Ovcharov, A. O. (2014). Evaluation of Tourist Tax Revenues into the Budget System of the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 467–475.
The article is devoted to the peculiarity of determining the level of tax revenues from
the enterprises of the sphere of tourism. The task is to develop a method of assessment of tourist
tax payments taking into account the specifics of tourism as an economic sphere, in particular,
uncertain sectoral affiliation. On the basis of official forms of the tax reporting, data on tourist
tax revenues into different levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation is systematized.
Complexity and ambiguity of their interpretation is also shown. The author of the article offers
an approach that would allow to accurately describe the level of tax revenues from the sphere of
tourism. In his research the author uses general scientific research methods such as analysis, synthesis,
induction and deduction. In case of data on taxes and levies the author uses a particular
scientific method of statistical summary and grouping. The author proves that uncertain borders
of the tourism sphere do not allow to obtain valid information about volumes and dynamics of
tourist tax revenues. Based on the analysis carried out the author concludes that the Russian legislation
does not provide particular methods that would describe the mechanism of calculating
tax revenues from the tourism sphere. For the first time in scientific literature the author offers
a particular method of assessing the level of tourist tax payments and tax burden. This method
involves determination of groups of economic activity that are directly or indirectly connected
with tourism as well as special factors describing the share of tourism in activities performed by
enterprises in each group.
traveling enterprise, tax revenues, tax burden, economic activities, adjusting factors, tax forms, budget system, statistical data, borders of the tourism sphere, group.
Kirina, L. S. (2014). Overview of Directions for Taxation Policy Improvement in the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 476–489.
As the historical category, taxes are quite natural for all countries at each stage of
development. Moreover, taxes create the financial capacities for the country’s existence and
development. Other sources of state finances are not so steady and cannot support the financial
stability for a long time. In general terms, the combination of all taxes and levies applicable in a
certain country at a particular stage of historical development, taxable entities and tax legislation
is commonly called ‘the taxation system’. In order to manage the taxation system properly,
the government establishes a certain taxation policy. The nature of taxation policy defines the
development of state and society in many spheres. When working on this research article, the
author used the principles of historical, expert, statistical, logical and comparative analysis as
well as the systems approach and methods of graphical interpretation. The main scientific results
defining the novelty of the article may include the following: description of specific features of
‘state taxation policy’, specification and theoretical justification of the role of state taxation policy in financial policy and formation of state taxation systems and description of interaction between
the processes of tax optimization and tax planning that reflect peculiarities of definitions ‘tax
prediction’, ‘tax optimization’ and ‘tax planning’.
taxation policy, tax burden, profit tax, value-added tax, personal income tax, property tax, taxation rate, tax exemption, tax deduction, social tension.
Irizepova, M. Sh., Lomakina, T. P. (2014). Organization of State Taxation Monitoring in Russia. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 490–500.
1. The authors of the present article prove the objective need for organizing the monitoring
system in the Russian taxation practice and provide possible principles of organization of the
system of monitoring of Russia’s taxation system which they call State Taxation Monitoring (STM).
According to the authors, STM has been designed to evaluate the results of the taxation system’s
functioning and planning. The system allows to constantly analyze, systematize, generalize and
evaluate performance of particular elements of the taxation system for the purpose of better understanding
of their development and determination of their real possibilities as well as contradictions
and difficulties interfering with the economic development of the country. According to the
author, this would allow to create the best strategy of development and efficiency improvement
of the overall taxation system. The subject under research is the relation between state legislative
and executive authorities regarding organization and carrying out the state taxation monitoring
aimed at sustainable development of the taxation system. 2. The system of monitoring offered by
the authors includes all stages of the systems analysis as the most efficient method of achieving
major state targets. Systems analysis of the development of the taxation system in Russia is the
best method for developing scenarios of the development of the system. Taxation monitoring allows
to define problems and ways of achieving the best variant of development of the taxation system
and national economy in general. 3. The results of the research are the following: 1) the authors
provide their own definition of the term ‘monitoring of the development of the taxation system’ (or
State Taxation Monitoring — STM); 2) the authors define targets and goals of STM; 3) the authors
define system elements of STM and describe their hierarchical connections and dependences; 4) the
authors offer their classification of STM subjects depending on allocation of their authorities; 5) the
authors also describe the place and role of a special service (department) performing organization
and carrying out of State Taxation Monitoring; 6) the authors describe the main principles of STM
functioning by using algorithmic methods.
monitoring, state taxation monitoring, development of the taxation system, system-level observations, management of the taxation system, purposes of taxation monitoring, targets of taxation monitoring, planning the development of the system, predicting the development of the system, taxation monitoring subjects.
