Gadjieva, K. R. (2014). The Role of Agriculture in the Taxable Capacity of a Region (the Case Study of Dagestan). Taxes and Taxation, 6, 555–561.
The author of the article studies taxable capacities of a region as a reflection of its economic
capacity. The author proves that these two capacities are closely connected. The author also
provides different definitions of the term ‘taxable capacity’ and a general review of taxable capacity
of Dagestan including additional charge of taxes. The researcher also analyzes statistical data provided
by the Dagestan Department of the Federal Tax Service regarding the share of tax payments
from agricultural activities and describes the importance of this branch in the development of the
regional economy. The author offers a classification of different types of economic entities, i.e. taxable
businesses in plant growing. The researcher also emphasizes the importance of the single agricultural
tax as a special taxation treatment for agricultural producers. The author provides a table
of data about the transfer of revenues from this tax into the consolidated budget of the Russian
Federation and analyzes the taxable capacity by using theoretical and practical sources. The author
studies the relation between the two terms, taxable capacity and economic capacity. The data is
presented in a form of a table and accompanied with the author’s commentaries and conclusions.
The article can be of interest in both theory and practice. The author carries out a comprehensive
analysis of the opportunity to increase the taxable capacity of the region and emphasizes the importance
of regional tax payments for the sectoral development and intensive economic growth.
The author makes conclusions about the role of agriculture in increasing the economic capacity of
the region including the author’s analysis of the causes of low indicators of payments made by agricultural
producers into the budget, in particular, singular agricultural tax.
agriculture, agricultural producers, taxable capacity, economic capacity, investment activity, single agricultural tax, regional budget, intensive development, types of economic entities, sectoral structure.
Giraev, V. K. (2014). Analysis of the Influence of Taxes on the Economic Development of Russia. Taxes and Taxation, 6, 562–578.
When establishing the economy based on market relations, it is necessary to take into
account the so-called path dependence (dependence of the development path on the previous development),
i.e. economic, social, political and institutional features of the previous economic development.
The purpose of the research is to analyze and evaluate the influence of taxes on the
economic development of Russia. Theoretical and methodological grounds of the research include
theories of economic growth, laws and regulations and other sources of the state government of
the Russian Federation. After a long economic decay in 1991 — 1998, GDP volumes started to grow
again in Russia and over the period since 1999 till 2008 the average growth rate of GDP achieved
6.9 %. Since 2008 till 2013 economic development of Russia had been generally characterized with
the average growth of GDP by 1.7% per year which was however caused by a favorable external economic environment rather than the development of the industry. In order to define the relation
between the main macroeconomic indicators, the researcher uses statistical research methods that
low to describe peculiarities of the economic growth in Russia over the period since 1996 till 2013.
For this purpose the researcher develops regression models. These models allow to find the correlation
between the number of employed population, average income and GDP in face value; and the
correlation between tax revenues, unprofitability of enterprises and GDP in face value. By analyzing
the influence of particular factors on GDP, the researcher has proved the close relation between
these indictors and the growth of capital investments, average income and tax revenues (corporate
tax, personal income tax, VAT). Therefore, one of the main factors of a long-term economic
growth is capital investments. Taking into account limited financial resources of the government
and companies themselves, these investments should be encouraged through taxation procedures.
In particular, the researcher offers to grant tax rebates for capital investments. According to the
researcher, this would stimulate the economic growth of Russia.
taxes, development pathway, GDP dynamics, tax incentives, VAT, personal income tax, regression models, economic growth, investment tax rebate.
Orobinskaya, I. V. (2014). The Description of Taxable Capacity of Entities in the Agricultural Sector of Russia Based on the
Example of the Central Black Earth Economic Region. Taxes and Taxation, 6, 579–587.
