V. K. Giraev (2014). Methodology of Stimulating Taxation in Business Management. Taxes and Taxation, 11, 970–986.
The emerging trends towards economic slowdown in Russia under high level of volatility in energy
prices and sanctions introduced by Western countries call for new approaches and methods to promote
economic development. In this connection, the tax methods as the most effective ones to regulate
economic relations between the state and businesses are gaining on special significance. The analysis of the
processes of corporate taxation in Russia clearly shows their fiscal nature and orientation on current state
needs without taking into account the economic impact on the national economy as a whole. The methods
of systematic approach, logical analysis and synthesis allowed to formulate conceptual provisions enabling
the implementation of tax policy at the enterprise and state level. The above-mentioned makes it clear, that
there is a need to apply an integrated approach to taxation management at the level of businesses in order to
stimulate economic growth. The paper proposes a methodology of stimulating tax management on the basis
of assessment of the impact of changes in taxes on the amount of tax receipts. Moreover, the paper substantiates
the possibility of obtaining a positive economic effect from reducing the tax burden in the long run.
fiscal stimulus, tax regulation, tax optimization schemes, tax burden, taxation regimes, tax benefits, Laffer curve, tax rate, tax base, budget revenues.
N. A. Kondrashova (2014). Consolidated Taxation Regime: the World Economic Practice. Taxes and Taxation, 11, 987–995.
The article presents a historical retrospective introduction into the world economic practice
of the consolidated taxation mechanism. The author identifies the main features of consolidated
tax payments in foreign countries via analyzing characteristic features of conditions of functioning of
consolidated taxpayer groups in different countries (including the participation share of one organization
into another, mandatory establishment of consolidated taxpayer groups, a list of consolidated
taxes, the order of consolidation of incomes and expenses, etc.). Also, national scientific publications
allowed the author to explore the history of introduction of the tool of consolidated tax payments in
Russia. The methodological basis of the work involves the following methods of research and scientific
knowledge: analysis, deduction and induction, comparison, simulation, synthesis. An analysis of the works by different authors conducting research on foreign legislation in the field of tax payments by
groups of companies has revealed that there are from two to four types of possible forms of tax consolidation
with the general principle of separation reflecting the extent of consolidation: from simple
arithmetic summing of profit indicators of individual group members calculated on their own to “single
taxpayer” regime when each company member is treated as a part of the whole group.
consolidated group of taxpayers, world economic practice, integrated group tax consolidation options, single taxpayer, profit and loss statement, voluntary basis, consolidated tax return, the tax code, tax payments.
V. A. Tsokova (2014). Terminological Inaccuracy in the Russian Taxation Practice. Taxes and Taxation, 11, 996–1001.
The article analyzes the Russian tax legislation, in particular, the Tax Code to estimate
whether such terms as taxes, charges, duties and fees may convey incorrect information. The tax-area
notions are disclosed on the example of current taxes, charges, fees and duties, namely, charges for
the use of fauna and use of aquatic biological resources, customs fees, water tax, stamp duty, customs
duties and taxes on mining, insurance premiums to non-budgetary funds. For the analysis the author
uses the axiomatic method and method of analogy; these methods permit to examine how the theory
and practice of taxation interact with the practice of calculating and levying the above mentioned payments.
The study concludsd that, first, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation introduced in 1999 did
not eliminate all theoretical and practical problems and shortcomings in the Russian tax system and,
second, although the distinction between “tax” and “fee” is established, there is no clear distinction
between such terms as “duty”, “fee” and “premium”.
tax, levy, duty, fee, stamp duty, customs duties, customs fees, MET, insurance premiums.
D. N. Ermakov, I. V. Lipatova, M. A. Klimashina (2014). The Tools to Optimize Tax Payments in Transport Organizations. Taxes and Taxation, 11, 1002–1009.
The article discusses the use of tools to optimize tax payments in the transport sector. The
organizations engaged in transportation of goods, passengers, baggage and cargo do not have sufficient
funds to renew their fleet of cars, especially after the coming into force of the law on carriers civil liability
insurance. The authors point out the importance of logistics transportation and interpret statistics
taken from the website of the Federal State Statistics Service. Special attention is paid to the role
of the road transport which provides truck services. Through analyzing the tax indicators, the article
sets out the basic tools to optimize taxation in the transport sector. The studies of Russian researchers
highlighting the theoretical and methodological bases for optimization of tax payments in transport
organizations served as a theoretical, methodological and empirical foundation for the present work.
The authors make intensive use of regulatory legal acts in the field of tax and taxation. The novelty of
the research work resides in a refined formulation of the problem and the suggestion of solutions to
optimize tax payments in the Russian transport organizations. In addition, it proposes specific measures
to reduce the tax burden on transport organizations and improve transportation profitability.
First, complete abandonment of the imputed tax since it prevents transparency of payments between
customers and carriers. Second, the provision of preferential loans to minimize the excessive tax burden.
