Kirina, L. S. (2014). Overview of Directions of Taxation Policy Improvement in the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 109–123.
As the historical category, taxes are quite natural for all countries at each stage of development.
Moreover, taxes create the financial capacities for the country’s existence and development. Other
sources of state finances are not so steady and cannot support the financial stability for a long
time. In general terms, the combination of all taxes and levies applicable in a certain country at a
particular stage of historical development, taxable entities and tax legislation is commonly called
‘the taxation system’. In order to manage the taxation system properly, the government establishes
a certain taxation policy. The nature of taxation policy defines the development of state and society
in many spheres. When working on this research article, the author used the principles of historical,
expert, statistical, logical and comparative analysis as well as the systems approach and methods
of graphical interpretation. The main scientific results defining the novelty of the article may include
the following: description of specific features of ‘state taxation policy’, specification and theoretical
justification of the role of state taxation policy in financial policy and formation of state taxation
systems and description of interaction between the processes of tax optimization and tax planning
that reflect peculiarities of definitions ‘tax prediction’, ‘tax optimization’ and ‘tax planning’.
taxation policy, tax burden, profit tax, value-added tax, personal income tax, property tax, taxation rate, tax exemption, tax deduction, social tension.
Giraev, V. K. (2014). Regional Taxation Policy in Terms of Investment Promotion. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 124–137.
In the age of global crisis and limited budgetary resources it is necessary to review the
established approaches to promotion of social and economic development of regions. Depending
on a selected model of economic development, there are certain types of taxation policy. Shortterm
priorities of the Government of the Russian Federation in the sphere of taxation policy
include creation of an efficient and stable taxation system as the guarantee of budgetary
sustainability. Noteworthy that the main goals of taxation policy are to support investments,
develop human capital and increase business activity. The outlined priorities and goals are to be
realized in regions with low financial resources. In order to encourage investments and encourage
regions to raise their taxable capacity, it is necessary to overview the regional taxation policy. The
present research article covers principles of regional taxation policy and establishes purposes and
goals to achieve in order to extend region’s potentials in attracting investment and increasing
business activities. The author of the article underlines that it is necessary to distinguish between
measures of financial and tax support of the Russian Federation constituents taking into account
regional peculiarities of the economic structure. The author also offers the main directions in
improving the system of state regulation when implementing regional investment programs and
development strategies.
taxes and taxation, regional taxation policy, types of taxation policy, taxable capacity, taxation system, investment promotion, tax revenues, budget, the taxation system efficiency, tax burden.
Pechenkina, A. A. (2014). On the Legal Nature of Creation and Termination of Obligation to Pay a Tax. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 138–147.
The article is devoted to the grounds of creation and termination of obligation to pay a
tax. The author of the article focuses on the fact that the term ‘object of taxation’ has the same
meaning as the term ‘item subject to tax’ in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Tax and levy
legislation, while setting forth the category ‘object of taxation’ in Article 38 of the Tax Code of the
Russian Federation, only lists objects of taxation and defines operations for realization of goods
(works or services), property, profit, revenue, cost of realized goods (completed works or rendered
services) and other objects that have their value, quantitative and physical characteristics and that
create the obligation to pay a tax. The reason of such inaccuracy is that the law-maker did not
provide the definition of the ‘item subject to tax’ but assigned all properties of the item subject
to tax to the ‘object of taxation’. Based on the analysis of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation,
the author of the present article establishes that the two terms, ‘object of taxation’ and ‘item
subject to tax’ were, in fact, used as having the same meaning. The author of the present article
describes the similarities and differences between ‘object of taxation’ and ‘item subject to tax’ an
analyzes the relation between a taxpayer and the item subject to tax that creates the obligation
to pay a tax. Taking into account the results of the analysis of existing views of academic lawyers
and legal provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the author of the article shares
her ideas on how to improve the tax legislation. The Russian Federation law does not provide an
extensive definition of the term ‘object of taxation’ and the categories defined by the law as objects
of taxation have all the characteristics of the ‘item subject to taxation’, therefore the author states
the following: in Clause 1 of Article 38 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation the term ‘object
of taxation’ has the meaning of the ‘item subject to tax’. Moreover, whether there is an object of
taxation or not and whether the obligation to pay a tax should be created shall depend on the legal
relation between the ‘item’ and a taxpayer.
obligation, object of taxation, item subject to tax, legal facts, public finances, actions, events, taxpayer, tax.