Efficient fulfillment and growth of taxable capacity of an agricultural sector of the Russian
Federation constituents should be viewed an important factor of the dynamic development
of Russian economy. The purpose of the research is to analyze taxable capacity based on the
example of the Central Black Earth Economic Region. Noteworthy that over the past few years
the Russian economy have been demonstrating high rates of growth of the main macroeconomic
indicators which, in its turn, have increased tax revenues into the budget system of the Russian
Federation and have had a positive influence on administration of the consolidated and federal
budgets of the Russian Federation. According to the author, consistent development of taxable
capacities of regions will encourage the growth of their financial independence and increase in
the level of their social and economic growth. The methodological basis of the research consists
of the fundamental concepts represented in works of Russian and foreign scientists, legislative
acts, laws and regulations issued by state authorities, federal law and materials of research and
practical conferences touching upon taxation of entities of Russian agricultural sector. In her research
the author uses abstract-logical, monographic, statistical-economical and other methods
of economic research. Results of the comparative analysis carried out by the author show that
the limiting value of the fiscal burden in the agricultural sector depends not only to the amount
of cumulative taxation but also on industrial productivity and financial status of a company. Industrial
productivity is defined by the volume and structure of expenses, their pay-back period
and profit earned which, in many ways, depend on the scope of activity performed by an entrepreneur.
Consequently, the exemption limit should be defined taking into account the affiliation
of economic entities to a certain branch of industry and associated objective factors such as the
volume and structure of expenses and the rate of capital turnover. Therefore, if we want to encourage
entrepreneurial activity in the agricultural sector it is necessary to achieve the efficient application of tax instruments. When defining the exemption limit it is necessary to take into account
the cumulative fiscal burden and paying capacities of different economic entities.
taxable capacity, agricultural sector, Central Black Earth Economic Region, tax revenues, fiscal capacity, agriculture, taxes payable, VAT, profit (income) tax, single agricultural tax.
Tax administration
Efremova, T. A. (2014). Functions and Methods of Tax Administration: Economic Substance and Application Details. Taxes and Taxation, 6, 588–595.
Being an organizational and managerial system of performing tax relations, tax administration
includes a number of function and methods that are supposed to guarantee tax revenues
into the budget system. At the same time, the terms ‘function of tax administration’ and ‘method
of tax administration’ are often confused in research literature which emphasizes the need for
more concrete definitions of the aforesaid terms and specification of the meaning of each term.
The purpose of the present research article, therefore, is to discover and substantiate the economic
substance of tax administration functions and methods and to discuss their application
features. In her research T. A. Efremova uses the methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction
and induction, comparison, generalization and other research methods. The researcher describes
peculiarities of the basic functions of tax administration such as tax planning and prediction, tax
regulation and tax control. The researcher also defines the purposes and goals of each function
and proves that all these functions are inseparable in the process of tax administration. The researcher
also substantiates the main ways and methods of implementation of all functions while
balancing the interests of both tax authorities and taxpayers.
tax administration, function, method, tax planning, tax prediction, tax regulation, tax control, tax inspections, tax incentives, tax substance.
Tax administration
Nadtochiy, E. V. (2014). Development of Tax Interaction as a Way to Increase the Rating of the ‘Doing Business’ World
Bank. Taxes and Taxation, 6, 596–603.
The subject under research is the financial relations developing in the process of interaction
between tax authorities and taxpayers. The researcher analyzes the status of the Russian
Federation in the rating of the ‘Doing Business’ World Bank. The researcher views the dynamics
of such indicators as ‘Taxation’ and ‘Company Registration’. The researcher proves that the development
of tax interaction in many ways influence the position of a country in the aforesaid World
Bank rating. The researcher describes directions for the development of relations between tax
authorities and taxpayers. E. V. Nadtochiy studies applicable laws regulating tax policy over the
medium term. The methodological basis of the present research is the legislation of the Russian
Federation regarding taxes and levies and statistical data about ratings of the ‘Doing Business’
World Bank. In her research E. V. Nadtochiy uses the methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction
and induction. By analyzing the main directions for the development of tax relations, the author
proves the influence of the latter on the rating of the ‘Doing Business’ World Bank. Improvement
of quality, acceleration and simplification of revenue procedures, improvement of tax accounting
and reporting, elimination of uncertainty, gaps and internal contradictions in tax legislation, creation
of on-line services for submitting applications, appeals, requests and documents for state registration, provision of access to information about budget settlements, tax and levy legislation
and the course of tax interactions are all have a fundamental importance for investments and
development of private business.
