Orobinskaya, I. V. (2014). Mechanism of Earnings Stripping for Members of the Consolidated Group of Taxpayers in the
Agricultural Sector Through Establishing Reserve Funds for Doubtful Debts. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 243–250.
The subject of the research article is the economic relations arising in the process of taxation
of integrated unites in the agricultural sector of the Russian Federation. The idea of consolidated
accounts was introduced by the Russian Tax law when the amendments to Clause 1 of Article
246 of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation came into force. Today members of
the consolidated group of taxpayers perform their duty to pay corporate profit tax according to
the accounts kept by the responsible member of the group. Holding companies use consolidated
financial flows when all available monetary funds are consolidated and used to satisfy the general
needs of a company but not to pay off expenses of a single legal entity. Consequently, it is a
crucial task to reallocate accounting earnings estimated per quarter at the end of year in order to
reduce the amount of advanced tax payments and therefore lower the general financial load and
the need for borrowed monetary funds. Theoretical and methodological background to the issue
discussed includes fundamental concepts offered by Russian and foreign researchers as well as laws
and regulations issued by the state authorities, federal laws, presidential decrees and government
resolutions of the Russian Federation and materials of the scientific and practical conferences that
discuss taxation of agricultural producers. The author of the article uses logical, monographic, statistical,
mathematical and other methods of economic research. The scientific novelty and practical
importance of research is that the author has developed and tested a methodological approach to
the tax optimization at integrated units of the agricultural sector through establishing reserve funds
for doubtful debts. According to the author, the approach allows to raise their economic efficiency.
In the author’s opinion, establishment of reserves for doubtful debts may allow to reduce the tax
burden in case of non-payments of counter agents which is especially important for the relations
between an agricultural holding and counter agents, i.e. agricultural companies consuming agricultural
earnings stripping, profit tax, consolidated group, agricultural sector, reserve (reserve fund), agricultural producers, doubtful debt, integrated units, tax planning, tax burden.
Giraev, V. K. (2014). The Structure and Dynamics of Tax Revenues and Their Territorial Disparity. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 251–269.
The article is devoted to the problems of generating tax revenues and their territorial disparity
in beneficiary regions of the North Caucasian Federal District. The existing structure of tax
revenues does not encourage economic development and does not allow to expand the taxable base
of beneficiary regions. The researcher carried out a comprehensive analysis of the content and structure
of tax revenues in the North Caucasian Federal District. In the course of research the researcher
used the methods of analysis and synthesis, summary and grouping. The researcher also estimated the tax burden per taxpayer (organization paying taxes) in absolute numbers. The results described
in the present research article prove the need for a differentiated approach to selecting priorities of
regional tax policy in order to reduce the beneficiary capacity of the North Caucasian Federal District
through involving internal resources of the region into legal economic processes. In order to achieve
these targets, it is necessary to apply a comprehensive approach that would take into account the
current structure of economy and tax revenues and be oriented at encouraging efficient production by
the means of regular tax rebates for particular economic activities without particular reference to this
or that region of the North Caucasian Federal District in general. At the same time, it is necessary to
refuse from non-production tax preferences and tax rebates that do not encourage the expansion of
tax capacities of a region. The researcher concludes that it would be useful to conduct an experiment
and declare the North Caucasian Federal District to be the territory of economic development within
the framework of the Federal Law No. 392 of December 3, 2011.
tax receipts, spatial development, regional budget, taxable base, tax rebates, beneficiary region, tax incentives, structure of tax revenues, regional tax policy, underground economy (black market).
Garaev, A. A. (2014). Withholding of Customs Duties and Taxes for Amounts Received From the Sale of Goods Detained
by the Customs Authorities. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 270–277.