Gordin, V. I. (2014). External Municipal Financial Control as an Instrument for Specifying Tax Revenues of a Municipality. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 148–155.
Reformation of the budgeting system involves raising efficiency and quality of managing
public finances at all level of the country’s budgeting system including raising efficiency of local
budgets. In this regard, the author of the article analyzes the role of external municipal financial
control in specifying tax revenues of a municipality. Activity of external municipal financial control
essentially influences the budgeting and social and economic processes. The methodological
concepts of this research include scientific publications by Russian economists in the sphere of
external municipal financial control. In his research the author uses the methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction. According to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the
modern system of financial control consists of the external financial control and internal financial
control. Both internal and external forms of financial control are equally important for establishing
and using public funds at all levels. However, the author of the present article believes that it is the
system of external financial control that must guarantee implementation of the integral budgetary
and financial policy as well as the identity of purpose, principles and coordination of actions in the
sphere of control over federal, regional and municipal budgets. Activity of municipal supervisory
accounting authorities plays a great role in regulating and managing tax sources of the income
basis of local budgets through expertise of local budget projects and control over execution of these
projects. At the municipal level tax revenues are the most obvious driver of financial independence of
territories which, in its turn, is the most important criterion of the Russian society democratization.
municipality, finances, financial control, supervising accounting authority, tax revenues, budget, independence of territories, social and economic processes, the role of control, specifying tax revenues.
Tax administration
Fisher, O. V., Perekrestova, L. V., Lomakina, T. P., Irizepova, M. Sh. (2014). Evaluation of Efficiency of Tax Incentives for Innovative Activity in Russia. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 156–173.
Among all the countries that have selected the innovation development strategy, Russia’s
position is still rather weak. However, Russia can strengthen its position by developing tools for
encouraging significant positive changes in the development of innovations and include promotion
of innovative activity in the list of priorities of state taxation policy. This emphasizes the need for a
proper evaluation of the influence of taxation policy on the innovative element of economic growth.
As a target of the most active tax incentives, innovation enterprises need well-grounded efficient
tax exemptions and preferences. The research methodology includes subject-object and structuralfunctional
research methods within the framework of the systems approach as well as the methods
of analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction. The purpose of the research article is to establish
a certain approach to evaluating Russian innovation enterprises. The results of the article are the
following: 1) the authors classified the targets of Russia’s taxation policy in 2008–2013 in the sphere
of encouraging innovative activity; 2) the authors described different interpretations of the saving
ratio in economic and statistical researches and offered a clear definition of the tax saving ratio for
innovation enterprises that use tax exemptions; 3) they added a number of new ratios to the tax
statistics tools including the innovative tax saving ratio, research and development cost tax saving
ratio, tax saving ratio of the cost of innovative products sold, tax to revenue ratio for innovative
activity expenses, tax to revenue ratio for innovative activity profit, innovative activity tax incentives
efficiency ratio and tax incentives for the growth of research and development expenses ratio; 4)
the authors shared their own approach to the systems evaluation of efficiency of tax preferences
granted to innovation enterprises based on the two-level combination of statistical indicators; 5)
they also described the structural features of grouping of the aforesaid ratios. That allowed to
outline the groups of indictors reflecting direct and indirect effects of tax incentives granted to an
innovation enterprise.
amortization policy, innovation enterprise, tax saving, tax to revenue ratio, tax exemption, taxation policy, tax statistics, tax incentives, evaluation, efficiency of tax exemptions.
Tax administration
Balaeva, D. A., Morgoeva, A. Kh. (2014). Tax Administration: Looking into the Future. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 174–183.
Effective development of the Russian Federation as a democratic, legal and social state
mostly depends on how successful the current issues of the Russian economy are solved. At the
present time one of the most important directions of state policy in the economic sphere is the
support of the economic growth, entrepreneurial development, in particular, small and medium
businesses, stage-by-stage elimination of the shadow economy and attraction of full-sized foreign
investments to the country. The aforesaid activities would be impossible without strengthening
the tax system of the Russian Federation and improving tax administration as one of the most
important elements thereto. Improvement of tax administration is one of the key objectives in the
economic system of the Russian Federation in general and taxation in particular. The quality of tax
administration defines the level of implementation of socio-economic and political state programs,
efficiency of the tax system of the country and its fiscal return. The role of tax administration is
the support of the problem solving process and prevention of the external and internal economic
threats. Therefore, the importance of the topic — tax administration as the core element of the
entire system of taxation — is practically assured.
tax administration, tax regulation, taxable capacity, economic growth, tax control, tax disputes, economic efficiency, legislation, regulating system, liability.
