N. A. Chistova, O. I. Kozhanchikov (2015). Prospects of Development of the Patent Taxation System in the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 4–12.
The article analyzes the existing federal and regional legislation in the sphere of application
of such special tax regimes as a single imputed income tax and the patent system of taxation; identifies
positive and negative aspects of their practical application; studies the dynamics in tax revenues from
the payment of the single tax under UTII and cost of patents when applying the Patent Taxation System
(PTS) and the previous patent-based Simplified Tax System; examines statistics reports on the number
of taxpayers applying the special tax regimes. Analysis of the legislation revealed contradictions in the
existing legal acts regulating the use of PTS, and examination of the statistical data showed the economic
inefficiency of the applied special tax regime. It is concluded that the existing patent taxation system
should be reformed. The author suggests an optimal solution to problems identified during the analysis
of the legislation; substantiates the proposed changes and predicts projected revenues of the consolidated
budget of the Russian Federation if of suggested improvements are implementation.
tax incentives, small and medium business, special tax regimes, patent taxation system, restrictions on the use, annual revenue, number of employees, double taxation, budget revenues, development prospects.
A. V. Milyaev (2015). Review of Major Changes in the Tax Legislation of Russia in 2014. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 13–25.
Since the beginning of the year 2014, a number of important changes — the order of payment
and collection of taxes and fees, off-site tax audits, tax prosecution– were introduced in the tax
legislation. Some changes are connected with calculation and payment of specific taxes: VAT, personal
income tax, excise tax, transport tax, property tax, and special tax regimes. The changes that took effect
from mid-2014 include: new procedure for informing about the opening and closing of accounts with
credit institutions; payment of property tax by entities applying the special tax regime of the single tax
on the imputed income; new procedure for registration of organizations. The methodological basis of
the study encompasses federal laws and legal acts of public authorities, elucidatory letters on tax changes
in 2014 of the Ministry of Finance and FTS of Russia. The study uses methods of comparison, compilation, analysis and synthesis, as well as other methods. The conducted analysis makes it possible to outline
forms and areas of reform in the tax control and administration in Russia. Also, the study describes
the calculation and payment of basic Russian taxes in the current and short-term period. The obtained
results can be used by accountants, auditors and other professionals dealing with taxation issues in their
everyday business practice.
VAT, personal income tax, property tax deduction, transport tax, excise tax, property tax, special tax regimes, tax audit, tax declaration tax liability
D. A. Balayeva (2015). Some Problems with the Excise Tax in the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 26–31.
The article focuses on excise taxes and the existing mechanism of their application. Excise
taxes are an important factor in the country’s economy and its social sphere. Therefore, the improvements
in excise taxation are highly relevant. The author considers such issues as the impact of excise
duty on certain processes in the economic and social spheres of the society as well as ways to improve it.
Special attention is paid to the study of state tax policy in the field of excise taxation. The state tax policy
pursues primarily the fiscal objective, i. e. to provide stable revenues to the state budget. However, the
experience shows that the excise tax accounting for a significant part of the price influences processes
of production and consumption of excisable goods, thereby it becomes a certain regulator of economic
and social processes. In this context, the study of the excise taxes is highly relevant. To examine the practice
of levying excise taxes, the work uses the methods of analysis and synthesis, positive and normative
analysis, and logical method. The author’s contribution in the field of excise taxes consists in revising
the registry of excisable products, establishing a different allocation of liability for the payment of excise
duty between all participants of the production process. Also, the study points out that ultrahigh excise
rates results in the consumption of low-quality alcohol, and consequently, negatively affects the health
of citizens of the Russian Federation. In conclusion, the author proposes to amend the regulations pertaining
to calculating and levying excise taxes.
excise taxes, excisable goods, excise tax levying mechanism, practice of excise taxation, excise tax payers, tax policy, alcohol market, legalization of business tax proceedings, mechanism of excise tax payment.
S. N. Shalyaev, O. S. Shalyaeva (2015). The Role of VAT in Reducing the Budget Deficit. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 32–38.
