D.Yu. Samygin, A. A. Tuskov, N. A. Shlapakova (2014). Assessment of Tax Optimization of Construction Companies: Various Aspects of Outsourcing. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 1066–1070.
Since the introduction of tax levies business entities seek to optimize their company’s tax payments
with a variety of means and methods. Last years the most common tax optimization schemes,
especially in the construction sector, include outsourcing services. Therefore, there is an urgent need to
adequately assess the situation and tax practice in this area, summarize experiences and tax optimization
schemes, give a quantitative assessment and outline possible consequences. The study uses the methods
of monographic investigation, retrospective analysis, practical experience and expertise, economic and
financial analysis, calculation and constructive method. The research offers a retrospective review of
major scientific and middle-brow opinions on the importance and relevance of tax flows optimization
in various spheres of economic activity; considers the conceptual apparatus of tax optimization; summarizes
a variety of tax optimization schemes flows in construction organizations; identifies the main
possibilities and areas for optimization activities in the construction sector; analyzes and gives quantitative
assessment of tax payments optimization; sets out fiscal measures for the breach of tax optimization
schemes used to provide mandatory payments to the budget.
tax optimization, tax flows, income tax, personal income tax, VAT, insurance premiums, construction companies, outsourcing, tax system, tax benefit.
O. V. Pavlinova (2014). The Mineral Extraction Tax (MET ): Current State and Prospects of Development. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 1071–1080.
Since Russia has a resource based economy the tax on mineral extraction is one of the main
sources of replenishment the budget of the Russian Federation. Minor changes in oil prices on the global
market have a tremendous impact on the state budget of the Russian Federation. Thus, the problem of
replenishment of the budget is becoming particularly important. So far the MET function was mostly
of fiscal nature, its regulatory function went into the background, thus accumulating a lot of problems
in the field of oil production. The article reveals the shortcomings of the tax on mineral extraction in
Russia and discusses ways to improve it in current conditions. The study applies a systematic approach
and statistical methods to evaluate the current state of the tax on the extraction of minerals as well as challenges and prospects for its future development. It draws conclusions on the quality of the RF tax
policy in the field of taxation of oil production. The study reviews changes in the current legislation.
Currently, there is an annual increase in absolute revenues from the mineral extraction tax to the federal
budget and the growth of the share of tax in the structure of the budget. However, despite the positive
dynamics of MET, the shortcomings of the existing taxation system in the oil production sector negatively
affect the status and development of the oil industry.
budget revenues, oil, mineral extraction tax (MET), tax burden, rent component, benefits, raw materials, investment, technology, tax maneuver.
M. B. Napso (2014). Theoretical Foundations of the Tax Status of Banks. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 1081–1091.
The subject of research is the legal provision of the tax status of banks. The relevance of the
topic stems from the fact that the legal regulation of the obligation to transfer tax is fragmented as well
as the tax status of the bank and this does not correspond to its special place in the tax legal relations.
In view of this, the author elaborates on the legal regulation of the two inseparably linked obligations,
i.e. the taxpayer should pay the tax and the bank or a tax agent should transfer it. The author thoroughly
considers the execution of each obligation. The author also examines the issues related to the responsibility
of banks and tax agents for non-transfer of tax amounts. The problem is considered through analysis
of articles of the Russian Tax Code of different editions with subsequent synthesis of different points
of view. In the end, the author offers his views on solution of this problem as follows: firstly, to proceed
from the reality principle of fulfillment of tax obligations; secondly, to take into account special public
law obligations of banks, and thirdly, to consider the obligation to pay taxes with due regard to the legal
status of tax agents. As a result the author proposes to add two special articles: the article governing the
fulfillment of the obligation to transfer taxes in general, and the article governing the special tax status
of banks and their rights and duties in particular.
bank, tax agent, taxpayer, reality principle, payment of tax, transfer of tax, levy taxes, public law obligations of the bank, tax revenues, fiscal interests of the state.
D. A. Balaeva (2014). The Setting up of Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
in Border Regions of the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 1092–1096.
The research focuses on the need to create special economic zones in border regions of the
Russian Federation. The border areas are particularly important for any country as they play a key
role in foreign policy, national security and international relations. The author considers such issues
as the sharp increase in the value of border areas that serve as zones of contact with the outside world
in the context of liberalization of foreign trade activities and the need to establish on their territories
of special economic zones. Historically, in Russia the entire zone of border areas is less dynamic
and more depressed than similar territories in other parts of the country. The collapse of the Soviet
Union and the emergence of new border areas in Russia further aggravated the situation. Taking the
above into account, the paper pays special attention to the mechanism of crediting customs duties
for the purpose of economic growth in these areas. The research methods applied in the work on the
establishment of SEZs in border regions of the Russian Federation involve analysis and synthesis. The
author’s contribution to research in this field has been the development of the concept of establishing
of special economic zones in border regions of Russia, and as a result, the social and economic development of the RF subjects adjacent to the RF state border by the proportional allocation of
customs duties, the preservation and development of the productive forces, development of natural
resources, attracting Russian and foreign investment, and thus reducing the social and economic
asymmetries of the RF subjects. The above-mentioned findings and suggestions constitute the novelty
and significance of the research.
border areas, special economic zones, economic potential, border of the Russian Federation, economic development, geopolitical significance, national economy, border region, subjects of the Russian Federation, stimulating factor.