Doing Business, rating, policy, administration, interaction, tax authorities, taxpayers, World Bank, indictors, dynamics.
Tax administration
Baykov, P. M., Koroleva, L. P. (2014). Tax Revenues into the Budgets of Urban Districts — Capitals of Finno-Ugrian Self-Governments
in the Volga Federal District: Analysis and Proposals for Extension. Taxes and Taxation, 6, 604–613.
Apart from belonging to the same language group, Finno-Ugrian self-governments of
the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation (the Republic of Mordovia, Mari El and Udmurtia)
are all characterized with negative indicators of the economic and demographic development.
By the level of the average income, salary and other social indicators all three regions
have a rating below average among republics of the Russian Federation and are in a group of
outsiders based on their gross regional product, percentage of poor people among the population
and the income-to-minimum wage ratio. Taking into account the fact that capitals play the
most important role in the regional development, the authors of the present article analyze tax
revenues into their budgets in order to assess the level of their financial capacity and whether
these capitals can actually be the ‘driving force’ in the development of their regions. This is what
makes the analysis of dynamics of tax revenues into the budgets of urban districts — capitals of
Finno-Ugrian self-governments in the Volga Federal District so important today. Based on the
results of the analysis the authors defined a number of tendencies in dynamics of tax revenues at
the analyzed cities including:– the main profitable source of tax revenues is the personal income
tax in all three urban districts; — in all analyzed cities the aggregate income tax (single tax on
imputed income, single agricultural tax and simplified tax) comes second by their volume and
these tax revenues are constantly growing; the relative share of the state tax in the structure of
all tax-based budget revenues is rather low compared to the relative share of other federal taxes
but comparable to the revenues from local taxes;– the land tax has the largest relative share in
the structure of local taxes; and the personal income tax has the minimum share in the structure
of tax revenues in all cities being analyzed. Based on the analysis the authors offer particular
measures aimed at strengthening financial and economic grounds of the local self-government in
the Russian Federation, in particular, to legislatively increase the personal income tax ratio by at
least 10 percent; to legislatively assign the local budget share of income tax ratio in the amount
of at least 2-3 percent; and to legislatively assign the transport tax ratio for local budgets. The
authors also offer directions for the development of the local taxation system.
Volga Federal District, municipal unit, urban unit, budget, tax, budget revenue, tax revenues, deduction ratio, local taxation, region.
Leonova, O. A. (2014). Legal Regulation of the Administrative Foundation (STAK) in the Netherlands. Taxes and Taxation, 6, 614–624.
The subject under review of the present research article is the legal regulation of the
administrative foundation in the Netherlands. The purpose of the research article is to study different types of legal entities in the Netherlands, to consider questions related to the legal regulation
of foundations in Holland, to describe the main principles of the administrative foundation’s
performance, to study the process of issuance and redemption by the administrative foundation,
to analyze the process of taxation of the administrative foundation and to study applicability of a
Holland foundation in actual practice for the purpose of international tax planning. The author of
the article also discusses the benefits of using the administrative foundation in practice. The main
method used by the author when writing the present article was the comparative law method.
The author has also used the methods of analysis, comparison and synthesis. The scientific novelty
of the present research is in the analysis of provisions of the Dutch legislation regulating the
performance of the administrative foundation. This instrument is becoming quite popular and
therefore needs to be studied. Also worth nothing is that there are very few Russian researches
on the matter. The results of the research allow to conclude that STAK is an ideal instrument for
possessing and managing assets in case when a holder of assets needs to stay confidential. Apart
from that, the administrative foundation can be also used for the following purposes: • simplification
of joint-stock companies’ corporate management procedures; • protection against a hostile
take-over; • posthumous transfer of assets; • retention of family business; • encouragement
of employee rights; • usage of a spe cial purpose company in the process of securitization.
foundation, Holland, taxation, legal entity, constitutional document (charter documents), Civil Code, trust, depositary receipt, right of vote, dividends.