Third, carriers should be allowed to deduct the cost of the social package from the tax base.
taxes, taxation, tax optimization, transport organizations, transportation, tools to optimize tax payments, social package, tax offenses, tax law, tax system
M. Yu.Malkina, R. V. Balakin (2014). Evaluation of the Concentration and Uniformity
of the Tax Revenues Distribution in the Regions of the Russian
Federation on the Basis of the Herfindahl-Hirschman, Gini and Theil Indices. Taxes and Taxation, 11, 1010–1023.
The subject of research is the investigation into non-uniformity of the tax revenues distribution
in the regions of the Russian Federation as a whole, and tax-revenues from individual taxes and
certain types of taxes (e. g. profit tax, personal income tax, VAT, excise tax, property tax, MET and
other natural taxes, tax special regimes and state duty). The evaluation of the uniformity of distribution
is based on statistical indicators of concentration (the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index), scattering
(the Theil index), as well as the differentiation of the tax burden (the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient).
The purpose of research is to refine general approaches to risk assessment of certain taxes and
the Russian tax system as a whole. The research methods include: calculation and valuation of coefficients
of concentration and non-uniformity, correlation and graphical analysis. To account for the different
region size, two methods to convert indicators of concentration and dispersion into indicators
of tax revenues distribution uniformity have been proposed and tested: 1) a method of bringing the
region to the scale of the country on the basis of the region’s share in GRP (applied to the Herfindahl-
Hirschman Index); 2) a method for calculating the relative level of tax burden and accounting for the
share of regions in GRP (applied to the Theil index). The analysis of results led to the conclusion of
the high-risk revenues from MET; medium risk revenues from VAT, excise and income tax and low
risk revenues from personal income tax, property taxes, etc. The above-mentioned factors along with
the changing share of certain taxes in total tax receipts impact on the overall risk of the tax system of
the Russian Federation.
concentration of tax revenues, non-uniformity of tax revenues, region, risk of the tax system, Herfindahl-Hirschman index, Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient, Theil index, differentiation, GRP.
F. S. Aguzarova (2014). The Russian Tax System: the Concept, Problems and Prospects. Taxes and Taxation, 11, 1024–1030.
The research focuses on the Russian Tax System, identifies its problems and suggests optimal
solutions. The tax system is defined as a legislative framework aiming at providing the collection
of taxes and fees as well as regulating the relationship between the taxpayer and the state. The author
rightly notes that the Russian tax system goals are changing to meet political, economic and social
requirements. Therefore, the tax system is still being reformed and needs to be adjusted. The current
tax problems discussed in the work make the research topic the most relevant and up-to-date. Using
scientific, exploratory and comparative methods, the researcher has identified the problems that often
arise in the Russian tax practice. Such problems, in particular, include: ambiguous interpretation of
the tax law; tax policy instability; low collection of taxes and fees; underuse of complex measures of
tax administration and tax control. In addition, the author reviews problems associated with certain
taxes and fees. The novelty of this research consists in the fact that the author suggests possible ways
to improve the tax system of the Russian Federation and their adaptation in order to improve the tax
component of the budget system through such mechanisms as taxation, tax rates, tax incentives, and
other tax measures.
tax system, tax policy, tax law, tax control, tax administration, tax authorities, tax burden, tax risks, taxes, fees.
V. K. Zakharov, E. I. Golikova (2014). The Relationship between the Welfare of the Country and the Progressive Personal Income Tax
Does Exist. Taxes and Taxation, 11, 1031–1053.
The article investigates the relationship between the welfare of the country and the progressive
scale of personal income tax. It identifies the factors impacting on the welfare and prosperity of the
country. The authors performed factor analysis of forty (40) randomly selected countries and studied
how such factors as gross domestic product per capita, average monthly salary, Gini coefficient, national
debt, share of gold in international reserve assets influenced the welfare and prosperity of the country.
The researchers determined the strength of functional dependence of the welfare of the country on
income tax progressivity and calculated correlation coefficients. Along with well-known initial indices
of the welfare of countries used in the UN statistics, new initial indices of income tax progressivity
have been introduced. On their basis new aggregated socio-economic interval indicators have been
derived, namely, the multifactor indicators of the welfare of the country and multi-factor indicators
of prosperity of the country. These aggregated indicators have been calculated for forty major world
countries, particularly for those whose initial indicators are available. The analysis of countries distribution
in terms of welfare and prosperity (for 2009–2012) shows that Russia and Brazil have similar
values of these parameters. And almost in all distributions both countries are in the lowest decimal
intervals of appropriate indicators (in the lower first and second parts). The study shows that there is a
positive linear trend relationship between the welfare of the country and the progressive taxation scale
of natural persons. Moreover, by calculating the sample correlation coefficients, the authors point out
that linear trend dependence is largely linear functional one. The flat income tax, adopted in Russia,
has its negative impact on the welfare of the country.
tax, personal income, gross domestic product, monthly salary, the Gini coefficient, the national debt, share of gold, progressivity index, welfare index, prosperity index.