Ansimova, E. P. (2014). Indicators of the Financial Status of Gas-Supply Enterprises as Parameters of Taxpayers’ Risk
Status. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 184–209.
The subject matter of the present research article is the relation between tax risks and
parameters of the financial status of economic entities in the sphere of gas supply as well as direct
tax risks of gas-supply enterprises and their evaluation methodology. The purpose of the research
article is to define the risk status of taxpayers in the sphere of gas supply. Based on the author,
application of the ‘Public Criteria for Independent Risks Evaluation Used by Tax Authorities in Field Tax
Inspections for Taxpayers’ set forth by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russia Federation
No. ÌÌ-3–2/467@ issued on October 14, 2008 within the framework of tax control over major
taxpayers without taking into account peculiarities of their sector does not guarantee accurate
and valid results when defining the level of the aggregative tax risk. Research methodology of the
research includes dialectic-materialistic method of understanding objective reality and associated
general and private scientific methods such as comparison, synthesis, analysis, deduction and
induction. The author of the article offers a number of financial ratios to be used as indicators of
dependability of gas-supply enterprises as taxpayers. The results of evaluating these indicators for
enterprises in the Central Federal District, Western Siberia and Far East create grounds for making a
conclusion that evaluation of the tax risk of gas-supply enterprises by the means of comparing actual
values of financial ratios with their average value for this economic sector including production and
distribution of gas, water and electric energy (as well as for the gas supply sector) is ungrounded and
inconsistent. It is useful to define standard parameters of the financial status of economic entities
as the criteria of the permissible level of tax risk only in case of particular sub-sectors of gas supply.
According to the author, objective definition of the risk status of a taxpayer means comparison of the financial indicator with the average values of associated ratios for gas distribution enterprises
or legal entities conducting the natural gas transmission.
gas supply, tax risks, financial ratios, initial cost of the gas pipe line, investment activity, profitability, financial sustainability of an enterprise, assets turnover, deferred tax liabilities, tax burden.
Chub, D. V., Fomin, A. A. (2014). Tax Mediation: Experience of France. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 210–217.
The subject matter of the research article is the mediation as a special method of pretrial
resolution of tax disputes between taxpayers and tax authorities. The authors of the article
provide a general description of tax mediation and define its main forms and procedures common
in France. French experience in this sphere has a very important meaning for the Russian taxation
system because current changes in the Russian system of arbitration proceedings dictate the need
for creation of new institutions of pre-trial resolution and mediation can become one of such
institutions. When working on this research article, the authors used the general scientific method
of dialectic knowledge as well as logical methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction),
comparative law and linguistic methods and the method of ‘live cognition’. The scientific novelty of
the article is conditioned by the fact that for the present time this research article is the first one
in Russian science to study the procedures of tax mediation in France. The authors conclude that
mediation as the way to resolve tax disputes is a good alternative to the present system of pre-trial
appeal to Russian tax authorities. Mediation proves to be efficient. It would allow to avoid a waste
of time and financial expenses which would be beneficial for both a taxpayer and the government.
mediation, mediator, mediation process, status of a mediator, mediation agreement, taxpayer, tax authority, tax dispute, Mediator of the Republic, mediation in France.
Goryachenko, O. Yu. (2014). Issues Related to the System of Sources of the Russian Tax Law. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 218–227.
The article is devoted to the system of sources of the Russian tax law. The present article
provides definitions of the terms ‘sources/forms of the Russian tax law’, ‘laws and regulations on
levies and taxes’, ‘bye-laws in the tax sphere’ and others. The author of the article defines the
system of sources of the Russian tax law and concludes that the main source of the Russian tax law
today is the regulatory acts where laws are priorities because they represent the decisions of the
highest legal force in taxation, i.e. tax legislation. The research methodology includes sources of the
Russian tax law. Sources/forms of the Russian tax law mean officially established exterior forms of
law regulating tax relations. The foresaid regulatory acts define particular tax laws and regulations
as well as enforcement of tax legitimacy in the Russian Federation. The author makes a conclusion
that in modern legal systems the main sources of the Russian tax law are the legal acts issued by
the highest legal force in the sphere of taxation called tax legislation.
sources of tax law, legal regulations, system, laws and regulations, international treaties, rule-making judicial acts, levies and taxes, state authority, local authority, citizen.