Orobinskaya, I. V. (2014). Tax Instruments Guaranteeing Stable Development of Branches of Agricultural Sector. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 501–508.
Today’s system of taxation of agriculture does not perform all the functions it is supposed
to and needs to be better studied due to the carried out tax reforms and state policy
supporting national manufacturers and tax reforms One of the most significant goals of tax regulation of agricultural economic activity is the harmonized combination of instruments that
are usually used when tax liabilities are established. In the most common meaning, it traditionally
relates to the combination of the fiscal and regulating functions of taxation in the
economic policy. The purpose of the present research article is to analyze the aspects of implementing
tax instruments guaranteeing stable development of branches of the agricultural
sector. Methodological grounds of the research include fundamental concepts introduced by
Russian and foreign researchers, legislative acts and regulations of state authorities, federal
laws, President’s Decrees and Government Resolutions of the Russian Federation and materials
of research-to-practice conferences on the matters of agricultural manufacturers. The author
uses the abstract logical, monographic and other methods of economic research. The scientific
novelty of the research is in creation of theoretical and methodological grounds and development
of practical recommendations on determination of tax instruments guaranteeing stable
development of braches of agricultural sector. Out of all the variety of instruments, the main
instruments included: 1. Different tax treatments that can be used by a company in the process
of tax planning (Article 18 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) including Simplified Tax
System, Single Agricultural Tax and Single Tax on Imputed Income); 2. Different kinds of tax rebates
that can be used for particular activities for the purpose of tax optimization (for example,
corporate property tax rebates for companies at which disabled people constitute more than
50 % of employees); 3. Tax rebates provided by International laws for the purpose of avoiding
double taxation (for example, interaction of companies that have been registered in foreign
states and have the beneficial tax regime) and others.
profit tax, value added tax, agriculture, tax rebates, special tax treatment, tax regulation, agricultural sector, tax instruments, land tax, transport tax.
Aguzarova, L. A. (2014). Value-Added Tax: Problems and Prospects of Budget Tax Refund. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 509–515.
The author of the article provides a brief description of the value-added tax, procedure for
the value-added tax refund and practical and theoretical ways of tax refund in the Russian taxation
system. The author defines the main stages of value-added tax return. Value-added tax is a form of
withdrawal of a part of the cost of goods, works or services to the state budget that is created at all
stages of the process of producing goods, works and services and paid to the budget after the goods
are sold or works and services are provided. Value-added tax is a universal consumption tax payable
by all organizations and self-employed entrepreneurs producing and selling goods. The author also
analyzes the structure of indirect tax revenues to the federal budget of the Russian Federation and
describes the structure of the federal budget revenues according to all types of taxes and levies.
The author also views the problems of VAT return from the budget and possible solutions of these
problems. The author defines that the main difficulty of VAT return is caused by the complex scheme
of tax legislation. Today a serious problems is an illegal value-added tax return. In particular, the
author touches upon the VAT return during the export of goods by using so-called ‘fly-by-night’
value-added, tax revenues, indirect taxes, VAT refund, taxation system, tax administration, tax authorities, tax control, tax declaration, federal budget.
Pianova, M. V., Sarkisyan, A. G. (2014). Taxation of Luxury Items: Realities and Prospects. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 516–523.
