Aguzarova, F.S., Tatrova, E.T. (2013). Infl uence of oil and gas income
on the formation of the federal budget
of the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 643–653.
In this article the authors raise an important issue of oil and gas income and their
considerable influence upon the formation of the federal budget. Moreover, the authors prove
considerable dependency on the raw resources in Russia. The authors offer to form budgetary
reserve to avoid substantive dependency on oil and gas income. Currently the natural resources
are not used efficiently in Russia. The interests of the state are not always being protected.
At the same time the consumers (entrepreneurs) of natural resources lack the stimulate for the
rational use, since their main goal is to gain profit. The authors analyzed oil and gas income
into the federal budget of the Russian Federation in 2010-2012, and singled out their role in
tax income. The analysis has shown that the tax on mining of natural resources has the largest
share, proving topicality of the issue.
deplete resources, rent, mining of natural resources, natural resources, oil and gas incomes, oil, natural gas, oil and gas complex, raw materials potential, rational use of natural resources.
Kozlova, S.A. (2013). Taxation of paid education activities
and profi table activities of educational
institutions. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 654–661.
The social reform is aimed to harmonize taxation from paid educational activities and profi table
activities of educational institutions. Prior to the reform of state educational institutions, the issues
of whether the educational institutions have the right to use the money, which they have earned, and
whether they need to pay taxes, were not resolved. The article distinguishes between paid educational
activities and profi table activities of educational institutions.
taxes and taxation, fi scal institution, budget institution, autonomous institution, tax on profi t of organizations, value added tax, tax on property of organizations, land tax, simplifi ed taxation system, traditional taxation system.
Bazhenov, A.A. (2013). The problems of refl ecting tax delinquency
in accounting (fi nancial) reporting. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 662–669.
This article presents a debatable approach to refl ecting taxes and levies debts in accounting
(fi nancial) reports. It is shown that traditional accounting (fi nancial) reporting on debts
in taxes and levies for specifi c types of taxes (non-balanced) is quite doubtful, since according to
the current legislation analytical reporting should be organized based on types of taxes (federal,
regional, and local?). And one should use these enlarged groups of taxes for the organization of
accounting (fi nancial) reporting of taxes and levies debts (folded) without overstating the currency
of accounting balance. It is also shown that the approach of the author to the refl ection of
tax obligations in accounting (fi nancial) reporting fully corresponds with the current rules for the
offsetting of taxes in arrears and overpays under Art. 78 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
(unilateral offsetting by a tax body according to the types of taxes and levies when bringing a claim
to a taxpayers for taxes and levies in arrears).
tax, types, analytical, accounting, calculation, reporting, offsetting, arrears, currency, balance sheet.
Tax administration
Kogosova, A.V. (2013). Rules for the undercapitalization
in the crisis conditions. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 670–675.
The companies are regularly financed in part with the payments of shareholders
or participants (investments into the capital (shares). Correlation of two types of financing
is defined by a number of factors, including legal, commercial and other factors. Various
tax burden for the company and those providing financing is also a defining factor for the
correlation of two types of financing.
taxes and taxation, capitalization, tax legislation, taxation, investments, financing, capital, borrower, controlled indebtedness.
Eremenko, E.A. (2013). Nature of the principle of justice in taxation. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 676–688.
The principle of justice is a basis of any legal system. Discussions on the issue of justice
in law have been going on throughout the history of legal science. The modern Russian tax law is
no exception to this dispute. In the process of historic development the taxes from various sources
of state income have became the main source for covering the budget spending of the modern
Russian state. The topicality of the article is due to the need to fairly distribute the tax burden
in the conditions of proprietary inequality in the modern Russian society. The issues of just and
fair taxation shall always be topical in spite of the amount of attention already paid to them by
the scientists. In this article the author turns to the issues of fair taxation via the overview of the
key taxation theory, analysis of the works of the Russian scientists of the Empire period, and of
legal nature of justice as a principle of tax law. The goal of the article is to analyze theoretical
aspects of the principle of justice in taxation, without which it is impossible to achieve the goals
of legal practice in the tax sphere.
progressive taxation, taxes, theories of taxation, history of taxation, principle of justice, principles of taxation, taxation, fair taxation, universal taxation, existenzminimum.
Shemyakina, M.S. (2013). Genesis of tax potential as a category. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 689–704.
tax income serve as the main basis for the formation of budget income. Its amount is directly
connected to the tax potential, and establishing its nature is quite topical. The article includes analysis
of the existing approaches to the interpretation of the category of “tax potential” in Russian and foreign
scholarly writings. Much attention is paid to the use of the various terms by the English-speaking
authors, and each of these terms is explained. Based upon the scholarly opinions the author provides
a generalized scheme of term classifi cation. The author shows the difference between the categories
“taxation potential” and “tax potential”. The author also notes the dual nature of the tax potential, and
she supports division of this economic category into three elements: short-term, strategic and factual tax
potentials. Based upon this approach, the author provides a defi nition of tax potential. The presented
materials may open new perspectives for the further studies. They shall be of interest to those working
with planning and forecasting in the sphere of taxation.
taxes, tax potential, tax potential of the region, ability to pay taxes, conceptual approach, forecast of tax income, tax resources, budget resources, reproductive approach, tax administration.
Bashkirova, N.N. (2013). Ethical bases for the formation
of the tax risks of the state. Taxes and Taxation, 9, 705–713.
The object of study in this article includes causes for the tax risks formation for a state. In this article
the tax risks of a state are viewed within the system of causes and effects, the author analyzes their economic
elements, as well as legal and ethical causes for the tax risk formation. It is found out that the basis for the
tax risks for both the state and the taxpayers is non-performance or undue performance under legislative
requirements. Based on the analysis of the tax behavior of the subjects of the tax relations, the author supposed
that the moral aspect may serve as one of the bases for the possible appearance of violation of legislative
requirements. The author analyzes a number of situations, when only ethical evaluation is applicable
to the actions of a taxpayer, while legislative requirements are not violated. Based on a specifi c example,
the author analyzes the taxpayer schemes, when the organization formally conforms to the taxes and levies
legislation, while a taxpayer creates artifi cial conditions for application of tax exemptions or preferences.
tax competence, tax behavior, tax relations, tax risks, moral expenditures, tax evasion, ethics, tax culture, tax violations, morals.