The article is devoted to the gaps and confusions in legal rules regulating distribution of
monetary funds received from selling goods detained by the customs authorities. In case of monetary
funds received from the sale of detained goods, customs duties and taxes are the first ones
to be withheld and expenses related to the storage and sale of these goods are to be withheld on
a second-priority basis. The remaining sum shall be returned to a declarant (owner of goods). Existing
legal rules and provisions regulating the procedure for disposal of detained goods (their sale or
destruction) do not take into account all circumstances under which the law enforcer needs to make
a decision about disposal and distribution of monetary funds. The author of the article also provides
examples when certain legal provisions regulating this type of legal relations contradict to other
provisions. The author also shares his suggestions about how to overcome these conflicts of law. In
order to analyze these contradictions between legal provisions, the author discusses the causes of
these unclaimed goods which are under customs control and then detained by the customs authorities
being generated. The author discusses examples of detention of goods for different reasons.
In order to analyze the grounds for detention of goods, the author offers a classification of their
economic and administrative reasons. It is for the first time in Russian research literature that a researcher
provides a classification of reasons for generation of goods to be detained by the customs
authorities. Moreover, this classification allows to overcome such conflicts of law. Judging from the
classification offered by the author of the article, we can establish that the existing legal regulation
is applicable only to disposal of goods detained by the customs authorities for economic reasons. If
the goods are detained for administrative reasons, the aforesaid legal provisions conflict with regulations
and provisions issued by other institutions of customs law and tax law and therefore prevent
from withholding tax duties and taxes for amounts received from the sale of detained goods.
tax deficiencies, prohibitions, sale of goods, customs duty, debt, tax, disposal of goods, withholding of duties, release of goods, detention of goods.
Aguzarova, F. S. (2014). Ways to Raise Excise Revenues to the Russian Federation Budgets. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 278–288.
Excise duties are an effective component of any financial or tax system. They are the most
reliable source of fiscal revenues in any country because excisable goods do not influence the level
of population income but included in the product price. The purpose of the present article is to define
factors that can raise the role of excises in the revenues to budgets of the Russian Federation.
The analysis of the distribution of excisable goods allowed to describe their ratios in the federal
budgets and budgets of the Russian Federation constituents. The author of the article proves that
the greater volume of excisable goods is paid to the federal budget. In the period under review,
excise revenues have had the tendency towards their increasing. To define the factors that increase
excise revenues to the budgets, the author of the article used research and searching methods as
well as comparative and graphic methods. In conclusion the author defines the main problems and
challenges of excise taxation. According to the author, the most acute problem lies in the sphere of
alcohol production. This is the problem of illegal sale of alcohol-containing and alcohol products.
In order to improve the excisable products, it is necessary to implement measures tightening the
supervisory activity performed by the customs authorities, to legalize all excisable goods and introduce
tough punitive measures.
excise, indirect taxes, excisable goods, tax regulations, profit, alcohol-containing products, alcohol products, tobacco products, budget, economy.
Dyakova, E. B., Maletsky, A. A. (2014). Multi-Component Method for Evaluating Tax Burden of the Household Sector. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 289–311.
Today’s tax science in Russia uses the following tax categories for evaluating the impact
o taxes and taxation on the national economy, economy of an individual economic entity and their
development: taxable capacity, tax burden, tax load, capacity, press, pressure and etc. Just like the
majority of tax categories, the aforesaid categories can be described and understood quite differently
by researchers. The results of the authors’ analysis of the essential tax categories used by
different researchers for describing and evaluating the impact of taxes and levies on the economic
status of entities demonstrate that there is no particular method that could have been used to evaluate
the tax burden of the household sector. This has become the purpose and the subject matter
of the present research article. In their research the authors used the structural and functional approach,
analysis and synthesis methods, deduction and induction methods, comparative analysis,
statistical and economic analysis and other research methods. The authors offer a multi-component
method for evaluating gross and net tax burdens of the household sector in terms of taxation of
profits, expenses and properties of households. This method allows to evaluate the effectiveness of
the mechanism of tax regulation in general (absolute and relative tax burdens) as well as its components
(tax burden of the income, property and indirect taxation of Russians). The method offered
allows to estimate performance indicators of the current tax regulation in the household sector.
tax burden (load), household sector, absolute tax burden, relative tax burden, tax net burden, tax regulation, household tax burden, efficiency of tax regulation, taxation of households, social transfers.
Ermakova, M. S. (2014). Procedure for Accounting Profit Tax in the Accounting Policy of an Agricultural Holding. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 312–319.