To date, the VAT is a major part of tax revenues in 136 countries and it accounts for approximately
25% of global tax revenues. In Russia, the VAT amounts to about a quarter of the Russia’s federal
budget (or 5.3% of GDP). However, the VAT is not only a budget revenue generating tax but also the
shadiest one. To date, the largest share of the shadow economy is connected to the VAT. The countries
belonging to the OECD annually assess the budgetary losses resulting from low VAT revenues. The
amount of budgetary losses due to low VAT revenues is calculated by comparing the amount of theoretical
tax receipts estimated on the basis of macroeconomic indicators to the total national expenditure
subject to VAT. The calculation of the tax gap on the basis of macroeconomic indicators allows to determine
most accurately the budget shortfall caused by VAT revenues. This technique has several important
advantages against other techniques. First, it is easy to calculate it from the available data, and second,
it provides a clearly normative reference point, i. e. the uniform VAT imposed on all final consumption.
VAT, budget, tax gap, economy, income, administration, indirect taxes, coefficient, shortfall, efficiency.
Tax administration
E. V. Nadtochy (2015). The Russian Federal Tax Service Introduces the Principle of Openness of Federal Executive Bodies. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 39–43.
The research addresses financial relations arising in interaction between the tax authorities
and taxpayers. In the conditions of transition of developed countries to open management of public
resources including tax area via the use of IT, Russia should establish a modern ICT infrastructure
offering a high level of service and open interaction in the tax relations area. The article examines the
objectives of implementing openness in the activities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and the
main ways to achieve them. It outlines the steps for system transition to an open management of all
federal executive bodies. The methodological basis of the study involves regulations and statistics
in the field of taxation. The research applies the methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction and
induction. Statistical data analysis shows that in the framework of openness of the federal executive
bodies it is necessary to introduce in the tax law the concept of “Taxpayer’s personal account” and
assign to it the status of an official “soundlink” between the taxpayer and the tax authority. This will
greatly reduce the time and labor costs of taxpayers to interact with the tax authorities; cut costs of
processing and analysis of documents and information received from taxpayers; ensure a high quality
of the tax services.
openness, objectives, principles, taxpayers, tax authorities, taxpayer’s personal account, public resources, organization issues, tax law, tax interaction.
Tax administration
Irina V. Gashenko (2015). Tax Regulation of Agribusiness in Russia: Essence, Principles and Peculiarities. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 44–51.
The study investigates into economic relations arising in the process of taxation of agricultural
producers. The object of study is the tax regulation of agricultural enterprises. The development
of agro-industrial complex — the backbone of the economy — is one of the state policy priorities to
ensure food security and promote rural development. These factors show that to develop agricultural
sectors there is a need to enhance indirect methods of the state influence including tax tools. However,
the existing tax regulation in agribusiness fails to adequately implement all the functions assigned
to it and does not take into consideration the peculiarities of agricultural industry. Methodologically,
the research is based on fundamental concepts described in the works of Russian and foreign scholars,
legislative and regulatory acts of public authorities, federal laws, decrees of the President and the RF
Government Regulations, materials of scientific conferences addressing issues of agricultural producers’
taxation. The research applies abstract logic, monographic, statistical and economic methods as
well as other methods of economic research. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it gives the
author’s own definition of “tax regulation”. In the author’s view “tax regulation” implies that the state
should create an enabling environment for sustainable business development in the agricultural sector,
reduce the overall level of taxation, and establish various special tax benefits thereby increasing investment
and economic attractiveness of the industry. Also, the study identifies and substantiates the basic
principles of tax regulation in the agricultural sector.
taxation, agribusiness, tax regulation, agricultural producer, tax benefits, taxation principles, agricultural tax, the tax burden, tax policy, tax functions.
Irina V. Orobinskaya, Irina V. Gashenko (2015). The Theoretical and Methodological Support for Priority Areas of Control of the Tax Obligations
Fulfillment by Agricultural Producers. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 52–64.
