Makevnina, D.Y., Filippova,N.A. (2013). Legislation on tax offences:
defects and directions for reforms. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 561–565.
This article contains analysis of the current legislation on tax offences. Based on the study of the typical
means for committing tax offences in the Russian Federation the author uncovers the shortcomings and gaps in the
legal regulation in the sphere of responsibility for tax offences. In particular, it concerns fly-by-night organizations,
tax exemptions, establishing guilt of an organization, etc. Based on the above-mentioned study the author proposes
the directions for the improvement of normative legal basis in the sphere of responsibility for the tax offences.
taxes and taxation, offence, legislation, responsibility, shortcomings, reforms, code, taxpayer, improvement.
Nikitina, A.Kh. (2013). Tax exemptions for the Russian producers
of agricultural commodity producers. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 566–571.
The article is devoted to the changes in the tax legislation regarding the agricultural commodity producers
from the point of view of adaptation of the agricultural production complex to the participation of Russia
in the WTO. In order to adapt the agricultural commodity production complex to the participation of Russia
in the WTO and to avoid negative consequences for the agricultural commodity producers, the amendments
were included into the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and they came into force in 2013 in accordance
with the Federal Law of October, 2, 2012 N. 161-FZ. As a result of application of the tax exemptions the forecast
was made for the shortfalls in income of the budget system of the Russian Federation. As a result, the planned economy of agricultural commodity producers with the use of tax exemptions amounts to about 42 billion rubles,
and the predicted annual losses due to entering the WTO amount to 4 billion US Dollars. At the same time, if
one is to analyzes the correlation of the amount of tax exemptions for the agricultural commodity producers
and the oil and gas income of the federal budget, the losses of the federal budget from the tax exemptions are
not considerable. For example, they shall amount to 0,42 per cent in 2013, 0,37 per cent in 2014, 0,34 per cent
in 2015. Therefore the changes shall ease the tax burden of agricultural commodity producers, however the
state support of the agricultural commodity production complex is not sufficient for the Russian agricultural
commodity producers. For the further development of the tax legislation the following is being offered. 1) As to
functioning of the Unified Agricultural Tax (UAT), special attention should be paid to the issues of improvement
of its parallel development with the general taxation system (use of differentiated tax rates depending on types of
economic activity, solving the VAT problem, etc.). 2) As to stimulation of agricultural investments, accent should
be made upon the regulating and stimulating functions, and not the fiscal function. Among the stimulating tax
measures for the rural areas, one should mention lowering the tax burden and formation of beneficial investment
climate in the agricultural commodity production complex. 3) As to stimulation of efficient use of land resources
and environmental taxation, introduction of the correcting coefficients for every natural environmental system,
setting the rate of land tax in accordance with income and with a regressive dependency upon the dynamics of
the quality of the agricultural farmland and its inclusion into the united system of financial turnover.
the World Trade Organization, state support, agricultural commodity producers, tax exemptions, VAT, income tax, income tax for physical persons, raised competitiveness, tax burden, shortfalls of budget income.
Kutarba, A.Y. (2013). Methods for evaluation of creditworthiness
of borrowers. Development perspectives
in the banking system of Abkhazia. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 572–578.
The article describes the method for evaluation of creditworthiness of borrowers an development
perspectives of the Abkhazian banking system. The author provides an interpretation for the term “creditworthiness
of borrower”, and establishes the key requirements to borrowers and analysis of his creditworthiness.
The author provides a quantitative and quality evaluation procedure regarding creditworthiness
of a borrower and analysis of its stages. This evaluation may be applied to the banking system of Abkhazia.
banking, creditworthiness of borrower, credit history, option, swap, bank, income and spending, credit risk, futures.
Tax administration
Savina, O.N. (2013). Efficiency evaluation of tax exemptions
in the conditions of current Russian tax
legislation and the directions
for its improvement. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 579–598.