The author of the article provides a definition of the agricultural holding as a complex
organizational structure where each member performs his specific functions and tasks in order to
support the flow of the production and financial cycle, to increase the total gains and raise the
general profitability of a company. The author of the article describes special features of taxation
of agricultural holding companies which means that each independent member of the holding
must be regarded as a taxpayer. The head company is an individual taxpayer, too, that is responsible
for paying corporate taxes and levies and management of the taxation process at the same
time. The head company and affiliate (dependent) companies are equally and mutually liable for
the non-payment of taxes. The author also offers a definition of the accounting policy for taxation
purposes of an agricultural holding. The author also describes the main elements of accounting
policy of an agricultural holding regard their profit tax. The author defines incentive rates for the
profit tax paid by agricultural enterprises and describes how tax amounts are distributed among
budgets. The author also discusses advantages and disadvantages of using the general and special
taxation regimes.
unified agricultural tax, organization, taxation management, taxes, accounting policy, agricultural holding, profit tax, tax regime (tax regulations), accounting, procedure.
Ansimova, E. P. (2014). Method for Evaluating Tax Burden of Gas-Supply Companies. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 320–335.
The object of the present research article is the methods used for evaluating tax burden
of economic entities in the sphere of gas supply as well as the tax burden in the economic sector
where the fuel gas is being produced and distributed. The technical approach to evaluating
tax burden of gas supply companies that means plain calculation of the ratio of the total tax
amount to be paid to the budget to the total revenue does not provide any additional information
except for accounting results. The purpose of the present article is to create and substantiate
the method of objective estimation of tax burden of gas supply companies. Research methodology
used in the article includes the following methods: deduction, induction, synthesis, analysis,
comparison, generalization and mathematical modeling. Conclusion: objective estimation of tax
burden of legal entities in the sphere of gas supply involves determination of the severity of fiscal
burden. In order to achieve the aforesaid goal, the author of the article had to solve a number of
problems. Determination of the level of tax burden of a gas supply company implies evaluation
of the influence of actions to perform obligations and realize taxpayers’ rights on the current
and future financial status of an economic entity. In the algorithm used for determination of the
severity of fiscal burden on gas supply companies, special role is given to identification of the degree
of negative impact of tax relations on a taxpayer’s investing activity. To evaluate tax burden
of an economic entity in the sphere of gas supply, it is also important to compare parameters of
tax burden to the fiscal burden on the sector in general, on a particular constituent of the Russian
Federation and individual gas supply c ompanies.
gas supply, gasification, tax burden, investing activity, financial sustainability, Gross Regional Product, added value, proceeds, total revenue, effectiveness of production activity.
Salkazanov, A. E. (2014). Topical Issues of Improving Criminal Liability for Avoidance of Paying Taxes and/or Levies Collected
from Organizations in the Russian Federation (Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation). Taxes and Taxation, 3, 336–342.
The present article is devoted to the legal provision regarding liability for avoiding paying
taxes and/or levies in the Russian Federation. The author of the article raises questions about legislative
regulation and improvement of the provisions set forth by Article 199 of the Criminal Code
of the Russian Federation. The author describes the law enforcement practice related to the liability
for this type of crime and proves the need in a new approach of the law maker to the decision making
processes in the sphere of tax crime. In particular, the author of the article points out particular
ways to commit tax crime, the moment when tax crime is considered to be over and imperfection
of description of the corpus delicti as set forth by Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian
Federation. The author also touches upon the questions of imperfect interaction between tax and
criminal laws. The main methods used by the author were the following: dialectic method, analysis
and synthesis, historical, logical and systems methods and the technical method of cogitation. Current
changes in the tax legislation, arising issues regarding the theory and law enforcement of the
provisions set forth by Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation prove the need for
a new approach to the matter. The author also concludes that it is necessary to include the wording
‘otherwise’ in these provisions, change the wording ‘ when committed on a large or especially large
scale’ and reconstruct the features discussed by the author in this article.
criminal liability, tax crime, organizations, objective party, ways to improve, major size, tax legislation, corpus delicti, avoidance.