E. S. Tsepilova, A. I. Malyshkin (2014). Internal Control in Russia and Ukraine: the Tax Aspect. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 1097–1110.
The paper presents a comparative analysis and clarifies such definitions as internal control and
internal audit, internal tax control and state tax control. Also, it establishes the main elements and objectives
of the internal tax control of a business entity. The analysis is carried out on the basis of Russian
and Ukrainian legislation. The authors examine the foreign experience in legal regulation and internal
auditing and control within the framework of economic activity of enterprises. The study conducts an
analysis of the internal structures of enterprises whose competence includes conducting internal control
and audit. The author suggests special indicators and forms for control analytic statements to be used to
evaluate the effectiveness of control procedures by members of the tax internal control body. The findings
of the research can be used both in theoretical works to substantiate the terminological apparatus
for internal fiscal control as well as in practice of internal controllers (internal auditors). It is concluded
that under current conditions the implementation of fiscal policy cannot be successful unless an effective
system of internal fiscal control is available for the taxpayer.
internal control model COSO, internal tax control, internal audit, internal control system, tax control, tax monitoring, horizontal monitoring, working papers of the auditor, minimization of tax risks.
A. V. Ilyin (2014). Economic Features of Interrelated Taxes. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 1111–1122.
The study proposes a new classification of existing Russian taxes and therefore has a significant
theoretical and practical value. The subject of study is the aggregate of economic and legal relations existing
under the Russian tax system as well as methodological problems regarding interrelated taxes. Giving
a detailed analysis of provisions of the Tax Code, the author singles out interrelated taxes as complicated
for calculation, identifies and describes their economic features as well as principles of interrelated taxation
and proves that proposed classification is highly relevant and valid. Methodologically the research
is based on the fundamentals of economic science, evolutionary and systematic analysis of tax theories
as well as the recent developments in theory and practice of taxation laid down in the writings of Russian
and foreign scientists. The scientific novelty of the research is in the fact that the author developed
a new classification of taxes, compiled a list of economic features associated with interrelated taxes and
set out the basic principles of interrelated taxation. The author argues that interrelated taxes are very
important as they are versatile and easy-embedded in the market economy but the existing interrelated
taxation system is uncompleted and needs further development. The author reveals the origin of the
Russian tax system fundamental problem i.e. the unsecured tax benefit of the taxpayer.
principles of interrelated taxation, value of interrelated taxes, tax benefit, theory of taxation, interrelated taxation, interrelated tax, tax, tax classification, not interrelated tax, tax system.
I. V. Sugarova (2014). The Federal Fund for Financial Support of Regions in the System of Inter-budgetary Regulation. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 1123–1129.
The article addresses the highly important issues related to the regional needs and the mechanism
of allocating subsidies. The task set at the federal level to stabilize techniques and allocation of
subsidies for leveling the budgetary security of the subjects of the Russian Federation put these issues
at the forefront. An important role in the development of inter-budgetary relations and regulation in
Russia is assigned to the Federal Fund for Financial Support of the Subjects of the Russian Federation.
The study states that the problem of further improvement of the methodology for allocation of subsidies
from the Federal Fund for Financial Support of the Regions remains important, but it is possible
to effectively reform the intergovernmental relations only if other forms of regulation are reformed. The
author applies the methods of comparison, grouping and expert assessments to analyze the formation
and operation of the Federal Fund for Financial Support of regions since the time it was established.
The study demonstrates the advantages and disadvantages of existing procedures and analyzes the main
indicators of the Fund such as volume, its share in the GDP and federal budget spendings. The results
of investigation lead to the conclusion that inter-budget regulation in the future should be focused on
the consistent reduction of subsidies allocated to territorial budgets, stimulating interest of the regions
to increase their own revenues and income capacity. The study sets forth forcibly that the distinguishing
feature of the current system of inter-budgetary relations is the narrow list of regional revenues sources.
Due to such budgetary orientation the ever increasing number of regions falls into the category of subsidized
Fund for Financial Support of regions, allocation of subsidies, methodology, budget security, reducing the dependence on subsidies, increase their own revenues, increasing revenue potential, tax base expansion, intergovernmental regulation, level of budgetary provision