The tax exemptions serve as efficient means of state influence on the entrepreneurial, investment,
innovation and labor activities, scientific and technical development, social sphere. The topicality
of the issue is due to the fact that the exemptions should meet their goals, and they should be provided
only to those who truly need them. Evaluating the Russian legislation on taxes an levies, one may state
that the system of tax exemptions and preferences meets its goals only partially. There is a need to form
an evaluation method containing a united system of criteria and their efficiency. The article refers both
to the traditional criteria and other estimate indicators, allowing to provide more detailed and in-depth
analysis of tax exemption efficiency, to improve the quality of monitoring of their efficiency, to establish
the reference points for budget and financial forecasting and planning for the state and for taxpayers.
taxes and taxation, tax exemptions, preferences, efficiency evaluation, tax support, tax stimulation, method, evaluation criteria, efficiency indicators, tax instruments.
Tax administration
Bogdanov, D.V. (2013). Some specific features of performing
and obligation to pay fines in case
of reorganization of a legal entity
via acquisition. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 599–602.
This article includes analysis of normative and practical problems appearing in cases
of payment of fines for tax violations of a legal entity, when such an entity is reorganized via
acquisition. The author points out the need to improve legislation in this sphere.
taxes and taxation, responsibility, fine, penalties, reorganization, legal successor, responsibility, offence, budget, decision.
Sherbakova, E.M. (2013). Principles and approaches towards optimization
of taxation of commercial banks. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 603–614.
Currently the issue of uniform use of terminology in the sphere of taxation is highly
topical. The same may be said of the term “taxation optimization”. The professional studies
aimed for the development of correct and full definition shall not be complete, if there is
no complex system including all of the elements of taxation optimization as an independent
legal institution: principles, stages, elements, criterion and types of taxation optimization.
The article contains analysis of all of the above-mentioned categories. Based on a complex
analysis of taxation principles, optimization principles and tax optimization, the author
formed a system of tax optimization principles, singled out a criterion for an optimum taxation,
defined stages and elements of tax optimization, as well as classification of types of
tax optimization. It shall allow to minimize the possibility for ambiguous interpretation of
the term “taxation optimization”, and to single out the system of taxation optimization as
an independent sphere of scientific cognition.
taxes and taxation, taxation optimization, types of taxation optimization, stages for taxation optimization, elements of taxation optimization, criterion for taxation optimization, principles of taxation optimization, tax optimization, taxation of commercial banks, system of taxation optimization for the commercial banks.
Antonova, E.V. (2013). Choice of method for establishing the tax
burden and tax planning at an enterprise. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 615–625.
The article discusses and evaluates the methods for defining tax burden and the
key moments which have to be taken into account when organizing tax planning at an enterprises
The author points out the special role of the internal control service in the issue of
scrupulous control over the tax payers. It is brought to the attention of such services, that
the in the process of planning and organization of their activities in the sphere of taxation they should take into account the Order of the Federal Taxation Service of May 30, 2007
N. MM-3-06/333@ “On Approval of the Concept of the System for Planning the Field Tax
Inspection”. The article includes analysis of evaluation methods for the tax burden based on
economic and financial characteristics of an enterprise. The author provides five methods,
their substantiation, formulae for exponents, their interpretation and recommendations for
their use. The methods for establishing tax burden shall assist the internal control services in
taking into account the nuances, providing for quality tax planning. In the article the author
provides for the key elements of tax planning, including analysis of problems and establishment
of goals, establishing the key instruments, which an enterprise may use, formation of
the taxation scheme, performing economic and financial activities in accordance with the
taxation scheme. The author also provides the key principles of tax planning: compliance to
the current legislation when arranging the tax planning and lowering the amount of combined
tax obligations of an enterprise thanks to the use of tax planning instruments.
taxes and taxation, internal control, taxpayer, method, tax burden, tax payments, tax control, income (profit), costs (spending), tax planning.
Nesterov, A.A. (2013). Methods for the evaluation of industrial and
information elements within the innovative
environment of economic systems. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 626–633.
The article contains the method for the evaluation of the development level of the components of
the innovative environment of economic systems, level of development of technological infrastructures,
comparative analysis of inner and outer elements of innovative environment. The author provides a list of
factors defining structure of an industrial infrastructure and information elements of economic systems.
The author also provides an example of evaluation of the main components of technological infrastructure
of economic system at the federal district level, as well as rating evaluation of development of the technological
infrastructure of federal districts in accordance with the statistical data for 2010, he provides the
ratings of industrial and information elements of the innovation environments of federal districts.
economics, method, level, rating, evaluation, development, factors, infrastructure, innovation, environment.