The study focuses on economic relations arising in the process of control over the execution
of tax obligations by agricultural producers in Russia. The control over execution of tax obligations by
agricultural producers in Russia is a complex system of interconnected and interdependent elements
between the taxpayer — agricultural producer — and the state and it is based on the convergence of tax
functions and elasticity of the tax system. In authors’ opinion the most effective methods of monitoring
the fulfillment of tax obligations by agricultural producers should include cross-audit and mutual control
method where several documents reflecting the same or interconnected operations are examined.
Thus, there are many different methods of tax control but it is necessary to keep improving theoretical
and methodological support for the priority areas of control over the fulfillment of tax obligations by
agricultural producers taking into consideration specific features of the industry, namely the seasonality
of production, dependence on weather, specialization and specific features of the means of production.
The methodological basis of the study includes fundamental concepts disclosed in the works of domestic
and foreign scholars, legislative and regulatory acts of state authorities, federal laws, decrees of the President
and RF Government Regulations, materials of scientific and practical conferences on the issues of
taxation of agricultural producers. The work uses an abstract logic, monographic, statistical, economic
and other methods as research tools. It is expedient to identify four factors that potentially impact on
the amount of the tax debt in agriculture, namely the rate of economic growth; number of unprofitable
enterprises in the economy; nominal fiscal burden on enterprises; the share of exports. As mentioned
above, the most important feature of agricultural production which should be taken into account by the
tax system but it is still not reflected in the unified agricultural tax is seasonality of production and mismatching
of the peak expenses time and time of revenues receipts. One of the principles formulated by
A. Smith is the “principle of convenience and proper time of tax collection for the taxpayer.” According
to this principle, each tax should be levied at a time or in a manner that is most likely to be convenient
for the taxpayer. It is a distinguishing feature of the agricultural sector but the inadequacy of the tax
system leads to a steady accumulation of farmers’ debts resulting from penalties and interest, in spite of
frequent write-offs and restructuring. All over the world taxes on agriculture are paid in individual income
tax regime for a year and the payment is made by installments every 3 months.
tax obligation, agricultural producers, tax control, preliminary control, current control, subsequent control, off-site tax inspection, cross-audit, tax debts, unified agricultural tax (UAT) .
D. N. Varfolomeeva, A. A. Bavrin (2015). The Possibility of Introducing VAT for Consolidated Groups of Taxpayers in Russia. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 65–72.
The consolidated group of taxpayers (hereinafter — CGT) is a voluntary association of income
tax payers organizations created on the basis of the agreement on the establishment of CGT in the
manner and under the conditions stipulated by the Tax Code, for the purpose of calculation and payment
of corporate income tax based on the total financial result of economic activities of these taxpayers.
For Russia, the introduction of CGT is a completely new method of payment of the tax, and for the
time being consolidation is applied only to corporate profit tax. The introduction of VAT consolidation
regime is of great importance since the VAT is one of the main sources of the federal budget revenues
in the Russian Federation. But despite all the attempts in this area the VAT consolidation regime is
still not applied. The purpose of this paper is to develop a system for application of the VAT consolidation
regime in Russia. The research project uses the methods of empirical investigation and general
logic methods. The work makes extensive use of the analysis of subject literature and legal documentation.
Also, the research analyzes data on foreign experience regarding the VAT consolidation regime
as well as VAT performance and collection indicators in the Russian Federation. The research provides comparative description of legal systems and federal forms of state system of Russia and Germany and
on this basis the authors demonstrate the possibility of use of the foreign experience to introduce the
VAT consolidation regime in Russia for the consolidated group of taxpayers. The paper describes the
technique of interaction within the group which pays the aggregate VAT. The interaction should provide
the aggregation within VAT of all elements of taxation, and the group will be treated as a single taxpayer.
For illustration purposes, the paper shows the schemes of VAT calculation for CGT, distribution of the
input and output VAT, the VAT aggregate formation for the group of consolidated taxpayers. The paper
gives comparative examples of VAT calculations for CGT and independent organizations. Among the
advantages of the VAT consolidated regime are simplification of the tax calculation and reduced volume
of paperwork. It is concluded that for Russia the VAT consolidated regime can be very efficient in tax
administration and collection.
Consolidated group of taxpayers, VAT, taxation, liable partner, consolidation, financial result, economic activity, profit taxes, federal budget, tax deductions