investments start to play an important role in the economy of Kyrgystan.
tax benefits, tax credits, tax incentives, investments, tax credit, accelerated amortization, bonus depreciation, depreciation policy, amortization policy, fixed assets, fiscal policy, renewal of fixed assets
Nosova E.S. (2015). The Impact of the Court of Justice Decisions on the Development of the European Tax Law. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 716–724.
The object of the study is the degree of influence of the EU Court of Justice decisions on the establishment and development of European tax law. The subject of the research is EU tax law and court cases brought to the European Court of Justice as well as the opinion of authoritative scholars in the field of tax law. In particular, the author considers the Avoir Fiscal, Royal Bank of Scotland v Greece, Daily Mail, Marleasing SA v La Comercial International de Alimentacion cases to understand the role played by the EU Court of Justice decisions in the establishment and development of European tax law. Particular attention is paid to the concept of "judicial activism." The methodological basis for the research involves the methods of systems, logical and comparative legal analysis. The author, taking into account the opinions and criticism of authoritative international scholars on this subject, gives his opinion on the validity of claims and criticism on the theme of the Court of Justice empowerment and its judicial activism in the tax and financial spheres. The scientific and practical novelty of the research results is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the impact of the theoretical foundations of the Court of Justice case law on the establishment and development of European tax law and defines the concept of "judicial activism". According to the author, this is a rather understudied topic despite the fact that the sufficient amount of works over decisions of the European Court of Justice and tax law has been published, however, very few scientists study the impact of decisions taken by the Court of Justice on the development of EU tax law.
European Union, Court of Justice, rule of law interpretation, EU law principles, tax law, financial law, court practice, freedom of establishment, supremacy of law, direct effect
Savina O.N., Savina E.O. (2015). Current Issues of Improving the Legal and Regulatory Framework to Encourage Investment in the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 725–739.
The authors of the article analyse the existing mechanisms to improve the efficiency of investment projects based on the case study of value-added tax and corporate profit tax. The research covers such taxes as value-added tax (sales tax) and corporate profit tax as well as the impact of depreciation on investment promotion. Attention is also given to specific measures to improve investment opportunities of enterprises. The authors also describe specific legislative measures to stimulate the investment attractiveness of enterprises and their development. In their research the authors have used traditional research methods of analysis and synthesis as well as chronological analysis. The authors carry out the chronological study of the modification of tax legislation and offer innovations to be undertaken in the sphere of tax legislation in order to increase investment activity of entrepreneurs. The authors have shared their point of view regarding the introduction of sales tax, lower VAT rates and distribution of tax according to the levels of the budget system as well as changes in depreciation policies of enterprises and loss recognition procedures. They have also made suggestions on how to boost financial autonomy in Russian regions, etc. The authors believe that the improvement of the tax mechanism will cause a limited impact if we do not link tax reforms to budget policy. Thus, the authors of the article propose particular steps to increase investment activity by improving the regulatory and legal framework. According to the authors, these measures will provide an opportunity to raise additional revenues into the Russian Federation budget.
investment, investment activity, VAT, profit tax, investments, tax regulation, investment allowance, tax tools, depreciation, topical questions