The question about introduction of luxury tax has being discussed in Russia since 2004. The
need for taxation of luxury items is explained by the growing social stratification in the country. The
world practice of taxation shows that the most effective achievement of social justice is promoted
by taxation of the income and property of citizens. Meanwhile, the current Russian Federation system
of taxation of physical entities practically doesn’t include taxation of luxury items and has no
essential impact on the tax burden of wealthy citizens. Authors of the present research article describe
the system of taxation of the income and property of physical entities (personal income tax,
transport tax and physical entity property tax) in terms of its development and for the purpose of
revealing possibilities of strengthening their regulatory function. The analysis of the foreign experience
in taxation of the ‘excess income’ allows to make the conclusion about possibility of applying
this taxation in Russia. The analysis of statistical data emphasizes the need for a series of measures
aimed at increasing the tax load of people with high income. According to the authors, introduction
of a separate tax on luxury items in Russia isn’t advisable. Moreover, some measures that prove
to be successful in foreign countries are, according to the authors, unacceptable in Russia, such
as financial status tax and ‘lux’ goods tax. A better option would be to add particular legal rules
regarding taxation of luxury items to the current tax legislation such as the establishment of the
progressive scale of personal income tax rates, replacement of property tax of physical entities with
real property tax and the change in principles of transport tax calculation.
taxation of luxury items, luxury tax, excess profits, social justice, taxation of physical entities, transport tax, property of physical entities, personal income tax, progressive scale of personal income tax, social stratification.
Tax administration
Nadtochy, E. V. (2014). Pre-Trial Tax Dispute Resolution in the System of Interaction between Tax Authorities and Taxpayers. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 524–531.
The subject under research is the financial relations that are being formed during resolution
of tax disputes in the system of interaction between tax authorities and taxpayers. Based on the
analysis of data provided by Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation and Federal Tax Service of
Russia the author of the article proves the need for reducing the number of tax disputes. The author
provides an insight into the history of development of the institution of tax dispute resolution. The
development of the institution of tax dispute resolution has undergone the three stages: since1999
till 2009, since 01.01.2009 till 01.01.2014 and since 01.01.2014 up to the present. The author also
recommends the main directions for the development of the institution of tax dispute resolution.
Methodological basis of research includes scientific works written by Russian economists in the
sphere of taxation. In the article the author uses such research methods as the methods of analysis
and synthesis, deduction and induction. Reduction in the number of tax disputes is presented as
one of the elements of enhancing interactions in the tax sphere that synthesizes the service-like approach
o a taxpayer and control over execution of tax legislation that in general contributes to the
reduction in the amount of taxes payable, increase of tax revenues, reduction of expenditures for
tax administration and minimization of costs incurred by taxpayers. The author of the article offers the main directions for improvement of the pre-trial tax dispute resolution including: 1) development
of conciliation procedures; 2) improvement of instructing taxpayers about the procedure for
pre-trial tax dispute resolution and its advantages; 3) creation of information analysis bases containing
resolutions made by courts after viewing complaints and analysis of court practice on tax
disputes that have proceeded to the judicial stage of resolution.
interaction, tax authorities, taxpayers, disputes, resolution, complaints, claims, demands, courts, development.
Goryachenko, O. Yu. (2014). Issues Related to the System of Sources of the Russian Tax Law. Taxes and Taxation, 5, 532–541.
The article is devoted to the system of sources of the Russian tax law. The present article
provides definitions of the terms ‘sources/forms of the Russian tax law’, ‘laws and regulations on
levies and taxes’, ‘bye-laws in the tax sphere’ and others. The author of the article defines the system
of sources of the Russian tax law and concludes that the main source of the Russian tax law
today is the regulatory acts where laws are priorities because they represent the decisions of the
highest legal force in taxation, i.e. tax legislation. The research methodology includes sources of the
Russian tax law. Sources/forms of the Russian tax law mean officially established exterior forms of
law regulating tax relations. The foresaid regulatory acts define particular tax laws and regulations
as well as enforcement of tax legitimacy in the Russian Federation. The author makes a conclusion
that in modern legal systems the main sources of the Russian tax law are the legal acts issued by
the highest legal force in the sphere of taxation called tax legislation.
sources of tax law, legal regulations, system, laws and regulations, international treaties, rule-making judicial acts, levies and taxes, state authority, local authority, citizen.