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Orobinskaya I. V. (2013). Integrated agro-industrial complexes
as subjects of Tax law:
preferential taxation. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 245–255. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62858
The political, economical and institutional
changes that took place in recent
years in Russia have objectively created preconditions
and gave an impulse for the revival
and development of integrated associations
in agriculture. Today, integrated associations
play an important role in production and sales
of Russian agricultural products. However
there still are problems which impede efficient
and stable development of agricultural
complexes in rural areas – namely problems
with optimization of taxation. The existing
tax system does not take into account specific
conditions of agricultural production, as well
as functioning traits of modern integrated agricultural
structures. The article illuminates
the defining traits of agricultural enterprise
taxation in Russia, from the viewpoint of integrated
agro-industrial complexes.
Tax and taxation, integrated organizations, agro-industrial complexes, agricultural goods producers, tax system, Universal agricultural tax, Value added tax, World Trade Organization, Customs rates, Customs Duties.
Yermakova M. S. (2013). Accounting policies for agricultural
holding taxation. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 256–262. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62859
The article gives the definition of accounting
policies and substantiates the necessity
of establishing accounting policies for the purposes
of taxation in agricultural holdings. The
author gives the definition of agricultural holdings and examines the relation between taxation
and budget of holdings. The article examines the
order and procedure of establishing a tax accounting
policy in agricultural holdings and provides
systematic rules for regulating and structurizing
of such policies.
Tax and taxation, agricultural holding, company, accounting policies, tax accounting, efficiency, rules of forming, tax regime, document.
Napso M. B. (2013). Fulfilling tax obligations: on the issue
of the meaning of presumption
of voluntariness of tax payment. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 263–268. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62860
The article focuses on the issues of establishing
and developing the legal norms which
contain principles and presumptions – particularly
those that are not yet fully expressed in Law.
First and foremost, it’s the presumption of voluntariness
of tax payment, which exist in the spirit
of the Law, but not in its letter. Such approach
cannot be justified because this presumption is
considered fundamental. It is this presumption
that defines the way for tax payment execution
by setting priority for tax payment before tax
collection. With both ways of taxation present,
a legitimate question on their correlation arises.
Moreover, it is imperative to show the connection
between tax payment, collection and recovery:
the three ways of fulfilling tax obligations. This
is reflected in the author’s definitions of presumption
of voluntariness.
Tax and taxation taxes, voluntary tax payment, compulsory tax payment, enforcement measures, tax policy, tax-payer, tax collection, tax claims, presumption
Savina O. N., Pyanova M. V. (2013). Innovative tools for increasing the efficiency
of modern education process as means
for realizing a competency approach
in education. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 269–275. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62861
It is time to discuss the competency approach
in education. The “concepts for modernization
of Russian education till 2020”, as well as
projects for “Federal State education standard,
generation II” have documented the tendency for
transforming Russian education to achieve levels
of key educational competencies. This means that
the existent knowledge-based approach is being
replaced by competency approach, which empathizes
the importance not on the student’s erudition,
but on his ability to organize their work. The
author shares experience utilizing new forms of
organization of student’s academic work. Using
those forms, one empathizes a certain logic of realizing
the competency approach, which allows
to use traditional forms of student’s academic
work more efficiently, in addition to innovative
Tax and taxation, crowd sourcing, modernization, innovative forms of work, science fair, education process, competencies, competency approach, modernization concept
Yezeeva I. R. (2013). Tax inequity. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 276–278. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62862
This article explores the issues of tax inequity
in Russia, from the point of view of both,
natural persons and legal persons. The author
substantiates the unacceptability of the new luxury
tax. The new tax may trigger outflows of capital
from Russia, into countries that do not have
such tax. In case the tax rates are too severe, the
majority of income of the wealthy population
will slide into the informal sector. It is necessary
to wait for the real estate tax to be introduced
and observe its dynamics. Introducing and utilizing the real estate tax will possibly cause for the
“luxury tax” rejection. Thus, it is necessary to
demonstrate patience and care as far as luxury
tax is concerned, despite the continuous attention
towards it.
Tax and taxation, income, luxury, real estate, justice, efficiency, proportion, budget, property, asset.
Aguzarova L. A. (2013). Issues of municipal budget forming
in subsidized regions
(based on information on the Republic
of North Ossetia-Alania). Taxes and Taxation, 4, 279–285. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62863
The article is dedicated to researching
the issues of financial dependence of local budgets
of the regions. Today new forms of dialogue
and discussion on this topic emerge. The author
demonstrates that in Russia the dependence on
higher-rank budget is a wide-spread issue, proving
the necessity for scientific understanding of
this particular area. The author substantiates
the concepts of reinforcing the income of local
budgets to help them achieve a degree of selfsuf
ficiency and autonomy. This issue calls for
further research.
Tax and taxation, municipality, land tax, natural persons property tax, income, gratuitous subsidization, subsidization norm, efficiency, deficiency, budget.
Tax administration
Nadtochiy E. V. (2013). History of the emergence and development
of strategic landmarks of state tax policy. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 286–299. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62864
The study of state tax policy is performed
in accordance with its standing within the
organic unity with economic and budget policy
of the country. The author reveals the evolution
of strategic landmarks of the tax policy since the
year of 988 to 2013, establishing that, in midterm
perspective, the formation of fiscal environment of the state occurs within the following tax
policy landmarks: 1) securing the filling of budgets;
2) optimal tax burden on business entities;
3) providing for the modernization of economy;
4) quality tax administration.
Tax and taxation, economy, politics, strategy, tactics, landmarks, priorities, measures, factors, perspectives
Yeremenok V. V. (2013). Place of effective management criteria
in agreements on avoidance of double taxation:
the history of emergence and interpretation. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 300–314. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62865
Within the process of cooperation on tax
matters between states, certain sets of rules which
are aimed at avoiding international double taxation
are developed. The article examines the issue
of forming a model rule set to solve the problem
of double residency for legal persons. Basing
the research on the analysis of international
organization’s documents, the author points out
the main stages of international tax cooperation.
The article provides examples for the model rule
formulas, as well as main arguments and reasons
for them. The author determined that, within the
European economic cooperation, and later in
OECD’s work, the main argument used in solving
the double residency tax collision was the criteria
of place of effective management. The author
examines the main approaches to the definition of
tax residency of legal entities, based on national
Law and practice in Continental Law countries,
as well as Common Law countries. The author
demonstrates various points of view on defining
and interpreting the place of effective management
criteria and draws conclusions about the
validity of using the substance before form approach
in defining tax residency for legal entities
using the place of effective management criteria.
Jurisprudence, tax resident, double residency of legal entities, fiscal domicile, primary criterion, place of effective management, place of central management and control, the Vertex doctrine, dominance of substance over form